Bleach Role Play

Torres suddenly appeared next to Kishi using his Sonido, it was always easy for him to find her using Pesquisa since he knew her reaitsu well by now.

"The guy with the strange mask-hat, Urahara told me to follow you and make sure you didn't get into any more trouble."

In the far distance a barely audible

"IT'S NOT A MASK!" was being shouted, but couldn't be heard by Kishi or Torres.

"He said I must watch out for you and make sure you didn't get yourself killed."

He nodded as he gripped his Katana and looked over at the new individual who was neither Shinigami nor Hollow.
"Fate seems to have a twisted sense of humor. I have the feeling you shall find out what I mean soon enough," I said. The next second, a hollow appeared out of nowhere and attacked me. I let instinct completely take over for a second and jumped out of the way easily. While I was still in the air, I turned and formed a blue bow and arrow. I released the arrow in the same motion, not giving myself any time to aim, and the arrow hit the hollow. As I landed the bow disappeared.

"Great. I've just gone and made myself look like a quincy," I thought. I looked at Kishi, Torres, and the orange haired boy.
Ichigo was pointing at the girl with a shocked look on his face, "What the **** do you mean 'like' a quincy." Kishi rolled her eyes at Ichigo over-reacting, "it doesn't matter, we have somewhere more important to be." Ichigo stilled, suddenly becoming serious, "You're right, make sure to keep up." He dissapeared with shunpo. Kishi growled before turning to Torres, and grinned, "That's okay, if he should be worried about anybody it should be Grimmjow." Her green eyes darkened, "But I appreciate it." She turned in the direction Ichigo had gone, "Are you coming then?" She looked over her shoulder at him and smiled...before shunpoing away.
Torres turned his head away from Moonlight and looked back to Kishijust as she Shunpo'd away. He lowered his head and then followed, keeping up with his Sonido as he went side by side to Kishi to chat with her.

"I know the Arrancar that just arrived, your going after him aren't you?"

Torres to looked Kishi, his face very serious below his Hollow Mask fragment, he took a deep breath. He remembered his meeting with Grimmjow, he was an Arrancar with only one thing on his mind, destruction. He fed on it, thrive on the very idea of fighting and killing, to be all power and crush all his enemies into dust. There was not another like him...
"Oh my goddess! I just unintentionally telepathized that! I'm losing it! No...calm down...I'm not losing it. I really should stop thinking to myself like this, though...I'm already strange enogh as is," I thought(keyword thought, aloud orr something else would be inserted if I meant it to be heard) as I ran after Kishi and the orange haired boy, easily keeping up,"Tonight is the fell moon, so following them isn't exactly one of the wisest things I've done. But there's just something about being in the face of danger that keeps me calm, so it would do me some good."


Uryu: When am I going to come in? I haven't even been in a single scene yet.

Me: Oh! Don't be so melodramatic about it. You'll make an appearance somewhere sooner or later.

Uryu: I'm not being melodramatic.

Me: ~rolls eyes and uses sarcasm~ Of course you aren't.

Uryu: I didn't think you would agree with me on that. ~obviously didn't see the eyeroll~

Me: ~rolls eyes at him again~ Orihime?

~Orihime pops out of nowhere~

Orihime: And now back to our regularly scheduled programing!

Me: That never gets old.

Uryu: ~anime sweatdrops~

*end of omake*
Kishi had to stop abruptly to avoid smashing her face against Ichigo's back. She had calmed Ichigo down and he went to the place where Grimmjow had last been, nice. She looked around and searched for his rietsu, he wasn't around anymore.She sighed, they needed to meet up with all the others and get what was going down straight.
I stopped behind Kishi and stared at the place for a second, my nose twitching as it caught a faint scent. It smelled of feline, perhaps tiger. But it was definitly hollowlike, yet faded as if the owner of the scent had left, but not that long ago.

"Where are we?," I asked Kishi, still not knowing who the orange haired boy was. I wasn't freaked anymore, but now I was annoyed by his dumb comment earlier.
High in the sky, a door appeared. As it slid open, a dark reiatsu poured out. Stepping out of the door, Riyoshi looked upon the city he left quite some time ago. His training had been completed. His reiatsu now didn't fluctuate like before, but now overwhelmed his surroundings.

"It is good to be done with all that." Riyoshi said aloud but to no one in particular.

Standing high in the sky, the door closed and soon vanished from sight. The wind seemed to pick up, blowing his white cloak around, revealing his sword that lay upon his back.
Torres had stopped with Kishi as he looked around.

"Having difficulty finding him?"

Torres then closed his eyes as he stayed still for a moment as a small ring of reiatsu expanded outward from him as he used Pesquisa to see if he could find any indication to the location of Grimmjow.
Kishi shook her head as Ichigo growled in frustration, "It's no good, he's gone." She turned around, "Let's head back to Urahara's, hopefully everyone'll have had the same idea and be there." Ichigo had already disappeared with shunpo. She sighed rubbing her temples, she had a headache forming. She lightly punched Torres' shoulder, "Come on," she looked at the strange quincy but not-quincy girl, ",you too, we need to get things sorted out and that includes you." She slowly started ascending towards the ground, she didn't want to shunpo, she was tired and ached, just wanting to walk back.
Torres simply nodded and follow, his Pesquisa had managed to sense the return of the other Shinigami Riyoshi while he was locating Grimmjow.

"That other Shinigami you were with from before, he has returned. I sensed his presence with my Pesquisa."
I nodded at Kishi. I went a little ahead of her and waited for her, sensing that she was tired. I also wanted to see something about this Urahara. Urahara seemed to get annoyed when Torres called his hat a mask and I could use that to my advantage to annoy answers out of him if he wanted to be all mysterious. I looked at the sun, almost out of sight as it slowly sank down behind the horizon. I pulled the hood of my cloak up just before it fully went down and the full moon shown brightly amongst the stars.(Just so there's no confusion as to what the hell I'm wearing: I have on a red Mediaeval Era style dress with no sleeves and a silver hem and a matching cloak that goes down only to just above my elbows, sort of like Uryu's, but with a hood. Ironically, I would look really weird if I wore "normal" clothes, as strange as I look now.)

"Well halfblood. What have you gotten yourself into this time?" I whispered softly to myself with a small smile. ( Oh, and would it be alright if I RPed as Uryu? I'm really good at RPing most of the characters without making them OOC, including Uryu.)
Kishi's feet touched down on the ground and she started walking towards the shop and smiled at Torres, "That's good, he'll probably head to Urahara's." She turned to the odd quincy-not quincy, "So, what's your story?" Her green eyes were shining in the moon-light as she pulled out a soul phone and texted someone.
I breathed in and let out a small sigh before answering.

"Of why I am here, the is not very much to tell. I was last with my best freind,Rynn, who is a kitsune, a fox spirit, and my familiar, Nyra, a black cat with violet eyes. Rynn is a bit prank obsessed and near always runs off somewhere, usually somehow winding up in an insane asylum, then getting out not long after as to see the humans' reactions. I've known her since we were three. Nyra is a shadow cat from the Shadow Realm. I met her almost a year after I was born, which is when she chose me. She seems to have had aquired a bad habit of running off to goddess knows where a few years back. I don't really know why, seeing as she used to always be near me at all times. I miss both of them, but they always manage to find me again, so I don't worry over them. There's quite a bit to my past," I said. I ended there and waited to see her reaction and if she would bade me to continue. At the same time, I looked off into the distance as unwanted memories swam in the front of my mind. Somehow, I still couldn't hate, even after what had happened. I mentally shook the unwanted thoughts from my mind, as I waited, knowing she would want to know what I was.
As Riyoshi stood high in the sky, he took in a deep breath. As he exhaled, reiatsu escaped his mouth and he looked around for a certain object. Sensing out the entire town, Riyoshi found what he was looking for and with a push of his foot, vanished from the sky. The force of his leap would send air downwards and create an odd sense of wind direction.

Landing near the water's edge of his last battle, Riyoshi knelt down and placed his hand upon the ground. Thinking deeply, he closed his eyes ansd took deep breaths. Feeling the reiatsu of a couple of familar people made him open his eyes and look in the general direction. Stnding up, Riyoshi took off in a walking pace towards the people.
Torres just stared at the strange individual and blinked, he didn't understand the majority of she said and all those new words. He thought it was just humans, Hollows and Shinigami. She was speaking about a whole bunch of different species, I guess there was no need for Hollows to care about differentiating, as long as it was a soul they could devour, who cared.
A strong wind blew and, as I hadn't been holding my hood up, the wind had blown it down, revealing a pair of wolf ears that may or may not be mistaken for dog ears.

"Hell!" I muttered, my left hand quickly moving to one of my ears. It was too late to keep them hidden now and I had might as well leave my cloak's hood down. I also let my wolf tail fall from beneath the skirt of my dress.

Back at Urahara's shop, Uryu, Orihime, and Chad were already there when Ichigo arrived.
(All right moonlight, keep it within the realm of bleach some what. Or I will be forced to kick you out, I'm sorry if it comes to that because I would prefer to have you in here.) Ichigo looked at his friends, a strained smile stretching across his features before his usual scowl returned, "Hey guys, why are all of you here?"

Kishi opened the door to Kisuke's shop and noticed it was already crowded, "Well this place is quite popular...Where's Urahara?" The question was directed towards whoever heard or knew.

Kisuke was sitting quietly in the corner, watching how this turned out. He resisted the urge to jump out at Kishi.
(Eh. I just want to freak Ichigo out, and maybe a few other characters. If you really want me to tone it down some, I could make it so that I'm half quincy half witch. I just don't want to give up the witch part for certain/personal reasons. I could easily explian the whole wolf ears and tail thing, even if I'm not a wolf like how I'd said before thanks to my crazy imagination. If there is one thing I would have to agree with Kurotsuchi on is that there is no such thing as perfection. That and every freaking time Uryu says, "By the pride of the quincy, [insert whatever here]". I always get an eye twitch whenever he says that. Techncally, a kitsune would be a type of spirit because they're fox spirits. As for Nyra being a shadow cat, well seeing as she is my familiar, I could make it so that she is sort of like a bounts doll.)

"Urahara told us to come here, obviously," Uryu said. A black cat with violet eyes was sitting inbetween Uryu and Orihime, eyeballing Ichigo. She could easily be mistaken for Yuroichi if you either somehow didn't notice her eyes or were just incompetent or ignorant enough to think that. I stood outside and waited a few moments, wondering to myself whether I should put the hood of my cloak back up before going in as not to freak annyone out or if I should just leave it down.

"Urahara said that there was something interesting that we would find out soon," Chad answered Kishi. Chad wasn't one to talk, so it obviously had to be something important.
((you are making it so your character is a mix of all the races. It would give you the skill to use ALL the powers in the series. Im not sure if you caught the character sheet correctly. Race in bleach......Shinigami(given), Quincy(given), Fullbringer(not yet allowed i dont think), Arrancar(given). I am not sure that anywhere in the series was there a witch. I dont mean to just shoot your character out of the sky, but im just putting my two sense into this post. I might be completely wrong according to kishi))

As Riyoshi continued to walk, he felt the reiatsu of more people, not ordinary people. They were strong, very strong. Taking a deep breath, Riyoshi flash stepped to Urahara's shop and appeared behind and slightly to the right Moonlight. The sight of her caught his eye, but he had other matters to attend to. Walking past her, his cloak fluttered as he walked, he opened the door to Urahara's shop and looked upon all the people. The main room was packed with people so with a twist of his foot, he flash stepped past everyone and appeared in the hallway. His main goal was to get to the training room. From there, everyone that needed him, would find him.

((Cloak is tattered like that but white: ))
(There wasn't a witch in there. I'll change it again so that I'm not going to out of Bleach universe at all. Half quincy and half soul reaper. I just want to be a "mixed breed" per say because of how weird I am. You also missed out on bounts. Besides, it's only two. And it also wouldn't give me an advantage because of my personality. I have to keep Nyra, though. It just wouldn't be right without my little kitten.)

I took a deep breath and sighed. They would find out about my ears and tail anyhow, so there wouldn't be any point in putting my hood back up. I would just have to deal with explaining it. I stayed outside a few minutes more and thought of a simple way to explain so that even an idiot could understand.
Kishi's hair flipped as someone shunpoed by, "Riyoshi! He get back here." She called out to him.

Ichigo's eye twitched before flopping donw on an open chair with his arms crossesd against his chest.

Urahara finally walked forward, "It seems most everyone is here. We'll start without Jing." He gestured for everyone to gather around him.

(I will allow the witch part, but as soon as per the usual, no god-mod.)
Torres saw Riyoshi shunpo past, but simply ignored him since he didn't seem to interested in them. If it didn't bother him, his motto was let them do what they want.

"So what is with the meeting, why are we all here? Got something to tell us?"

Torres asked wanting to get down to business and avoid any unnecessary talking, he said leaning against the beams not wanting to sit down like any of the others and blew a bug out of his face with an abnormally powerful breath almost blowing the bugs wings off.

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