Bleach Role Play

"I'm following. I'm quite curious as to who this Urahara is," I said. I looked at Seirah. "What about you?" I asked curiously.
Kishi bit her lip in pain, she hadn't had a chance to heal herself yet and Torres' sonidoe was jostling her wounds. Hishi chuckled, "An arrancar ally, my these are disturbing times. Ow!" She growled and started yelling at Hi who apparently had punched her in the arm.
Torres looked at Kishi very strangely after she gave her comment, he raised his brow as he was carrying her only turning his head a bit to face her as it pressed against his mask fragment while he continued to Urahara using his Sonido with amazing speed.

"What's an ally?"

He asked in a completely confused and lost tone.

He didn't bother to look back at any of the new people who seemed to be with them, he didn't bother to ask their name in return. He just continued moving forward and answered emotionally.

"Torres, my name is Torres."
I ran off after Torres and Kishi with ease. "Is this really as fast as he can go?" I thought to myself. I could go much faster if I wanted, but I had no idea where this Urahara was. I wan't using any special technique. I could just run at extremely fast speeds. I supposed that was part of being what I was at first, but I could run faster than any of my kinkind.
Kishi looked at him strangely, "I didn't say anything...are you sure I'm the only one injured?" Hishi chuckled, "Do you think this weakling can actually hear me? That would be rich!" "Hishimoto, silence yourself," Mizu's voice was tart. "Yeah," Hi spoke up,"We don't have time to listen to your mouth."
(Sorry, thought that was you saying it, will fix it.)

Torres shook his head hearing the strange voices, as he adjusted the Shinigami she had moved so her katana was no longer touching him and the voices seemed to fade. He decided to ignore it as he arrived at Urahara.

"Hey Shinigami with the weird white and green mask, the female Shinigami needs your help to be healed again!"

Torres yelled with such power it shook the whole place, without him realizing what he was doing. If that didn't upset Urahara, I'm sure the fact that Torres still thought his hat was some kind of Hollow Mask despite him explaining otherwise would annoy him.
(naw I think its funny, don't worry about it.) Kishi glared at him, "I do not need him to heal me. O just prefer to stay conscious and not be out for a whole two days like I was last time." She was as close to pouting as she got at the moment, and she was really light headed from the blood loss and dizzy as well. She pushed of Torres' chest and fell to her feet swaying.

Urahara's green eyes watched this before emerging from the shadows, "First of all, this. Is. A. Hat." He took his hat off and waved it at Torres, "Second, what did you do now?" He asked exasperatedly walking to Kishi. She glared at him before sticking her tongue out at him, "I didn't do nothing besides my job. To protect the souls of Karakura." She crossed her arms and immediately winced. "Why does he think his hat is a hollow mask?" Hishi asked genuinely confused. "I don't know, its better not to question it." Was Hi's uncharacteristic response.

Urahara knelt down next to Kishi, "Lets get you to the training room." He stood abruptly, turning around, "Tessai! Please carry Kishi-chan to the springs?" He was waving his fan like an idiot as Tessai walked in and picked Kishi up going towards the training grounds. Urhara turned to Torres and the two girls, his eyes flashing, "Now. What happened."
(Torres took Kishi to Urahara's shop with Seirah and the other new member following I assume)

Torres nodded, he didn't see a difference who healed who. Either way she always seemed to need this guy with Hat Hollow Mask as he shrugged when she shoved herself off his chest and dropped to the ground. He didn't seemed to phased.

"They were attacked, although by what I am not sure..."

He looked down, in truth he did know more than he was letting on. He recognized the attacker, but he wasn't a human, he was a... So how continued to race through Torres' mind.

"These two also showed up, one is the Shinigami, the other I am not sure. They followed us here and I think they could use your assistance as well, they may have been lost as I once was. Everyone seems to come to you when they come to this world when lost. Maybe you can help them."

Honestly Torres still felt so lost in this world, he still didn't understand so much.

Urahara looked at Torres with his brow, it was strange that Torres seemed so unknowledgeable when it came to Earth, even if it was true unlike other Hollow and Arrancar he had not visited Earth to attack souls but rather stayed in Hueco Mundo he should still remember fragments of human life from his human soul that was transformed into a Hollow before Aizen made him an Arrancar, why then did he not know such simple things. Why have all these memories and knowledge been forgotten or did they simply not exist...
Jing sat ontop of a building meditating, he began to ponder the reasons of the attacks from the shinigami hunters. Just who were theese guys and why they were after him and riyoshi. Jing was nearly defeated by his own zanpaktuo and had to resort to using his hollow mask, something jing absolutely hated. But what was even worse was that jing needed another's help to defeat this enemy. For the first time in years jing couldnt defeat an adversary on his own. Becoming deeper in thought a sudden reiatsu exploded from above. Jing rose his head upwards breaking his concentration from his meditation. There lied a garganta, a rift in the dimension to hueco muendo. Up in the sky was a familar face to karakura town, this man was a former espada. He was Grimmjow jaegerjaquez, a man with extreme power. The blue haired man stood floating in the sky with his hands in his pockets. He wore a white sleeveless haori and white pants. His zanpaktuo remained at his left side. His blue eyes stared down at the shinigami below. Jing stood up with clenched fists as the man appeared, what bad timing jing thought. But once the man stood grimmjow began to increase his reiatsu. At first jing couldnt belief the amount of power grimmjow obtained, he nearly tripled, no quadrupled his power. "Eh yo" Said grimmjow as he looked down upon the shinigami and karakura town. "Tell ichigoo ill be back here in six days, tell him to be ready for a rematch. O and also let him know if he doesnt show, ill wipe out this entire town and all his friends, shinigami or not" Grimmjow said right before disapearing back into the garganta.
Kishi's eyes flashed open as she abruptly sat up in the healing hot spring, "Shit ****, Grimmjow?!" Tessai peeked around the corner in slight alarm, he had sensed it to but that outburst worried him. Kishi blushed deeply and crossed her arms over her chest, "Tessai!"

(You really don't have to, just go back about two or three pages and read up, because if you re-enter some posts will be odd and it won't make sense.)

Torres eyes also flashed, as he sensed the presence. However unlike the others, this was someone he remembered before, some he had actually encountered.

He immediately remembered as his mind drifted back to Hueco Mundo.

Torres clenched and unclenched his hand, it felt so peculiar this new body. He had hands, actual hands now, not just weapons for fighting, hands... He took a deep breath, this Aizen said he would give him power so that he wouldn't have to endless fight, a new purpose. Torres never expected anything like this, he couldn't help staring at his hand and moving it.

"So your the new guy, another weakling in Aizen's 'army'."

Torres turned around immediately to see the source of this voice, a blue haired Arrancar with an angry expression. It was hard not feel his overwhelming presence, he was strong, very strong...

"I suppose I am..."

Torres answered quietly.

"HA! Your not much of Arrancar, probably just another weakling. Unless you wanna truly show yourself off and take the place of an Espada. But here is a piece of advice, don't get in my way or I'll crush you!"

Grimmjow spoke to him angrily as he leaned against the walls of the massive city within their dark world, then bursting into laughter again.


Torres raised his brow and looked at him.

"The strongest, the strongest Arrancar. The 10 strongest fighters, those who revel in destruction and live for it! It is the sign of power, but it truly means nothing, Aizen's little rankings. I am the strongest of all time, I will become the king of destruction itself."

Torres looked over him.

"I don't care for such things, your Espada or destruction. I'm tired of it all..."

"HAHAHAHAA!!! What else is there but destruction, this is the world we live in. You either destroy or are destroyed yourself, only the strong survive, those who will tear victory from their opponents THROATS!!!"

Grimmjow growled.

"You truly are pathetic and weak..."

Grimmjow laughed as he walked off and left the newly formed Arrancar to continue staring at his hand, but now staring at much more....

(Italics is Torres' memory)
(no problem, clarification is a good thing.) Kishi gladly took the green and freshly pressed yukata that Tessai offered before running up the steps. Her memories of Grimmjow were trying to run through her mind but she pushed it down as she shunpoed up to the shop. "Kisuke!We need to get Ichigo!" She probably looked ridiculous with her hip-length black and white striped hair put up in a messy bun and the ykukata hastily put on but she didn't care. "You know he's going to do something stupid now!" Kisuke appeared suddenly behind her, his face completely serious for once, "I know, you go get dressed, I'll head to Ichigo's." She nodded and went to get her clothes running by Torres as she did so the yukata flapping. She got to the room and slumped momentarily, this reminds her of when she first met Grimmjow.

Kishi looked at the tall blue haired man from the corner of her eye through her bangs as she eyed the white sleeveless dress uniform Aizen was forcing her to wear. He knew she hated dresses, and to top it off, he took HiMizu. She absent mindedly brushed her left hip as she turned to him irritated, "What?" The man grinned at her, "So you're Gin's daughter?" His grin grew before saying, "And now you're Aizen's new plaything." Kishi growled at his comment as he smirked before obviously eyeing her, making her very aware she was only wearing a plain white yukata. She growled at him again, "What do you want?" Her eyes widened as he suddenly disappeared and she was abruptly thrown and pinned against the wall. She looked up to see the man's insanely grinning face and cerulean eyes, "Well girl, you definitely look like an interesting plaything." He suddenly let her go and she gasped for air, "I'm Grimmjow by the way, I'll be seeing you again." He turned and left the room smirking to himself as Kishi glared at his back, tugging on the reitsu restraint collar around her neck.

End Flashback

Kishi shook her head and quickly got dressed in her shihakusho before, rushing out behind Kisuke.
[QUOTE="Seirah_Umazuki](So I'm at Urahara's shop with Moonlight? And I don't mean to sound annoying or anything, I'm just trying to clarafy)

(LOL! You spelled clarify incorrectly. I am such a geeky little thing for noticing, aren't I?) I looked between Seirah and Urahara, then sighed. Urahara seemed so familiar. I remembered my mother having had described meeting a guy like him while pregnant with me. I turned to Seirah. "What now? I can't stand staying still for too long. Is there anything to do around here?" I said, turning back to Urahara when I said the last sentence. I felt like setting up a few targets and play around with my archery skills. I hadn't used them in a while.
(I knowz I did)

Seirah felt her whole body trembling. She didn't like being around shinigami all that much, considering how often they tried to capture her and take her back.

(Just to let yah know, Moonlight, I've made some....adjustments to my character. She is currently on the run from Soul Society as a rouge, having been wanted by Central 46 to be captain of the Royal Court Guard Squad. She is a prodigy and stronger than in our original rp.)
[QUOTE="Seirah_Umazuki](I knowz I did)
Seirah felt her whole body trembling. She didn't like being around shinigami all that much, considering how often they tried to capture her and take her back.

(Just to let yah know, Moonlight, I've made some....adjustments to my character. She is currently on the run from Soul Society as a rouge, having been wanted by Central 46 to be captain of the Royal Court Guard Squad. She is a prodigy and stronger than in our original rp.)

(You do know that I am grammatically OCD, right? LOL!)

"Are you all right? You're trembling hard as a chihuahua," I asked Seirah. I could sense that she was frightened, but I couldn't place why.
Urahara arrived at Ichigo's house in time to sense him disappear towards where Grimmjow's rietsu had been. Urahara sighed before walking up to the house anyway and knocking on the door, Kishi would get him.

Kishi felt Ichigo coming her direction using shunp and set up a sudden barrier. Ichigo barely stopped in time to avoid it growling at her his eyes blazing, "Get out of my way Kishi." Kishi flicked her wrist boredly at him and he suddenly was encased in a purple barrier just big enough for him to fit in, "When you calm down enough to listen to reason, I will let you out." Ichigo seemed not to have heard, gone Ban Kai and was trying to break the barrier. Kishi scoffed, please, the Quincy only managed because she hadn't been training her barriers, and right now she was pissed.
(Okay. That's it. If I wind up posting something that needs someone else to post for me to continue and that person doesn't post for two days or longer, I'm posting something that allows me to move on that may or may not seem random. I get twitchy when I can't post because of something like that.)

I stared at Seirah with sad and puppy like eyes, waiting for an answer when I felt a sudden pull and I fell through the floor through a random portal that had appeared. The next second, I found myself fall to the ground, landing lithely on my feet, where Kishi and an orange haired boy were. I muttered something under my breath and looked between the two, wondering if I had intruded upon something important and if perhaps I could help.
Kishi turned and glared at the intruder, "What are you doing here?" Ichigo had finally given up and was sitting on the ground pouting.
I now had a solemn expression on my naturally way too pale face. "That is what I would like to find out. I have already fromed a few answers in my mind as to what has just happened. Either my powers are getting away from me, which is not very likely in the least, or Fate is messing with me once again. And I do mean Fate as in the supernatural power that influences the lives of all, not some person," I answered simply, my British accent a bit more pronounced than before.
Hey, it's LolitaKawaii from Quizilla! Here's my OC basic info~

Name: Aizawa, Erusa

Gender: F

Race: Shinigami

Occupation: Co-lieutenant of Sixth

Appearance: She has a very feminine appearance; heart-shaped face, high cheekbones, thick eyelashes with long rich auburn hair and reddish pink eyes. She wears the basic shihakusho, and the lieutenant's armband. Her sleeves can often be seen folded when doing paperwork. In the living world, she tends to wear dresses mostly.

Other: She spends half her free time in the human world, one reason being because she enjoys Ichigo's company.
(Alrighty accepted, please read back as far as you would like. I guarantee it will save everybody stress if you read the rp. Thanks.) Kishi snorted, she didn't do 'fate', "Well that's cool. But I don't see why 'fate' would dump you here. Ichigo's just throwing a tantrum." Ichigo threw a death glare her way as folded his arms across his chest, "I've calmed down Kishi. You can let me out now." Kishi waved her hand towards the barrier and it disappeared.

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