Bleach Role Play

Hishi full out started laughing, "Wha' do I wan'! Oh~." She wiped away tears as she circled Kishi, her grin twice the original size. Kishi's eyes followed her, "You know you can't have my body and you know you can't win in a fight against me." Hishi stopped in front of her, eyes serious, "This ain't about yer stupid body, I can get tha' later. I'm talking about what's been happening." Kishi's arms uncrossed and she walked forward to Hishi, "You mean with the quincy and Grimmjow?" Hishi nodded, "Ya gotta let me out again."

Real World

Kishi wasn't hollowfying whick had Urahara confused. Her mask kept crumbling and reforming like her body was trying to but it couldn't. Urahara's eyes widened as Kishi suddenly stood up and unsheathed her zanpaktou her mask fully formed. He jumped up running towards the barrier to try to do anything but...her reitsu exploded and blew him back as the barrier shattered, the mixed purple and black reitsu crushing. Kishi's voice could be heard at the center screaming, "DREAM HIMIZU KYO!" The reitsu was suddenly sucked back in and Kishi stood there her mask crumbling slowly.

(Kyo means hollow)
Jing bolted forwards with tremendous speed, it was not like that of a flash step. But it was pure speed and agility. He sent his right fist at gato with extreme force, with a loud crack gato placed his blade in the path of jing' fist. Gato's feet slid backwards under the force of jings strength. His fists were covered in reiatsu so that gato's blade could not cut him at least with the level of reiatsu he currently possesed. Sweat trickled down the forehead of gato seeing the immense power jing now weilded. Taking yet another step jing leaped at gato once more this time sending his left hand crushing at gato. Once more the man blocked but jing had foreseen this movement. His left fist was just a decoy for his power house right arm. He pushed with his left hand moving gato's blade out of his way sending a tremendous hay maker to gato's face. The man was instantly sending back several feet crashing into the earth dome that lied between them and the city below. Blood trickled down gato's forehead as he hit the ground. Striking his blade into the ground gato stood as he began to laugh. "Thud Enforcer..." Said gato as he activated the shikai of his zanpaktuo. Jing once more moved towards gato with his fists raised. But as he got close the air became thick, it became harder to move. Gato pointing his blade at jing's heart, then with a flick of the wrist and arm. Gato struck his blade at jing. Jing was able to move out of the way avoiding a direct blow to the heart but he still wasnt able to avoid the attack. The blade penetrated jings left arm, ripping completely through. The ability of gato's zanpaktuo was to manipulate gravity. Gato made the gravity thicker around himself, making his enemies and incomming attacks slow around him. Giving him enough time to move and counter.Gato snickered as he hit jing in the stomache with his left hand. Then said "relentless absorbtion". At that moment gato was able to absorb the shikai of jing's zanpaktuo.

Jing was flung backwards from the hit as the blade was pulled from his body, he hit the dome with a great impact. Slowly jing pulled himself up with blood dripping from his left arm. He breathed heavily looking at gato. He put his right hand forwards saying "beserker". The crimson and black reiatsu formed around him then twisted into the palm of his hand creating a sword of reiatsu. This sword of rieatsu was made of condensed power, although the more it was used, the more power was drained from jing.Jing raced forwards with his reiatsu sword riased at gato but just as he got close, the gravity began to effect him once more. His movements were slowed down and while gato didnt even move a muscle, He twisted the palm of his hand as the dome below jings feet moved, spikes rose upwards pointed at jing. The man leaped backwards slashing the spikes that headed for him. As jing moved back gato laughed now controlling jings zanpaktuo and his own. "Its pointless jing, your as good as dead. Its over now you die!" The ground began to vibrate under jings feet as gato slowly walked towards jing tring to intimidate him. Jing held his reiatsu sword close ready to analyze the shifting of the ground after all it was his zanpaktuo. "i could use your help right about now....." Jing said as he awaited gato's attack.
Riyoshi nodded at jing after he said he need his help. After all, Riyoshi didn’t want to get in his way. Jing’s power level far outweighed Riyoshi’s, but Riyoshi had a skill not even that of Jing has seen before. Leaping from his spot, he appeared next to jing.

“If you know everything about his blade, you must know something about mine!” Riyoshi yelled out as he held his blade high above his head.

Focusing his reiatsu into his blade, a blackish aura appeared around his blade. The aura started to thicken and turn into a liquid. Grinning at Gato, Riyoshi gripped his blade tightly with both hands and slashed his blade down vertically sending out a wave of blackish liquid.

“Dragon’s fang!” Riyoshi yelled out as the wave of liquid was sent flying towards Gato.

Spoke gato as he slowly walked onwards towards jing and now riyoshi. A wall arose of earth before the man as the attack known as dragon fang crashed into the wall. The wall didnt completely stop riyoshi's attack, it continued onwards but as it got close to gato the man used his gravity. Slowly down the attack gato swung his sword unleashing a wave of crimson reiatsu to batter away the dragon fang to his right side. The man began to laugh insanely now facing two shnigami who seemed incapable of even touching him. Jing clenched his teeth as unsure of how to fight gato. He thought carefully for a brief moment to develop a strategy on defeating gato. Surely behind every attack, every power there was a weakness however. The gravity gato possesed was fairly one obstacle, gato also possesed jings ultimate defense. Jing smirked looking upon gato as he slid his right foot forwards an inch. "Riyoshi, i need you to hit with many strikes at once in multiple angles if you can." Jing rose his left fist above his head then struck the ground before him. "Earth Dragon Strike" Jing roared as the ground was ripped open exploding forwards gato. Jing moved forwards using the flash step, he raced forwards stepping on small stones that were moving closer to gato. With each step on a stone he used another flash step. So in all he flash step fourteen times in a matter of two seconds. This method of flash step jing called the flutter flash step. Jing appeared above gato as he struck down his reiatsu sword. But as it moved downwards it exploded into dozens of shards of reaitsu. Then another reiatsu formed upon the right hand of jing. Covereing his fist as he held it back waiting to strike another haymaker to Gato. Jings plan was simple, over load with gravity in multiple directions so it would exhaust his reiatsu until he had no more. After all so far gato had been blocking only one attack with his gravity. Now Jing counted on riyoshi to make sure he delivered a direct hit to gato.
Kishi shook her head brushing dust of her face and shoulders as Urahara walked forward, "Kishi?" She looked at him and smiled, her screla black and her irises yellow, "What's up Urahara?" He glared at her, her voice sounded normal..."What happened?" Kishi shrugged, "Its a long story, but I got stronger, well more like unlocked something I was holding back." She rubbed her eyes to get some of the grit out and when she looked back at Kisuke they were there normal green, "I'll see you later okay? I'm going to go watch the fight." She raan up the steps with Urahara watching and shaking his head.

As Kishi opened the door and ran out she felt another reitsu close by, 'It feels like that one girl we saw in the square.' "Tch, I don't care, I'm still not happy about Hishi doing that earlier." Hishi giggled, "Aww its not like you got hurt or nothing." Mizu was focusing on what Kishi actually said, "Do you think we should find her?" Kishi nodded, "Yeah, but I want to know how those two are doing."
Riyoshi smiled at the thought that no one else knew about his abilities. Taking in a deep breath, he watched Jing make his move. Taking a grip on his zanpakutou once again, he concentrated his reiatsu into the edge of his blade. Flash stepping forward, he evaded all the rubble in the air. Slashing his blade horizontally towards Gato's neck, Riyoshi spoke out again.

"Dragon's fang!" Riyoshi yelled out as the corrosive liquid shot out from his blade and was sent flying towards Gato.

That should do the trick. Riyoshi thought just before his body started to feel a little heavier then normal.
Kishi was running towards the reitsu of the firl she had seen earlier, it seemed like she was heading towards the shop, 'Thats odd, why would she do that?' Mizu was the only one paying attention as Hi and Hishi were to busy fighting, "Especially since she seemed so frightened of shinigami earlier."
A figure had managed to sneak it's way up on Seirah since she had been focusing on the other reiatsu's as it grinned.

"A Shinigami how interested, but your souls smells especially delicious. Why do you smell so yummy?"

It was a strange man covered in tattered clothes with just part of his face showing as she stood behind her. He seemed human but something about his reiatsu felt very wrong to her as it flared strong enough for Kishi to feel it and be able to locate him and the other female Shinigami.

He started slowly reaching his hand out toward her like a zombie might as it drew closer to his face, his hand seeming very peculiar from under the torn clothing.
Shizuka looked at the man and her hand instinctively went to her zanpakuto, Suzaku."Who are you?" she growled, taking a step back as he reached for her. 'He seems strange and his reiatsu is off' Suzaku said in her mind.

(Sorry about teh short posts. I hash writer's block)
"I'm just someone who is hungry and your my snack!"

He launched at her with inhuman speed and power surpassing a normal human as he went into a powerful spinning kick followed up by his peculiar hand reaching out for her as his reiatsu continued to flare at the thought of his next meal. His tattered cloth blew as he spun and attacked, like a cloak around him as his teeth grinned under his face covered by the dirty old clothes.
She quickly drew her Suzaku. "Fly to the South, Suzaku!!!" The blade began to elongate and the guard disappeared. As soon as the blade finished elongating into a silvery blue staff, a crimson scythe blade grew out of the end. The blade shined scarlet in the light, and as if about to fly away, white wings grew on the other side of the staff (Behind where the blade grew out)
The man landed a kick on the blade with surprizing enough force to kick Seriah back a fair amount so that she would skid as he flew back into a flip and landed on the ground his cloth falling to the ground. He smiled as his teeth were visible, almost sharp and animalistic.

"Good, a challenge for my meal might be nice every once in a while."

His strength, it was obvious he was not just your everyday human, no human could be this strong...

He charged her again, growling viciously as he charged with his bare hand which seem discoloured and even stranger than before.
"I'm sorry, but I won't be getting eaten today." She growled, narrowing her eyes. Quickly jumping into the air, she kicked down on his head with her heel, forcing him down.
The man was sent face first into the dirt, eating it properly thanks top Seirah's strength. As she landed back after her attack he slowly got up as he began to laugh.

"Hehehehe... with all that strength you should be delicious!"

As he got up enough his cloak had been kicked off to reveal his face. He had dark black hair that was shoulder length and covering most of his face and he had yellow inhuman eyes and his skin was not a normal colour and almost rotted as if dead and looked disgusting.He crunched his clawed fingers as he smiled at her and licked his lips, baring his fangs as cloak flapped in a sudden wind that blew by as he continued to laugh.

"Are you as tasty as you are beautiful, rahahahahahaa!"

"What in the fresh hell are you?!" She yelled at him. She switched her stance in case he decided to attack again at the moment. 'He's not normal, Shizuka-san' Suzaku said. "You think I haven't figured that out yet?" Shizuka growled back at her zanpakuto.
The Creepy man launched at her again his claws outstretched, this time however when he collide with her scythe it seemed almost as if he was aiming for it as he grabbed the blade. Black blood leaked a little as he held the red curved metal, as something began to grow out from his hand around the blade like dark green, almost black veins wrapping around the blade.
As Seirah tried to pull away she suddenly found herself unable as the veins pulled back the scythe, thus pulling her back unless she would willing let go of the scythe as he smiled, the veins growing more as he reached out his other hand towards her, the claws going for her face as he held his ground firmly with his feet, as his hands going closer towards her eyes she could see those dark veins growing along his hand as well, almost digging into it.

"Your mine my beautifully tasty snack!"
"AHHHHHH!" Kishi came in with her zanpaktou released and cut through the veins, some of the material sticking to them which got burned or frozen off respectively. She turned to the mysterious deserter, "Are you all right?"
The Creeper look at them both with a smirk as he stumbled back.

" it's a double meal. How lucky for me..."

He grinned widely and licked his lips at the thought of the delicious duo.

"What beautiful snacks you both are, so wonderful, so precious, so delectable."

He reached out his hands as the black veins jutted out, thicker this time like blackish or very dark green vines stretching out towards the two girls to ensnare them.
Shizuka slashed at the vines, all fear replaced with strength. 'I will not die today!' She thought furiously. 'It is not my time to die!'

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