Bleach Role Play

Yamato chuckled at her question. Removing his zanapakutou from the ground, the barrier started to dwindle down. It wrapped itself around Riyoshi so he was not able to move, but his head was visible by all that were there.

"We know who you are, Kishi Usanki. Daughter of Gin Ichimaru. We have specific orders to leave the substitute shinigami alone. But if you insist on your need for violence, then WE will have no other choice but to kill the lot of you." Yamato said as he placed the tip of the blade upon the ground facing Kishi.

Roushi smiled his evil smile as he looked over to the Arrancar. He had always wanted to fight an arrancar. The younger shinigami pretty much face palmed as he seen this all take place.

"Sir, why don't we let them know why we came for him, and if they still want to cause resistance. Then we can kill them." Ichi said as he slapped Riyoshi on the back of the head.

"That's a good idea boss. But i have one thing to say. This newest shinigami over here has the same reiatsu as that deserter. We should take her with us." Roushi said as he took a step closer to his blade.

As this was all happening, each of the hunter shinigami reiatsu's were beginning to drop to nothing. To the shinigami and arrancar, it would seem like the three of them were out of power.
She narrowed her eyes and kept her hand on the hilt of her zanpakuto. "I won't ever go back to Soul Society" she growled, all innocence disappearing. She felt anger like she never had before. Born a prodigy, kept hidden most her life, being tested on. She wanted everything to just disappear.
"Oh for the love of," se almost fell to the ground in frustration. "She's not part of this ignore her, what was Riyoshi's mission?" "So that girl is a deserter huh? Well I don't blame her with jerks like these." Hi snorted as she said this. Mizu hushed her, "Yor know very well the Seretei is a decent place." Kishi ignored them both, she thought it was creepy that these guys knew that much about her, and yet...
Torres stayed quiet as the Shinigami bantered on about rules, Seretei and missions. Stuff he didn't really understand or care about, but he couldn't just let them continue on and it seemed they wanted to fight them. If that is what they wanted.

Torres used Sonido to appear next to Riyoshi and drew his Zanpaktou swiftly and sent a powerful slice towards the Shinigami to attempt to break the bonds around him.
Many had gathered amongst the pavement as reiatsu's flared while in the sky above the clouds began to change. Winds of pressure began to blow across the town as a climate change had began. Storm clouds appeared within the sky as sparks of lightning flickered throughout the sky. But these were far from ordinary clouds, a spiritual pressure seemed o be held within. It seemed to be possibly an effect of a shinigami's zanpaktuo. Then with a loud strike something came crashing down impacting into the pavement below. A figure hidden within a bolt of lightning fired from the storm clouds above. A simple blue strike of light and reiatsu guided this figure sending him from the heavens above. In but a mere split second the figure struck from the sky sending a massive crater into the pavement. Concrete pavement ripped open under he quake of such force. Debris scattered in all directions as this figure remained still from the impact. Smoke rubble and dust filled the air around the figure until a gust of wind and spiritual pressure pushed away from the man.

Glowing green eyes, blue hair... Jing had returned. His reiatsu poured out of his body shinning bright blue around his body. He wore a blue kimono with a gold sash tied around his waist, while a gold scarf was around his neck. Wooden sandals amongst his feet with white socks and his zanpaktuo remained at his left side. There tucked into the sash was his zanpaktuo. It was the size of an average katana, with a green scabbard covering it. Green fabric covered the hilt while a gold square shaped black guard lied between the hilt and the blade. Jing had left on a long quest to find something of great legend. A legend most of soul society doesnt know off. A legend of ultimate power, jing had found that power and burried its secret to never be found again. Well at least not in this life time. But now he had returned just in the nick of time to find a confrontation in the town he once resided. Jings glowing green eyes looked around at the seeing the substitute shinigami. He placed his left hand upon the hilt of his zanpaktuo in a relaxed fashion as he calmly spoke to her.
"Whats the situation eh?"
Riyoshi bear witness to the arrancar appear next to him and strike out at the barrier with his sword.

"Danku!" Riyoshi yelled out as a wall appeared and blocked the blade.

Lightning struck the ground and exploded the pavement as a figure stood in it's wake. Riyoshi knew the feeling of this reiatsu and feared it all the same. It would be of just one man, Jing. Sweat dripped from his forehead as he looked upon the man.

"Jing, it's good to see you, but we are in a bit of a predicament." Riyoshi said as he looked upon the blue haired man.

Yamato was surprised at the speed of the arrancar, but not of his braveness. Seeing the newest shinigami appear in the fray, Yamato grunted and sheathed his blade. Nodding his head, Roushi, Ichi, and himself opened a door to soul society and vanished.

"We will be back for him. We will reclaim what is rightfully ours." Yamato said just before vanishing.

The barrier vanished from around Riyoshi and he fell to the ground, burns covering from his neck down. His zanpakutou was tinted black and smoked like it was a smoldering ember. Life seemed to drain from the eyes of Riyoshi as he lay flat upon the ground, belly down.

~~~~inner world~~~~

RIYOSHI, WAKE UP! a voice called out.

Riyoshi slowly opened his eyes as he seen a large green field. Slowly lifting himself up, he looked around until he spotted a couple figures.

"who's there?" Riyoshi called out to them.

The figures walked closer and became visible to the him. His eyes widened as he seen them.

"You, you are...." Riyoshi started to say.

"That's right, im Ryujin. And i am not too pleased by the situation you are in. I let you take my power, and look at how you used it." Ryujin replied as he stood firmly in front of Riyoshi.

Riyoshi looked from him with a disappointed look upon his face. Then looking over at the other figure, his expression began to cheer up.

"And you are.." Riyoshi said aloud.

"I am Saito Shinoda." Saito cut Riyoshi off.

Saito stood at 6 foot 9 inches tall and his power was immense in comparison to Riyoshi.

Riyoshi was confused at why this man was in his inner world with Ryujin. Looking somewhat confused, he tried to figure it out.

(Saito: )

(Ryujin personified: )

~~~~real world~~~~

Riyoshi lay lifeless, reiatsu almost gone, and burns covering his entire body. His breathing, nearly gone, his heart rate was barely there as well.
She takes the chance and runs away, not looking back. She was determined not to o back to Soul Society. If she did, she knew where she'd be put. She was just some stupid prodigy all because when she mastered bankai, her shinigami outfit changed, along with her heart.
Kishi wanted to go after the other three shinigami but she knew she couldn't, she had other priorities. She ran over to Riyoshi unsheathing her zanpaktou as she gave a quick nod to Jing. She released her shikai with a quick shout and bent over him stabbing her twin zanpaktou into the ground above his head and underneath his feet muttering, "Heal the hopes and the pain, the hurt and the wounds, HiMizu." The zanpaktou did its mystical display of the elements and she stayed kneeling there, and addressed Torres, "That was somewhat of a stupid thing to do don't you think?" She turned her head to Jing, "And its good to see you again."
As Riyoshi lay there upon the ground, the healing barrier formed but did not reach the wounds upon Riyoshi's body. There upon his body seemed to be a barrier keeping any healing factor from reaching his body.


Saito looked up and took a breath.

"Looks like you have some friends out there. They are trying to heal you, but i am keeping that from happening for the time being. You need to figure it out before you go back to reality." Saito said as he looked down to Riyoshi.

Riyoshi was a little confused as he said something about friends.

"Are you talking about the substitute shinigami?" Riyoshi asked out as he looked from Ryujin to Saito.

"That is exactly who he meant. Try to keep up will you? Ryujin scolded towards Riyoshi.

"Yes, that is who i meant. Now i would like to tell you something about those hunter shinigami. The reason they were after you is simply in fact, they were trying to retrieve my reiatsu back." Saito replied as he placed his palm over Riyoshi's chest.

A bright light exploded between Saito's hand and Riyoshi's chest and he closed his eyes.


Slowly opening his eyes, the barrier vanished from around his body and Riyoshi's wounds began to heal.
Jing looked at kishi with his bright green eyes observing as she began to heal riyoshi. "Its good to see you again as well" Jing didnt know to much about what was happening in soul society these days. Infact he was quite clueless, he spent far to much time away. Placing his right hand upon his chin he wondered about the three that surrounded riyoshi at one point. Who were they, what were they and why were they here. He could sense a significant amount of spiritual presence resonating from there bodies similar to shinigam but as much as jing had seen in his life time, there was no way to be sure thats what they were. Jing looked as riyoshi opened his eyes, he took a few steps closer as he began to speak. "So who were those three?"
Kishi noticed that something wasn't letting his wounds heal but they started to after a moment so she ignored it. The barrier around him slowly began to diminish as his wounds finished healing, "Well Riyoshi, you're going to feel tingles of ice and fire all over your body for the next few days. You were hurt pretty bad." The barrier feel as she finished and she stood up taking her twin zanpaktou with her. Placing them both in her right hand they re-sealed and she sheathed the katana that remained. She turned to Jing, and studied him curiously it had only been a few days but still...
Just as jing was about to speak he felt another spiritual presence. What was it he thought as it became closer with each and ever moment. Then standing upon a large building structure stood a man dressed in black. This man was dressed very similar to the three hunter shinigami. He stood with a wide grin bearing down upon jing. Crimson hair waving in the wind as he snickered at the sight of jind, kishi and riyoshi. His right leg bent placed upon the edge of the building while his upper body was tilted leaning forwards. Black empty eyes of madness stared as maniacal laughter escaped his lips. "Oh boy what a treat, not only jing, but riyoshi too." The man snickered as a crimson reiatsu began to press away from his body. Around his body gravity seemed to thicked as the surface of the building began to collapse. Jing looked up as his left hand slid down his zanpaktuo from the hilt of the sword to the sccabard while the fingers of his right hand were placed upon the hilt. "And just who are you suppose to be?"

Jing said boldly as his reiatsu began to flare up with sparks of electricity flashing intensely around his body. The crimson haired man bursted out in laughter once more drawing his shaking hands of madness closer to the hilt of his sword. "Im here for you jing, you have become an abomination. Im here to exterminate you, and here to rip out soemthing from that one over there. Even if i have to rip piece from piece. You can call me gato... your death bringer!" Jing moved his hand from the hilt as he swung his hand like a karate chop towards gato. Reiatsu formed on his hand as slid off firing at gato. The man stood still letting the blast collide with him. Reiatsu exploded as dust and smoke erupting from the building. After a few seconds the smoke cleared revealing gato unscathed. The building above partially collapsed showing gato standing on part of the warped structure. "Tsk tsk jing, i took precautions with you... I Formed a barrier reiatsu to block all your electrical reiatsu attacks. And ive learned of your what is it. Relentless earth... Yes, you can say yours powers are useless against me." Jing looked at gato with his green eyes flaring as he placed his right hand over his face. A disturbing reiatsu began to take shape as the man stood. "I never wanted to resort to using this...." Jing said as he took a deep breathe. White particles began to form over the face of jing as he looked at gato. "Your the first ive ever show this took... Beserker!" In a flash a dark reiatsu, off that of a hollow formed around jing. Crimson and black arua formed as a white hollow mask formed upon his face. The ground shook beneath his feet as gato's smile vanished from his face. "You dont look so tough anymore gato."

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Torres looked at Kishi confused.


Responding to her question about his actions being stupid.

He then saw yet another Shinigami arrive as well as some else trying to fight him. It seems this world truly was filled with fights just like Hueco Mundo, how sad.

What is worse, it seems almost all these Shinigami with stealing Hollow Masks, that was just nasty!
Kishi sighed, normally she wouldn't leave a fight but..she grabbed Riyoshi and threw him over his shoulder, be quiet you can yell at me later. You still are going to stiff, and will slow as down. Jing I take it that you have this, try not to kill the humans." Kishi pointed at Torres, "you follow me." With that she disappeared with shunpo towards Urahara's mentally praying to whatever might be listening that the guy doesn't follow. Hi groaned, "Honestly, how many people have hollow masks?" Mizu chuckled, "It's not as if they enjoy it and you know that Hi-chan."
Torres grumbled and moaned.


He whined like a child and followed with Sonido after Kishi, wishing he could stay to fight. They would fight again soon, he knew it! Maybe sooner than anyone realized....
"You might as well face your fear. Its tiring to keep running." Suzaku said. She nodded and turned around, starting to walk back. "I guess your right, Suzaku-san" she said in a low tone.
Kishi got to Urahara's and went inside setting Riyoshi down, turning to Urahara, "What was that! You didn't even contact me!" She clutched her face her purple reitsu started to swirl around her edged with black. She fell to her knees as Urahara ran foward and scooped her up, "Tessai watch the shop, Ichigo get out of here your hollow might react to this." Ichigo glared at him but nodded and left. A dark chuckling was heard in Kishi's inner world as a new figure started to materialize.
Riyoshi came to as a dark reiatsu filled the room. Grunting at the presence of the reiatsu, he stood up and took a breath.

"Thank you for everything, but i need to be going." Riyoshi said as he walked towards the door.

Looking back at Kishi and Urahara, he spoke aloud.

"When she comes to, tell her that i will explain everything later." Riyoshi spoke out as he vanished from the shop.

Appearing next to Jing, Riyoshi looked upon the man. Reaching upon his back, Riyoshi removed his blade.

"Jing, you need any help?" Riyoshi asked as he awaited orders.
"Meh... you Shinigamis are so weak. Always collapsing and fainting over nothing."

Torres said as Kishi fell to her knees and Riyoshi left.

He looked to Urahara who seemed to be taking care of Kishi, he wasn't going to be left out of the fight so he decided to follow after Riyoshi using his Sonido.
Urahara took Kishi to the training grounds stepping back as he set up a giant barrier around her, 'She's having a fallout with her hollow, what possibly could have brought this on?' Kishi's hollow mask kept forming and shattering as she was gasping for breath.

Her Inner World

Kishi stood on the hieroglyphic like marked ice that was the floor to her inner world with water running underneath. Large bonfires were sporadically spread out around, and the normally starry night sky was slight stormy. There were trees made of ice and a figure walked out from behind one, "It's been a while girly." The figure looked exactly like her but in reverse black and white, her yellow eyes gleaming, "You seem so stressed." The girl grinned at Kishi. Kishi frowned at her, "What do you want Hishi?" She crossed her arms in frustration, "Honestly you could do this in a less volatile manner."
Something clicked in her head. She turned around and headed towards Urahara's shop, feeling slightly drawn to it. Suzaku spoke again. "What's wrong, Seirah-san?" "Something in the air feels quite wrong." she murmured as she continued to walk.
gato's facial expression changed into something grim and sinister. His eyes glared at the mask that stood infront of jing's face as he grinded his teeth. Pulling forwards his zanpaktuo he pushed off his feet in a explosion of reiatsu. Jing turned his head to riyoshi for a brief moment when gato rushed for him in a explosion of speed. Gato began to yell at hollowfied shinigami. "YOU FREAK YOU FREAK YOU FREAK" as he drew his sword and screamed with every strike aimed at jing. The blue haired shinigami acted almost instantly pulling fourth the blade from its scabard. Jing blocked each strike with his hollow reiatsu covering his whole body. Sparks clashed as the raging gato became engulfed in madness. Just as quickly as he appeared before jing he dissapeared high above in the sky. Laughter of madness escaped his lips as left hand pointed down at jing. Golden aura began to fill the palm of his hand with amazing reiatsu building with a high gravitational pressure. Then in a moments notice gato threw down the golden sphere as it exploded into a large lightning bolt shaped blast ripping down at jing. This blast was a hado spell, the thunder roar sear. "Die you wretched beast along with these humans." Jing pushed off his right foot using the move known as the flash step as he rose upwards taking the full recoil of the blast. The sky lit up as jing took the blast, the clothes upon his back were ripped and burned. The green eyes of jing looked down upon the city seeing the people were safe. Turning his gaze upon gato jing spoke calmly as his green eyes began to glow. "Pound them into dust.... Relentless earth." Jings blade crumbled as it fell down into the earth below. Suddenly the grounds began to changed as a rock dome began to form over the city. This dome was constructed off the toughest of soils, minerals and stones. This was jings zanpaktuo's ability, he could manipulate the grounds below. Reiatsu covered booth of jings fist as he held them infront of his body. "I cant allow you to hurt anyone here, this ends now."

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