Bleach Role Play

Torres couldn't help but burst out laughing suddenly as held his guy in pain from laughing so hard. It was a strong laugh but quick as he wiped away a tear. He found the individual's strange voice and the whole situation quite amazing.

"From what I have seen of people they usually aren't that strong so having their strength isn't helping much and I don't know of Hollow's possessing any weaknesses. So your simply just a human with the powers of a Hollow or a Shinigami with Hollow powers."
"It seems you did get the aggression and desire to fight of a Hollow or is the human or Shinigami or is it just some combination? It seems everyone wants to fight now a days..."

He took a deep breath as he brought his attention back to the girl.

"So what about this Urahara?"

He asked, bringing up her previous suggestion.
(ooc: Sorry for disappearing for all that time. Ive been sunburned super bad and not able to do much of anything.)

Roushi looked at the two while they were in their discussion. Inhaling a deep breath, he exhaled it through his nose and crossed his arms over his chest. The smaller shinigami, Ichi, removed his hands from his zanpakutou and looked up to Roushi with a questioning glance.

"Lets go Ichi. These guys are boring me to death." Roushi said aloud.

With a slight movement from the two shinigami's, they disappeared from sight.


Meanwhile at the south east loading docks


Riyoshi leaped back as the zanpakutou struck the ground in front of him.

"Is that all you have? I thought you were of captain level?" Riyoshi asked as he was slightly exhausted.

"You have no idea. I am only tapping into the outer portion of my abilities, and you are already winded. Look at you! You have all that power, and do not even know how to wield it!" Yamato replied as he lifted his zanpakutou.

Riyoshi scowled at the response he had gotten. After all, he was unsure of the amount of power he could use without it taking him over. He had to rely on little bits of the power at a time while trying not to get captured.

"Are you sure about that?" Riyoshi replied a he let out a burst of reiatsu.
Kishi sweat-dropped, "Most vizards aren't so open about it but...anyway," she turned to Torres, "Urahara is kind of our go to guy for stuff. That's why should meet him, he can help you." She turned to the vizard, tilting her head as she said, "Oh by the way," and clawed her hand across her face a swirled purple mask with cat ears on top, "So am I, not that big a deal." She released her mask and turned to Torres again, "So shall we?"
"Now she actually hides it."

Torres said mockingly at Ama with a smile as he cocked his head, looking at him. He then nodded to Kishi seriously and used Sonido to move right next to her, as it made the sound that was different to Flash Step.

"Lead the way."

He said to her with slightly serious face as he then smiled in an unnerving way that would enough to spook anyone out.
Kishi nodded all seriousness on her face as she started to walk to Urahara's. 'You're seriously taking an arrancar to Urahara!?' Hi-sama was confused. 'It is a completely logical option Hi-chan, Kishi knows what she's doing.' Mizu said sounding just as serious as Kishi looked.
Is it possible for me to join? Also is this based in the same time as the bleach series or after it? I was thinking of a character that could be head captain but if it's in the same time there already is one.
Torres followed, a little curious if the other two Shinigami and weirdo with the Hollow mask would follow or cause any trouble for him. If they did, he would deal with it.

"So what is the Urahara? A human, Shinigami, weirdo with a mask like you guys or something else?"
(AllHailDago give your character info, and its kind of like a filler, its after aizen but Grimmjow is still alive and the ruler of hueco mundo.) Kishi frowned, "He's like a rogue shinigami, and I'm not a weirdo, so if you're going to be rude I'm done talking to you." Hi snorted, "You should just kill him." Mizu sighed with annoyance, "Honestly, what would that benefit?!" Hi shrugged, "It would make me feel better." ​Mizu sighed but didn't say anything this time.
Torres just look at the girl like she was insane, upset over that, how silly.

Thing must be very different in the real world than in Hueco Mundo, most Hollows swear at your ugly face before trying to rip you apart as their simple hello and that is when they like you...

"So where is he, are we there yet?"

He asked following her as it was taking so dang long.
She sighed, "Yeah, and don't take anything, he'll make you pay for it." She opened the door for him, "URAHAAARRRAA!! WE HAVE A VISITOR!!" She led him inside and sat him down at a table as Tessai showed up out of no where nodding at Kishi.
Hope this is fine. :)

Name: Kain Railyn

Age: Appears mid 40's Actually around 400

Appearance: He has short messy blonde hair and deep medium green eyes. He has a full beard and sideburns and a very angular squarish face. He is about 6 foot 2 inches tall and has the heavily built muscle of someone who does a lot of work at a farm or some other heavy physical workplace. He has calloused and scarred hands and a scar running from the left corner of his forehead to the right side of his chin, going through his eye and over his nose.

Position: Head Captain of the Gotei 13.

History: After 50 years as a lieutenant, and 250 years as a captain he was finally promoted to Head Captain, his goal since he learned he was able to be a shinigami. He is revered for his powerful shikai and his even more powerful bankai. He is not a slacking Head Captain either. He is the reason that the villages all around the Soul society are in such a good relationship with them as he helps out around the Soul Society and anywhere around that needs help. He almost never refuses to help.

Personality: He has a powerful calm over his emotions most of the time but when a anyone he cares about is threatened he becomes violently enraged in the worst way, he keeps his head while angry for the most part. He is kind to everyone and would help with the most insignificant tasks. Much to the trouble of some of his lowers when he isn't around due to being off helping someone get a cat out of a tree for example. He has a chivalrous personality that suggests he was a knight before dying. Everyone in the Gotei 13 have a tremendous level of respect for him. Most don't spare his feelings when they have bad news as he finds it insulting.

Base sword: His sword is a large sword at least five feet long with a two foot width at the base going down to a one inch tip. His sword has a crescent type chunk out of the middle on the non bladed side. It is yellow with black trim.

Shikai: His blade elongates and widens then splits into two longswords with a greatly balanced weight. They are both double blades and randomly curved and jagged like lightning. Both become enveloped in electricity strong enough to cut through layers of steel. Release Phrase: "Crackle and Shiver, Spirit of the Thunder God"

Bankai: Both blades shorten and become large bladed brass knuckles forming to his hands. His entire body becomes enveloped in a style of lightning armor resembling a knights. He can then control the electrical charges of everything within the distance of 100 square yards around himself. He can from lightning bolts and throw them or punch forward and manifest a huge fist of lighting. He can form weapons from the lightning fists. Release phrase: "May the heavens rain down furious judgement upon the enemies of the light and just. Bankai, Ultimate Wrath of the Thunder God!"
(, sorry but the captains are like they are genryusai is still head captain, I'm sorry about that. Fill in for one of the traitor captains and you can be accepted, I'm really sorry I didn't make that more clear when I told you about joining.)
As the two other hunter shinigami arrived at the loading docks, they seen there captain and Riyoshi fighting. Gripping their blades, each of the four shinigami poured out reiatsu. The reiatsu could be felt all the way across town. Three of the signatures had an elemental charge to it and the last had a very dark, hatred about it.

"I will not give in and lose to the likes of you!" Riyoshi yelled out.
Since there was no such as money in Hueco Mundo he immediately imagined in his head of a rouge mean looking Shinigami with a five o' clock shadow, an eye patch and mean scowl making him pay, by beating him to a pulp for breaking anything.

He was so focused on this thought that he wasn't looking where he was going as he slammed right into a beam of the house as stars swirled around his head, his tongue sticking out as he collapsed unconscious.
Kishi jumped to his aid pulling out her zanpaktou right as Urahara walked through to the room. He immediately sweat-dropped, "Kishi-chan what did you do?" She lookedup, "I didn't do anything I swear I'm just going to heal him!! See, Dream HiMizu!"

Her zanpaktou broke apart into twin katanas withthe fire ribon on the one side and the water and ice on the other. She stuck one into the ground above his head and the other below his feet and mumbled under her breath, "Heal the wounds and the pain, the hurt and the past, HiMizu." The respective elements spread from the katanas meeting in the middle blocking him from veiw.

She turned to Urahara, pointing at the beam he ran into, "He ran into that an was knocked unconcious, I swear I didn't do it!" Urahara chuckled, waving his fan at her, "Don't worry I beleive you," He got serious, "but why did you bring an arrancar to my shop?"
Torres didn't really need healing, he didn't really hurt himself, just enough to knock his brain around and him out.

He slowly came to with the healing swords around him as he shook his head.

"No mommy, I don't want to go to school today!"

He shook his head again to make sure everything was in place.

"Wooh, that beam came out of nowhere and just attacked me!"

He joked as he saw the man in the funny clothes with a strange wooden weapon and an even funnier striped white and green thing upon his head, was that his version of a mask....

However one thing he did immediately notice using his Pesquisa was this man was incredibly powerful!
Ama walked into the shop again "Hey again Urahara-san...the lighter works great thanks." He flicks the lighter open and closed a few times.
Kishi pulled her zanpaktou out of the floor and they immediately sealed as she sheathed it. Urahara smile at him, "That's great Ama-san!~" He got serious again as Kishi was silently edging towards the door stopping as soon as he turned his attention to her, "So again Kishimoto," She flinched at the use of her full name, "why did you bring an arrancar to my shop?" She shrugged with a tight espression on her face, "Umm, he doesn't follow Aizen or Grimmjow? And I felt bad?" She shrank back after she finished speaking. Urahara pinched his nose and sighed, "So what is your name then?" This was obviously addressed to the arrancar in the room.
It took a moment for Torres to answer as it took him a while to figure out the strange man was talking to him.

"Who me? Oh! I am Torres. Torres Albada."

He nodded, a respectful way as far as Hollows were concerned, in truth there wasn't very much respect in Hueco Mundo.

"So this is your lair?"

He asked looking around the place at how strange it was for a lair...
Urahara paused for a moment thinking to himself, 'Lair?' before recovering and saying, "Why ofcourse not!~ This is my humble shop!" He grinned waving his fan like an idiot. Kishi was a little worried, Riyoshi's battle didn't seem to be going amazing, but she shook the thought out of her head. She didn't know what to do so she started leaving, she needed to get back in her body and actually do her own homework for once, 'How does Uryu do it?' Hi chuckled, "He's a nerd?" Mizu reproarched Hi,"He is not a nerd he just knows how to manage his time."
"Humble Shop? What the heck is a Humble Shop? What does it do, is that what you Shinigami call your lairs?"

Torres asked, he was very confused. He did not know what either of those words meant, neither of them were used in Hueco Mundo. He scratched his head with a very vapid look on his face, trying to figure out what this Humble Shop did, it didn't look like it was good for defending against enemy attack with it's weak walls or flimsy defense, it was badly placed to..
Urahara resisted the urge to face palm, "Come sit down and I'll explain stuff to you, and Kishi, you know sneaking out won't work just go." Kishi grinned and ran out of the shop to her apartment.
Torres nodded and came to sit down, he had to admit he was feeling weird. He wasn't use to being treated this way, Hollows and Arrancars didn't usually invite you anywhere unless it was a trap to kill you. So of course he was worried by this, being invited and not attacked felt so weird to him. This wasn't Hueco Mundo, but a whole different world.

Elsewhere, the darkness began to swirl as a hand began pulling out of it, gripping the air and pulling it's body through the darkness into the world.

(I'm introducing a small villian to face us mean time. Not an Arrancar, but nothing that usual either...)

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