Bleach Role Play

Riyoshi was about to talk to Urahara wen he felt the presence of a shinigami all too familiar. Sighing and shaking his head, Riyoshi turned and walked out of the Urahara shop and flash stepped. Appearing at the location, Riyoshi took a deep breath and pointed at the shinigami.

"I see. You came all the way here, i presume you didnt come to fight that arrancar. You came to find me. Now lets leave these two to their bubusiness." Riyoshi said as him and the shinigami captain left the location.
(its ok. If you read the post before last, there are two more shinigami. they will come have a little fun with you. We will make it so that the two of them are equal to your power so there is no god modding an individual character. I can not simply kill your character, and you can not just kill off these two since i will be using them for the capture and advancement of Riyoshi.)

As Riyoshi and leader of the invading Shinigami trio flash stepped away from the scene, the other two shinigami felt the presense of an arrancar. This arrancar was not just a simpleton. This person was someone to truly fear, but this two shinigami were choosen for their lack of fear.

The two other shinigami flash stepped from their location and appeared in front of the arrancar. The tallest Shinigami looked upon the arrancar, and with a smile growing across his face, his reiatsu began to rise.

The smaller shinigami closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. Exhaling, he opened them and reached for the katana on his back.

"You there, mindless beast. Why is it you came here!" The tall shinigami asked, not really caring if he got a response or not.

The small shinigami just looked over the arrancar awaiting for any suspicious movement to occur.
(Yea, I know about the other two, but I was hoping to fight Kishi first :P Not some random NPC's who won't care much about Torres, no offense...)

As Torres was asked the question, it dawned on him he really didn't have an answer, he really didn't know. He had no particular reason for coming to the Living World specifically. He just wanted the endless purposelessness to end. He was tired of the nothing and the dark, so did he really think the Living World we be any better, that it wouldn't just be filled with fighting and darkness like Hueco Mundo.

He looked to the two Shinigami and then shrugged an answer.

"Dudes, I dunno..."

He put his hands behind his head in relaxed position as one foot slightly kicked up.
The large shinigami took a deep breath and looked at the arrancar.

"You came here with no purpose? You being a hollow means you have some kind of agenda. Are you here to reap the souls of this town?" He asked.

The smaller shinigami put his hands down to his sides and placed his hands in his pockets. With a puzzled look upon his face, took in a shallow breath.

"I am not sure about this one. I think he is trying to trick us boss man. What are we going to do?" The smaller one asked as he continued to stare at the arrnacar with a high level of curiosity.
"Eat human souls..."

Torres said as more of a question thinking about it, as he put his finger on his chin considering this option very deeply.

He then opened his mouth as if to do the deed and then stopped half way.

"Nope... human souls are too small. Wouldn't be filling enough...."

In Hueco Mundo, hollows of his level long ago stopped eating human souls and resorted to just eating each other. He was sick of the endless cycle of Hollows devouring each other to get stronger, it was endless and so foolish... He was sick and tired of it and then when he became an Arrancar, he thought it would be over. However it was just the same, just a different ball game.
(Tall shinigami: )

(short shinigami: )

With the arrancar opening his mouth and procceding to act like he was going to eat the souls of the humans, the smaller shinigami took a step closer. Bringing his hands up and out of his pockets and with a flick of his wrist, he held his zanpakutou out towards the arrancar.

"You better not try anything funny mister!" The smaller shinigami said as he took another step closer to the arrancar.

"Stand down Ichi. If he wanted to devour the souls of the humans, he could. There is nothing that we can do to stop him. We are under direct command of the captain and under specific rules." The tall shinigami said.

"But Roushi...." Ichi said as he stopped moving while still keeping his blade pointed at the arrancar.

"But listen here Arrancar, You try to do anything like eating these souls, and we will have no other choice. You hear me." Roushi said as he crossed his arms across his chest.
"No other choice but to do what?"

Torres said in a clearly provoking manner as he raised his brow at the smaller Shinigami, not intimidated by his sword. He had fought and killed Shinigami before. They attacked him just like fellow Hollow, they may not fight the same, but in the finale it ended the same way...

He put his right hand on his zanpaktou handle around his back.
(hey I'm hijacking my moms computer while she's not Kishi kind of sweat dropped, her guard dropping as she watched this going on, "Umm, I think that he didn't come here to do that...but," she turned to him, "they have a point, I will make it my personal business to kill you if you so much as look at a soul funny."
"Threats, threats, threats..."

He said waving his hand around mockingly, he had enough threats from Hollows, Arrancars and Aizen, he was tired of pathetic threats, the empty ones or the ones were people just wanted to kill him anyway and only threatened to seem big.

"If these are only empty threats from a bunch of wusses otherwise lets skip the stupid threats to waste time and show off how scary and cool you are and just get down to the fight now, I'd rather not wait unnecessarily."

He said tightening his grip on his Zanpaktou threateningly.
Kishi gripped her zanpaktou, "With Aizen dead why would we want to fight you anyway? Shouldn't we be able to set something up?"
"Aizen's dead..."

Torres immediately froze upon hearing this, he didn't know... He remembered the last time he saw Aizen, he was running for his life, running away from him.

His facial expression turned to normal.

"Who killed him?"
Kishi's grip relaxed, "Kurosaki Ichigo, but he's not technically dead, he's immortal, but he's gone."
"Wow, didn't expect that.... He's down for the count... that is nuts. So who is this Ichiko who beat him, a Shinigami. It figures Aizen would fall, that is what you get when all you care about is fighting and getting stronger."

He also relaxed his grip on his sword.

"Either way, I'm not going back. If you won't let me do what I want, I'll take you down! Aizen tried to control me and if any of you tell me what I can or can't do!"

He took a deep breath.

"I'll take you down!"

He roared the words out with such force that it would actually shake the area around them like a small earthquake.
Kishi gave him a blank look, "You're an arrancar...and you don't know who Ichigo is?" She was incredulus.
Ama peeks his head around a corner and listens to their conversation attempting to suppress his energy. He whispers to himself "hmm dead Aizen but the arancarrs are still around....interesting..."
Ama's lighter falls out of his shirt pocket and clatters on the ground just out of his reach. "F*ck..." He steps out from the corner and raises one hand in a half-assed wave. "Hey...sup?"
"Now who is Urahara?"

Torres said scratching his head at all these new names and funny people this strange Shinigami was talking about and why did he need to meet him, was it somebody he had to fight...

Soon another individual seemed to appear, this one seemed like it might be a Shinigami, but it's Spiritual energy seemed different, almost more similar to his...
Ama looks closer at the other man and notices the mask fragments on him. "Nice...mask you have there." The look in his eyes changes from joking to one of more anger and spite.
Torres would have usually mocked that the Shinigami lost his, but noticing this guys aura he decided to change it a bit.

"So am I to assume your mask looks any better?"

He stared back just as hard at the creature, not quite sure what he was anymore since he didn't seem dressed in usual Shinigami clothes.
"No mask is better than the next. Its the person who wears it that makes the difference..." He picks up the lighter and flicks it open striking an oddly black flame. He takes it and lights the palm of the other hand with no reaction of the hear or pain.
"I was under the assumption didn't wear masks, only Hollow do. So are you a person or a Hollow?"

He asked ignoring completely the black flame and the trick as he focused on this new guy who seemed to already have a problem with him like so many.
He slams the flaming palm into his face and claws/rips his hand away leaving is mask smoking on his face with a few lingering black flames. In the same type wavering pulsing voice Ichigo has with his mask. "NeItHeR, I aM aLl Of ThE sTrEnGtH oF bOtH wItH nOnE oF tHe WeAkNeSs. I aM a ViSoReD."

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