Bleach Role Play

Kishi jumped up to the balcony that led into her apartment and knocked n the sliding door. Her gigai and soul mod looked up from her homework and walked over letting her in, "Hello Kishimoto-sama, welcome home." Kishi rolled her eyes as both her zanpaktou gigled/chuckled, "Thanks, but I could use my body back now." The soul mod nodded and Kishi walked into her body catching the soul pill with a grin and sat down to do her homework.

Urahara was explaining to the best of his ability how the world of the living worked and how, no he was not going to attack Torrrs, unless his actions deemed it neccesary.
Torres was very confused by most of Urahara's explanations and seemed very lost most of time, he still did not understand this world at all and the idea that not either him, the girl or any of the humans he talked about not wanting to attack him was ludicrous. Despite his disbelief, Torres listened very closely to Urahara for the rest of the night even though it pretty much went all over his head.


As the night past the dark shadow lurked over to an unsuspecting human woman walking home for her late night job, wishing she had a car right now. She cursed her luck and the weather, she couldn't wait to get home, take a bath and sleep just so she could wake up in the morning and do it all over again.


She cried out hearing a man in the distance.


She called again, looking very worried at the creepy state of this man hidden in the shadows and covered by ragged cloth who seemed to be looking in her direction.

She began walking away with a hurried step, each new movement of the leg she went faster and faster, becoming more worried as her breath quickened along with the pace.

Suddenly the creepy man was before her, all that was heard was a scream in the night before it was over and the woman's body was left for dead only to be found the next morning, cause of death unknown...
Kishi woke up the next morning frazzled and hurried about to get ready for school. "This is justso much joy wrapped into a ball."
As Kishi walked to school, she suddenly found herself bumping into a strange man that seemed very familiar. It would take her a few seconds, but it was the Arrancar from before except he didn't look like an Arrancar. His mask fragment was gone, he was wearing normal clothes and what is more, people seemed able to see him?!
Kishi looked at him for a second, the realization dawned upon her, "No." She walked past him, it was bad enough half her friends were part of that little world, but Kishi didn't want to deal with it at school. Hi chuckled, "lol." Mizu sighed, "​Hi have more respect for yourself."
The night was long, but the battle between the shinigami raged on. The captain looked upon Riyoshi and with a smirk upon his face, sheathed his weapon. Clapping his hands a few times, the other hunter shinigami returned to his side. With a single command, the captain placed his left hand over his right shoulder. Roushi placed his hand over his heart and Ichi placed his right hand on the back of his neck. Each of the shinigami smiled and with a single word, they looked upon Riyoshi.

"RELEASE!" The three hunter shinigami replied as their reiatsu exploded across the town, doubling in size and intensity.

Riyoshi flash stepped back and into town. Leaping from rooftop to rooftop, he tried escaping. With a strike of lightning, Roushi stood before Riyoshi. Holding his zanpakutou high above his head, Roushi pointed his free hand at him.

"You should quit now, before this town suffers anymore damage." Roushi said in his deep, booming voice.

With a smirk upon his face, he stood up and twisted upon his right heel. With the slightest movement, he vanished from sight and appeared but blocks away from Kishi. Leaping into a full sprint, he turned the corner and tripped over the pavement. Looking back at the pavement, a small figure began to emerge. Rolling over to see that he was in the location of two people, Riyoshi flipped backwards and onto his feet. Taking out his zanpauktou, he hoped that the two of them would not be able to see them, for this was not their fight. He hoped that they were mere mortals, and not able to sense them.

“Lets take this away from this location, Ichi.” Riyoshi said as he leaped straight into the air.

Just as his feet left the ground, he was stopped by a hand gripping his face. It was the captain of the hunters, Yamato. His power was immense and with a flash, Riyoshi and the three hunters disappeared.

Landing not to far from Kishi’s location, Yamato threw Riyoshi to the ground. The three hunter shinigami surrounded Riyoshi and each stabbed their blades into the ground. A barrier formed around Riyoshi, and he could no longer feel any reiatsu from outside the barrier. It was like it had cut him off from the outside world.

If i can not feel any reiatsu from the outside, i wonder if they can no longer feel anything from me? Riyoshi thought as he got up onto one knee. Placing his left hand upon his zanpakutou, he meditated and tried to send a message to the shinigami representative.
Kishi looked back as she heard the crash, "Shit." She mumbled as she popped the soul mod pill in, "You know what to do!" Mizu frowned, "Wasn't that the man who you helped fight against the Quincy?" Kishi nodded, "Yeah, Riyoshi." Hi paused, "Didn't his zanpaktou take control of him?" Kishi walked onto the scene and froze, 'What the hell?' There was the source of those strange reitsus, and some sort of...barrier? But that wasn't what had caused Kishi to freeze, she couldn't feel Riyoshi's reitsu anymore.
Torres also felt the energies, he knew a battle when he sensed one. He then saw the girl disappear after leaving behind her Gigai. He then too left his gigai completely forgetting to put in a mod soul as the faux body just collapsed as if dead, attracting attention to Kishi's mod soul who was now standing over a man who has just collapsed after talking with her or so it seemed or maybe worse.

Torres now back to looking like an Arrancar followed using his Sonido to keep up. He then felt some of the Shinigami from before and immediately remembered he hadn't like them very much. He took out his zanpaktou from the sheath on his back in case he needed it.
Kishi's mod soul sighed in exhasperation, and started dragging Torres empty gigai to Urahara's. She was so going to be late for school, Kishi was going to kill her.

Kishi was scoping the scene, she didn't know what to do, she didn't even know what these guys had against Riyoshi, were they traitors? Was he?!
As Kishi and Torres arrived upon the location, the captain of the three men turned and looked upon them. Reaching out with his right hand and pointing it at Kishi, he took in a qhick breath.

"Leave now. This does not involve either of you!" Yamato spoke out with a serious tone.
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Full Name: Seirah Umazuki

Age: Looks 18

Race: Shinigami

Appearance: Very long crimson red hair that is almost always in a ponytail which reaches to her ankles. She has leaf green eyes bordered by long eyelashes and her bangs cover her left eye. She stands at 5' 3" and weighs no less than 97 lbs. She is moderately pale.

Personality: Dark and cold but once you get to know her she can be carefree and sweet with a kind heart.

Personality in Battle: Ruthless and vicious. She never lets her enemy get away from her.

Looks: Her shinigami outfit is highly unusual. It consists of a miko (shrine maiden) type robe with a skirt like thing that fans out like a maple leaf.

Zanpakuto info:

Name: Suzaku (meaning Scarlet Sparrow)

Release phrase: Soar to the South, Suzaku

Shikai: The blade becomes an elegant winged scythe the color of a flaming sunset.

Bankai: The scythe becomes double bladed and the blades are shaped as wings of a fiery bird.

(please let me join)
It looks good to me, but i have no say so in accepting people. You might want to add what seat you are in? like my character is a 3rd seated officer. but is actually almost captain level. he would get handed his own by ichigo, dont get me wrong. But i think adding a reference in power for your character would help anyone who might want to fight you, or with you.
(Thanks backlash, you can join but now that we've gotten so far into this I would like for you to read the rp, you don't have to go in depth with it or nothing, but read it. Welcome to the Bleach RolePlay Momizi_Inuburashi!)

Kishi growled at the man and walked forward towards him, "I think this does! You have attacked one of my comrades and I'm not sure if he's alive or not." She pointed at the bubble like barrier, "Is he in there?" Mizu and Hi both were growling which was uncharacteristic of Mizu, she usually was very calm.
"Yea, sorry Shinigami, but all battles involve me!"

Torres said holding out his Zanpaktou with clutching the handle as his eyes narrowed in at the Shingami just beneath his mask fragment. His crimson eyes almost glowed at the opportunity to fight however foolish it was. The Hollow in him couldn't help but want to.
(no problem and thank you for the pic, please make sure you read the rp.)

Kishi looked at Torres funny, she had barely noticed he had followed. "Way to let your guard down Kishi-chan." Hi muttered at her. Mizu agreed, "We'll be training later." Kishi frowned speaking aloud, "Assuming there is a later..." She needed to find out if Riyoshi was alive and she assumed that the others could tell a fight was going down, she didn't know what was taking them so long.

Urahara's P.O.V

Ichigo was going crazy because I wouldn't allow him to join this fight, this wasn't even Kish's and Torres' battle either but they were there already. And this was a chance for Kishi to grow stronger, these opponents were going to give her a chance to improve on herself.
Yamato smiled with a crazed look upon his face. He liked the thought that he was finally able to unleash his bankai on some trash.

"If you knew what was good for you, you will just leave. You do not need to lay you lives down for this man. You do not even know what the situation is." Yamato replied to the two.

"Come on boss. Lets just kill them where they stand." Roushi said in his deep voice as he reached for his zanpakutou.

Taking in a deep breath, the smallest of the three shook his head in disappointment. He didn't want to have to kill any unnecessary people. He just wanted to get his mission done.

”Trust me kids, you are way in over your heads. Just head back to where you came from. This does not concern you.” Ichi said with sorrow in his voice, for he did not want this to get any uglier.
(Already did) She sat in the shadows, watching the shinigami, her spiritual pressure well concealed. She thought about the Soul Society, the home she could never go back to, being a prodigy in all. She hated it. She hated the fact that she was a prodigy, meant to be put in the Royal Guard squad. Suddenly she didn't feel well. In that instant, the shield concealing her spiritual pressure disappeared, releasing the force that could stop ones heart. (If I remember correctly, in the arc when they were trying to save Rukia, Byakuya's spiritual pressure almost stopped Rukia's breathing. That's kind of what happens with Seirah's pressure)
"Get it through your thick head, no. We ain't leaving and your letting the other Shinigami go, end of story!"

Torres growled animalistically as his aura fluxed due to the battle which was inevitable.

He suddenly felt another powerful aura as he looked to the side briefly, not the smartest idea. Was it another one of them trying to attack them from behind.

Using his free hand he used Pesquisa as a small ring of light shot out around him like a radar to locate this new aura and he knew exactly where this powerful warrior was.
She swore under her breath then decided it was too late to run. She stood up and walked towards them, the maple leaf like over skirt fanning out. Her green eyes held slight fear, fear of that she might be brought back to Soul Society. She fingered the hilt of her zanpakuto as she got closer.
Kishi frowned, "I have no wish to fight you, but you have threatened my comrade, the situation doesn't matter at all to me. "And you obviously don't know who I am." Her reitsu flared dangerously, "You could try to kill us...but I think we could last a while." Hi chuckled darkly, "Do you think we're going to get to use our Bankai?" Mizu was in agreement, "They stand no chance." Kishi watched the other girl walk out and put her hand on the hilt of her zanpaktou.
Yamato looked at the newest figure walking up and shrugged off her plee. He had no business with her nor did he have business with this girl that was flaring hwr reiatsu. Taking in a deep breath, he reached down and grabbed his zanpakutou.

"If you think that this man is a comrade, that means he has told you exactly why he is here? Yamato asked as he supressed his reiatsu into a fine visible layer just above his skin.

Roushi stood furthest back from Kishi and nearest to the newest figure. Reaching his righr hand up and placing it upon his left shoulder, he proceeded to rotate his left arm like he was stretching.

Ichi shook his head as he witnessed the girl flare her reiatsu so carelessly. Looking back at the barrier, he lookex upon the large green shield covering Riyoshi.

The green shield could be seen out of but not into. Riyoshi soon figured that they could no longer see or feel him, but he could feel numerous other presences from out of the barrier. Looking around the barrier, he seen that it was just big enough for him, but not if he released his zanpakutou, or even the other...

Taking in a deep breath, Riyoshi gripped his zapakutou and put the tip of the blade against the barrier. it lit up a bright green, almost white color but the blade was not able ro pierce the barrier. Upon his exhale, he said a word he wished he would never have to say again.
Kishi shrugged, "Most of the guys from the Seretei don't, they don't think us 'lowly' substitutes need to know what their mission is. But," She pointed at who she assumed was the leader of the three, he was doing most of the talking after all, "I probably wouldn't care much. Do you know whose daughter I am?" Her head tilted to the side as if genuinely curious. Mizu was tracking the newest member of the party, "She doesn't seem to pose any threat but," "But stay alert for her, something seems...unstable about her."

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