Bleach Role Play

((can i stop being my old character and re-make it in a way i would like to have all existence of Amaterasu the zanpakutou to be erased and Amaterasu is now his own entity i will make a new sheet to do this i just wanted to clear it first because this is going no where with my old chari and i want to continue with this but i like the person i already made))
(Its cool, but what if solarwing gets the stick out his butt? Anyways do what ya gotta, I don't care, but the rp has gotten really lopsided between backlash and me
Name: Amaterasu Enkou-shinzui

Age: 17

Species: vizard

Lives in: karakura town

Personality: sadistic and twisted

Appearince: jet black hair down his back and a flame red streak on the right side wears a black cloak with red flames at the bottom


Zanpakutuo name:

Ōkami tsuki no hauringu (howling wolf moon) Release: Howl Okami!




bankai abilty: a slash can eather cut or open a portal summoning a hell wolf
(, just I was saying I guess it's obvious that you would be accepted because you already were accepted.)
(Ok well backlash and I just arrived at Urahara's after fighting with the quincy, um I forgot who was going to be Grimmjow so he hasn't shown up and that's about it. If you want to double check just go back and re-read some of it.)
(well you can be grimmjow, but I thought about it, so could you please re-read the roleplay so you're up to date.)
Riyoshi just shook his head at what she just said. Removing his shoes, he entered the shop of Urahara. Looking around a little, he wondered if this man would truly help him.

"Kishi, there is some personal stuff that i would like to keep out of the ears of you substitute shinigami." Riyoshi said as he turned around and looked Kishi in the eyes.

High above the town of kurakura, appeared a large door. As the door opened, three figures stepped out of it and stood, looking around at the town. The first figure was a large, muscle built shinigami. None stood on even grounds with his strength. The second figure, was a much slimmer figure, with a toned physique. The third figure seemed to not fit in at all since his stature held no muscle. He was the shortest of the three, but his power level rivaled the other two.

"So you really think he came here boss?" The first figure asked.

"Hes here. But he is trying to mask his presence." The second figure replied.

"That man has caused nothing but trouble." The third figured added.
"Thanks have a good day." He grabs the bag on the counter and turns walking into Riyoshi and falling back. "Hey! Watch where you're going!"
(Yeah pyro give your info)Kishi rolled her eyes, "Whatever, I'm going downstairs to train." She started climbing down the ladder, "URAHARA, IT'S KISHI AND I'M TRAINING DOWNSTAIRS!!!" She shut the trap door.
As the man bumped into Riyoshi, he stumbled forward a single step. Reaching his hand down and slightly gripping his zanpakutou, he turned to look at what had bumped into him. Seeing a man land upon the ground, he proceeded to speak but was interrupted by an eerie feeling.

"This is your lucky day kid. get out of here." Riyoshi said as he walked past the man upon the ground and proceeded to look for Urahara.

"Do you two have the plan memorized? We are not to kill him. We are to use any other means necessary to bring him back." The leader said as he removed his right hand from his pocket.

With a flick of his wrist, the three figures vanished from their spot and appeared on opposing sides of the town. Each of the figures clad in black shinigami attire with slightly varying differences. The tall, muscular shinigami had the right sleeve missing and a huge tattoo. The leader wore what looked to be a captain's haori tied around his waist. The smallest of the three wore a shoulder pad over his left shoulder and metal guards upon his forearms.
Name: Torres Albada

Age: 24

Species: Arrancar

From: Hueco Mundo

Personality: Torres is tired of living in Hueco Mundo and simply killing other Hollows to get stronger, there has to be more to life than this endless desert of death and darkness. He wants a purpose in life, no matter what it is. He is tired and bored. However he does have a knack for a battle and can't help but slightly enjoy finding and fighting a truly strong opponent. He has mastered the ability to fire crimson red Cero from either his hands or mouth.

Looks: He has red spikey hair, with red eyes that have some orange in them. He has red stripes point up along his cheek. He wears an Arrancar white uniform with pants, a shirt with an open jacket over the shirt. His mask remnant is a diamond shape over his forehead. He keeps his Zanpakutō on his back in it's sheath.


Name: Escorpión

Release Phrase: Sting Escorpión

Ressurección: His chest gets covered in a white armour with white spikes for shoulders. white armoured boots with sharp points at the tips and he has white armor wrist bands. He carries two large curved blades the just about the same size as Ichigo's Shikai with large white guards that cover Torres' hands completely when he holds them. He has a long hard white scarf around his neck which trails down and ends in large arrow shaped blade similar to what he holds in his hands. He now gets three red stripes pointing up on each cheek, also around his eyes it becomes red and spikey. His mask remnant grows to cover his nose and point up over his head and then curl down. He can now fire a Cero from his tail blade as well as his blades and he can perform Trillizo Cero, the ability to combine the two hand and tail Cero to form a stronger Cero, but it takes even longer to charge and use.

He is working on the legendary Segunda Etapa, but is nowhere close...
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Kishi was warming up, deciding to train on her hand to hand rather than her sword abilities. Hi chirped in, "Aw come on, I'm bored!" Which led to Mizu bringing her cold dose of reality,"We have fought more battles in the past day then we have in the past two months, how in the world could you be bored?!" Kishi sighed and ignored them using one of the rocks as a punching 'bag'.
The Garganta began to open as it slowly ripped open the void as the Arrancar stepped out. Torres had not been to Earth before and really did not know that much about it, so it did not occur him to mask his reiatsu as his powerful every blasted out for anyone within the city limits to immediately feel the terrifying power. Although he was not releasing his full power, he certainly wasn't hiding it in anyway.

He let out a yawn.

"So this is Earth.... Looks just as dark as Heuco Mundo."

Torres assumed it was just as dark a place, not realizing it was simply night. However all the buildings and many spirits he could feel were very different. He took a breath as he kicked the air while standing high above the city and sleepily rolled his eyes over it to inspect different areas.
Kishi twitched, "...Oh for the love of.." Kishi burst up the ladder and into the shop, "Urahara! I'm going to go check out that reitsu! Kay bye!" She disappeared out the door and shunpoed towards the reitsu.
Torres looked out as he saw something blurring towards him, it seemed similar to Sonido but simpler. He had sensed the strong Spiritual Pressures immediately in this town thanks to his Pesquisa and now one moved towards him.

"So there are Shinigami in this world too?"

He spoke to the girl as she appeared before him, not reacting in any other way as he stood in the air looking down up her, his white Arrancar jacket flapping in the wind as he grinned.
Kishi put her hand on her zanpaktou and glared at him, "What are you doing here?! Did Aizen send you?"
The captain of the three shinigami felt the presence of the arrancar. Placing his hand upon his zanpakutou, he twisted on his right foot and appeared about 30 feet to the left of the arrancar.

"break forth." The man said as he raised his zanpakutou out of it's sheath and pointed it upon the arrancar.
Torres saw the girl put her hand on her weapon.

"Aizen, that punk! No way, I ditched that drip ages ago man!"

Suddenly another Shinigami appeared, this town was infested with them. This one immediately released zanpaktou and pointed at him.

"Well it seems there is nothing but fighting and death in this world as well...."

He sighed as he put his hands in his pockets, not really caring about the fact he was being threatened. But still be very alert and ready for anything.

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