Bleach Role Play

"I'm not just interesting. I'm the wait. I'm the freakin man! bleeegh" He makes rock on signs and sticks out his tongue shaking his head (lol [MENTION=1569]solarwing123[/MENTION])
(ooc: i don’t want it to seem like i am being mean, its just when Riyoshi unleashes his blade, he does not really care if it is friendly or foe. He just wants to kill. Plus, I do not expect you to leave him alone, but do not join the fight to just one shot the quincy.)

As he seen this happening, Riyoshi leaped backwards from the man’s location. The man laughed as the reishi continued to form and finally condense into a bow.

“So, you are afraid of me?” The man said as he looked upon Riyoshi.

Riyoshi growled at the comment of the man and placed his hand upon his zanpakutou.

“So you are a quincy? Why did you lure me here?” Riyoshi yelled as he started to pull his zanpakutou out of it’s sheath.

Seeing the slight movement of Riyoshi’s hand, the quincy launched 3 highly condensed arrows at Riyoshi’s chest. Releasing his blade from it’s sheath, Riyoshi cut through the first arrow, Spun to his left and dodged the second arrow, but was grazed horizontally across his chest. twisting his right foot, he flash stepped away from the location to get his bearing upon the man.

Did you see that? He fired those arrows repeatedly without the use of his off hand. Riyoshi thought as he pointed the zanpakutou at the quincy.

Be careful Riyoshi. This man is too powerful so you will need to unleash at least my shikai form. Ryujin replied.

Smirking a bit, Riyoshi took his free hand and swiped it across his chest.Covering his hand in his blood, he gripped the handle of his zanpakutou and took in a deep breath. Focusing upon the man, Riyoshi and Ryujin started to leak reiatsu to each other and their power began to rise.

“Dissolve, Ryujin!” Riyoshi yelled as the water shot upwards and covered him.

The man tilted his head to the side for a second and with a puzzled look upon his face, aimed his bow at the water pillar housing Riyoshi. Reaching his off hand up and grabbing the string of his bow, an arrow charged. Releasing the string, the man sent a single high velocity, high explosive arrow flying at the pillar. As the arrow hit the pillar of water, the arrow exploded the water into a fine mist. From within the mist, Riyoshi stood holding two large blades, one in each hand. Smiling at the man, Riyoshi flash stepped towards the man, raising his right blade, the blade began to get coated in reiatsu.
Minato laughed when Amaterasu said he was the man. "You mean you're the weapon." he joked. Minato loved his Zanpakuto with a passion. He was like his brother. "You are so full of yourself." he said smiling.
Kishi's grin grew, "Yeah I haven't had a good fight in a while," she cracked her knuckles, "this should be fun."
Kishi chuckled, "Thats probably a good idea." She popped a mod-soul and told her to go home right after school if Kishi wasn't back before then.
She went into a low offensive stance, "So then we aren't starting without our zanpaktou?" She grinned and launched at him disappearing.
The battle raged on, craters formed upon the ground from the attacks of the combatants. The landscape was changed and the civilians ran for their lives. His one mission was to protect the city, and all he did in this fight was destroy part of it. Inside one of the craters, lay the body of one of those men. Clad in rags, lay the body of none other then Riyoshi. His zanpakutou till remained in it's shikai state and resided, dug into the ground next to him.

~~in his inner world~~

Look at you. Not even strong enough to take on a single man. You truly are weak. I should have never entrusted you with my power. You tremble under my own reiastu. Ryujin said.

"But you don't understand." Riyoshi replied.

That is crap! You do not deserve to wield my power! Ryujin yelled as he settle upon the ground and started to wrap his serpent body around Riyoshi.
Kishi stopped, "Hey I know the snooty shinigami told us not to interfere...but should we go help him anyway." She could tell from the state of his reitsu that it wasn't going well.
As the giant dragon wrapped himself around Riyoshi, he forced himself to take in as deep of a breath as he could manage.

“If i am not deserving of your power, then why did you entrust me with it!” Riyoshi yelled out as he struggled within the grip of the dragon.

Ryujin continued to coil around Riyoshi, and bringing his face down to Riyoshi, he looked him in the eyes and in one swift motion, ended the conversation.

I thought you would have been the one to fully wield my power. But since you obtained my power, you have trembled beneath it and because of that, i will end you here and now. Ryujin replied as he started to tighten his grip upon the shinigami.

As the coil got tighter, Riyoshi grunted under the force of the dragon. As Riyoshi struggled in the grip, he tried to reach for his zanpakutou. He wanted to show one last time that he was worth keeping alive.

“Agh..” Is all that Riyoshi could mutter out.
Kishi's face flashed with worry before she disappeared, heading in the direction of the snooty shinigami. (not being mean that's just my oc's personality) Hi spoke up,"Why should we help him, he was snooty and told you not to." Mizu sighed in annoyance, "As a shinigami it is her duty to protect life, plus that's just what she is...protective." Kishi groaned, "Can you both be quiet unless you're being helpful?"
Kishi arrived to where the other shinigami was and flashed in momentary worry before going down and striking at the hollow with HiMizu.
(OOC: Kishi, their is no hollow at my location. Ryujin is my dragon spirit. We are only fighting in my inner world. The opponent i am facing, is a Quincy. He is not like Uryu. He is much faster, stronger, meaner. Where as Uryu will not kill shinigami, this Quincy will try to obliterate them will all the power in the world.)

~~inner world~~

The battle raged on as Riyoshi and Ryujin battled among themselves. Each combatant was battling for the complete control over the other.

"I will not lose to you! I will not let you take control my body!" Riyoshi yelled out as he placed both his hands upon his zanpakutou.

Ryujin glared at Riyoshi and with a deep breath, he rose high into the air.

You think that you can defeat me! Let's decide this now, boy! Ryujin yelled out as reiatsu built up above him.

Riyoshi clinched his teeth at the order of Ryujin, and with a slight shift of his foot, he twisted his body and sent the strongest he could manage.

~~Inside the crater in Kurakura town~~

Clinching his fists, Riyoshi rolled his body to the left and grabbed one of his shikai blades. Forcing himself to his feet, he tried to locate the quincy's location. As he found him, the quincy leaped high into the air, and charged an arrow.

"I'm not sure how you got back up, but i will end you here!" The quincy yelled out as he released the arrow at Riyoshi.
(its ok. It was my fault for not stating in my latest post that i was in my inner world. But if you want, we could tag team against the quincy.)
(okay dotey) Kishi flash-stepped next to Riyoshi and threw up a purple barrier blocking the quincy's arrow, "Are you alright?!" Her barrier shattered under the weight of more arrows.

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