Bleach Role Play

Riyoshi nodded and awaited the answer.

"I am already sitting down. I just need to know the important parts. I was wondering about his abilities, his specialties, his fighting style. Anything that can better my knowledge so i will not lose against a man like that." Riyoshi said as he held his zanpautou.
Ichigo sighed and launched into his account of his fight. Kishi stopped trying to talk to Minato, "Riyoshi, can i ask just one thing? You are a third seat right? And Ichigo is at captain level..really beyond captain level as am I. I'm aware that just because you're a third seat doesn't actually mean you're not captain level, but again you don't honestly think yu will be fighting alove against Grimmjow do you?"
(Its ok) Kishi sighed and apologized walking back to Minato. Ichigo smirked, "Anyways," he launched into his account.
Kishi frowned, "I'm Gin's daughter, and it's not something I'm very proud of either. Um, my mother died not long after we thought my father died. Oh, and soul society refuses to acknowledge me even though I helped kick ass in the war. What about you?"
Kisuke finally arrived once Jing finished his fourth cup of tea. The man sat across from jing looking at him with a very serious espression. Jing spoke putting down his tea "So whats the new of huec muendo?" asked jing. Kisuke placed as sheet of paper infront of jing before speaking. "Grimmjow has returned, we do not know how. Last we heard Ichigo had killed him during the war with the espada. But what we do know is a poweful artifact has been recovered by the espada, this artifact was burried deep under huec muendo. That is why your here, to aid ichigo and the others in defeating grimmjow, seeing how ichigo defeated grimmjow its most likely he will seek revenge." Jing stood up nodding taking the paper as he placed his shoes back on leaving the shop.
Minato nodded then flinched when he got kicked. ~Ow b*tch~ he thought. "Thank you." he said. "And I'm sorry for you as well." he said
Kishi shrugged, "Yeah, well he was good at acting so whatever I guess." She smiled suddenly, "Anyway, the way it sound Grimmjow is the new Aizen?"
((Can Erebus play Grimmjow??))

Minato laughed. "That's funny." he said. then he leaned back. "If he's the new Aizen then he's a joke." he said.
(yeah no prob, but if you could Erebus please read the role play somewhat so you know what's going on.) Kishi chuckled with him, "Did you know I actually met Aizen, you know while he had that stupid ***** curl going on. He was such a pompous ass." (tha's supposed to be b*tch)

--- Merged Double Post ---

(yeahz sorry, and thanks for joining.)
Riyoshi listened to Kishi's question. He then took in a deep breath, and exhaled it slowly in a sighing manner.

“It may be true that i am only a third seat, but there is something that makes me equal to that of Ichigo. He is raw power and not a lot of focus, that is why he is not able to suppress his blade into it’s sealed state. I on the other hand, have a lot of focus. It tends to make up for the lack of raw power.” Riyoshi commented as he held up his blade.

“Plus it is always good to be in perfect harmony with your zanpakutou.” Riyoshi said as he placed his zanpakutou upon his lap.
Minato smirked. "That's a new way to look at it." he said looking at his Zanpakutuo. "That's why me and Amaterasu get along so well." he said.
Ichigo just looked at him, "Or the fact that Zangetsu doesn't have a sealed state, but whatever." With that he waved and left to lunch. Kishi sighed, "I don't know Hi-sama, Mizu-sama and me really get along but we work in sync. And plus I already said that just 'cause you're a third seat it doesn't mean you aren't strong."
The eye on Minato's sword opens and black fire flows out forming Ama in a curled up crouching position next to Minato and Kishi. "whats up loser?" he cracks his neck and punches Minato in the thigh
Minato didn't feel the punch. "Not much you pretentious prick." he said non shelantly. Then he punched Amaterasu in the arm.
Minato smiled and started laughing. "Still the same d*ck as always." he said getting up. He looked around. "So how are we going to do this?" he asked.
Shaking his head at the newest member, Riyoshi took a deep breath and placed his blade upon his back. Leaning forward off the window, Riyoshi stood up inside the classroom and looked upon kishi.

"I am not sure what you guys are going to do, but i have a mission that i need to be doing, and there are some hollows to purify. I do not need you help on this, and if you interfere like you did at the harbor, i will have no other choice but to kill you." Riyoshi said before he vanished into thin air.

Arriving at the eastern point of the town, Riyoshi stood about 60 feet above the bridge. Looking down upon the bridge, he seen a lonely figure walking down the length of the bridge. Riyoshi couldn't quite make out if ti was friendly or not. Just as he was deciding if he should go down there or not, the figure peered up at him and Riyoshi felt an uneasiness about the situation. The figure vanished from it's spot and appeared in front of Riyoshi. It spoke with a lingo that Riyoshi was unfamiliar with. Riyoshi shrugged his shoulder's as the man kept speaking, but the man began to get louder. Seeing Riyoshi's response, the man became angered and held his right hand up towards Riyoshi. As he did so, reishi began to collect at his palm.
Minato smirked at what the man said. "You don't have to worry about that." he said then he turned to Ama when he was gone. "What a pompous ass." he said. "What's his deal?" he asked.
Kishi shook her head, "I don't know but I really don't like him much...oh well. Your zanpaktou seems to be interesting though."

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