Bleach Role Play

'Is killing all you think about?' he thought. Then Minato saw a girl with white hair walk by. 'She has strong energy about her.' he thought.
Minato flinched a bit then he kicked Ama in the head. 'Yes I was listening to you you di*k!' he thought ad he followed the girl.
~what are you talking about? Fine. Do you want to go somewhere else?~ he thought as he flash stepped to another location the harbor.
Arriving at the harbor, Riyoshi stood high in the sky and looked upon the attack. No one knew what was happening, they just seen the harbor getting ripped apart. Riyoshi on the other hand, could see everything that was happening. It seemed to be a large snake like hollow. It was ‘eating’ the harbor and growing in size. It’s length was unbelievable and Riyoshi clinched his fist. There was no way he could defeat this hollow and stop the other attacks. He needed help, but to his knowledge, he was the only shinigami on patrol in this town.

“Hollow! Up here!” Riyoshi yelled out as he withdrew his zanpakutou.

The hollow stopped eating for a minute and looked up at Riyoshi and with a menacing look, it fired off a cero. Riyoshi flash stepped out of the way, but just barely.

It had no charge time on it’s cero. What is going on? Was it charging before i said anything? Riyoshi thought to himself.

Do not worry. Your job is to purify that soul and protect this town. Ryujin replied.

I know. Let’s do this! Riyoshi replied in thought.

“Dissolve, Ryujin” Riyoshi yelled out as wind started to swirl around and cover him.

His reiatsu shot through the roof as the wind exploded outwards. As the cover dissipated, Riyoshi stood there with 2 large blades in his hands. Grinning a little, Riyoshi flash stepped down to the snake and started to slash at it. As the blades cut through the snake’s skin, the wounds started to heal near instantly. His eyes widened as he witnessed this.

How can it heal so quickly? Riyoshi thought as he continued to cut the massive beast.
Minato looked up to see a large serpent like hollow. "Damn that's big." he said as he dew his zanpactauo. ~Are you ready Amaterasu?~ he said. The large buster blade was jet black. And stood at about six feet from tip to hilt.
Kishi blinked blearily as she finished getting dressed, "Seriously! Hollows? Now?!" She sighed and popped a soul-mod in her mouth instructing it to head to school for her as she jumped out the window towards one of the larger like hollows.
Minato smiled devilishly. "Don't worry Amaterasu your thirst will quenched soon." he said as he jumped and attacked the hollow. Minato drove Amaterasu thew the hollow's body and jumped back just before it shot off a cero. "What no charge??" he asked.
Kishi landed in a crouch as she stopped at the reitsu in suprise, 'Who the hell is the that?' She stared down at the the black haired shinigami, "Hey! Who're you?!"
Minato turned to the girl calling after him. "Who are you?" he called back. the hollow bashed Minato in the face with its tail. he went flying. he landed near the girl.
She growled as she drew her zanpaktou from her hip, "Never mind that now." She flew at the hollow with her zanpaktou raised, "Dream Himizu!" She slashed at the mask and broke a chunk off before being thrown back.
She stood from where she landed and jumped back up, her twin katanas flashing with flame and ice. She growled as she came up ready to attack, "How the hell does it heal so fast?"
Within a instant a man appeared feeling the spiritual pressence of other shinigami. This man moved with the legendary speed of the flash step. This shinigami had blue hair and green eyes with a unique shinigami attire. He wore a black shinigami kimono with a blue sash and a blue shirt underneath the upper black haori. A zanpaktuo lied tucked into his sash as it resonated feeling the pressense of a hollow. The man stood looking upon the hollow as he watched the shinigami before him react to it. The man turned from the wretched hollow seeing its rank, Jing wouldnt bother fighting a hollow underneath the rank of arrancar. Although he was fairly interested in his fellow shinigami's abilities.
Kishi looked up in surprise as she felt the reitsu of another shinigami and sighed, 'Everybody is just coming out of the woodwork today huh?' She shrugged then flew at the hollow again.
Jing pressed off his feet with his hands within his pockets using a flash step. The man would simply move to a restaurant within the town, once inside he saw a pizza. The man took it since nobody could see him and flash stepped again. Jing sat at the edge of the building eating his slice of pizza while watching the other shinigami do battle.
Minato ignored the new Shinigami. He rushed the hollow. He slashed its body. The body light up in black flame for a second. Just as a side affect of the Shikai. "Burn you vile beast." he said in a cold voice.
'What an arrogant jerk.' She was hit by the tail of the hollow and knocked back into a building. A voice yelling, "Kashou tu Furi-Zu!!!!" and a vortex of flame and ice came out of the smoke and hit the hollow square in the face, killing it.
Minato blinked a bit. "Wow she's powerful." he said as Amaterasu shifted back into his buster form. He placed it on his back. He turned to the building that the girl was thrown into.
Kishi flash stepped out of the smoke next to Minato, "Ok, now who are you?" She had already sheathed HiMizu and put her hands on her hips.
Jing finished his pizza and threw the crust aside as he stood upon the building. Begging to turn away he heard the woman shinigami speak with him as he turned his head towards her. He pointed at himself speaking "eh... who me" Replied the blue haired shinigami
Minato smirked slightly. "My name is Minato. And you are?" he asked as he bowed. He was totally having as much fun with this as possible.
Kishi pointed at the blue haired shinigami, "Yes you too! And I'm Kishi. Actually Usunaki Kishimoto but-" She smiled sheepishly and folded her hands together and bowed slightly.

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