Bleach Role Play

With his hands in his pockets he spoke loud and clear after booth shinigami said there names. "The names Jing Mizumori, nice to meet booth of you" Said Jing standing from the roof top. Jing wasnt the kind of person to bow unless he knew the person rather well.
Kishi sighed, "Well I don't have time to chit-chat, I need to get to school." She grinned, "See you two around." With that she disappeared with flash step towards the school.
(ooc: i was also there as well. You can acknowledge that i am there as well.)

Riyoshi watched as 3 more shinigami showed up to the battle. This intrigued him but also ticked him off. After all, why did he have to watch the town if there was this many shinigami here already? Flash stepping to the ground, Riyoshi sealed his blade and placed it back into it’s sheath.

“Why are all of you here at this location? After all, there are 3 other attacks happening throughout the town.” Riyoshi called out to the other shinigami.
(Sorry, I will.)

Kishi wondered who the third shinigami was when she felt the prescence of another hollow and growled in annoyance, 'School is just going to have to wait. She headed in the direction of the hollow.
Minato smirked. He flash stepped to the other hollow sight. This hollow attack was in the center of kurakura town. This hollow was more humanoid looking. It had large syth like claws. "Oh this one is interesting." he said drawing Amaterasu.
Kishi stopped short as she spotted the hollow that she was about to fight....and burst out laughing. The hollow looked up annoyed, "What are you laughing at stupid shinigami?!" The hollow was a ridiculous combination of a clown and a bloated llama. Kishi sputtered, "You," laughing, "look so stupid!!" the hollow growled in annoyance and started charging up a cero.
The man quickly darted off using the flash step. He appeared at a park seeing a hollow standing at 20 feet tall, the shinigami walked towards the beast with his hands still in his pockets. A hollow of this caliber was unworthy of my zanpaktuo thought Jing as he approached it. The hollow roared with its jaws open as its legs stomped upon the ground making its way towards jing. Its hand formed into a fist as it was sent hurtling downwards at jings body. The man reached up with a open palm blocking the strike with his right hand still within his pocket. The hollow roared in anger sending another fist down as jing dissapeared before its eyes using the flash step. The hollow looked confused seeing nothing under its fists when jing appeared infront of its face. With a single hand jing back slapped the hollow sending it on its back into the ground. Jing pulled the zanpaktuo from his belt while still in its sheath. He slammed his zanpaktuo's hit into its skull killing and purifying the hollow.
Kishi got serious and pulled HiMizu from their sheathe, "Alright girls." The clown/llama hollow fired the ironically rainbow colored cero and Kishi easily deflected it coming down at it's mask and slashing it in half, the hollow disintegrating. "Well that was easy." She sheathed Himizu and headed for school noting that the other hollows were either taken care of or therin the process of.
At school there was a substitute teacher one kishi would soon learn was infact the blue haired shinigami she met earlier. Once she would get to school the man would be standing near his desk waiting for all the students. He had a brown jacke on with a blue button up shirt and a black tie. Brown pants were on the man with a pair of black leather shoes. He stood with a pair of glasses on as he waited to call attendance.
Kishi met up with her body and jumped back in rushing to class hoping not to be late...but ofcourse the bell rings right before she slams open the door. 'Damn it!!' She sighed but then blanched as she saw the teacher. "Hello sir..."
The man stood looking at the late young lady. He pushed his glasses to the bridge of his nose while pointing at the seats "Just take a seat and well get started" said jing. The man proceeded to the front of the class writting down on the board infront of the class. He turned back to the class,"Now your teacher is out sick everyone but ill be your substitute. You can call me Mr. Mizumori."
Minato slashed the hollow. The hollow tried to counter but failed and got attacked. And was destroyed. "Good now I can go back to school." he said. Then he flash stepped to the school. He walked into class. "Sorry I'm late sir." he said.
Kishi blinked as she saw the other shinigami from earlier, "What the hell?!" She risen and was pointing at the two of them.
Jing began writting the lesson of the day on the chalk board hearing kishi speak although she most likely didnt expect him to hear. With a single step the man flash stepped moving in a instant making it appear as if the man never moved. Within that step he cut one leg off of kishi's chair that would make her fall. Once he did so he would turn from the chalk board. "Any questions" jing asked as the leg of the chair fell.
Kishi looked down with a miffed look on her face as she heard the whump of her chair leg hitting the ground. She glared at Jing as she carefully sat on the edge of her seat. 'Asshole.'
Jing stood instructing the class as it took everything in his power to keep himself from laughing. Although as jing stood teaching he didnt expect to have two shinigami's within the class. "So what does anyone know of physics" Jing asked going on his lecture.
Kishi sighed as her forhead made contact with the desk, 'No one cares.' Mizu spoke up, "Mistress, you shouldn't be so dramatic, you know you're good at this." Hi broke in, "That doesn't mean she likes it...duh!" Kishi groaned, 'Today is gunna be a long day huh?'
The bell rang for lunch as Jing sighed, ths was becomming more annoying to him than the other student. "Your excused for lunch" said Mr. Mizumori as he sat at his desk.
Kishi practically flash-stepped out of the classroom as she made her way to the roof to hang out with the rest of her friends.
Jing sat back with his feet on the desk with a sigh. "Shit why was i given this mission" Asked jing sitting with his feet on the desk
Kishi stopped on her way to the roof looking around for Minato...and that third shinigami, "Where did he even go?!'
Riyoshi flash stepped to the location of the shinigami, it was the high school. Standing near the window, Riyoshi witnessed one of the shinigami. It was the blue haired shinigami and he was sitting at the desk in a gigai. Opening the window, Riyoshi sat upon the window sill and took a breath.

"So this is what you do on your free time? Hang out with the humans?" Riyoshi asked as he sat there, his blade hanging off his back.
Jing looked back at the shinigami who appeared before him. The man took his feet of the desk and stood up walking towards the fellow shinigami. "You dont know do you" Asked jing as he walked closer towards the window. "Im here on orders, there has been a increasing amount of hollows appearing in the city. Soul society sent me here to watch over the substitute shinigami incase of an arrancar attack."
Kishi blinked, she recognized that reitsu. She ran back to the classroom and the door burst open with her there, "You! What are all these shinigami doing here in Kurakara town, we already had two!"

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