Bleach Role Play

Kishi grabbed Riyoshi as the barrier shattered and shunpoed a short distance away, "Sorry." Was all she said as she went into a low defensive position.
Riyoshi was grabbed and with a sigh of relief, he closed his eyes for a second. Just as he looked away from the shattering barrier, the arrow pierced his side. Granted the arrow only grazed him, it was enough to put him into a shock, after all, it was not a normal arrow. As his eyes seem to lose the signs of life, a strange reiatsu started to well up inside Riyoshi. Shifting his eyes to Kishi, Riyoshi spoke up.

"Shinigami, why did you show up. Riyoshi told you that he had this." Riyoshi spoke up as he held his free hand out.

From the crater, his other blade came flying towards his location. Gripping the blade as it hurled past Kishi, Riyoshi spun his blades around while looking at the quincy. The Quincy was not a fan of other shinigami coming in and disturbing his fight, but he could not help that fact. Holding his bow up towards the two, he pulled the string back and charged an arrow.
Kishi growled in frustration, "Well that's to bad, I'm not going to let someone die just because of their ego or whatever." She sighed, 'This guy is gonna make me use shikai...DREAM HIMIZU!!!' Her zanpaktou split in two with their respective elemental ribbons. Hi chuckled in satisfaction, "Quincy won't even know what hit him." Mizu spoke with hungry passion, (which is unusual for her) "​His blood will fall like rain."
Ryujin just looked at Kishi in her defensive stance. Standing upright, he held his twin shikai and looked past Kishi and towards the Quincy.

“Just to let you know, I am Ryujin. Riyoshi is not in right now” Ryujin said as he took in a deep breath.

Just as he spoke, the quincy fired off 600 high powered arrows. Each arrow has the power to destroy a complete city.

”Prepare yourself woman. Don’t let any of them hit the town.” Ryujin said as he raised both of his blades above his head.
Kishi put up layered barriers, "As if I would let that happen!" She grunted under the force of keeping the barriers up.
As the arrows hit the barriers, they started peeling the barriers away. It took 10 arrows to destroy one layer of her barrier. Ryujin looked at her strain under the force to keep the barriers up. As the arrows dwindled down, so did her barriers. Ryujin shook his head for he did not like to work in a group but he took a deep breath and held both his zanpakutou firmly.

"Ok. He is going to outlast you with arrows against your barriers,but not by but a few. On the count of three, i will need you to drop every one of your barriers." Ryujin said to her.

As he spoke to her, he began to condense his reiatsu around his zanpakutou.
"I think i have a pretty good plan. But it is going to have to be executed down to the milisecond. Any miscalculation of the attack will spell disaster for the surrounding area." Ryujin replied as he held both his blades above his head.
Gripping his zanpakutou firmly in each hand, his reiatsu rotated on each blade, and he lowered his stance a little.

"Lower it whenever you are ready. My preperations are good to go." Ryujin replied as he began to swing his left blade over the shinigami.
"Double dissolving fang!" Ryujin yelled as he let dark reiatsu pour from his blades.

As the reiatsu hit the arrows, Ryujin's attack devoured the arrows. Standing firmly behind Kishi, Ryujin looked upon the quincy with the intent to kill.

"That is all shinigami. i got everything that i needed." the quincy said as a shadow rose up and covered him. As the shadow covered him, he vanished crom sight without a trace of his presence locatable in any direction.
"You did an incredible job. Your power is really impressive. how is it you obtained that much power in the first place?" Ryujin asked as his blades reverted back into a single katana.

Placing his sword into its sheath, he looked upon the knelt down shinigami.
She stood back up as her body popped in different places and rubbed her neck, "Ummm, because I'm half shinigami and half human? My dad is Gin, although I would prefer you not tell people."
"Your father is the snake of soul society? I was wondering how you had a shinigami's abilities, since soul society only allowed two soul reapers to exist outside of soul society." Ryujin replied as his personality faded back into that of Riyoshi.

Collapsing to the ground, Riyoshi's breaths were deep and heavy. sweat dripped down his face as his reiatsu fluxuated under that of kishi.

"What happened? did we kill that quincy?" Riyoshi asked as he continued to take deep breaths, trying to get his reiatsu under control.
"No. I think i will be ok. Just got to get my breath." Riyoshi replied to Kishi's politeness.

"I apologize for anything Ryujin mihjt have said or done when he took over. He gets a little heated sometimes." Riyoshi continued as his breathing returned to normal and his reiatsu stabalized.
Kishi shook her head, "It's fine, he wasn't exactly polite but then again neither am I." She grinned, "Let's get you to Urahara's shop, kay?"
"Ok. As long as it didn't bother you. Urahara huh? I am pretty sure i need to speak with him too. there is a matter dealing with my mission." Riyoshi replied to kishi as his reiatsu shrank in size comparable to a 13th seat shinigami.

Placin his hand upon his zanpakutou, he shifted it to the side and took a deep breath.

"After you." he spoke with a friendly tone.
Kishi nodded in agreement, and started walking to Urahara's shop as she pulled her phone and and sent a text to her body with the mod-soul in it. "So what exactly is your mission anyway? I get that with Grimmjow back and everything its cool for so many shinigami to be here but still, what is it you're doing exactly?"
"That is something that is of no concern to you. I do not have to discuss that with anyone else besides Captain urahara." Riyoshi replied as he followed behind kishi.
Kishi snorted, "Whatever, and I don't think that the Soul Society would take to you calling him that either." She stopped in front of the shop and bowed mockingly, "Missionees first."

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