Bleach Role Play

Riyoshi smiled as he stood back up. The punch connected against Kishi, so Ryuujin decided to take control.

"Ryuujin here. I need to know about your power. Get both of your zanpakutous and i will get mine. Let us take this battle up a notch." Ryuujin said as he leaped back towards his frozen zanpakutou.
Kishi stood hesitantly at the sudden change of demeanor, "Okaaay..." She backed up slowly to where her twin elemental zanpaktou were. She grabbed them by the hilt tightly as she tore them out of the ground. The green eyed shinigami hefted them loosely in her hands for a second, getting the feel of them again quickly.

"You want to take this up a notch? Sorry sweety, I don't use my mask unless absolutely necessary." She pointed at him with her right zanpaktou, "So, you'll have to make me use it."

"Do you think he'll make us-" Mizu interupted her loud mouthed sister, "​Hush, there is no need to speak now."
All of a sudden, I fainted. Doing that a second time, even if in slow motion, wasn't really the best idea. It had used up the last of my energy, whether or not it showed until the point of fainting.
Torres eyes went wide, he realized she hadn't actually intended to redirect the attack back at him but that was simply luck. She had just randomly deflected, but still to do that was something else. She said her Zanpakuto boosted her energy, it must have raised her reiatsu to an extreme level more than her body could handle for that brief second. Although uncontrolled and so quick, it was still extremely impressive to help her block that Cero.

He looked at his own blade, these Shinigami talk about their blade as if it is alive. Mine is just a blade is it not, he held it up as the fake light from above glinted in it. It is simply my Hollow Power, then what is a Shinigami's Zapakuto.

He looked at Moon about to ask her when it sank in. She had done something quite impressive and forcibly raising your energy like that and so quickly have drained her.

"Would you like to take a break before we continue?"

He asked, seemingly kinder than his vicious eyes and fangs portrayed.
Landing behind the frozen chunk of ice housing his zanpakutou, he placed his right hand upon the ice and smiled at Kishi. Dark reiatsu poured from his hand and moved through the ice towards the zanpakutou’s handles. As the reiatsu moved through the ice, it seemed to form into hands until it made contact with the zanpakutou’s handles. As the reiatsu grabbed the zanpakutou, the ice started to bubble and melt away from the blades.

”I was not talking about using your mask. But if that is what you want, you can guarantee that i will make it happen.” Ryuujin replied to Kishi as he grabbed a hold of his zanpakutous.

As his hands gripped firmly around the handles, bones started to form on the outside of his shoulders and work its way down towards his fists. As the bone proceeded down his arms, his reiatsu grew in size.

“I would prepare for a nice little battle, after all, one battle just ended.” Riyoshi said as he smiled and vanished from his spot with a flash step.
Kishi looked around her body tense and slightly hesitant. She forced herself to relax. 'Bastard just might make me use my mask...' She thought with a quick snort, her hands loosely gripping the oddly shaped blades. Her reiatsu had risen in response to his but she kept it in check, no need for overkill.

Her power honestly frightened her, with how easy it was for her to defeat others. Most thought she didn't like using her mask because she wanted to keep its depths secret. And even less people knew about her Ban Kai...
As he flash stepped to her position, there were two footsteps, one on either side of her. They were almost in unison except the footstep on her left was just a bit later. Stopping in a crouched position, Riyoshi was facing in the same direction as her as he swung his right blade at the front of her knees. His battle tactic was to slow her down, maybe not kill her, but he was unaware if that could happen.

“Surprise!” Riyoshi said as most of his upper body was covered in bone like material.

((OOC: much like this: ))
I was still unconscious when he asked me if I wanted to take a break, so I didn't hear him. What did happen though was that I found myself in the clearing of a forest with a full moon permanently looming over admist millions of stars, my inner world. I saw a woman with black, sliver streaked hair and silver eyes standing in the middle of the clearing, my zanpakuto.
Torres noticed she was completely out of it.

"Well I didn't expect that. I guess training is over, that wasn't as fun as I expected or hoped..."

He picked up Moon and carried her off towards the edge of the training room near Urahara who seemed to be taking a quick break from Ichigo and letting the others wear him down.

"Why do all these Shinigami keep fainting... Is that normal for them to do so often Mr Funny Mask?"

Urahara grumbled in annoyance.

"Firstly as I've told you a million times this not the remains of my mask but a hat, secondly she is not unconscious. She is in her inner world."

"Inner world?" Torres raised his brow very confused.

"You see Torres, Shinigami sometimes find it necessary to enter their own mind, their own spiritual realm to converse with their Zanpakuto. It is to learn their names, learn from them and even receive training. This is how Shinigami grow stronger, by increasing the bond with their Zanpakuto. In some cases like Kishi you may even find a manifestation of their Hollow side..." Urahara explained as Torres listened intently and very focused for once.

"You said speak to their Zapakuto, as if they are alive..."

"Yes, our Zapakuto are not merely swords, they are living spirits, a separate entity representing our power. It is through them that we work together and master our blade as well as draw on their powers."

"My Zanpakuto..." He looked at his own sword, slightly caressing it with his fingers.

"No, it does not have a spirit." Urahara replied, answering his question before he asked it, knowing what was on his mind.

"Arrancar are different from Shinigami, their Zanpakuto are formed from their Hollow powers, compressed into the Blade. Thus your blade has no spirit."

"Oh..." Torres answered as he looked at Moon, remember when Kishi was unconscious as she had suddenly fainted.

"So they are in their inner world, talking with their Zanpakuto spirits or other things, they are talking and sharing power. Where as I am alone... My inner world would be empty..."

"I do not know I am afraid, Arrancar are unknown to the Shinigami, it is only recently due to Aizen that so many appear. Few even knew of their existence and considering many were an enemy we have little knowledge on them, especially one so deep as the inner workings of their mind. As a living being I would assume you would have an inner world, since you have a mind and are intelligent... well mostly intelligent." Urahara smirked with callous.

"However what is in an Arrancar's inner world I cannot say... However I am positive there are no Zanpakuto spirits since yours are formed from your Hollow powers and there would not be a Hollow side. Unlike Kishi and Ichigo who did not fully embrace their Hollow and were able to keep their own personalities the Hollow side formed a separate entity. You who fully embraced your Hollow when you first turned are simply one mind thus you would not have a Hollow side in your Inner World since you are your Hollow side, you are combined and fully embraced. Thus I honestly have no idea what would be in your Inner World with no Zanpakuto spirit or Hollow side." Urahara answered with slightly melancholy knowing that was not the answer Torres wanted, nor needed.

Torres took a deep breath as he sat there for quite a while thinking.

"Well... since my training partner is down. Can you.... can you teach me to enter my Inner World if at all possible to find out?" Torres stared right into Urahara's eyes as he asked the question with the deepest intensity.
Kishi growled, glad for her speed as she jumped back and up into the air. She felt a slight pinch on her knee a second later and noticed a small line of blood arch away, most of it absorbed by her hakama. Her sickly yellow eyes narrowed, okay then no playing nice. "Kashou tu Furi-Zu!" A swirling vortex of ice and flame was sent towards Riyoshi. It wasn't a very fast attack, but it was large and expanded quite some distance making it difficult to dodge. She watched
"Looks like someone's insomnia wore off for a bit," Ketsueki Gekko teased. "Well, I did get drained of my energy more than usual," I shot back, smiling. She sat and beckoned me over and I went to sit next to her. "Yes, but that is not why I have summoned you to your inner world. There is much more to you than you know about. Most of which, you'll have to figure out for yourself," she said. "I know this already and you have said those very words to me many a time. So why have you summoned me to my inner world? It could hardly be coincidence right when I have fainted," I said. "Do you remember how when you were little, all those times you played with that pack of untamed wolves?" my zanpakuto asked and I nodded. "Of course. How could I forget?" I said. "Keep close to you in your mind what you have learned from the wolves. Ingrained deep within you is the nature of a wolf, which has shaped your personality greatly. That is all I can say for now. The rest is for you to figure out," Ketsueki Gekko said. "Is that all I am here for?" I asked. She nodded and everything disappeared before I could say any more. I opened my eyes to find myself back in the place I had been fighting Torres in. "Well....That was interesting," I said, sitting up.

Name: Aimeka Nozara

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Race: Shinigami/Human

-Rank: Shinigami Representative

Station: Karakura/Soul Society

Persona: Aimeka is a kind hearted and willing person when she is not attempting her own plot. Rules are meant to be bent and twisted to ones own needs. As are friends should they decide to be a wimp or not do as she wishes them to. Though they would never be placed directly into danger. She is not so willing to trust someone even if she would lead on to do so.

Soft looks and a yooung body can be misleading in battle. She is not fearful of anything simply because she fronts the courage to overcome that fear. To fear nothing would mean quick death in a battle. She will show no mercy. Mercy is for those without an iron foot. However she is not merciless. She floats the line between selfish and selfless.

History: Some would call her a Vizard. However they would be wrong. Yes she is human and deathgod. But a vizard separates their powers between light and darkness when in actuality true power is standing with both in one hand. She is not shunned by SS and she does not have an inner hollow. Simply a Zanpakutou of great power. She has secretly trained with her father in SS but only the other captains know of this.

She tries to remain secret within karakura town and has thus far been successful. Stalking her prey, hiding her presence and acting innocent. Oh great times.


Name: Ragnarok

Release: Descend unto, Ragnarok

Bankai Release: Thunder upon Lightning, Descend unto this Realm, Dragon Knight Ragnarok.

Shikai/Bankai Appearance:

Even though it had only been a few minutes in Moon's inner world, a long time had passed in the Real World.

Moon had awoken to find Torres nowhere near her, he was now sitting with Urahara in a meditative position with Zanpakuto in between his legs as if he was trying to perform Jinzen. He was sitting right next to Urahara with both their eyes closed as still as can be, with Torres having the most peculiar look of concentration and focus, he looked as if he was taking a dump.

He didn't seem to notice or hear at all that Moon had finally awoken.
(LOL! Taking a dump? Really? I can not stop laughing at that analogy!)

"If you're trying to enter your inner world, you're trying too hard. Try letting your mind go blank," I said to Torres, noticing the funny look on his face. It was now oddly quiet in my head. I wondered what Ketsueki Gekko was up to, being so silent all of a sudden. Then I realised how hungry I was as my stomach growled. Usually when I went to my inner world, five minutes in there was an hour out here. I'd definitely gone too long without eating. "Stupid high metabolism...." I thought, anime sweatdropping.
(backlash and i are RL buddies lol ill try to not inturrupt anything)

Hmm. Weather was acceptable. Interference was not. Aime had heard about the arrival of a new Shinigami which was stationed yet she had been rather preoccupied so finding him had been a failed attempt. However, her mind would not let her go without introduction. There were a few of strength within karakura and while hiding her own presence as a simple human with abnormal spiritual presence others were not so keen. And only one man would have the space to train them. So off she went to be a ninja.

After walking a ways she came upon
the shop in question. Briskly she opened the doors and let herself inside. To no surprise it was empty.


She asked softly with a ting of innocence in her voice. Surely acting like a lost child would fool any normal human.

Aime proceeded to peek around corners, over the desk, around a curtain and to no avail. But her senses were keen to her own kind. She could feel suddle changes in the reiatsu seeping from one crack under her feet. It wouldnt be sensed any other way if one was not literally on top of it.

Kneeling down she placed her ear to the floor. Oh yes. This was the spot. Quietly, cheking for anyones presence one more time she took a finger and poked the floor. Nothing. Hit the floor. Nothing. Spit on the floor. Nothing. Finally she packed some reiatsu into her fist and went to hit the floor. In that moment the hatch opened and she fell. Eyes growing wide with how far down it was and at a quick glance no one was around the door, or at least seemed as if no one was. Quickly she flashstepped behind a boulder. Now reiatsu signatures were raised and she knew somebodies were down here and training. But she was only after one in particular.
(([MENTION=2033]Kishi[/MENTION]: Kaine is my best friend, i can fill him in on the plot in real life. He should not have to many questions posted on here.))

Riyoshi felt the blade make contact, but he was surprised that his acidic ability did no damage. He didn’t coat his blade with alot, so the pants must have absorbed it all. He smiled as she was able to evade the blade itself and leap out of the way. Standing up, he soon heard her call out a chant, but he was slow to turn. As he turned towards her, he seen a very large cone of fire and ice coming at him. He was not able to dodge the attack, but he could always try to force his way through it.

So her fire and ice do not counter each other. This is going to be an immense attack. Riyoshi thought to himself.

As the vortex surrounded Riyoshi, his power fluctuated from the attack. As the vortex dissipated, Riyoshi stood in his spot, the ground covered in shards of ice and patched with fire and scorch marks. Where his feet stood, was a small patch that was untouched from her attack. His body on the other hand, had not been so lucky. His body was charred from the fire. His shirt was no longer there, revealing a huge scar leading from the top of his right shoulder, and leading all the way down his right side leading down past his belt. His pant legs were torn from the ice and soaked with water. His breathing became heavy as he looked upon Kishi.

“That was a nice attack making it wide like that. I like the power your blades possess. There is something that i would like to show you though.” Riyoshi said to her as he held both of his blades in front of himself.

Pointing the tips of the blades at Kishi, he took a deep breath and took a defensive position.
(This post affects Kishi and Riyoshi as well, in case you guys are ignoring us. It may not have a profound effect on you and you may choose to completely ignore since you are both busy. But just so you know, your characters do feel it for that briefest of seconds.)

Torres nodded taking in Moon's advice, obviously now realizing he was there. Since he was concentrating he had not at all noticed the new power above.

He closed his eyes tighter and took a deep breath, trying to let it all go. Not an easy task for Arrancar with his long past. He tried emptying his mind, not thinking about the darkness of Hueco Mundo when suddenly for the briefest of seconds....

It truly was for only a quarter of second but he connected with something and the strange spiritual pressure exploded out. It wasn't powerful, but they could all feel it, like numerous souls were crying out as if the whole city was in trouble but all from one source, Torres.

Even Kishi and Riyoshi could feel it amidst their intense battle, whether they cared enough to spend a second thought on it was up to them. But it was hard for any spiritual aware individual around a 10 mile radius not to feel that brief pressure. Not a reiatsu of power or strength, but rather one that felt like all the people they knew were crying out to them in pain and fear. Even Chad and Orihime felt it, Orihime almost collapsing to the ground as if about to cry. It didn't last long so it's effect was minimal but it was compelling enough that one would remember it.
Her head cocked to the side in curiosity, "Yes?" Her voice had a watery edge to it, her expression slightly manic. Oh yeah, that was always a good sign. The brunette shook her head quickly, "I'm sorry if you're hurt...I'm still working on controlling that specific attack." She grinned, but the grin wasn't real, it felt sarcastic.

She quickly dropped down, readying herself. She didn't know what exactly what he was going to do..but she did genuinely feel bad for hurting him. But he had pissed her off, therefore allowing Hishi slight control of her actions. She cursed at the hollow, 'Stop it and don't back-seat fight. I can handle this.' "Aw, I was just having some fun.."

Kishi's yellow eyes had slid over to Torres' direction for the breifest of moments, her soul aching in response to his connection. That probably wasn't a good idea...
After stalking around the mounds, she decided she truly was alone in this section of the underground. She could feel his reiatsu and she started to head in their direction. With a flicker her body disappeared and she traveled a long distance in a mere instant. Though she made sure not to get to close.

There were many mounds, hills, crevases, and cliffs all around. She was careful to sneak around them all while searching for a great vantage point. Atop one of the hills was perfect. Jumping and climbing to the top she could clearly see both the shinigami and the half human. Moving slightly as to not draw much attention, she raised her arms, fingers pointed skyward and drew a box in the air out infront of her. as the tips of her fingers parted and came back around together ther was a small flicker of light and a shield of glass formed inront of her. This glass allowed her to see them and from their side would appear as if nothing was missplaced. Perfect for spying on peeps.

Sitting cross legged now, she pulled a small box out of her pocket and pushed a button on the top of it. In a few seconds she had a full carton of popped corn. It was awesome. Aime proceeded to nom on the food while watching the entertainment.
Riyoshi stood looking upon Kishi as she apologized.

“That attack was fine in power, but not at a level worthy though.” Riyoshi said as his power increased to match hers once again.

His breathing returned to normal and his stance changed from defense to offensive. As he went to take a step, he felt a presence of pure sorrow. It stopped him in his tracks and he took a deep breath. As he exhaled, he looked upon Kishi and with a very formal voice, he replied.

“I am sorry, but you will not be able to see my party trick.” Riyoshi said as his blades reverted back to a single katana and placed it back into it’s sheath.

The bone like material shattered and fell to the ground and he took a step closer to Kishi.

What are you doing? At least get the last attack in! Ryuujin screamed into Riyoshi’s mind

It is ok. She would have probably beat us since its training any way. Riyoshi thought back to Ryuujin.

You need to stop acting like a punk and fight. Who cares if it is training, you should treat it like a real fight, or is it the girl herself? Ryuujin cracked back at Riyoshi.

“I would like to go check out what that brief feeling was.” Riyoshi called out to Kishi.
Kishi nodded straightening, "That's a good idea. It felt like Torees." She brought her hands together, her zanpaktou resealing to their normal form, "Do you think he's okay?" There was worry in her voice as she sheathed the plain katana, the charms dangling on the hilt tinkling on it.

She dropped down out of the air landing next to him and started walking anxiously towards the direction that she had sensed the outburst. Hishi was not pleased, "What the hell do you think you're doing?! Finish him off! Attack him, punch him in the face, kickhim in the gut! DO SOMETHING!" Hi came to Kishi's rescue, "Shut the fcuk up hollow, you know Kishi is more worried about her comrades then a stupid training session. Mizu hadn't said anything but her silence was approving.

Kishi's eyes slowly returned to their normal acid green as she walked, "I'm somewhat dissapointed, I didn't get to see your attack. But you got to see my most powerful one." She grinned sardonically, "Although, I still don't have much control over it. It just goes everywhere..."
Urahara opened his eyes as he felt the quick wave, what a sad feeling of reaitsu. He could almost feel it tugging at his heart. He looked at Torres realizing while the Arrancar may want to see his Inner World, if he has one he might not like what he finds.

Torres began to growl as he bared his fangs.

"Ugh! I can't do it, it's not working!"

He roared getting up furiously as he kicked a stone as it flew forward with amazing speed crashing into a larger rock.

"This is not a simple skill, it takes time to master. Even Shinigami don't just automatically do it, it takes a lot of practice..."

Urahara told to Torres, feeling that he should in fact tell the creature to not consider this idea at all especially what everyone felt. Perhaps there was a reason Arrancars didn't enter their Inner Worlds.
Seriously... What the hell. They were done. Aime had just missed the good part. Sigh. Oh well. She got up and continued to stalk the shinigami and the half human. From what she say they were training with her hollow side. Oh the memories.

Jumping down from the hill, her hands found their way into her coat pockets and she kicked a rock softly. At this point she didnt care if she got caught, who she wasnt exactly announcing her presence either. She would just follow until someone took notice of her.
Riyoshi thought to himself for a second. Basically in a shoulder shrugging moment, he answered Kishi.

"I am not sure whom it was and if they are ok or not." Riyoshi replied to Kishi.

As they walked in the direction of where torres and the others were located, Riyoshi found himself stopped in his tracks with a smile upon his face.

"Is that you Aime?" Riyoshi said aloud awaiting any sort of response.

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