Bleach Role Play

“That’s the thing. Back in the training room, for a brief second, I felt at peace. I am not sure if it was anyone else, but I think that it was you who caused that.” Riyoshi said as he stood back up.

Regaining his composure, he looked upon Torres and took a deep breath.

“I was hoping that you could teach me to be at peace with whatever it is.” Riyoshi said as he looked Torres in the eyes.
Watching kind of blankly, she was rather bored of this waiting and watching. Patience was a virtue but then again she was only like 11.

"Please Excuse me," She interrupted, "Im gonna step outside and get some air for a moment."

Her face showing sincere, kind intentions. Quickly her hands found their way into her hoodies pockets and she slide through the crack in the door to Mr. Uraharas shop. It was mostly clear with a few stray grey clouds that seemed out of place. But she watched skyward as they continued to shift and move on. Maybe something Aime herself should ponder doing?

After taking a few steps and peeking back to make sure no one was watching her body quietly flickered out of site. Moments later she silently reappeared about 30 feet behind Torres and Riyoshi. Now taking her time she casually paced herself up to their location.
Torres looked at Riyoshi like he was a true fool.

"Peace, trust me I am the last person who knows about peace... If you felt peace in that room, it couldn't be because of me. All I have ever known is fighting, death and blood lust. I don't remember anything else...

For as long as I remember I was a Hollow, just devouring other Hollow for power, fighting to survive, endless darkness. I have never known anything else... Everyday I awoke to just try survive and the only way to live was to kill. Kill to get stronger, kill to defend myself from being killed by another. It was only death and emptiness in Hueco Mundo, endless Hollows killing one another.

Even when I became an Arrancar it was the same, all I knew was the fight for more, for more death... I have never known anything else..."

Torres looked at his hand, he couldn't see all the blood on it... but he could it feel. It covered his hand, it was soaked in endless blood of thousands.

"It was only when I came to this world that I learnt other things existed, light. I didn't even know of the word peace until you humans and Shinigami explained it to me... so how can one like me help you with peace. I don't even know myself, I can't even seem to enter my own Inner World."


Grimmjow turned around as he looked at the shadowy figures that were kneeling down to him as he growled. There had been a few Numeros left after that fool Aizen's defeat. That worthless bastard, all the strong Arrancar had been killed and all he could scrounge up was these pathetic and worthless pieces of shit! They were so useless! He had to beat them relentlessly to get anything out of them. They would have to do, no even they wouldn't do.... but it's all he had.

He growled.

"Soon it will be time to get my revenge of Ichigo, but I've heard he has been acquiring some powerful friends from a source. I can't have them to interfere. We need to know how strong these pathetic friends are, I can't have any interruptions. I need my revenge on Ichigo and I don't need his stupid friends getting in my way. Pizarro! Go to the human world, find these friends of his and see just how 'strong' they are!"

Grimmjow smirked as one of the Arrancar rose, he wore the standard Arrancar uniform with a few key differences. It had very baggy white pants like a hippy, the v-neck as much more open revealing more of his chest which was covered with scars. He seemed to carry a very short Zanpaktou at his side in his sheath which couldn't be seen yet. However the handle was round but split in the middle to form zig zags like sharp teeth closing around the handle. He had lime green spiky hair and there were three claw marks of where his left eye use to be. His mask fragment was set of sharp spiky teeth around his upper and lower lip that gave him a horrific smile.
"What is it you did back there in the training room then?" Riyoshi asked out as he tried to figure out what was going on.

Standing on his own, he took a step forward and looked out over the ocean.

"Welcome Aime. I figured you would have followed me here." Riyoshi said as he continued to look away from her and towards the ocean.
Torres didn't respond to Aime's arrival, but he did answer Riyoshi's question in a very serious tone, his eyes staring into the abyss of the sky

"I was trying to enter my Inner World, if I even have one..."

His voice suddenly switched to humor as he put his hand over his head.

"But I guess it didn't really work..."
“Your inner world? That is what you were training for?” Riyoshi asked as he placed his right hand upon his chin in a thinking pose.

“If i helped you train in the attempt of getting into your inner world, would you help train me?” Riyoshi asked Torres in hopes he would make a trade.
"I'm not sure how I can train you, but very well... Help me get into my Inner World if it exists and I'll do what I can. I want to know what is inside me, you Shinigami all speak with your spirits, your Zanpaktou and Hollow sides. You have seen what is inside your soul, I need to know what is in mine. Is it just more darkness and emptiness."

He looked to Riyoshi.

"What is your inner world like?"

He asked as he raised his brow, kinda curious.
“Your power as an arrancar is what i was hoping that you could help me with. I was hoping you can give me some insight on how hollows act and interact with one another.” Riyoshi asked as he turned to look at Torres.

Aime had stopped walking towards the two men and just listened. Her power of deduction was far superior to Riyoshi’s and she probably already had a plan of action. However, seeing is how it was not really of her skill base, she would stand by and help where needed.

“And about my inner world.” Riyoshi said as he soon paused for a minute.

“My inner world is a giant ocean, Raging from my zanpakutou’s spirit; he rules over the ocean. There are 3 pillars that stand out of the water that i can stand upon. They are a footing for battles that might take place.” Riyoshi spoke out as he folded his arms across his chest.

Taking in a deep breath, he looked upon Torres while thinking very deeply.

“About your inner world. There might be a way to enter it. But first, what is your zanpakutou you got there used for?” Riyoshi asked as he pointed towards the blade.
"The question is how...."

He pondered the thought about Riyoshi mentioning entering his inner world then he looked to his Zanpaktou as the Shinigami brought it up.

"Our Zanpaktou are not like yours, spirits do not inhabit ours, we do not borrow another's power. My sword is simply for storing my hollow power, it is the power I originally had as a Hollow compressed into this blade until such time as I release it and return it to my body for battle. It is purely the power I had as my Hollow self."
Aime stood and watched patiently as the two had a conversation. Even with how he explained it, they were the same. She chimed in softly.

"Technically. Zanpakutou are the same. Yes our spirits give us power. But they are only visible to us. A zanpakutou is literally the spirits power sealed in a physical blade waiting to be released and aid us. And while some don't believe it, at one point you were a menos and your soul was strongest and took the shape you know how. So you know for a fact you have a soul. Hollow powers often take on the appearance of animals of some shape or form, as well as your physical appearance is even altered by this. So i'm almost positive you have an inner world. Its just the means of getting there thats different."

Her fingers went through her hair as she was pondering, pulling her bangs out and across her face. Them now hanging down to her chin.

"My logical conclusion would be this; It takes a great many years to be able to call upon your zanpakutou. So i don't imagine it would be any easier being a hollow."

She shrugged. But most of this all of them already knew.

"If only there was some way we could create a false spirit world we could all enter at the same time. maybe Riyoshi and I could suck your spirit out so you could meet it face to face. Might speed along training?"

((should we drag urahara into this he always has crazy devices that help with training. lol))
(Urahara's funny! I think it would be a good idea. LOLS!)

"False spirit world? That sounds interesting. I assume it would be quite difficult to do," I said, popping out of nowhere. Scaring Ichigo had gotten boring quickly, but it was still funny. Nyra hopped into my arms and mewed in agreement. I smiled at her. I was quite attatched to the black, violet eyed cat.
(Moon you are not with me, Riyoshi and Aime. You are with Kishi, Ichigo and the others)

Torres nodded.

"Yes, the key difference is not the power being sealed in the sword. It is the source of power, your source are these Zanpaktou spirits which occupy your world. My power source is my own, so it begs what occupies my world. Is it nothing..."

He thought about Aime's suggestion.

"Or better yet, maybe there is a way to bring me into your inner world Riyoshi! The experience would help me understand inner worlds and traveling to them and it was also allow me to get first hand chance to help you control your power that you fear..."

(I'm very into the idea of us visiting each other's inner worlds. I think it's a brilliant fun idea and it's been in my head for a while. I think Urahara would be perfect to set it up. Instead of just our character posting inner thoughts about their inner world and struggle with spirits. Let's visit each others worlds to also meet the spirits to help us train our characters.)


Pizarro smiled his big toothy mask grin as the Gargantua opened and he stepped into the dark sky of the real world.

"So this is real world eh? Seems like a piece of junk..."

He spat as the saliva went plummeting towards the ground far below as he closed his eyes and used Pesquisa.

"So these must be the strong allies Grimmjow spoke of. I sense two groups.... One group contains three very powerful reiatsus... yes. However the other group contains a multitude of powerful reiatsus, some not so strong as those three, but some in there are just as powerful if not more.... I've always prefer quantity over quality. I'll kill the big group first then go for the smaller one with the strong ones after!"

He smiled even bigger as he talked to himself and then burst into a psychotic little laugh as he used Sonido to head toward Urahara's shop's direction, making sure to still keep his reiatsu a little low so no one could sense his true power.
Riyoshi turned and faced Aime as she started her speech. If she was to speak up, then everything that she has to say is worth listening to. Nodding throughout her speech, Riyoshi thought about their conditions.

"But Torres, that is the thing. Our Zanpakutou's spirits do not reside in our soul. You can think of the zanpakutou as it's own separate entity. And if i am not mistaken, is it true that you devour other hollows to gain more power?" Riyoshi asked as he turned between Aime and Torres.

Taking in a deep breath, Riyoshi brought his right hand up and gripped his zanpakutou. Removing the zanpakutou from his back, he held it upon the ground like it was a cane.

"I am not sure i could drag you into MY inner world, but like Aime suggested, I think there might be a way to get all of us into a false inner world. From there, I believe that you will progress your training beyond anything tried before." Riyoshi spoke out as he looked back at Aime.

Looking her in the eyes, he took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly.

"It's your lead Captain." Riyoshi spoke out as he leaned against his zanpakutou.
"A fake world is useless, if I am to understand inner worlds I need to visit a true inner world. If you can't find a way to get me into your inner world maybe the guy with hat mask can. I was told he has made all sorts of things, including his own device to enter Hueco Mundo."

Torres said stubbornly.

"Besides, it would be the best way for me to help you."
Kishi was resting, talking with Orhime about healing techniques and training later after she had taken a breather. She brunette stiffened, a chill running up her spine as her hollow growled, her normally bright green eyes immediately going yellow. Orhime squeaked as she noticed the change in her friend, falling back and onto the floor off out of her chair.

Kishi ignored the fall for a moment sending out her own reiatsu to sense out the bit that she had noticed for a moment, before it completely went off her radar. It was definitely an arrancar though. She scanned the room with her hollow eyes, stopping on everyone currently in it, "Orihime, get down to the training grounds...Tell Urahara we have guests, but don't let Ichigo on. Stay there." Kishi turned on her heel and went outside the shop to wiat, jumping up on the roof of the shop to wait.

No matter how the arrancar tried to hide his reiatsu, he couldn't do so completely using sonido.
(I popped out of freaking nowhere. Ah, oh well. Ignore that last post from me then.)

I poked Ichigo repeatedly, bored. Poke. Poke. Poke. I wasn't going to stop poking him until he said something. That is how bored I was. I usually became restless when things were too calm, but it wasn't exactly that calm at the moment. Though, still boring.
Aime sighed, crossing her arms and puffing out her cheeks.

"Not fake as in fake. False as in its exactly the same as if you were in Riyoshi but since thats Physically impossible it recreates his the inner world, outside."

Not sure if she just confused the somewhat dull arrancar, being she had slightly just confused herself as well.


He handed the small shinigami a small cube. It was clear in color with an ever shifting color in the center and flicks of light shifting. It reminded her much of her inner world. Ever shifting, ever changing. Her eyes locked, unable to tear from its beauty.

"Be careful," Urahara warned, "The same rules apply as normally, any damage received in there, will result in real world wounds. However, where your soul wont kill you, A different soul can and will kill you."

That grin and smirk, the ever plotting. Tilting his head back, that serious sinister smirk changed to a childish grin and he smiled as well as a change in tone.

"Now scoot along and play."

The man turned around and returned to assisting the others down below.


Aime took the artifact from her pocket and held it out in her palm.

"Put in a simpler way. His inner world will be pulled into this so that we may enter as well. Inner world on the outside."

She giggled slightly for no apparent reason. Handing the artifact to Riyoshi she sat down cross legged. Snapping her fingers a simple signature erase kido barrier appeared around the three of them.

"Shall we get started? Simply close your eyes and concentrate on the cube. When it turns solid black you should be in your world, and then we will join shortly after."

Her eyes moved from Riyoshi to Torres. Even she was not sure what to expect.
Torres rolled his eyes at Aime.

"Does being smaller mean you can't hear as well."

The whole point was he wanted to know what it was like to enter an inner world so he would be able to enter his, this machine took the easy and brought it out thus skipping the part, that vital trick the one thing Torres needed to learn. However it would at least allow him to see Riyoshi's world, maybe get a better understanding of inner worlds and at least help him as his side of the deal. If it was simply a completely fake inner world as the little girl first explained it was be useless to help Riyoshi, but if it is at least a replication of his inner world there would still be a chance to help Riyoshi.

He looked at the device, it would work but then it wouldn't help him figure out how to get his inner world. He might then be left with only using this thing to get his inner world which he would not prefer, he wished to master this technique himself.

He looked at the little girl but he didn't close his eyes, he was not sure he wished to do this yet. He looked to Riyoshi, wishing to see what he thought first as he didn't particularly care about the little girl's decision. Riyoshi seemed wiser at least he understood Torres' goal was not to simply enter an inner world but rather learn the method of how it is done. But since it is impossible to join Riyoshi and go with him into his inner world, this was the closest they had and it might have to do. But first he would see what Riyoshi thought of this plan as regardless it would still be a representation of his inner world, his inner self that others would see.

"So what say you?"

He asked specifically to Riyoshi.

(Torres is the kind of guy who hates shortcuts and he doesn't really trust machines and all this stuff and technology that helps humans do things. He is to Hueco Mundo and fighting to get what you want, that is why he seems so against the idea. He wants to see how Riyoshi does it not some machine... just his nature.)
Riyoshi shot a quick look at Torres when he spoke his question. Taking a deep breath and looking at the cube, he held out his hand and took it. Thinking deeply for a second, he soon took a seat.

“I know this is not the way that you wanted to do things, but this will be help. Me showing you how i enter my inner world will be kind of boring but I can show you while holding this cube as well. The way I enter my world is relatively easy. You should be able to enter as well.” Riyoshi spoke out.

Holding the cube in his left hand towards the center of the group, Riyoshi placed his zanpakutou upon his lap. Placing his right hand just below the guard and gripping the sheathe, Riyoshi soon closed his eyes and took deep breaths.

“With this, I would focus on wanting to enter my inner world and wanting to talk to my zanpakutou. And when you are ready, you will enter your inner world.” Riyoshi continued his little speech as the cube upon his hand turned pitch black.


Inner world.


Three pillars stood out of the water as the waves crashed into them; Ryujin was furious at the events to come. Riyoshi stood upon one of the pillars and he looked out upon the waters.

“Ryujin, what is wrong?” Riyoshi called out.

”You know what is wrong boy. This violates the sanctity of this place.” Ryujin roared out from the waters.

“It will be okay. They are only coming to help us.” Riyoshi replied to Ryujin.

Ryujin did not answer but kept swimming underneath the water’s surface.
Torres simply nodded and closed his eyes as his body felt a rush, something he had never felt before as if he was leaving it. He could the energy rushing around like diving into a strange pool of liquid. When he opened his eyes, he was in a whole new world. He was standing on one of the pillars like Riyoshi, he immediately reached for his Zanpaktou when noticed something swimming in the water that he did not recognize.
([MENTION=3387]Moonlight[/MENTION] Ichigo is training with Urahara) Orihime quickly ran down to Urahara in the training grounds where he and Ichigo were fiercly going at each other with zanpaktou raised. She waved her hands fanatically to get the blonde's attention. When she finally did he looked over with a look of mixed confusion and curiousity as Zangetsu came arcing down towards him, "AIEEE!" The blonde hastily jumped out fo the way, narrowly avoiding the attack, "Time! The lovely Orihime-chan is vying for my attention!" Ichigo rolled his eyes as the blonde walked towards Orhime.

Orhime squeaked as Urahara bent close, whispering her message into his ear. He straightened and turned to Ichigo, deciding it would be best if the carrot top sat this one out, he would just get overly zealous and botch it more then anything...He would have to distract him, "Berry-kun~! Back to training!" Ichigo waved Zangetsu 'menacingly', "Don't call me that!", before training resumed.

Kishi waited still, her foot tapping lightly, her zanpaktou drawn held loosely in her hand.
The Arrancar appeared behind Kishi using Sonido, smiling his mask grin as he lowered his feet to touch the roof.

"A welcoming committee just for me. I'm touched, you shouldn't have... especially if it's just a worthless girl. Why don't you go call the real fighters so we can fight while you go and sew!"

He let out a laugh as he spat to the ground, before looking back up at her.
Aime flared her cheeks and puffed at Torres' comment. Idiot! This was not necessarily a shortcut simply an alternative. Her irritability was rising. But she did as the other two and closed her eyes, seem feeling a rush and very moist cold air brushing against her cheeks. Upon opening her eyes, she could see they were within his realm now. A vast ocean with a few pillars for standing upon.

"Wow, majestically beautiful."

She then noticed Torres and Riyoshi standing on the Other pillar. She yelled!


Her arms came to her waist and she threw some attitude into her hips as she tried to scold the Arrancar. Not paying heed to the fact she was not being respectful to Riyoshi or his spirit.

((LOL i see great arguements from Aimeka and Torres in the future. i love it.))
Kishi turned and gave the arrancar an innocently frightened look, "B-but...I'm the only one..." Her green eyes welled with tears as her sword hand shook, her whole body shook actually. But it was shaking with silent laughter, she couldn't help it. She sighed, wiping away the tears with the back of her left hand, "Alright, I'm done you sexist duesch, let's do this. I promised Hime-chan I'd train with her later."

She lowered into a defensive stance, she was going to have fun with him...maybe even use him as practice...Hishi laughed maniacally, "Yes! I'm finally getting to punch in the clock! Move aside girls!"

Kishi's screla quickly filled in black, her irisis' bleaching to yellow, her voice doubling over like she was underwater, "I never learned to sew you see, I was brought up fighting." She clawed her hand over her face, her mask forming, "So this is unfortunately what I do." She sighed, "Forgive me."
Riyoshi stood upon his pillar separated from the other two. Looking over at Torres, Riyoshi put his hands up and spoke out.

“Torres! Don’t do that. Put your weapon down. We do not want to do anything that you are going to regret later.” Riyoshi spoke out as he shook his head side to side.

”You dare reach for a weapon! Not in my house!” Ryujin roared out.

Launching out of the water, his upper half stood above the water’s surface and his blue eyes stared at Torres.

”You dare to intrude upon my inner world and draw a weapon! I knew having you come in here was a bad idea!” Ryujin roared out at Torres.

Riyoshi brought his hand up and placed it upon his face.

“You got to be kidding me.” Riyohsi said aloud.

“I see we have some guests.” A voice rang out from far off in the distance.

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