Bleach Role Play

"I had asked for your help taming whatever was in here trying to escape. Not attack some monstrous creatures dueling it out. Ryujin was trying to protect us. What is that bird was about to launch an attack?" Riyoshi spoke out to Torres.

The phoenix looked upon Torres and closed his eyes. The flame evaporated from his body and a smaller form was standing upon the pillar. The form looked a lot like an older Riyoshi. Taking a step forward, the fire vanished from around him and he looked past Torres at Aime. Looking back at Torres, he took in a breath.

"I am a zanpakutou. And to answer your question of who i am, My name is ...." The phoenix said aloud as no one was able to hear it.

Riyoshi looked dumbfounded as he watched the bird change form and then introduce himself. He could see the man resembled himself and he was speaking to them, but he was unable to hear the zanpakutou's name.
Aimes eyes grew large at ryuujin being man handled by the bird but a few seconds later tue fire disappeared and it turned into a figure mch like Riyoshi himself. It was a zanny? What!?

Ragnarok disappeared in his cloud and it expanded greatly. a figured formed from it exactly like earlier but almost the size of Ryuujin. Still smaller though. Mentally Ragnarok spoke as he roared, "Ryuujin is...!"

"I know!" she yelled. Standing up and attempting to run to the edge of her pillar. "Riyoshi!!!..."

Ragnaroks claws dug into the edges as his wings fliped up and flapped feircing launching himself down towards Ryuujin. She would get answers.

The wind from the flap knocked Aime over as she slid to the edge of her pillar almost off of it. "RIYOSHI!!!" She screamed. "Dont listen to Ryuujin!! He's a..."

The ground under aime began to rumble...
Kishi brought her sword up to block, the arrow glancing up past her face. She growled heavily, ripping her zanpaktou apart, "DREAM HIMIZU!" Her reiatsu blew away from her as she slashed his own blade away from her, the purple visible in the air. She jumped back, panting lightly, her mask breaking away. Her eyes were still a bright yellow, the black gleaming.

She wiped the back of her hand across her face absentmindedly, her grip on her zanpaktou not relaxing. She suddenly flew at him, dissappearing, slashing at him.
Torres grumbled at Riyoshi, he didn't see a difference to be quiet honest. Anyway Torres warned him he had no idea about inner peace and inner worlds, this was all he knew how to do and the only way he knew how to work.

Suddenly the creature changed in front of Torres' eyes. Even forms in this world were not constant... he looked like Riyoshi slightly different. What did that mean. He listened intently after hearing it was a Zanpaktou spirit, but it couldn't be Riyoshi's as that was Ryujin wasn't it. That is what he was told, and Riyoshi should have only one spirit. Mr MaskHat said Kishi had two, but Riyoshi should only have one, so which Zanpaktou did this birdy thing belong to.

He listened to the name but couldn't hear it, he tried cleaning his ears. Did he have something in them. He pulled out some large earwax and flicked it away.

"What was that?"

He looked to Riyoshi hoping he might answer, but he could see Riyoshi seemed confused as well. Couldn't her not hear the name as well.

"Is there any reason why I couldn't hear it when it said it's name?" He asked Riyoshi hoping he might know why that happened since he knew a bit more about Zanpaktou spirits.


Pizarro's sword attack was completely ruined by Moon, which allowed Kishi to easily counter and then slash Pizarro from behind as he was sent flying to ground with incredible force as a cloud of dust kicked up.

As the dust clear, Pizarro used his hands to lift his face out of the dirt. The back of his clothes were totally torn and he had a cut, but it wasn't very deep. It should have been far deeper with the power of Kishi's attack, but it wasn't.


Pizarro growled as held the right side of his face in pain, blood trickling down as he grimaced at the loss of his right eye. The claw marks still burn as he heard the ferocious roar.

Grimmjow growled as he stepped hard on another Arrancar's back, pushing his foot down until he heard something begin to crack. He then kick it in the stomach as it was sent flying into a pillar.

"You are all so WEAK!!! Is this all that is left of Aizen's great army, you are all so pathetic. You are not nearly enough to be of use to me! I need to destroy him... and since you are all I've got..."

Grimmjow's eyes burned with hatred.

"If you are not strong enough, I will make you stronger. I will beat you until you are stronger. I will break your bones, smash you limbs, tear at your organs and crush your muscles again and again until they got stronger. I will make sure your Hierro is so trained and strong, no Zanpaktou except a god's himself will enough to cut you! I will keep beating you relentlessly until either you die or get stronger, stronger and tougher so that nothing can cut you... OR BEAT YOU!!!"

Grimmjow walked over to Pizarro and the last thing he remembered was Grimmjow's fist going flying towards him with such incredible rage and power.

**********End of Flashback**********

Pizarro stood up wobbily and laughed at Kishi.

"It will take far more than that if you want that weak blade of yours to cut me down!"

He laughed his toothy grin as it grew into maniacal laughter as he sucked up the last of his saliva along his tonuge and then spit at Kishi as the slightly green gob of spit flew towards Kishi with amazing speed and power like a bullet more than saliva.

(Now you know why it's harder to cut Pizarro... Trying to add more back story, not only for him but for Grimmjow as well.

P.S. Piece of advice, dodge that spit!)
Ryujin roared up the pillar that Aime was standing upon. Shooting out of the water, Ryujin glared upon Aime. Opening his giant mouth, Ryujin was charging a red orb within his mouth.

Riyoshi was still confused as to why he couldn’t hear the phoenix’s name, but he was snapped back as Torres asked him a question.

“If what he said is true, then we are not able to hear it’s name because we are not companions with each other.” Riyoshi spoke out to Torres.

As he spoke to Torres, he heard a large explosion of water from behind him, so he turned and looked upon what made the sound; It was Ryujin. He looked as if he was going to eat Aime, but then started to charge an attack in his mouth.
Torres spun around to see the little girl about to be attacked. He may not like her and she may be a bit slow, but he couldn't just stand there.

He used Sonido and managed to jump in front of her as he spread his arms, his body covering hers.

"Enough of this!"

He looked up to stare the beast in the eyes.

"You claim to be Riyoshi's Zanpaktou spirit yet all do is attack against his wishes. What are you doing, it's time you answer what is going on!"

His gaze, nor his resolve would falter.
The sound. It was all too familiar. A...!

Aime tured around with fear. She may have been powerful, but a Cero of that size and that range and in a realm where she wasnt but a portion of her normal power. Yes she was fearing for her life. She tried to figure out what to do but their literally was nothing.

Suddenly a thud and Torres appeared in front of her. The arrancar, for being stubborn this topped it. She scrambled to her feet. Rushing over she pushed torres from behind, swiftly knocking him over forwards out of the way.

"IDIOT! You cant negotiate with a...!"

A huge burst of lightning exploded on the underside of Ryuujins chin, coming from down at the waters level. not even a millisecond later, Ragnarok slammed full force into the underside of Ryuujins head, clamping the snakes mouth shut. Ragnarok's tail wrapped around the snout several times, as did his legs as she attempted to claw and snap at his eyes, Distracting more than hurting. Moments later a huge explosion, 100 times larger than the previous one went off disintegrating and destroying most of that side of the pillar. All that remained was a small portion infront and around the arrancar and herself.

The attack must have used what little power Aime had in this realm because she suddenly felt light headed and her vision blurred. A large piece of stone had broke off and flew towards the poor girl, but by the time she realized it to actually react, the piece of large debris railed her in the forehead.


There in the grass, eyes closed, the three individuals sat, minds linked, protected by a spell as events unknown to them unfolded around. The soft skin upon Aimeka's head split and blood gushed down across her eye. The flow following what seemed like a ravine as it lead down multiple channels to her chin where it boiled to a point and finally dripped down across the razor edge of a piece of grass. followed by a flow of more drops.


Her head cocked back and in time like a scientific reaction, her body followed. Feet left the ground slightly, arms going up as her body fell away from its standing place. Away from Torres. Away from the pillar. Her small body falling and falling, now parallel to the pillar and it hurdled towards the water below.
The cero that Ryujin was charging got cut short by the hit from under his chin. The attack from beneath him was from Ragnarok. This dragon may have not been as big as Ryujin, but the force was great enough. The cero was trapped within his mouth and Ragnarok was keeping his mouth shut so he could not harm them. Then another attack of greater magnitude erupted underneath his jaw. The power was immense, and sent him backwards through the water, but not far. The phoenix looked upon the situation and then at Riyoshi.

“Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to go save them!” The man yelled at Riyoshi.

Blinking a couple times, then snapping back into reality, Riyoshi looked at the man and nodded.

“I will need your assistance, please.” Riyoshi asked back as he looked back towards the destruction of the pillar.

“Ok. I’ll get the girl. You get the arrancar. Together you might be able to stop that thing.” the man said as he vanished from his pillar and caught Aime before she hit the water.

With another step, Aime and the man were upon his crimson pillar. Setting her down, he took a seat next to her, while still looking upon the battle. Meanwhile in the battle, with Aime knocked unconscious, Ragnarok vanished from around Ryujin’s mouth. Opening his mouth, Ryujin soon shook his head.

“Stupid dragon!” Ryujin roared out before closing his mouth.

Riyoshi flash stepped and grabbed Torres, then flash stepped back the pillar that Torres started upon.

“I see that you have no fear of dying, but i refuse to let you throw away your life here.” Riyoshi said to Torres.

“There are things that i would like to figure out as well, but for now, I am pretty sure that we need to stop him. I thought he was my spirit, but from what i was able to tell from that last technique, and you should have been able to sense it too....It was a cero.” Riyoshi said as he turned back towards Ryujin.

Ryujin just grinned at the speech Riyoshi just gave.

“It took you forever to figure it out. But it is too late. Your soul is mine.” Ryujin said before bursting out in laughter.
Torres shook Riyoshi off.

"Of course I knew, I fire off Ceros as well. I just didn't know spirits could, but it seems they can't. I know Ceros which is why I knew my Hierro could stand it better then Aime's weak Shinigami body. However her foolish still got her hurt..."

Torres grabbed his shoulder in pain, it still hurt but it would take more than that.

He smirked and laugh at Riyoshi's comment about refusing to let him 'throw away' his life.

"You Shinigami value life way too much."

He looked back to the supposed Ryujin.

"So since that is not your Zanpaktou spirit, what is it? It fired a Cero, does that mean it's a Hollow Spirit like Mr HatMask described. If not it could be two things, another type of spirit within you or something that has found a way insider your inner world somewhat like we have."

After chatting to Riyoshi he looked to the fake Ryujin.

"Sorry, but that ain't happening!"

Torres yelled out as he unsheathed his Zanpaktou in response to the creature's claim over Riyoshi's soul.
Wearily Aimeka opened her eyes slowly. She was not sure how much time had passed, or how little. Her eye stun slightly but she was unsure why though it was because of the blood streaming from her forehead. Tilting her head to the side she could see a figure sitting next to her. It was the Phoenix only in a personable form.


Her words jumbled. Slowly she sat herself up. Hunched over next to the man, she raised her head, making a face of excruciating pain.

"Gah... What happened?"

Bringing her hand back down her palm was covered in blood, though it didn't seem to phase her.
Kishi's face scrunched in disgust, did he just f*cking spit at her? Her eyes narrowed as she took in the discolorment, quickly using shunpo to move aside. She glared as she reappeared, noting that her attack had barley had an effect on the arrancar. She glanced towards Moon, curious as to if she would be able to fight in a more partner oriented way.

She quickly disappeared again, reappearing next to the other girl, a annoyed look on her face, "So, if you're going to fight with me...fight with me?" She raised a brow to her, as if asking for permission before she slashed down her left hand, "Kogoeshinu Mizu." A swirling vortex of ice and water was sent towards the Pizarro, the attack much more focused then her combined one.
The man placed his hand upon Aime’s head and simply denied her from sitting up any further. As she laid back down, he placed his hand upon her bleeding head. A faint crimson reiatsu formed around his hand and started to heal her wound.

“It is none of your concern right now young one.” The man spoke out as he looked at the fight about to unfold.

Ryujin looked upon Torres and just growled.

“You still challenge me knowing full well that your power in this place is nothing like it is outside this place. You act as if you have your full power in here, yet you clearly don’t. If i really was to hit you with a full power cero, your body would be incinerated.” Ryujin spoke out as he lowered his body into the water.

Riyoshi exhaled deeply as thought about outcomes of this fight. He couldn’t let the Arrancar die in his inner world, he couldn’t let his captain be hurt anymore then she already was, he had to stop all of this. What was he supposed to do. The only thing that he knew was to fight, but what he learned with, was now against him. He couldn’t possibly use ‘that’ power anymore. He had to come up with another plan. Looking back at the man, Riyoshi seemed confused.

“What am i supposed to do? That water is too much to fight in, and i can’t use his power if that is how it is going to be.” Riyoshi spoke out to the man.

Ryujin sunk into the water and spoke out to Torres.

“You really don’t care if you die, Do you? Well, since that is the case, I will challenge you to full out combat. I will allow you to have your silly little power.” Ryujin spoke out as a piece of the barrier around Torres broke away allowing more of his original power to sink into this realm.

A heavy reiatsu could be felt and Riyoshi looked over his shoulder to Torres. Taking in a deep breath, Riyoshi tried to figure out what game Ryujin was playing allowing him to gain more power. Looking back at the man, Riyoshi awaited. It didn’t take long before the man responded.

“You know what you want to do. You have always known. All you have to do is call out my name.” The man said aloud.

“Your name? But i couldn’t hear your name.” Riyoshi spoke out.
Torres glared at Ryujin as he spoke his first speech above water.

"You assume too much, firstly you assume I care about any of that... and secondly you assume you know my full power."

As Ryujin sank to the water and spoke again offering up more power, Torres didn't seem to care.

"Well at least you finally got that I ain't afraid to die through your head. But it doesn't matter what power I have or not, I don't back down from a few big words."

He stayed still, he was also stupid enough to go in charging after the creature. He looked to Riyoshi and the other man, something was going on. He wander if this other man could be trusted, in this world he was unsure. He once assumed Zanpaktou spirit could be trusted but that was necessarily the case. He waited patiently to see what would happen next. He made to stay on guard and be ready from an attack on any side from the creature below.


Pizarro smirked as Kishi dodged the attack, she was smarter than she looked.

As his spit hit a tree behind her, it suddenly began to bubble and spit as it began eating away at the tree. His spit seemed acidic but at a very destructive rate as it continued to eat away the tree until a huge gaping hole was left in the tree, but it was still eating away at it. Left for a few more minutes there would be no tree left.

Pizarro saw Kishi's ice attack coming as he used Sonido to dodge, this one seemed far stronger than the last. Could this girl be a little stronger than he assumed. He got ready to jump away when he noticed some of the ice still managed to hit his foot as he now had his right foot trapped in ice. He glared at his trapped foot, an unexpected turn. He turned to Kishi and Moon and sent three globs of acidic saliva at them as he spat in high speed.
Kishi pushed Moon out of the way, rolling in the air to dodge it herself. She swore loudly as some of her long black hair was caught by the spit, reaching up with her left hand to freeze off that section of hair so that it couldn't eat up more. She had used shunpo to do so, so the damage was minimal, but it had taken off hair over halfway up on the length. Her eyes were wide with surprise and slight shock, the yellow gleaming as her hand ran through the patch, the uneveness catching her off guard. she was pissed.

She stood fully from her slightly crouched position, her movements slightly stiff with her anger. She raised her hand up, palm facing up towards the arrancar, "Crown of the king shatter the bones of the beast, let your six hands place judgement on the wicked as they bow in your honor." She breathed in deeply through her nose, praying to kami she had gotten the incantation right, "Hado 60 Six Imperial Swords."

Six glowing blades came down flying towards Pizarro, heading towards his center and limbs. Kishi shunpoed next to Moon, "Wait until the blades hit or not before firing off a volley of arrows." Her yellow eyes had never left the man.
Aime just did as the spirit man said. Not sure what else she could do. She could feel the wound on her head. It hurt but there was cool burning sensation. She winced slightly but she could feel it was for the better. With her eyes closed she asked the man a question in a soft low tone.

"Is Riyoshi going to be OK?"

Though the side of her cheek is all that could be seen. A tear ran down it as she asked.
Ryujin swam through the water picking up speed before slamming into the pillar they stood upon.

"What the.." Riyoshi said aloud as he was thrown off balance.

"I will kill you stupid arrancar. You think that you are better then me! Your power is nothing compared to mine. Even though your power grows stronger, mine grows with it!" Ryujin roared out as he swam around the pillar before surfacing with a cero charged in his mouth.

The man looked upon the battle and with his free hand, materialized the zanpakutou.

"He will be fine if he can remember my name. If he can not do that, then we are all dead." The man replied to Aime.

"He is right Torres. He is feeding off the reiatsu in this place. The more you draw in here, the stronger he is getting. We have to get a plan on beating him. You can't just go head on with that thing." Riyoshi spoke out as he got his footing.

Looking up at the charged cero, Riyoshi gulped in fear. He had to figure out the name, he had to save his friends. He had so many things running through his mind, that it made it difficult to focus on the task at hand.
Aime fidgeted a a little in her spot.

"Remembers? But when you spoke no one heard your name, if he wasn't trusting enough to hear your name then how could he remember it?"

Aime was utterly confused.
The man looked back at Aime.

“You think that is the first time that I have spoken my name? I have spoke it out more then once to Riyoshi. If he thinks back far enough, he will remember.” The man replied to Aime.

Holding his katana in his right hand, he placed his left hand upon her shoulder; it was a warming touch.

“I am sure that he will figure it out, I just hope it is not at the last moment.” The man spoke out.


Flash back


Standing in the courtyard, Riyoshi looked around awaiting his first mission. His zanpakutou hung off his belt on his left side, his hair slick back. He awaited the squad leader as he studied his surroundings.
Aime went to shoot a look at him but somehow his healing was messing with her head and she winced as she remembered something long forgotten.




Aime tied her Finished the loop on the cloth holding her shuhakushou together at the waste. White katana with bluish lacing for the handle across her shoulder and chest. CRAP! She was late. running to the door she barely pushed it out of the way before her body flickered out of sight. After rushing for a few minutes she finally saw the man she was too meet.

He matched the description though the description she received matched about all of new recruits in soul society including herself. Immediately as she stopped her shunpo, she flickered into a stone and tripped, face planting at the young mans feet.


So clumsy she was. Quickly getting to her toes and dusting herself off, she stood there and looked up at the young man. Her hair was light blonde almost white. Bangs hung loosely across her forehead with the rest of her hair held up in a tight bun and a purple flower fastened to it. Her eyes a deep purple and and the purple sash at her waist with the ends of the bow hanging well to her knees. Much longerthan more shinigami. And the best part, she stood 4 feet 3 inches tall.

The little girl smiled real big and her cheeks turned kind of rosy colored.

"Where are the others?"
The man heard a sound of someone falling and looked down to see a little kid. Kneeling down in front of her, he looked her in her eyes.

“Are you ok?” Riyoshi asked out with his friendly tone.

Looking around, he could not sense any one else around.

“To be honest, I am not sure when the others are supposed to be here. I was told to just meet the squad here.” Riyoshi spoke out as he looked back at the girl.

“And by the way, the name is Riyoshi. Riyoshi Nihoma.” Riyoshi spoke out as he held out his hand to shake hers.
"Yes, of course! Though I'm not sure exactly how many are coming. But anyways."

She took the mans hand since it was polite to do so though her had was engulfed by him, but she continued to firmly grip as best she could and shake strongly. Just like her dad had taught her.

"Nice to me you MIster Nihoma. My name's Aimeka Nozara, but most just call me Aime."
The girl smiled big and honest.

"So uhm... Do you have any idea what this is about or what we'll be doing?"
She asked boldly.
“I am not too sure. I am a new recruit. I was hoping the Captain would be here and waiting for us, so we are not just standing around doing nothing.” Riyoshi spoke out as he stood up and released her hand.

Taking in a deep breath, Riyoshi thought to himself for a minute. Just as he was about to exhale, a strong presence landed in the courtyard just behind Aime. Riyoshi closed his eyes and brought his hand up and formed a cup over his mouth to cover his yawn.

“I see you two made it.” The voice spoke out from behind Aime.
Aime cringed when she hear the voice. Seriously it had to be him? She had heard what Riyoshi had said but pretty much ignored it in reaction to the new member of their group that had just arrived.

"Brother!" She yelled and spun around trying to hug him but instead was met with the mans foot in her face where he swiftly forced her back inline at Riyoshis side.

"Ouch Ouch OUCH!!," She yelled at him with a tear in each eye and foot print on her pretty lil face. "You're such an meany!"

She crossed her arms and stood there. Mumbling.

"I'll show him."

The Captain just stood there with his own arms crossed as well.

"Then be more appropriate around others. This isn't play time anymore."
A smirk snuck across his face for a second.
Riyoshi opened his eyes and snapped into a formal posture. Pacing his hands down to his sides, he looked the man in the eyes.

“The name is.” Riyoshi started to speak out as he was cut off.

“I know who you are. That is why i called you here. Your test scores were higher then the other new recruits.” The man said, cutting Riyoshi off from his introduction.

Riyoshi was a little shocked as the man knew of him. He thought he was a nobody, just a new recruit. He did not think that he was any better then anyone else, he actually felt weaker then most of his classmates.

“I am sorry sir.” Riyoshi spoke out after the man finished.

"The true reason i called you both here is we are about to embark on a training mission to see if your ready to be chosen into a squad." The man spoke out as he switched his gaze between Riyoshi and Aime.
Torres mumbled as in his own hand he began to charge his red Cero, ready to counter 'Ryujin's' own Cero when necessary. He would not fire it, only prepare it.

He looked at the others mumbling about a name, what did a name matter. How did that help them with big and ugly, how it could help with anything? However he knew this was a Shinigami's inner world and he understood that he did not know how it worked and that a name might mean something more.

"What does a damn name help?"

He ask Riyoshi who seemed to be in his own world and at such a time.


Pizarro was struck with the glowing swords as they exploded at his location kick up dust. As the light faded he walked out, his clothes scorched along the back and arms. Burn marks and cuts along his body as he glared at Kishi with blood dripping down his mouth.

"That hurt!"

He used Sonido to jump up to Kishi's position and then began barraging her with a combo of slashes from his short serrated blade, then switched to firing off a combo of 10 Bala before switching back to attacking with his sword. He attacking stronger and faster then before. He was definitely getting annoyed...

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