Bleach Role Play

Hotaru snarled as she was pulled back by her hair, purple eyes flashing with pure anger. Purple eyes flashed a bright electric blue as she brought her elbow back with the blade point on her arm moving to stab Riyoshi in the stomach. And her other armoured hand came up to grip his blade even faster then her elbow was moving to grip the blade, bleeding a bit from her palm. "Bastard."

She was really not happy with the situation, but the way those two were fighting were extremely amusing. The wall had cornered her, but it hadn't been attack. But... That made them unstable, which made them easier to manipulate.


Kishi laughed, the sound completely warbled and sounding as if it was filtered through water,
"True power of arrancar? I'm sorry, are you joking with me?" Raising up one hand she cocked her head to the side, a transparently black barrier coming up to block the cero, the outlines a bright purple.

"I'm afraid that I don't care about that." But she did sound amused. In the up most way.
Riyoshi didn’t see the attack from Hotaru in time until the blade entered his stomach. He did not flinch from the pain, but merely smiled at Hotaru.

“It is interesting that you went for the blade, but you should have analyzed the powers a little more.” Riyoshi spoke out as his wound began to close up around the blade.

His zanpakutou continued to heat up until the air around it began to boil and hiss. Keeping a grip upon her hair, Riyoshi looked over at Torres.

“You need to attack! I made that wall so she could not go anywhere, and you dropped the ball. I should have expected it!” Riyoshi yelled out as he glared upon Torres.


Jacque fell to the ground but before he hit, another arrow was fired at his location. Just before the arrow hit, Jacque rotated and with using the motion, he threw the seele schnider up at Uryuu. Upon releasing the arrow-sword, he roared out and fired off his cero.


As his cero hit the barrier, it began to force down upon her, cracking the barrier slightly.

“There is something that you must know before i kill you! There are aspects given to all the arrancar, small and big. Each aspect grants a slight alteration to power. Mine is that like your friend.” Raiden spoke out as his blade seemed to slightly cut through the barrier.

Pointing his left index finger at her head, he charged his green colored cero even though his was upon the other side of the barrier.
Noah shunpo's into the battlefield slightly out of breath. He notices Kishi being attacked by Raiden and Jacque fighting Uryuu. Noah also notices his older brother there, so he knew that both the Quincy and his brother could handle the arrancar. However the other arrancar seems to be putting up a fight with Kishi, and he decides to help her. Noah begins the incantation for a binding spell. "Wall of iron sand, a priestly pagoda. Glowing ironclad fireflies..." Noah clasped his hands together as five glowing orbs emanate from them.
Torres just smirked as he let out a chortle of laughter.

"Well of course, since when could I work with you. I don't work well with anyone."

His blade had returned to normal as he finished charging a large Cero and pointed it at Hotaru and Riyoshi.

"But if that is the way you want it, all you had to do was say. I don't know about humans or Shinigami, but I can't read minds so don't expect me to read yours. You are gonna have to actually say something, especially if your attacks are useless..."

He aimed his arm.

"But if that is the way you want it, attack I will."

He let loose as the huge crimson Cero shot towards the both of them with incredible power and force, considering Riyoshi's instruction to just attack, Torres did that and did not worry about giving Riyoshi time to evade or care about whatever plan he had. He would simply attack and let Riyoshi on his own plans, he preferred to fight alone anyway.


Uryuu just turned to the side as the Seele Schneider shot up past, just barely missing his face. He showed no emotion or worry as it flew past him, making his fringe swing up from the movement. He then used his Flying Screen Step to dodge. He was weak from Uryuu's trap and much slower than before, dodging was easy.

"So you are alive, then I think it's time to finish you off once and for all. Time for you to see the true full power of the Quincy! The light that will extinguish the darkness of the Hollow. Vollständig: Judgement of God!"

There was a huge release of energy and reiatsu that blasted out as light seemed to be drawn from the entire city as it all flowed and surrounded Uryuu. The cities buildings and the air itself began to tear apart into reiatsu that was absorbed into Uryuu's outfit as he transformed.

As the light faded Uryuu stood in a new Quincy outfit, white with glowing blue lines made of reiatsu that surrounded his torso, wrists, ankles and back. He had a massive eloquent bow in his hand, two large wings of pure reiatsu eminated from his back, his glasses now glowed and he had a halo in the shape of the quincy pentacle.

"Prepare for judgement Hollow...."
(I have hw to do tonight, I'll reply tomorrow if I can.) 
Hotaru hissed as the blade in her hand heated up, the feeling from it searing through the armoured plating on her hand. She wrenched the blade free from Riyoshi's abdomen, snarling as she did so. But she didn't let go of the blade at her neck, she would prefer not having her throat slit, thank you. "Maybe you shouldn't have healed the wound around the blade."

Wincing as she used the grip on Riyoshi's blade, cutting into her hand more viciously but the heat cauterizing it, she flipped him over and towards Torres. And consequently towards the charging cero. At the last second before Riyoshi's grip on her hair pulled taught, she reached out, slashing through the red locks which fell shaggily around her shoulders after wards.

Still electric blue eyes flashed murder,
"And its rude to grab a woman by her hair." She said that as she started to charge her own cero, planning on trapping the shinigami between his own allies attack and hers.


Kishi scoffed, the barrier staying in place as she shunpoed away. Apparently the arrancar thought she had to stay in place for her barrier to work. It was just stronger that way, she wasn't like Orihime for Kami-sama's sake. Gold eyes studied the arrancar from behind, arms crossed over her chest as she watched him charge his cero. And wondered how fast he would notice she changed positions.

Because she was finally planning on giving him what he wanted. He was right, she needed more strength still to beat him. And she needed to catch her breath a bit before she did finally use her ban kai.
"Its not my choice to heal a wound anytime i get injured while in Bankai." Riyoshi spoke out before Hotaru tossed him towards Torres.

As he flipped over, he felt a a taught upon the hair that he had in his hand just before she cut the bunch of hair he had a grip upon. Landing right side up and facing Hotaru, Riyoshi took in a breath.

"And if i thought you a woman, then i would treat you as one. But as of right now, you are merely an ENEMY!" Riyoshi yelled out as he felt the sheer power of Torres attack almost connect with his back.

Crouching slightly, Riyoshi spun his left foot slightly before dodging the cero, but only by an inch. Landing to the right hand side of Hotaru, Riyoshi pointed his blade at the female arrancar before speaking something under his breath.

I know what you mean. She can be a bit of a handful with that lightning ability. We need to neutralize that before we get into some deep shi.. Suzaku spoke out to Riyoshi.

"I understand, but if she can emit that, then how to you expect me to be able to 'ground' her?

Riyoshi replied in thought to Suzaku.

We will need to get Torres on board. We have to tag team with him. We can't just play fast and loose and expect him to follow, and we can't team up if there is no communication. Suzaku spoke out as he flew around in the inner world.

Nodding in response to Suzaku's leadership, Riyoshi leaped back and away from Hotaru and landed upon the space next to Torres.

"I understand that i was not clear into my barrier i made, but i just wanted to make sure that she had no way to escape from your attack. Do you have a plan on neutralizing her ability or anything as of yet?" Riyoshi asked Torres as he kept his eyes upon Hotaru.


Jacque could not believe his eyes as to what he just seen. He was completely speechless. Nothing that he threw at him did not seem to have any effect upon him. His cero's were too slow, his attack's not strong enough, his heiro was not on par, and his entire being seemed to be completely out classed by a mere human. This entire thought ticked him off but he was unsure if he could defeat a monster of this calibur, after all, he was a mere fraccion of Raiden.

"I am sorry sir." Jacque spoke out as he landed upon the ground.

Leaping from his spot, his entire being was completely healed and he shot straight towards the quincy. Charging three sky blue cero's, one in each hand and one in his mouth, he shot them off in quick succession. Launching a barrage of cero's that seemed to never end as he launched towards Uryuu, Jaque roared out before he was within striking distance. Charging one more cero, Jacque would use this as a direct attack to hit Uryuu in the chest.


Raiden had seen her vanish from her spot and his actions were just as fast as hers. Placing his hand inside the hole in his chest, and pointed the cero towards her new location.

“You are quite skilled to keep yourself at a distance.” Raiden spoke out as he tilted his head till she came into his view.

Sensing a large gathering of reiatsu snagged his attention, but he knew if he looked away from the shinigami, then things would really just go downhill for him. He was not training against other arrancar, but an opponent that truly rivals his own strength.
Itsuki lifts his clasped hands above his head as five glowing circles surround it. "... Stand upright, silent to the end. Bakudo No. 75. Gotchutekken!" Itsuki slams his hands onto the ground summoning a quintet of thick, iron, binding columns above Kishi's opponent. Each column connected by a chain began to fall on Raiden. If the spell connects, it will effectively bind him.
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Torres barely finched as Hotaru did her flip and but Riyoshi in his line of attack. He continued to just watched uncaring as Riyoshi dodged at the last second.

Then Riyoshi flashed next to him and spoke as Torres growled.

"I am unsure, we still have not seen much of her ability besides that it seems electric in behavior. I still have the feeling she is hiding it's true nature, it's hard to believe Grimmjow would have an Arrancar so weak in his army....

Regardless, based on it's electric nature it would be weak to common things such as rubber or the ground itself. Staying in the air is actually to our disadvantage, if we push this battle to ground level it immediately improves our chances.I also have something that may help, once we get on the ground. Remember how I kept her in place before your wall attack?"

Torres spoke to the Shinigami hoping he might catch, but he spoke quietly enough so Hotaru should not overhear, but one never knows with an Arrancar...


Uryuu simply smirked as the multiple Ceros flew towards him. He held out his hand as the Ceros began to vibrate lightly.

"Ceros are simply pure reiatsu, admitted a very large amount. But pure reiatsu itself, and in this form I have utter control of all things made of reishi..."

He used his Sklaverei to break apart the Ceros as he instantly glowed brighter and his wings grew.

The final Cero which Jacque held, Uryuu simply smirked as his body grew cold and turned almost icy white as he exhaled a misty breath having absorbed all those icy Ceros. He suddenly disappeared, with the most extreme Hireyaku yet as he appeared behind Jacque and let loose an arrow of pure energy. The arrow shot out releasing a huge explosion behind it that shattered the buildings below Uryuu as the arrow shot at Jacque point blank range blasting with such incredible power it even outclassed a Cero. This was the power of his arrows with Vollständig, far greater than with Letzt Stil.
Hotaru snorted lightly, running a hand through her just shorn hair. It was all uneven and short now. The arrancar made a face, she didn't mind the shortness, just the raggedness. "That's a flaw you might want to work on then. And you're not really putting up much of a fight for facing an enemy." She tapped her chin with her finger, "Or are you just that weak?"

The arrancar chuckled lightly, cracking her neck, rubbing out a bit of the soreness from Riyoshi yanking on it, before sonidoing to bring her feet down towards the shinigami's face, head on to him. They were trying to plan something again, what she didn't know, but this time she wasn't going to let them do it.

She was going to try and up her attacks soon, but she needed the opportunity to do it. Damn it, it was just so annoying these two.


Kishi had been about to reply to Raiden, but blinked in surprise at the sudden binding kido. Smirking lightly she turned towards the other shinigami and clawed away the mask so that she could properly speak to him, "Hey, thanks a lot for that. I don't like using my mask a lot, so it was nice of you to come and catch him for me." Once again green eyes sparkled, the gold completely gone, her voice returned once more to normal.

Resting her zanpakuto on her shoulders, the elements not seeming to effect her, she sighed,
"Man, this guy is really giving me a work out. Anyway, thanks again." The teenager returned her attention back to Raiden, eyes hardening.
Itsuki nods at Kishi. He notices a giant blast n another part of the battlefield. Seems like Uryuu has the other arrancar handled Itsuki thought to himself. He shunpo's next to Kishi. "Do you need a heal, or a replenish in your reiastu?" Itsuki asks her as his hands started to glow green. He assumed the fight took a lot out of her so she must of exhausted some of her reiatsu.
Just as Jacque was going connect with his final cero, Uryuu vanished from sight. Appearing behind Jacque, Uryuu let off his final attack. As the arrow pierced his torso, life seemed to vanish from his eyes. As life vanished from his eyes, his body began to deteriorate. As it deteriorated, the rest of Jacques body fell to the ground.


As Raiden felt the power of Jacque vanish, he glanced over to see the Quincy was the cause. Just as he was about to make his move over there, he was pinned down by 5 large pillars. These pillars slammed him into the ground and made him extremely angry. How could all of this happen? Was Grimmjow not supposed to maintain the power while they fought? Was he not the leader of this group? Was the information that he had not correct? All of this made him extremely angry.

“QUINCY! I will kill you!” Raiden yelled out from under the pillars.

As his anger grew, the pillars began to vibrate and clash together. His grip upon his blade grew tighter and the vibrations began to get stronger until the ground itself began to vibrate.


“I would not call my healing ability a flaw. It is an asset.” Riyoshi spoke out as he stood next to Torres.

Gritting his teeth slightly, Riyoshi gripped his zanpakutou tighter.

“I will have to admit, it does take me some time to get some traction.” Riyoshi replied to the female arrancar.

Looking over towards Torres, he nodded.

“It was not an attack. I thought if i could box her in and make sure she could not go anywhere, your attack would do more damage to her.” Riyoshi spoke out softly towards Torres.

“I remember the way you held her down. I want you to take point on pushing her to the ground. I will be here for backup and if she manages to get around you, ill be there to round her up.” Riyoshi spoke out as he brushed the long red hair out from in front of his face.

Just as he spoke out, she appeared in front of him and seemed to drop kick him. Bringing his blade up to block the attack, Riyoshi’s blade widened into a large shield. Taking the kick head on, he slid backwards for about 20 feet. Peeking around his shield, he pointed his left index finger at her.

“You have not forgotten, have you?” Riyoshi spoke out as he soon aimed his finger at Torres.
"Fine, but I'll need some time. Can't take her down like this!"

Torres yelled out at Riyoshi as Hotaru had appeared next to him after taking him down. He skidded back in the air as he suddenly glowed with reaitsu.

"Ready to see more of my form!"

He growled as his body glowed as white armor formed on his shoulders, his sword again transformed into it's huge curved blade form with the white guard that covered his hand. A bit more armor formed on his chest as his mask fragment grew a little longer. It seemed more was coming, but before Hotaru could see Torres charged forward with his enhanced speed and began a barrage of slashes towards her with his large blade, swinging relentlessly with his blade, swing after swing without taking a second's break to breath or check he was landing.

He was just attacking strong and as fast as he could, it did not matter if he hit or did damage. He just kept attacking her from a slightly upward angle so that he might slowly push her down or put her at a better angle as he attacked like psycho, his blade starting to slightly glow red.
Itsuki notices the arrancar begin to shake. His eyes open wide in surprise. "That is not good." Unsheathes quickly shunpo's away from Raiden a sizable distance. Itsuki unsheathes his sword as it turns into his shikai. "Kishi, May I ask that you quickly kill the arrancar? There is the possibility he is powerful enough to break the binding." Noah says with audible worriedness in his voice. He made the Bakudo with an incantation. How is this hollow still able to move?
(Alright, so I'm still busy with homework. I have an essay that I need to do for Friday, so I'm trying to get that done quick. Please bare with me.)
Kishi nodded, green eyes flashing. She could understand that he was mourning for the other arrancar's loss. More like raging at the moment, but it wasn't her job to care. No, it was her job to quickly dispatch of him and kill him. As much as she didn't like killing.. the teen twirled her blades by the ribbons, releasing her hold of those and catching the hilts.

"Do not forget who your opponent here is!" The teen was walking towards Raiden. Maybe because she felt confident that the binding would hold, or maybe because somewhere in the back of her head she felt bd for him and wanted to give him a chance for what he was trying to get free and do. Obviously she wouldn't allow him to kill Ishida, as much of a pain in the ass as he was, because he was a friend. An annoying friend, but a friend nonetheless.


Hotaru had readily ignored Riyoshi's comment, because honestly she didn't care. She was only talking with the shinigami to annoy him. And as it didn't seem to be working well, she would resolve to speak through her actions. Purple eyes narrowed on light anger as she flipped back and away from the shinigami's damned shield.

And immediately starting moving her arms up to block the rapidly moving blade, matching his speed for the most part and twirling out of the way to compensate for where she couldn't. The arrancar noticed the blade starting to glow red, and how he seemed to be pushing her towards the ground. So they wished to try and negate the effects of her reiatsu?

Viciously Hotaru kicked upwards, slashing with the blade on her calf, and snarled lightly,
"You want to take me down?" Eyes filled quickly with her reiatsu, still blocking his blade before she seemed to slow her pace down a bit, getting a shallow cut along her hip, "But you haven't seen what I can do yet."

The arrancar hissed softly at the pain internally, but ignored it for the most part. Trying to put distance between herself and Torres would be the best way for her to attack, but with how she was slowly but surely being pressed towards the ground, it wouldn't work well. Wincing as her already cut hand flew out to catch the other arrancar's blade, cutting into the flesh harshly she grimaced at him, "Tormento el�éctrica."

The sky flashed as a sudden bolt of lightning flew down and centered in on the red headed arrancar, engulfing her body. Which was just used as a conductor of sorts, sending the electricity out and into anything she was touching.
Torres continued to hack on Hotaru in his violent manner until the sky flashed and the huge bolt of lightning came down. He screamed out in pain as his body was enveloped with pain as the pure power of the lightning bolt shocked his body. It ripped through his every cell as the lightning passed leaving only smoke.

The smoke soon faded as Torres stood in mid-air, smoke still trailing from his body which had black char marks and his skin was red and raw. His head looked up, his red eyes flashing with pain and horrific anger.

"Is that all you got... I'm glad you are finally fighting back properly, but I told you not to hold anything back. You better fight like your life depends on it, because it does. Now you'd better rip me apart or I'll rip out what use to be your heart and devour your very soul!"

He coughed as he spattered blood, his eyes still filled with rage. He then shot forward again, attacking with even more ranger then before as his blade glowed red and he brought down a Cero enhanced slashed straight towards Hotaru's head from above with such power it began smashing the buildings all around Hotaru as the broke one by one, going down each floor.
I'll post when I get off work today. I've got a short lunch today. I've got a busy day here when I get home lol. 
Riyoshi stood and watched as Torres took the lead and began his barrage of attacks against Hotaru. Waiting upon a signal, Riyoshi began to get impatient. Just as Hotaru made her attack, Riyoshi leaped from his spot. Reverting hsi shield back into his katana form, Riyoshi slid to the right and slightly behind Torres. Vertically slashing his blade downward, Riyoshi followed up Torres’ attack with a flame wave of his own.

“I am sorry that i took so long. Let me know if you need me to do anything while you recharge your powers.” Riyoshi spoke out as he held his blade towards Hotaru’s location.


“I am not worried about you shinigami! The only one that I am worried about is that damn Quincy!” Raiden yelled out from under the binding spell.

With his rage climbing, the vibrations got stronger until the pillars and the ground vibrated so hard they clashed against themselves and shattered. Through the smoke, Raiden launched off an slightly sweeping cero towards Itsuki, while firing off a straight cero towards Kishi.

“I am no longer interested in you.” Raiden spoke out as he leaped from his spot.

Appearing behind Ishida, Raiden slashed his blade that vibrated with such intensity towards the back of Uryuu. His sheer anger could be felt through the air.
Itsuki was stunned in shock at the arrancars strength as he shattered the binding spell. Before he could do something to contain him Itsuki was met with a cero blast knocking him away into rubble. Itsuki climbs out of the rubble, bruised, beaten, and tired. Looking for the arrancar he see's Raiden cutting through a Quincy. With Itsuki's body injured his Kido would be weak. He attains a meditative position and a light, green aura enveloped around him. His bruises slowly began to disappear as he heals himself.
Kishi's green eyes widened in surprise, quickly pulling a barrier up in front of her as she threw her arms up in front to block her face and ducked her head. She was pushed back a considerable ways in the air, her barrier cracking along with spider webbing cracks before shattering completely and throwing her back further off her feet.

She cried out in pain and surprise, the cloth mask on her face tearing and singing to once more reveal her mouth. And her bared teeth. The teen caught herself, panting lightly, clothes torn through in places and singed, the few parts of her exposed skin marked. Kishi blinked in shock as she noticed what Raiden was doing, "Ishida! Behind you!"

Uselessly she reached out from where she was standing, watching as the arrancar's blade arched down towards her friend's unguarded back.


Hotaru snarled at Torres as she brought both arms up to block his blade, hissing as the first one cracked, chipping away under the force of his attack. She could feel his reiatsu all but rolling of of him, the anger infused energy running harshly along her own. Her own reiatsu was sparking around her, pushing back against his in hopes of trying to lessen the attack against her and to keep her blade from breaking more or completely.

The red head blinked as her only reaction of surprise as suddenly flames were threatening to engulf her. Hotaru stared intently at Toreess, waiting to see if the other arrancar would back off to safety, or keep them both locked in this death trap of flames. Which were quickly starting to eat into her flesh through her armour, the heat baking her flesh.
Torres didn't back away when Riyoshi attacked, he simply got closers to Hotaru as the flames enveloped him. He grabbed onto Hotaru while he could, his body struggling to listen to him in it's great state of pain. He wrapped his arms and legs around hers as he brought the blade up to her neck. He then pushed down with all his might to bring both of them down towards the ground once and for all.


Ishida lowered his bow as he saw the Arrancar fade to nothing, he had warned him. He soon felt a powerful explosion of reiatsu from not too far away.He turned his head to see when he heard Kishi shoting for him from far away.

However it was too late, the Arrancar was already behind him. He hadn't even sensed him move, what speed. How did the Arrancar's Sonido surpass his own Hirenyaku?

It all happened to quick as he saw the blood flying, as the blade connected with his back arcing upwards as it sliced through his proud quincy uniform. The fell to the side as Uryuu just floated for a second as his eyes shock with unrelenting disbelief in the circumstances that just happened in a mere second. He slowly began to fall down towards the ground.
Raiden was mad at the fact it seemed that is all the quincy had to offer. Pointing his left hand upon the quincy, he charged up his green colored cero and launched it upon Uryuu. Moving his head to the side, Raiden looked upon Kishi.

“You better get your shit together. I will not let the likes of this realm live any more!” Raiden roared as he turned his body and launched off a cero at Kishi.

Leaping from his spot, a loud crack was made as his body disappeared. Appearing behind Kishi, he grabbed ahold of her wrist and slashed his blade down as if he tried to just cut her arm off at the shoulder.

Heavy breathing could be heard from under his mask, as if he was catching his breath from crying.


Riyoshi seen that the arrancars stayed in his flame wave and as the flame passed both of them, Riyoshi threw his zanpakutou at the both of them. Seeing them go down towards the ground, Riyoshi soon called upon the power of Suzaku, his zanpakutou.

“Bring forth the chains of the heavens!” Riyoshi yelled out as he clapped his hands once.

As his hands hit, his zanpkautou exploded into a large net of crimson chains that wrapped around the both of them. Snapping his fingers, the ends of the chains grew larger and turned into weights.

That should help out, even slightly. Riyoshi thought as he leaped from his spot to follow Torres and Hotaru.
Kishi barely managed to manifest a barrier in front of the falling quincy, before slashing at the cero and breaking it apart, "Itsuki get to Uryu! Get to the quincy!" She didn't care what the fuck he was doing, he was the only one that could heal that wasn't in the middle of doing something kind of attention grabbing right now.

The teen snarled as Raiden grabbed her wrist, using his hold on her to pull him forward and bring up her knee toward his stomach. She would be damned if she allowed him to cut her arm off just because she was distracted. Never allow yourself to be distracted in battle. No matter the circumstances.


(I'll add the rest when I'm not bone tired and dying. I'm sorry, school is just taking a lot out of me.)
(Sorry. I was sick for a few days and responding late at night right now.)

Itsuki heard the commands of Kishi and quickly shunpo's next to Uryuu. Using his shikai ability, his Kido grew stronger. "Bakudo No. 75! Toranshou!" An inverted triangle shield enveloped him and Uryuu. Itsuki then holds his blade horizontally over the Quincy as a green aura emits off it healing the Quincy's wound.
(sorry about the odd double post guys)

Hotaru struggled in Torres' hold, head lifting up and away from the blade. Her armour wasn't doing much to prevent the fire so much as it was helping to cook the flesh trapped behind it. The heat and pain was unbearable, and her reiatsu started to roll off her in pained and (attempting to be) protective waves.

The chains did not help the situation either, when they wrapped around her body she couldn't help the harsh gasp of pain that left her lips. That damned shinigami, always getting in the way in the most annoying way possible. The arrancar sent er reiatsu through the chains, electricity filling them. Maybe Torres would let go of her that way and then she could focus on breaking free of the chains.
Torres refused to let go as he held on, his body being toasted by the fire and now being electrocuted to boot. He held on until the very end until they both slammed into the ground with a massive crash causing a huge amount of dust to blast out as they completely smashed the street below them, leaving a huge crater and dents in all the buildings around them.

Now that they were both on the ground and pretty much badly damaged, Torres finally let go as he rolled over to the side, unable to move. His whole body damaged and torched. He breathed heavily and in pain, he taken far too much this battle and was now pretty much out....

He coughed... Now it's up to Riyoshi, he put her on the ground, now that stupid Shinigami had to keep her there and take he down. He need some time to recuperate, but under now circumstances could he allow Hotaru to do the same.


Uryuu winced in pain as the Shinigami began his healing, if it wasn't for Uryuu's Blut Vene he would have been bifurcated by Raiden's attack. Thankfully, due to his ultimate Quincy defense he was alive and the wound wasn't too deep. His Blut Vene had already stopped the bleeding, it was now just up to Itsuki to help heal him faster. But even the well trained healing Shinigami had to be shocked how the wound was already non-fatal thanks to a Quincy's Blut Vene.

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