Bleach Role Play

(Ok. I will monitor their fights as well.)

Itsuki keeps the Toranshou barrier up around the Quincy while he walks through it. He looks in the directions of their fellow allies, Torres and Riyoshi. He wondered if they needed healing as well. But they can wait since they took care of their enemy already. Raiden here was still fighting so it would be better if he stayed here. Not wanting Kishi to endure more exhausting time in fighting, Itsuki decides to help her. Lifting his sword up at Raiden, Itsuki begins an incantation.

"Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, Ye who bears the name of Man!..."
Torres saw Hotaru fall, as she dropped to the ground he saw her smile. An Arrancar always smiled in the face of death, he had seen in it all his Hollows he had killed.

Then he saw her begin to form a Cero, a fighter to the end. Good that was the way of the Hollow and a fighter.

He simply smiled back at her.

"Sorry, mine is already charged..." He motioned his eyes down towards his scarf which while she wasn't look had dug itself out of the ground and had a fully charged Cero which had launched at the same time as his other two as it shot towards her while she charged her own.

"This form allows me to charge three multiple Ceros at once." He said to himself, knowing she could not hear.

"You were a worthy opponent..."

He said goodbye to her as she was hit by his final Cero.
Riyoshi gritted his teeth at the fact he was not able to use his new ability, so he wanted to change that fact. With a shunpo, Riyoshi vanished from sight and brushed past Torres’ location. The heat could clearly be felt from his presence there and he appeared in the location of Hotaru. Blocking in Hotaru with his ambered fire so the cero’s were not effective, Riyoshi absorbed the last cero as it went off. Looking up at Torres, he took in a deep breath, he clinched his fists together.

“Are you serious!” Riyoshi spoke out, his voice slightly altered from his normal tone.

Riyoshi’s voice displayed a slight bit of anger at the arrancar, not only was he going to take his kill, but he was going to do it with such ease. As the flame resided from his left hand, he held out a small black butterfly. Placing it upon the ambered Hotaru, a portal was about to open, to where, only Riyoshi knew.


Raiden could sense that Hotaru was finished and he smiled at that fact.

“Black flames!?” Raiden spoke out as he raised his blade to block the attack, but to no avail.

As the flames rushed over his being, he was knelt down on the ground with his hands in front of him. Was this all he could bring himself to muster up. Was this the level of power he was capable of? As his mask began to break, he was breathing heavily and looking upon the ground. At the same moment, his sword began to crack and shatter as it lay upon the ground in between him and Kishi.

“How? How are you able to get so strong?” Raiden roared out as he forced his head to look up at Kishi’s location.

His mask was fully cracked and gone, his emotions could clearly be seen at this point. Tears could be seen streaming from the corners of his eyes as they ran down his cheeks.
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Torres just rolled his eyes as Riyoshi intercept his third Cero, saving Hotaru. But she was practically finished thanks to the first two Cero. At first he believed he was going to save her dues to some foolish Shinigami code of ethics or their good guy mentality. Then he saw it in his eyes, these were the looks he saw in weak Hollow who fought over meat, fighting who would get the sweet satisfaction, most Arrancar grow out of this childish Hollow emotion, while many keep it or evolve into the need to win, defeat stronger opponents or just cause endless pain.

Yet here stood Riyoshi with that same look in his eyes.

"How Hollow of you, I guess that Hollow inside you hasn't completely left."

He said his words with double meaning. He did not care who finished off, he had gotten his fight and gotten to flex his muscles. But it was not nearly enough, he had not even showed off a fraction of his power or his true ability. Oh well, he wished to finish Hotaru Arrancar to Arrancar at the very least, a consolation for losing. However the foolish Shinigami who seemed more like a weak Hollow interfered like a bay, choosing to finish her. A far more humiliating end for any Hollow or Arrancar, poor Hotaru. She had fought well, she did not deserve such a humiliating or pathetic end, even his method seemed sad. Not blown apart by a Cero, but a pathetic little black butterfly. How humiliating for her, he had tried to give her that final humility, but in the end it was taken by Riyoshi.

Torres simply shrugged and Sonidoed away from Riyoshi, leaving him to his vicious little childish Hollow endeavour. He appeared not to far from Kishi's battle, he would not interfere as this was his battle and his Pesquisa allowed him to know she had the upper hand. No, he would simply observe.
Itsuki see's that Kishi has Raiden on the precipice of defeat, so he decides to not steal her kill. Lowering his sword, Noah stops the incantation and sits down cross-legged. The usage of his reiatsu during fights and to heal made him tired. Itsuki notices another arrancar appear near the battle. 'Another one?' Itsuki thought. 'He seems content on observing. Perhaps it would be best to make sure though..' Itsuki gets up and shunpo's a few feet in front of the arrancar.

"Hello, we aren't going to engage the battle are we?" Itsuki says with his sword at his side.
(I'm like really sad Hotaru is dead guys. I...I don't know what to do now. Someone hug me! Lol. Well, you know what I mean. Hush. And Lash, I'm not speaking at you anymores!)

Hotaru cried with the most voice she could muster, she was lingering on the edge of unconsciousness, which should be a noble death that this shinigami had stolen from her! Dull purple eyes regained barely a spark, the arrancar trying to squirm, do anything to get away from this pathetic shinigami and his hell butterfly.

She kicked out weakly, a rugged sound of pain tearing from her lips. No! She would not be taken, weak and injured as she was, to an inoble death by the hands of a pettily jealous shinigami! She would not! Its not as if she could do much in her condition, having just taken on two more ceros damn near head on, the distance barely lessening the hit.

A cracked smirk split over her jagged teeth. While it might not be the most amorous way to die, she could always burn her own body with her reiatsu. And it being electrically based made that for an even better possibility. Her body started to dully glow, the bright blue energy starting to pick up in luster as her body started to over use and in consequence over heat her reiatsu conductors, she started to crackle.


Kishi dropped her mask, but remained in her ban kai, and raised a brow at him,
"I don't know why you're surprised by the flames that happened last time I had my mask on in this fight." he frowned, moving closer to him so that she could kneel in front of him, but never letting her guard down, "And I'll tell you a secret, and with you being about to die, I don't really think you'll tell anyone."

The teen ignored Torres' presence for now, she needed to go take care of Itsuki after this, and Torres would no doubt follow her. But the odd bubbling of energy coming from the female arrancar was worrying. "My strength doesn't come from my ban kai, or my msak, despite what Ichigo thinks. It comes from the will that both of us posses, to protect our friends, what we have left of family, and most of all to make sure that no one. No one." Once again her voice had taken that warbled sound to it, her green eyes flashing gold again, "Will ever even think about coming back to hurt them."

She sighed, standing, and raised her blade of solid and razor edged ice. She could at least make it a quick and painless death for him, "I am trully sorry though." Kishi brought the blade down, striking for his jugular. And she didn't want to think about the tears on his face, the emotions ripping through it. She didn't think that she didn't want to kill him. She just did.
(( But i still luv you Q_Q ))

Riyoshi looked down upon Hotaru as she began to fry herself alive, and snapped his fingers. A portal opened and formed into a gate. This gate was the doorway to hell.

“Farewell enemy of life.” Riyoshi spoke out as the door opened and a skeleton hand reached out for Hotaru’s body.

Canceling his bankai, he looked over at the other reiatsu signature that seemed to be fading quickly.


As Raiden sat up right upon his feet, he looked upon Kishi as her eyes changed once more. He smiled as her ice blade materialized into a solid form. As she struck down upon him, it hit the side of his neck. As the blade continued through, it traveled down to where his heart would have been. His smile grew as he felt his very self slipping off into the distance.

“Thank you.” Raiden spoke out as his body began to disintegrate from reality.

(( Crappy post, but it is something ))
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(Don't you pout at me! I'm trying to be mad at you damn it! You know what that pout does to me, and that is an unjust battle tactic! Also, I think Kishi is going to break now.)
(Wow, that was a bit harsh. I thought hell as only for those who were truly evil. I think Hotaru may have been good in her human life... Although if she burns herself quickly enough and dies she can avoid being trapped in hell forever

Anyway Hotaru will be missed, Raiden, eh who cares! But now you guys have had your fun, soon it will be my turn as the final battle with Grimmjow will begin soon!)

Torres nodded as he saw the Arrancar die, he couldn't help the small smirk form on his face. He then Sonidoed next to Kishi.

"Well done, it seems you are the victor of your battle as well. Good to see most of us have succeeded against our opponents."

He said looking at the massive damage done to the city by the three battles.
(I got school today, which is the only reason I'm even up yet, so I'll try to post when I can) 
Hotaru noticed immediately the portal opening, with her reiatsu burning up like it was she could sense nearly everything, and the arrancar hurried the process up. Like fuck was she going to spend the rest of her life in hell, constantly coming back only to repeat the process. With a final scream, her reiatsu flared out in a flame like energy, crackling all through it, burning her body into nothing.


Kishi blinked, looking towards the giant flare of reiatsu before returning her attention to Torres, weakly smiling, "Hi. I need to go take care of Itsuki and thank him, you're welcome to come with if you want. And..." She looked him over, seeming to sigh heavily, "I can heal you up too."

Slowly the shinigami descended towards the other, the healer, and smiled softly, "Thanks a lot for the help, it was really appreciated." Kishi remained in ban kai, but stuck her blades in the ground next to him. She could heal faster and better in her ban kai, and she didn't need to use her incantation either. it was a nice perk, but it drained her energy faster.
"I am fine, I do not need healing. The majority of damage done to me was before my Resureccion was activated and any damage can be instantly healed when an Arrancar releases their form."

He followed after Kishi, seeing that a new Shinigami had seemed to join their ranks. These endless Shinigami, how annoying. The only non-Shinigami... that Quincy they called him seemed down for the count. Well he was alive at least.

He looked to Kishi as she greeted the new guy.

"Oh and I would save your healing energy if I were you, your friend is going to need it. If he survives.... which at this point seems unlikely."
Itsuki bows to Kishi. "It's no problem. 4th division is always there to help." Itsuki looked over Torres. He was not familiar to him, but didn't seem very hostile. "Should I tend to you first or Uryuu?" Noah asks. Kishi obviously was more than battered from her fight, but the Quincy was unconscious after a near fatal blow from Raiden.
Before the hand was able to grip the casing that Hotaru was in, she ended up killing herself through electrocution. As this happened, the hand stopped and pointed its index finger upon Riyoshi as it began to recide into the realm of hell.

Thats just wrong. Riyoshi thought to himself as he looked at the gates as they began to close.

Glancing over in the location of Kishi and the others, Riyoshi hesitated with joining them. Landing upon the ground, he looked away from the group and headed back to his barracks. He needed to assess the situation he was just in and plan out for the best case scenario of his bankai. If he was to be on par with Kishi and Torres, then he was going to have to master his new Bankai. Taking a step forward, he collapsed the ground, falling to his knees. Even though his zanpakutou was supposed to act much like a healing medium type fire, he took some serious damage from the battle. Holding his stomach were Hotaru had stabbed him, the wound was no longer there but the pain was still there and it was as if it was freshly done.
Kishi turned to glare blankly at Torres, "I, will be fine. I can even heal myself in ban kai without passing out. But Itsuki can only do so much." She sighed softly, examining the people around her, eyes widening when she noticed Riyoshi fall. The girl clapped her hands loudly together, "Alright Itsuki, you go take care of Riyoshi and Torres, I'll heal Uryu."

Pulling her blades from the ground she nearly lost her grip. Blinking and looking down at her hand she frowned, well, she had taken more damage then she had originally thought. now that the adrenaline from the fight was wearing down, her body was telling her that she needed to heal herself. The shinigami didn't stop moving towards Uryu though, planting her blades in the ground once more and sitting next to him as the elements spread fro the blades.

Green eyes flicked over to Torres and Itsuki, raising a black brow in question.
Torres just smirked.

"You Shinigami, you don't listen very well. I wasn't referring to the Quincy..."

He looked over to the other Shinigami, with a look that clearly showed if even took a step to him he would bite a chunk out of his face. He didn't not want or need to be healed, he found it insulting to be healed, even more so by a Shinigami of any kind.
Itsuki nods towards Kishi before shunpoing next to Riyoshi. He was slightly irritated by Torres' outlook upon shinigami. Yes, Itsuki wasn't strong, but still... Itsuki kneels next to Riyoshi's collapsed body. Using his shikai's ability that enhances healing, Itsuki holds it horizontally over the allies body. A green aura flows from it onto Riyoshi, healing his injuries. Some of them seemed to be from exhaustion more than fighting.
Riyoshi was hunched down upon the ground, and as Itsuki approached him, he jumped slightly but going nowhere. Turning his head to his right to see the ally, his expression was showing pain.

"You are from the 4th division?" Riyoshi spoke out as his gripped his right hand over his chest.

Gritting his teeth, he fell closer to the ground and his head hit the ground. The healing was helping his wounds and was slowly replinishing the vast amount of reaitsu he wasted in the figt against Hotaru. But the one thing that was not getting healed right off the bat, was the nerves in Riyoshi's body. They were being lit up like a christmas tree.
"Yes I am from 4th division." Itsuki replied to Riyoshi. Judging from his facial expressions, body language and the way his muscles are contracting, Riyoshi must be in unbearable pain. Healing didn't seem to be easing the pain.

"Is there any injuries in particular you would want me to heal first?" Itsuki asks. It would be best to heal whatever is the most painful. But what was the most painful injury to Riyoshi? Sore muscles, the wounds?
Kish frowned, Uryu wasn't taking to much reiatsu to heal, as Itsuki had taken care of that pretty well. A moment after Torres spoke she pulled her blades from the ground and lightly kicked the Quincy in the shins, "Get up, you're fine now." The shinigami turned her attention back to Torres.

"And if you're talking about Ichigo and Grimmjow, there's really not a whole lot we can do to help. Seriously, I'm really not up for anyone else dying today, and that's exactly what's going to happen if we get in between their fight." She took a step towards the arrancar and poked him in the chest, "And enough with this 'shinigami' crap or I am seriously going to pimp slap you.

The girl sighed, rubbing her temples after resealing her blade and sheathing it, back to her regular uniform, "But fine, you're right. We should go find Ichigo, its not hard with his stupid reiatsu, and see what's going on."
Riyoshi forced his head off the ground a little bit and turned to look upon Itsuki.

"Can you disable my nerve endings for a little while?" Riyoshi spoke out through his sharp pains.

Letting go of his chest, Riyoshi placed both of his hands upon the ground and bowed in respect of the young shinigami. As of right now his zanpakutou was strained from battle and he was not able to heal himself to any extent. Right at this moment, he was a sitting duck to any form of attack and he would be no match for any opponent.

"As of right now, I am not able to tell you which part of my body hurts the worst. It feels as if i was set ablaze." Riyoshi spoke out as he tried to keep his body as still as possible.
Itsuki instantly felt bad for Riyoshi. The pain he was going through, and the bow of respect compelled Itsuki. However, to disable nerve endings? How to do that? Itsuki began thinking through his mind quickly as Riyoshi was nearly shaking with pain. A thought came to Itsuki's mind, but it seemed dangerous.

"I may be able to disable your nerve endings for a bit perhaps..." Itsuki says while biting his lip. "But it might be dangerous. Your body may become limp for a while. My plan is to use electricity from a Kido spell to temporarily disable your nerves. Do I have your consent?" Itsuki didn't want to do anything reckless without his 'patients' consent.
"I'm afraid to say their battle is soon to be over, your friend lost.... I can feel his reiatsu fading..."

Torres spoke in a very non-chalant manner, he didn't really care for Ichigo, so there was no emotion of when he spoke of Ichigo's impending death.

He looked around.

"Wasn't mr strange mask guy suppose to let us out when we win....?"

"It's not a mask!"

Urahara shouted through the communicators he had bugged them with.

"Yes, yes, I'm opening the portal. Give me a few seconds..."

Torres just looked around as he tapped his foot impatiently.

"Give me a minute! It takes time to bend the space between two dimensions!"

With that a portal opened for the group to return to the real Karakura Town.
Kishi blinked rapidly at Torres' words. She had felt his reaitsu fading, but she couldn't sense as well as Torres could apparently, "You don't have a minute Kisuke! Damn it, hurry up!" Ichigo could NOT die damn it, he just couldn't!

As soon as the portal opened, she was gone, shunpoing for what she was worth through and towards Grimmjow and Ichigo. She wasn't going to let Ichigo die, she hadn't let Uryu die, and she wasn't going to let him die either. No. No, she wouldn't let it happen.
Riyoshi lay upon the ground, barely breathing at this point.

“” Riyoshi spoke out in between his breathing.

Closing his eyes, Riyoshi soon blacked out. His breathing became super shallow and spaced out. His life force would begin to fade from this realm, if it was not for Itsuki’s healing. It was keeping him upon the realm of life.


As his eyes opened, Riyoshi seen his inner world. Rolling over to his back, he looked upon the sky.

What is going on here? Riyoshi spoke out.

”I told you that I did not want you to learn that technique. This was only allowing a few minutes of use. What if you had to go for a longer time. Then I am pretty sure that no matter how much healing that you are provided from either myself or your friends, you WILL end up dying.” Suzaku spoke out from behind Riyoshi.

Getting up to a sitting his position, he looked over his shoulder towards the voice. A puzzled look struck his face as he looked at the being.

What the heck! Riyoshi spoke out as he hurried to his feet.

”This may come as a shock to you, but this is what i am looking like without all of my power.” Suzaku spoke out as he looked upon Riyoshi.
Itsuki quickly grew a face of concern. He must act quickly. "Hado No. 11 Tsuzuri Raiden." Noah whispered as he placed his blade on Riyoshi's head. Sending a small electrical shock to keep organs functioning and to disable the nerve. After that Noah began to heal his body more , focusing and trying as hard as he can.

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