Bleach Role Play

Kishi yawned lightly, she had grabbed and re-entered her body after healing Uryu up and was leaning heavily on the table. She did smile softly when she realized that Urahara's idea had worked, not that she was overly surprised about that. "Yeah, but if Grimmjow hadn't been interrupted he no doubt would have destroyed Karakura town just because he could."

The teen sighed, before turning to glare lightly at Torres, leaning over to lightly pinch the underside of his arm, "But yet you stopped me from being pasted by Grimmjow. If you really didn't care about anyone then why did you save my ass?" Okay, she was tired, and maybe her logic wasn't entirely sound bt she didn't overly care right now. That had to count for something at the least.

"And concerning getting up to top shape, I'm all for that. But we can't do anything right now without killing ourselves in the process. Our bodies are not invincible no matter how strong we are. Everyone needs to rest, and that includes Grimmjow." Kishi yawned again, "And after fighting Ichi like he did, no doubt he's going to need to rest otherwise all he's going to do is expend more and more energy to get out of the little pocket dimension."

Green eyes twinkled, "Which just may work out for us in that case, because by the time he comes back he'll have exerted so much energy on being pissed off and trying to get out that he won't be able to do much."
Arriving upon the doorstep of Urahara's place once again, Riyoshi looked around.

"You might want to make sure that you are on your 'A' game. We are not dealing with the weaker opponents anymore." Riyoshi spoke out as he opened the door and walked into the shop.

Walking past everyone, he went straight towards the training room. Kneeling down and grabbing the handle of the door, Riyoshi looked back at Itsuki.

"And thank you once more for the healing. If any one needs me, I will be down here training." Riyoshi spoke out.

Opening the door, he leaped from his spot and down towards the training room floor. Landing upon the ground, the door fell to a close and Riyoshi looked around at the wonderful sight of an empty training grounds. He took in a deep breath while he closed his eyes, everything that he wants to train now, is the perfect time since no one is here to watch his powers.
"Very well, we shall rest... Though leave Riyoshi, if he wishes to overexert himself let him. I know well enough that he doesn't understand himself or his powers. I learnt that from my excursion into his inner world."

Torres got up, I will return shortly to rest.

With that Torres got up and using Sonido, he left. He went back to the park he had met it and surely enough it was there.

"So the Shade returns..."

"Yes, and so do you. I felt you finally showed off your Resureccion, yet somehow I doubt you showed off your true power."

It smiled beneath the bandages.

"Who are you?! How do you know me?" Torres yelled out at it.

It smiled. "You still don't remember...?"

Torres smirked himself. "Actually I'm starting to guess. But I need to understand..."

It smiled and as the bandages unwrapped around it, floating around like tentacles. "Let's fight instead" It said as the bandages shot towards Torres like sharp blades.

Torres returned about half an hour later, with some cuts and bruises as he decided it would be best to rest now and discuss their plans for the battle in the morning, he along with everyone else he was sure was tired... 
"Very well, we shall rest... Though leave Riyoshi, if he wishes to overexert himself let him. I know well enough that he doesn't understand himself or his powers. I learnt that from my excursion into his inner world."

Torres got up, I will return shortly to rest.

With that Torres got up and using Sonido, he left. He went back to the park he had met it and surely enough it was there.

"So the Shade returns..."

"Yes, and so do you. I felt you finally showed off your Resureccion, yet somehow I doubt you showed off your true power."

It smiled beneath the bandages.

"Who are you?! How do you know me?" Torres yelled out at it.

It smiled. "You still don't remember...?"

Torres smirked himself. "Actually I'm starting to guess. But I need to understand..."

It smiled and as the bandages unwrapped around it, floating around like tentacles. "Let's fight instead" It said as the bandages shot towards Torres like sharp blades.

Torres returned about half an hour later, with some cuts and bruises as he decided it would be best to rest now and discuss their plans for the battle in the morning, he along with everyone else he was sure was tired...
Kishi rolled her eyes. She was going to sleep, and there was no two ways about it. Se went down the hall, sleepily calling a 'goodnight' to Urahara and Yurouichi.

The teen flared her reiatsu outside the door that Ichigo was recovering in as a sign for anyone looking for her that she was here. But she would be pretty damn pissed if someone did come in and wake her up.

Or course the faint movement and feeling of Riyoshi training made it hard to sleep and when she sensed Torres leave she had an even bigger problem sleeping but soon enough her exhaustion claimed her. She wasn't waking up unless there was imminent danger or someone was intent on dying.
Riyoshi felt as if his training was going on forever, but time did not pass as freely down in the training grounds as it seemed to pass everywhere else.

How long have i been down here? Riyoshi thought to himself as he brought his zanpakutou up to block the attack.

"You should worry about other things then what freaking time it is!" Suzaku roared out at Riyoshi.

"I know, but should i really press myself this hard after almost dying?" Riyoshi replied to Suzaku.

Stopping his swing and bringing his blade high into the air, Suzaku looked angrily upon Riyoshi.

"This is not a joke! Get your ass into gear!!!" Suzaku roared as he slammed his large zanpakutou down on top of Riyoshi.
Itsuki was just sitting in his room sipping some tea with his sheathed zanpakutou in his lap. He could sense that Riyoshi was training and could faintly hear shouting. 'I hope he doesn't strain himself again.' Itsuki thinks to himself before taking another sip of tea. He senses Torres presence leave. After a half hour or so Itsuki felt Torres return and just shrugged it off as a possible errand run or something. Perhaps a little stroll to ease the mind. After finishing and putting away his tea, Itsuki meditates with his zanpakutou for a little bit before going to sleep. Hopefully the others will be well rested.
Ichigo lightly groaned in protest as sunlight streamed over his face. He turned on his side and frowned as he peeked open a chocolate brown eye only to see Kishi. He lightly rolled his eyes despite the small smile that tugged at his mouth. Of course she had decided to sleep ont eh floor without a blanket. But she did steal his pillow.

His brow furrowed as he sat up, throwing his blanket over her and letting her sleep for a little bit. The chocolate brown eyes were narrowed as he stared at the wall, knees pulled up towards his chest and his elbows resting on his knees. He just...He couldn't believe that Grimmjow had beat him again. After last time.... "Damn it..."


Kishi's brow furrowed in her sleep as her sleep blurred eyes started to open,
"Ichi? ...What?" She blinked at the blanket that was currently sitting on her and faintly smiled. She stretched, joints popping as she did so before she rolled up to her feet.

She yawned, stretching her arms up above her head and gr4oaning happily as she did so, "I'm going to go help Tessai with breakfast. Torres, Riyoshi, and Istuki might be up already, so go socialize frowny brow."
Itsuki woke up in the morning. Getting up he stretches and swings his arms around a bit while yawning. After doing his daily businesses (bathroom, combing hair etc.) he decides to check up on some people. Walking silently through the halls Itsuki walks to Ichigo's room. Knocking before opening the door, Itsuki see's a recently woken up Kishi and Ichigo. "Good Morning. Just checking on how Ichigo's health is." 'Ichigo seemed to be recovering well. He doesn't seem to be too sore.' Itsuki thought to himself. 'I wonder how Uryuu is doing, and I hope Riyoshi didn't spend all night training.'
Torres got up as the sun shone on his face as he groaned, he still wasn't use to this light after having live in darkness for long. He had been in Hueco Mundo his whole life, for almost... actually he couldn't remember exactly how long, but it seemed like forever.

He got up scratching his head and remembered the dream....

Torres had woken up in darkness, total darkness. His first fear was that he was back in Hueco Mundo, trapped forever in the shadows. But he realized this place was even darker than his home, if that was even possible. There was no light, not even the moon. Just total darkness....

His true fears crept into his mind, what if this was his Inner World, just emptiness and darkness like he always fear. What if his Inner World was nothing but a hollow shadow like his outside life, nothing....

He breathed harder in the endless darkness. Suddenly he felt something grab his leg as he immediately sliced it with his Zanpaktou. He felt it reach out again against his ankle as he made sure to slice off the malnourished and shriveled hand he could feel reaching out to him, but not see. Cutting it off the wrist as heard it moan.

He felt another shriveled and dead like hand reach for him, was it the other hand or a whole another creature. He could hear the moaning louder as he felt more hands reach for him. He swung his blade in a crazy motion, getting them off as he freaked out. Their touch felt so empty, so wrong, so desolate....

He hacked away as more hands reached out from, feeling all over his skin. He started walking up in the air to get away from them, but they just kept following him. They were grabbing him and pulling him down, down into the endless darkness and void. To consume him forever....

But no, he wouldn't let them, he would fight, he would get out of there. That is when he awoke with a small explosion of reiatsu, burning the floor around him. Sweating as he felt the rays of sunshine on his skin.

He took a deep breath wiping off the sweat. He thought a very dreaded thought to himself, was that a dream or truly his Inner World... He feared it more than anything else, but there was nothing he could do now and he feared the answer even more than the question. So he would ignore it and keep his mind on the battle at hand, yes the battle at hand. He was good at fighting and he had a job to do, he couldn't forget.

He grabbed his Zanpaktou, it felt colder than usual. He slid open the door and went to join the others... His reiatsu felt different, quiet different. Colder, emptier and sadder, but it would take an absolute expert to detect this change, most could only just notice a difference they could not truly explain.
Riyoshi had soent all night training in battle qgainst his zanaputou. The battle ground was devastated from the attacks of both sides, but niether person was backing down off their power level. Unlike Suzaku, Riyoshi was battered and bruised from the training. He had no reiatsu devoted to healing his own wounds, but merely an offensive stand point. Riyoshi was breathing heavily, he was currently bleeding from a cut across his forehead. Blood wss dripping from his wound, covering his right eye and limiting his response time.

"You should have been more wooried about and your own safety, You dont have me to heal you, so you must work on your defense." Suzaku spoke out as he held the giant claymore, one handed.

Pointing his free hand up towards Riyoshi, chains began to climb forth from the ground. Riyoshi knew of this attack and how it was an imprisonment technique, but he also knew Suzaku could use it better then him, so he was very careful with the next move.

"How can i focus on defense when i also have to worry about healing myself too. It is rough enough trying to keep my attwck up high enough to stay on the offensive." Riyoshi spoke back to Suzaku.

Suzaku chuckled ever so slightly at the response of Riyoshi. That response made the large figure smile from it's huge amount of stupidity, but Suzaku would stick by that man.

"And that response is the reason that we are down here in the first place. The reason why you almost died in your last fight. The reason why you are nothing but fodder at this point!" Suzaku yelled out as chains exploded into the direction of Riyoshi.

The chains shot forth towards Riyoshi's limbs and he leaped backwards, slashing his katana at the chains. He had to keep his distance, even if it was slightly here and there. He had to make sure that he was not going to get captured by that technique.
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Kishi smiled brightly at Itsuki, "Morning there. I can tell that everyone else is already up, so I'm going to leave Ichi to you." The teen chuckled lightly bt as she left her smile faded. With how everything had left yesterday... Well it wasn't promising. And Ichigo's reiatsu was fluctuating weirdly, and no doubt he couldn't tell that. But she wasn't going to tell him that and worry him.

The teen made her way towards Torres' energy and frowned as she did so. What.... What was up with everyone's reiatsu today? But she smiled lightly none the less, "Morning Torres, I'm going to go get Riyoshi, head by Ichi and talk to him or go help Tessai with breakfast. I'll be doing so in a bit myself."

Kishi waved as she went by, heading towards the training ground and climbing down. She wasn't in her shinigami form, and she wasn't going to risk jumping down all that way. "Oi! Riyoshi, you around here?" He obviously was, she could sense his reiatsu fluctuating like he was in a battle. Of vourse he'd stayed up all night training.


Ichigo frowned as Kishi left, blinking over at the apparent friend.
"So...You're from the Soul Society then? What squad are you in?" He didn't do small talk, but he didn't recognize this shinigami and he didn't know about the Riyoshi guy, and he would prefer to avoid Torencio or whatever the arrancar's name was.

He yawned, idly listening as Zangetsu talked at him and Shiro whined. About how there was something weird going on with his reiatsu or whatever. He didn't care, he'd be fine.
Riyoshi was laying in a crater while Suzaku stood over him. Suzaku's form was humanoid and he held the large sword pointing off to the side of Riyoshi. Riyoshi was breathing heavy while blood begqn pooling around him in the crater. His wounds were severe but he was still alive. Suzaku heard Kishi's voice and he looked over in her direction.

"He is over here." Suzaku spoke out in a non worried tone.

Pulling the blade back and away from Riyoshi, he stwbbed the blade into the ground and awaited her arrival.
Torres just coked his brow with a most confused face as Kishi left. Talk to him... he didn't understand the concept or idea at all, but oh well.

He stopped by Ichigo's room, popped his head.


He then promptly left, that counted as talking didn't it...

He shook his head, whatever. He approached Urahara's meeting table where the group of Ichigo, Renji, Rukia, Chad, Uryuu and Orihime had met so many times before to discuss their plans against the problems facing Karakura Town. But now Ichigo was hurt, Uryuu was down, Chad had randomly disappeared and Orihime had gone on a trip with Tatsuki.

So it was now them, Kishi, Riyoshi and Itsuki. He sat down at the table, crossed his legs and contemplated as he waited for the others. It was time to plan their preparations for facing Grimmjow, this could not be avoided any longer. Obviously Riyoshi was wasting down stairs using up his energy working on something new and flashy. He spent too much time changing himself instead of his powers instead of growing stronger...

He huffed, well either way. If he felt it was more important to rather change his abilities yet again, he didn't mind discussing their plans without them, he just wanted to get it over and done. He wasn't one for talking and discussing, he did action. He wanted this part done and over, so they could move onto the fighting. However he knew this was vastly important to do first.
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Kishi blinked, walking towards the unfamiliar voice. She almost hadn't noticed that he was there, the reiatsu was near identical to Riyoshi's, "...Uh, hello? Riyoshi...." She rushed over to him and knelt down next to him, going right by the unfamiliar figure and sighed in exasperation, "Seriously, we're trying to recuperate a bit so that we can beat Grimmjow. ...Idiot...."

The teen looked up at the figure standing there and frowned, "Would you be a dear and either help me or do what you do and get out of here? Because unless you're feeling generous and can heal him you might get in the way." Kish assumed that this was Riyoshi's znpakuto materialized. Which wasn't entirely odd, that happened at times, her own two enjoyed doing it to bother her but usually only she herself could see them. Ugh, and she was in her body, she couldn't heal Riyoshi and quite honestly she didn't really want to expend more energy then needed.

F*** it. "URAHARA! Riyoshi needs to be patched up!" Let the idiot stew in his own injuries for a while.
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Suzaku shook his head as she yelled out for Urahara. Taking in a deep breath he looked upon Kishi.

"I am his healing ability. He is like that because he lacks the will and the power of defense. Years of that hollow residing in his soul has clouded his judgement of his own powers. He needs to be trained from the ground up of his own powers. He will be fine. I will heal him and send him back when I am done. Now leave us." Suzaku spoke out.

Picking up his greatsword, the surrounding area began to heat up. The blade began to break apart and return itself to Riyoshi. Suzaku took a step into the crater and began to dizzolve as his soul returned to Riyoshi, all that remained was the bankai training dummy. The wounds upon Riyoshi's side began to grow a crystalizzed substance as the bleeding diminished. His body was slowly healing from the inside out and he was no longer fataly wounded.
Well, that was rude. Kishi sighed, fine, she would leave. She did turn to face Riyoshi before she did so and frowned, "You know, zanpakuto are supposed to be like a reflection of their masters. You don't seem so mean. But I'm going up to help Tessai with breakfast." Sheesh, all these rude and testosterone motivated guys were going to give her an aneurism.

Climbing back up to the main shop and kicking the trap door shut with her foot because she could, she made her way towards the kitchen and frowned when she saw Torres sitting at the table, "Hey, I thought I asked you to help Tessai if you weren't going to talk to Ichi? ..Nevermind. Come on, you can help now at least."

She didn't wait for his response but headed in and smiled at Tessai, immediately going to help make the food. There were a good more amount of people in the shop now, that meant a good portion more of food to be made. The older shinigami smiled warmly in return, welcoming help that wasn't two young children getting into a fight and throwing food at each other.
Torres just looked at her confused, but he had spoken to Ichigo. He said hello...

Torres just shrugged, humans were strange. Besides he didn't get the whole food thing for him, it didn't really fill up. Though he had to admit he was feeling hungry, he had been a long time since he had eaten another Hollow, so long he could barely remember. But he was start too feel peckish again, he started to rub his stomach.
Itsuki kneels next to Ichigo. "I am from the fourth division." he says while picking up his palm and feeling for his pulse. "Just checking your health." Itsuki then unsheathes his sword. Holding it horizontally to Ichigo, a green aura flows off it and onto him restoring some reiatsu. "So, anything of great concern? Ability problems, reiatsu, etc?" Itsuki hears Torres pop in and say Hello but leave instantly. He just dismisses it as nothing.
As Kishi began to leave, he spoke out to her.

"I am sorry." Riyoshi spoke out softly and just above his breath.

Laying in the crater, Riyoshi's reiatsu dipped down low and his body began to grt encased in amber. His healing was not going to be fast, it would take some time to recover to even a slightly stable state. His bankai training had taken a serious toll upon his body and was alot harsher then most shinigami's training. Suzaku had to retrain Riyoshi in the way of his new zanpakutou. He was fighting like he still had a hollow inside him, maybe he even still had traces of the fowl beast, but only time would tell. Inside the crater, now housed the injured shinigami and a giant chunk of ambered fire that was keeping him from dying.

You are still weak. You must empty your way of thinking and the way you fight. You are not utilizing that hollow anymore. You are a shinigami! You must learn to fight like a shinigami. Suzaku spoke out as his voice rang through the inner world.
Ichigo nodded, yawning once more, "Its cool, I live in a clinic, I'm used to it. And nothing really, I feel okay, but Old Man is bugging me about my reiatsu." He looks up when the arrancar popped in and briefly said hello before leaving immediately afterwards. Well....whatever then. Kishi probably had something to do with that.

The teen frowned as he thought more about Itsuki's questions,
"And I won't really be able to tell if anything is wrong before I go and get some training in. I should go do that after breakfast actually."


Kishi frowned when Riyoshi apologized. It wasn't his fault, zanpakuto all kind of had their own minds. Some worse then others. Take her own for example. Mizu-sama was pretty well put together, but Hi-sama....Well, she was Hi-sama.

The teen blinked, looking back at Torres, "Hey, you okay? Or...Oh yeah, you don't eat people food.... Do you like, need to go to Heuco Mundo for a bit? We could even come there and train for a few days so that we actually train together if you need to."

She really didn't want to have a repeat from before when he was all catonic.
Itsuki sheathes his sword as Ichigo talks. "Hmm, even though people feel fine there can still be something wrong. You should listen to him. Perhaps he knows more than you" Itsuki feels Riyoshi's reiatsu dip low. "Strange..." Itsuki mutters to himself. "Anyways, I am not sure you should train. I assume you are pretty strong and it would be best if you were rested when Grimmjow arrives. I am just a healer so you should run it by Kishi or someone." Itsuki says. "However, breakfast does sound like a good idea." he says as he gets up and pats his belly. "Let's go see is Tessai finished cooking."
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