Bleach Role Play

Torres nodded.

"So are you saying if I pour my reiatsu into the amulet it will cause to Hollowify in Bankai. Even if this would increase your power, do not forget it was the force that initially blocked your true powers aka your healing. Even if you are able to overcome this block with enough will, there will still be a small window of opportunity where your powers will be adjusting to Hollows and trying to work together. In other words, this would make you momentarily weak and vulnerable to attack....

If Grimmjow struck in that moment, you would be unable to heal and could die. Thus using this should only be used in the most extreme of cases, not mention the risk of you failing to overcome the Hollow and losing your Zanpaktou powers once again altogether or fully Hollowifying and attacking us in the absolute but still very possible worse case scenario."

Torres say holding the necklace with a squeeze and then pocketing it away.
"Thats the thing. I do not know if your reiatsu and mine will merge correctly. And if they dont, then i will need to find a hollow that is compatable with my own. I know of one that is compatable with my reiatsu. With my time spent in hell, i have learned how to surpress and control a beast of that size, but i would think that it would be a different game trying to harness your reiatsu. Since your reiatsu would be a different mixture in general, then i would expect you to manage and watch over my training. I will not need alot of your reiatsu, just enough to counter one of Grimmjows strongest attacks." Riyoshi spoke out as he reached over for some food.

Munching down on skme of the food, he looked as Torres put the amupet in his pocket. Munching slower, then finally swallowing his food with a gulp, Riyoshi took in a shallow breath.

"I will need that back soon. I would hate if my plan b was to come after you while we are in the middle of training." Riyoshi spoke out as he reached his right hand towards Torres as he awaited the amulet.
Torres smirked.

"No problem, though you should be warned. Trying to train with my reiatsu might not have the outcome you wish."

He took the amulet out of his pocket as he rubbed it.

"So you intend to try use my Hollow powers to replace the Hollow that once controlled you. Very foolish, a Hollow is the empty soul of a person. Kishi and Ichigo's Hollow powers are from their own very Hollow soul that formed temporarily. It is their very soul itself empty.

You had an empty soul within you simply because of it's special ability to attach to you. Simply expecting any other old empty soul to just be able to give you power is truly a foolish idea. However... I can do something due to a special ability I have...."

He smiled as he put the amulet on the ground and slid it over to Riyoshi.

He looked back to Kishi.

"Your barriers, they are made of what you Shinigami call Kido. So they should be specifically made against Hollows, that could affect me as Arrancar. Is there not someway you could keep your barriers from affecting me... That might be a great way to help track and block Grimmjow. However to do that you would have to allow my reiatsu into your barrier and kido spells, so that would completely accept my Reiryoku which I assume would take time and effort."
Kishi watched the two interact. She didn't have much to offer in way of this conversation as much as that pained her. She looked towards Itsuki, and if he was being calm and just drinking tea then Ichigo must be okay. At least, okay enough. Kami, this was just worrisome in all ways.

The teen leaned her head into her hand, watching as she pushed a stray thing of rice across the table. Then blinked, "Wait, Urahara, we need to go to Hueco Mundo and Torres said that he could open a garganta, and you don't need to worry about that. But it would be nice if you could give us some of your instant supplies or whatever it is you call them."

After all, her, Riysohi and Itsuki needed actual food and such to survive. But that was easily dealt with. Kishi was kind of looking forward to going to the desert, she actually kind of liked it. You know, minus the death and having to be rescued.

The teen blinked when Torres addressed her, "Uh, my barriers are just made of my reiatsu actually. Or at least from what I can tell. And even if they did affect hollows, they would affect me too." They just kind of were what they were. Barriers. "So I don't think it would be an issue. I can let anyone in or out of the barrier that I choose, so I probably could do the same for you. All I do is focus and allow someone's reiatsu that opportunity."

"Its kind of weird, I pick out someone's reiatsu and then I just kind of...give them permission. I don't know if that makes sense or not though."
"I don't plan on replacing the hollow that was once in my soul. I only want to use your reiatsu temporarily for the fight. If i can find a hollow that would be more of a permanent source, then i will jump at that. But with the battle of grimmjow coming up, We will need to find a temporary fix while I perfect my bankai." Riyoshi spoke out as he grabbed the amulet.

Upon grabbing the amulet, his reiatsu began to fluctuate. Shaking his head at this response, Riyoshi was shocked at how fast and brutal Torres reiatsu was against his own, even since it was a slight amount.
Itsuki grabs some rice and eats some. He just sat there silently listening to what they plan and say. 'Merging of reiatsu?' Itsuki thought to himself. 'Sounds interesting.' Itsuki takes a sip of tea when Kishi says that they plan to go to Hueco Mundo. Itsuki had rarely been there, so it would be interesting to go there.
Torres nodded to Kishi.

"Very well... that will do I suppose."

He sighed a little disappointed.

"So you wish to use my reiatsu to fight, I see. So you don't want a whole new Hollow, you just miss the power that comes with us. You miss the dark reiatsu. The same power that I and Kishi have, the power you lack.... Still this not something all Hollows can do. It was the Hollow that possessed you special's ability that allowed you to partake in our abilities.

Kishi also has this power because it comes from her own human side's corrupted soul which became a Hollow within. To share in any other's dark power is not so simply done, well actually not exactly with a special ability I possess..."

He smirked, got up and with a deep breath spoke.

"When you are ready I shall open the way to Hueco Mundo."

He said as he stretched up with a yawn and walked outside to a nice spot.
Kishi blinked, "Uhh....No? I have this because I was an experiment. My souls not corrupted. Meanie." She quickly finished up her rice and followed suit after Torres, "I'll be right back, I need to give my body to my mod soul really quick." She headed ff towards where Itsuki had put Ichigo.

She went in, quietly shutting the door behind her, although he doubted it would disturb him and sighed, sitting next to him on the floor. The teen grabbed the small container from her pocket that she kept the blue mod soul in, rolling it around in her hand before taking it. Upon being expelled from her body, she ordered the soul to watch over Ichigo while she was gone.

But.. Stopping at the door to look back at Ichigo she frowned. Usually in sleep he looked so peaceful, his usual scowl gone from sight, but now.. Now it was still there, like he was fighting with someone while he slept.

Kishi sighed, no use on being sentimental, better go make sure that Urahara is actually packing them supplies, and help him out. Although she was a bit worried at the way Riyoshi and Torres were talking. Merging reiatsu was hard, and merging two very different types of reiatsu might be impossible, if not fatal.

Riyoshi clinched his fists as he listened to Torres. How dare he put him in a boat of missing the hollow that he once held within his soul. Although he did at some points in his fighting, miss the power of a pure blood lust, it did not change that the hollow controlled him.

“Are you serious! I do not miss the hollow! I only thought that if needed, i would have a slight power increase from your reiatsu to boost my defense.” Riyoshi yelled back at Torres before he left the room.

Slamming his free hand down on the table, Riyoshi donned an angered expression. The arrancar might have been onto something if he would have rethought a simple aspect. Even though the hollow resided inside his soul, it did not block out his zanpakutou’s powers. It only allowed a fraction of it out while it harbored more of the hollow’s abilities to reign supreme. Exhaling deep through his nose, he thought about following Torres and also if he should just back down to the training facility that resided underneath Urahara’s shop. Giving into the thought of training in a hollow’s homeland made him crack a slight smile.


Riyoshi, do you seriously plan on merging our reiatsu with that hollow? Suzaku spoke out as his body began to reform into that of the phoenix.

"Do not worry about that Suzaku. His reiatsu will only be a stepping stone. A mere building block to a stronger plan." Riyoshi spoke out in his inner world.
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Even though Itsuki sat calmly throughout the conversation, he was uneasy. Especially when Riyoshi began shouting at Torres. When Riyoshi slammed his hand down on the table. Itsuki took another sip of tea. 'It's not good when things are tense between us.' Itsuki thinks to himself. Putting down his empty tea cup, he finishes the rest of his rice before speaking and hopefully changing the topic to a lighter issue."So Hueco Mundo as a training area. That's cool. What specifically shall we train?"
Kishi smiled lightly as Urahara tripped over some of his boxes, of course which he would have done on purpose but you wouldn't know that if you didn't actually know him, and sighed brushing her hands off on her hakama, "Okay so that's everything then right? We got water, food, and tent materials...."

Green eyes scanned the area, clapping her hands together when she was satisfied and threw the bigger pack on her back, grabbing the others with her hands and heading back out to the table, "Alright, I'm ready to head out. Riysohi, Itsuki, you're going to have to carry these packs, they've got shelter supplies in them and I've got the food in mine."

She looked over towards Torres, "And I know you won't eat our food, but there's plenty of shelter for all of us, including you." And so....Yeah, she was ready to go, if not a bit nervous. The teen smiled lightly, flashing her teeth.
Torres laughed as heard Riyoshi's comment.

"No, but you miss the power of a Hollow!"

He shouted from outside as he suddenly let out a very creepy evil kind of Arrancar laugh.

Torres tapped his foot as Kishi came outside, following with a whole trail of supplies. He looked and Kishi and then at the food and then began to chuckle as it trailed into a full hysterical laughter.

"You really don't know Hueco Mundo do you?"

He smiled maliciously as he looked at her and turned back to lean on the wall and wait for the others.

He wondered if he should tell them that they weren't just going to the deserts of Hueco Mundo, but somewhere far worse.... Nah, he would save it as a fun surprise....
Itsuki shifted a little uncomfortably at Torres.... Interesting behavior with creepy laughs and such. When Kishi walked in, he was all to eager to get up and help her carry supplies. He picks as much as he could and follows Kishi to where the portal to Hueco Mundo could be opened by Torres. One thing was bothering him..... Torres malicious laugh. What was so amusing?
Riyoshi had picked up the heaviest bag and whatever was left from the bags, and followed in line with Kishi and Itsuki. He knew this argument with an ill tempered mind set would only lead to the death of one of the two of them. Shrugging off the last comment by Torres, he collected his thoughts of Suzaku and his last encounter with him.

“I am not really sure about that laugh, but I know that from what i have heard, that Hueco Mundo is a barren waste land.” Riyoshi spoke out as he looked at Torres.
"Um...I've been to Hueco Mundo before. I stayed there for a prolonged period of time. And I know that we're going to need shelter and that we-" She motioned to herself and the other shinigami, "Are going to need food. So what did I get wrong?" Her eyes narrowed, "And as much as I like you, I don't like that look or that laugh. Its borderline, if not full on, crazy."

She looked over at the other two and sighed, shouldering her one of the three packs, "Okay, so food is in my pack along with shelter, Itsuki has the water because he's the healer of the group, Ryoshi you just mostly have shelter and emergency items. Torres, its up to you who you want to shelter with, the tents are all the same size, and we can easily move around to make camp. Once we get there we can discuss a possible guard and watch schedule."

Kishi blinked, tapping her chin lightly, thinking if there was anything she missed. HiMizu thrummed at her side and the teen finally decided that , no, she was not. "All right, let's go then, Torres if you could please open the Garganta."
Torres just looked at Kishi with a smile.

"You've been to Hueco Mundo and yet you still have no idea...." He looked at all the supplies.

"Food and shelter, they will be the least of the worries. You want to train in Hueco Mundo, we won't have time for such trivial things." He pointed out his forefinger as it reached into empty air as he wriggled it through almost poking through the fabric of the universe as he pulled a little, almost ripping it as the pure empty in front of them began to tear and break open, but in a very nice and blocky shape, not like when Hollows do it.

It pulled open as the Garganta opened as Torres stepped through.

"Follow me and get ready..." His hand motioning for them to follow as it was the last to pass through the darkness.


As they passed through the dark portal, they would find a part of Hueco Mundo they did not recognize.It was no barren desert, but something far worse. It was darker than darker, the ground was wet and muddy. As their feet squished through the disgusting swamp beneath them, but upon closer look their feet were not stained black but red. The swamp was soaked with blood, no water. There were pools of blood everywhere. It was a swamp of blood, with trees growing and mutating out of the ground in the most hideous of forms, seeming unnatural and monstrous. Emerging from all the trees and sticking out of them were fossilized remains of millions of Hollows which had become part of the trees, being consumed by them, still reaching out for an escape, some almost completely enveloped, others still pulling at the ground as they were slowly pulled in. Some seemed humanoid, some didn't look at all like a human. They were all dead, but it seemed like the echoes of their screams and terror could still be heard blowing in the cold wind.

Torres smirked. "Welcome..."
Itsuki looked aghast at this disturbing sight. This was not the Hueco Mundo he had heard of. He nearly dropped the stuff he was carrying from the shock of the hideous terrain around him. 'This place looks as appealing as Hell.' Noah thought to himself. "So where should we set up?" Itsuki asks the others, in a nervous tone of voice. This part of Hueco Mundo felt like it was eating away at his sanity. Perhaps when they start training, it will get his mind off the wretched Hollows stuck in the trees, or the putrid blood swamp. 'Man, I think I need more tea' Noah thought to himself feeling nervous.
Walking through the portal, he smelt the all too familiar iron smell. Exhaling deeply through his nose, Riyoshi shook his head slightly. He remembered all the times that he had dealt with that smell, and he was not in the mood to have to relive all those times, at least not with this group.

"So Hueco Mundo has a location like this as well?" Riyoshi asked out towards Torres, not really expecting an answer.

Leaping out of the blood, he placed a small layer of reiatsu under his feet and stood upon the air. Bringing up his arm, Riyoshi placed his nose and mouth in the crease of his elbow. Taking in breaths of non iron smelling air, Riyoshi glanced around at this scenery. It was a ghastly sight, and even for Arrancar and hollow's to be mindles, this seemed a bit too far for a place of this nature. He would have expected this in Hell, but even when they were extreme, it was more then just hollows in their traps.

"Let's get to training!" Riyoshi yelled out as he held the bag with one hand and unsheathed his zanpakutou with the other.
"Um, no." Kishi immediately did as Riysohi did, hovering and walking just above the bloody mess. Having goey and cold blood gush through your toes through your socks was not pleasant. Widened eyes swept over the area, taking in all the carnage before Riyoshi offered her a distraction. Walking over to him, she gently placed a hand on his wielding elbow and tutted, "We can't train here, and we most certainly can't set up camp here."

Her eyes started to wander again and she forced them to Torres, raising a brow in question, "But why exactly did you think this part of Heuco Mundo was such a great place for training? I know that we have to fight Grimmjow and everything but without rest and food in us, even with training, we'll be useless."

Whatever this place was, she hated it. But her hollow on the other hand... Her hollow was excited and happy as could be. It actually took some effort to repress the hostile energy for a moment.
Torres took a deep breath in as he exhaled the smell with a giant smile.

"Man I missed this place, the Swamps of Lost Hope!"

He looked to Kishi and nodded.

"We are training here, you wanted Hueco Mundo and you got it. These are the Swamps of Lost Hope, a place where all Hollows go to die. All Hollows who cannot consume, but do not wish to be consumed come here to die slowly and painfully.

It is also a good place to train, the very hopelessness of this place created an atmosphere that is almost impossible to fight in. All the most powerful Hollow come here to train, but the sadness and emptiness consumes them and die, being swallowed by the swamp itself and becoming part of the sadness.

If you can train here and survive, you can fight anything. If you can't, you will become a part of the swamp, forever swallowed whole by it. You either fight here or you are not ready to take on Grimmjow."
Noah formed a frown on his face. Strong hollows had come here to train, most died. So how would the Shinigami fair? Noah was pulled away from his thoughts when he realized he as still in the swamps disgusting liquids. A more distinct frown growing, Noah generates a Kido platform underneath him.
Riyoshi donned a smile as Torres introduced this place. He thought to himself, that maybe that the hollow that once resided in his soul might be in a place like this. After all, It was torres' inner world of despair that calmed the hollow within him. Taking a shallow breath, he glanced over at Itsuki.

"How are you doing little buddy? I will make sure that you dont die here." Riyoshi spoke out as he placed his zanpakutou upon Itsuki's shoulder.

Looking back at Torres, Riyoshi's smile vanished and a far more angered expression grew upon his face.

"I dont care where the hell we are. I need to perfect this technique!" Riyoshi yelled out as he quickly moved the blade from Itsuki's shoulder to the location of Torres.

He knew that they only had like six days to train, and they could not waste any time sleeping or resting. If he was to improve himself, he was going to need to get himself to the brink of death. Only then, he will get to the true power he holds within.
Kishi snarled heavily. "Fine." She didn't like this place for two reasons. One, it was f*cking just bad mojo. Two, her hollow absolutely love it, and she tended to avoid things her hollow loved.

The teen dumped her bag onto the ground, for once thanking the fact that Kisuke over invented everything and that the bags were water proofed. But let's see how long that would last while being saturated in hollow blood. She cracked her neck, stretching with her arms above her head so that her back popped, "And Torres, don't you need to go hunt?"

She drew her blade anyway, the zanpakuto thrumming with discomfort. And Kishi didn't blame them, this place made her uneasy, and that was saying something after the shit she'd seen. Green eyes examined Riyoshi, but she made no offer to help him. He was set on using Torres' powers of a hollow. So she would let him, and she would train alone. And keep an eye on Itsuki, he seemed like he didn't fight much, which was fine. when you were an excellent healer, you didn't need to be a fighter.
Itsuki smiled at Riyoshi's encouragement. Still, the place still made him nervous. Realizing the the bags were water-proof Itsuki rests them on the ground, or more blood, as well. Hearing Kishi, Noah assumes that Torres will train later after he hunts. "So I think I will just watch. This place is getting to my sanity so I think I might meditate." Noah says while rubbing the side of his head.

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