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Fantasy Blackwood Academy for the Gifted


Cookie Monster
Blackwood Academy for the gifted , there are some born with gifts that science cannot explain , Blackwood takes in these gifted teenagers and tries to help them control and develop their abilities , so that they can be accepted back into normal society . In the morning normal classes like Maths and English are the focus of the students studies in the afternoon the students learn about their powers and how to control them. But at night something more sinister is going on . The school is set in a gothic manor house overlooking an cove which the students are forbidden to enter.

(Rules , Teachers offices are out of bounds as well as the cove. Please be on at least once a week and please give your character depth)
(Please post a sort of intro of your character , where either they arrive , include some detail about your character)

Sighing Maya looked out of her dorm window , it was the first day back of the Fall term and most students were returning from the short visits with their families , she was one of the few that didn't go home. Her father refused to allow her home until he was sure she was safe to be around. The dorm window overlooked the cove , she always dreamed about running along it but he knew she never could , the water was a deep emerald shade the sun making it glow like a beacon.

It was about midday and most students had returned but she knew that class wouldn't start until the new arrivals got here , it always took a day or two before the school returned back to normal.

Maya had the pleasure of being in school alone , apart from a few teachers she could roam and do as she pleased , she spent hours on end in the art wing on a window seat sketching the view. Sometimes she drew memories , they were never hers of course, memories of holidays and illness , memories that Maya could only dream of. The school didn't have uniform so everyone could wear what they wanted , as usual Maya wore a beanie , a red and white baseball top , black leggings and red and white combat boots, her dark red hair was tied in a braid. Maya loved Fall because of the vibrant colours , orange and red were her favourites because of how bold and beautiful they were.

Sighing she listened to the schools brass bell chime , she thought to herself "I wonder who im going to meet this year?".
Rayisho enters the building, throws a Cigarette outside. He wasn't finish with the Cigarette, but he don't want to breath this fresh air. He hates fresh air. He walks around the building, here and there students. "Annoying kids..." Rayisho whispered and scratches hus head. "Why aren't any beatiful womans here! Only kids, kids, kids... and all of them can't use their gifts." He sighs "But if they control the gift, I wouldn't have a job" than he smiled. "Thank you, Annoying kids". That's the only reason, why he likes the kids: They are the reason why he even have money to buy food. Then he goes outside and sees a boy, running to the building. He looked at the clock. "I think, I have to go teach the class... any class... Wait... did I have to teach a class?" He scratches hus head.
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Alex Kianera

Alex walks up the front steps with all her clothes and other things in her large blue suitcase and stop. She takes a deep breath and listens to the nearby birds' argument about where they are going for the winter. She laughs to herself as she enters the building.

She looked down at what she was wearing. Because she woke up late, she just quickly tossed on a pair of jeans, a blue plaid shirt, a pair of sneakers, and a black hoodie. She had also tied her purple hair into a simple ponytail, which left her pointed ears very visible.

She turned to Amber, her pet fox who had followed her in. Hey Amber, do you think what I'm wearing looks alright?

The fox just looks at her in an annoyed way. Of course you look fine. This is like that fifth time you asked me so please stop. Only Alex hears this though. Not many people can communicate with animals.

Okay, okay. I will. Alex says as she makes her way to her dorm.
I arrived at the school, at last. The small breeze that the day had been so kind as to bring felt refreshing as it encountered my back. I smiled and looked around me to see al the other students that were just going in. It sure looked vivid. I could research a lot, make friends, anything I wanted or could dream of. I continue to walk towards the manor, my medium-sized blue hair slowly waving with the wind. Maybe I should shift into a different hair color? Nobody seemed to mind blue on the way there. Yeah, I`d just leave it for now. I adjusted my tie and jacket and made my way in.

Inside it was amazing too. I wondered the kind of stories that black wood and stone had, what people had witnessed through the half-dirtied windows. They reminded me of the stores back in the day`s how I just placed my hands on their windows to watch the product inside. Just look at it for hours straight. Until I was too hungry to go on. I raised my hand and looked at the skin. I then observed the skin of those coming in around me. Nearly no difference. Nobody would be able to tell I was fake. Still, I could shapeshift. Who`d know if my original form wasn`t more like one of those robots from the movies?

I shook my head and put on a smile to drive away those thoughts. They weren`t good for me. I put down my hand and made my way around to find a teacher.

"Excuse me?" I asked as soon as I found someone who looked like one "I`m new here. I was wondering if you could help me out?"
Stefanie exchanged awkwardly formal goodbyes with her parents, before turning away to walk up to the school. She paused on the front yard, casting a critical glance at the building before humming in satisfaction. From the pockets of her scarlet jacket she pulled out a basic map of the academy, her two bags on the ground by her feet as she scanned the map once more, before crumpling it and tossing it into a nearby waste bin.

"Follow the herd, find your room, settle in.." She muttered to herself, following the growing crowd of other students as they clambered into where she assumed to dorms were. Her black skirt swished as she walked, the thick fabric reaching her knees, while equally black flats adorned her feet. Her gloved hands were holding her bags, while she waited for the main crowd to disperse so she could gain entry to the dorms.

Leon Runkai

Location: Blackwood Dorms -> Class 1

Leon woke up in his dorm room in a most unpleasing way, by falling flat on his face while rolling off the bed. He had been living in the dorms for a couple weeks so he could acclimate himself to his new surroundings and fit in better once the term began. He dragged himself upright and trudged to the bathroom. When he got there he stepped in the shower, No use smelling like trash on the first day, he thought to himself. Not trusting the school water system he quickly scribbled a rune of water on the shower wall, unfortunately he forgot to put any limiters on it causing it to spray out at him like a wild geyser. Well, that's one way to wake myself up, he thought to himself. He quickly erased the rune and replaced with a new one, this time with limiters to prevent that incident again. Leon finished his shower, dried himself off, put on his glasses, and began to get changed.

Once he was showered and changed into his usual red t-shirt and jeans, Leon grabbed all his stuff and headed to class. When he heard the bell he began to go a little bit more hurried over to his first class.
I hope I can make some interesting friends this year, he thought to himself as he arrived in his first class and took a seat near the front. Leon waiting for the rest of the students to arrive and for class to begin, took out a book and began to read.
Chloe stood still staring with her few belongings packed in bags in front of the huge manor that would now be considered her new home. All of the blood had drained from her face as she was paralyzed with fear. Fear of not fitting in, fear of not belonging here, fear of messing up, fear of losing someone. Fear. All very real fears that Chloe had experienced throughout her life. Her foster family had been more than happy to quickly help gather up what was left of Chloe's belongings in order to ship her away as soon as they possibly could manage. She felt her body shake as a bell rang, though she had no clue what the bell was for. Slowly Chloe managed to take a small step towards the school. Taking a deep breath she began walking towards the dorms. Too late to fight it now, Chloe thought to herself, might as well try to enjoy it.

Dressed in a white top that perfectly met the waistband of a bright floral patterned mid-thigh length skirt, Chloe felt out of place already. As she looked around a lot of people wore darker colors and there were a lot of jeans. Looking around Chloe caught sight of a sign pointing to the dorms. Perfect! She thought to herself as she swished her long blonde hair over her shoulder and continued to walk.
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Jem Harroway

Smoothing out the creases from the plain white shirt on his bed, Jem was about to change out of his work attire when he heard the first bell sound. It was a warning toll that sounded the five minute period before the start of class. Hurriedly, he peeked outside his dorm room and across the hall.

The bathroom was currently occupied.

With a sigh of dismay, Jem went back inside to retrieve his bag and headed out. Seeing that class was on the complete opposite side of campus, it was too late to clean up. Hence, leaving his clothes forgotten on the bed, the young male left his room, mindful that he looked like a butler straight out of a comic series. He had no reason to dislike the uniform; as a part time worker at a café, it was natural protocol to wear such a guise. Unfortunately, he was neither at work nor in the presence of a café, and the outfit would undoubtedly draw attention to himself.

But at the mercy of whoever occupied the restroom, there was nothing he could do. Pointedly ignoring those who were already beginning to turn curious eyes in his direction, Jem started off.
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Alex Kianera

As I finish unpacking, I hear the bell ring and I quickly put on my bag and head outside my room. Wow it is crowded out here. I thought to myself as I squeezed through the large group. Suddenly everyone seems to notice my ears and begin pointing and whispering about me. Hey! Everyone has ears! Just because my ears are pointed doesn't mean I am lesser of a person than any of you!

I sigh angrily and start to move faster through the crowd and I was finally able to make it to class. From there just choose a desk near the window and dropped down on it after I layed aside my bag. I then looked around and noticed that I was one of the first people here.
Rayisho enters the class and looks at Alex. He looked at her for a while. "Elf/Human Hybrid, 15: Kianera. Full name Alex Kianera, Right?" He said and close the windows. "Who opened them? I hate fresh air." Then he looked at Alex again and take a seat on the teacher desk. "My name us Rayisho Samaysune. For you, I'm Only Samaysune or mister Samaysune. A Tipp: don't tell me Rayisho in the lessons. That's dangerous." He said.
Alex Kianera

Yeah that's me and don't worry Mr. Samaysune. I won't.
I get out a pen and paper then write: Do not call Mr. Samaysune by his first name (Rayosho)

During his classes or there will be consequences. I fold the paper up and stuff it in my pocket. Then I just sit there and watch all the other students file into the classroom.
Rayisho watchs at the clock. "5 minutes too late!" He said and writes something down on his book. He looks at the Window and then to his Cigarettes. He sighed.
Elanile, The Fire Fairy

Elanile could see how people around her changing goodbye with their parents, while she was only standing in front of the gate alone. Elanile didn't really care because when she finally found her master, she won't be alone anymore. Elanile walked pass the gate into a long hall full with students with different appearance, some has pointy ears, some has beak, some has wings, wow there was a lot of people like me, abnormal... She chuckled.

Elanile stretched her body, relaxing her muscle after walking 2 hours straight to this academy. She could fly in her fairy form, of course, but when she did that, she almost hit by fly swatter... or by watering hose... or by speeding car... So, she thought that it would be safer for her to walk to academy, didn't want to lose her life before finding her master.

Ah! Master! Elanile suddenly remembered her main purpose attending this academy, to find the perfect master for her so she could stay alive. Elanile looked around her and nodded her head with her hand on her chin, better start searching from my class, off to the class! Elanile walked toward her class that located in the end of the hall.

(Text in red and italic means Elanile speaks in her mind)

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Stefanie, after much unnecessary shoves and contact with people, had found her dorm. With a relieved sigh she pushed it open, and quite happily placed her bags by a desk. It looked pretty damn spacious, though she suspected that once she had a few items placed inside that would soon change. Content, she unpacked her clothes, unfolded them, refolded, and them put away in the dresser and closet provided. Soon she found herself staring at the blank wall opposite her, before she got around to neatly stacking her books on the desk.

It was all good and well, until she ran out of things to do. Nervously glancing at the door she spoke to herself, "Would another attempt at navigating those halls be more successful this time?" She pondered this for a few minutes, before coming to the conclusion that it was possible. The bell ringing a few minutes earlier may have cleared some other students, and with that thought in mind she opened the door. The hallway was eerily deserted, and for a few panicked moments she thought everyone had died, though a banging on the wall inside the room opposite of hers calmed her mind.

"I suppose they might be in classes. Or outside, mingling." She mused, so used to talking to herself at home where only her parents could hear. Adjusting the white hat perched elegantly on her head to make sure it was concealing the two little nubs she called horns, which stuck out enough to cause trouble for her in 'normal society', she quietly walked outside.

Jem Harroway

Steady pacing marked the way of Jem’s progress until he arrived at the designated room, the door topped by a wooden placard that read Class 2. From the inside he could already hear the bustle of excitement as students began to take their place; desks were being claimed, marked by the sound of chairs scraping endlessly along the floor, and he caught the sound of bags – bergens, messenger, and various other forms to carry one’s supplies – being tossed about, an inconsistent drumming that cemented one’s location.

As he started to enter, Jem stopped short and noticed a long running piece of parchment attached just outside the door. Classmates continued to file in after him and as he watched a pair of letters manifested on the paper followed by numbers. Each time someone entered, a new line would appear with a different combination of letters and numbers; those who followed close by shared the same…

“Time,” Jem mused to himself, realizing the letters were initials. It was an attendance sheet. Although the students themselves were prohibited from using their own gifts, it seemed like there were some exceptions to the Academy when it came to otherworldly things.

Gifts, he thought longingly while stepping inside. If only he could use his own to make his appearance somewhat normal, that would have been fine. It would need to last a few seconds, enough to make his way to the back and find a seat. But it had been explicitly stated in the letter that one’s talent was not allowed until the afternoon. There had also been mentions of a cove.

“Cove…” The word slipped from beneath his breath in curiosity, and distracted, it allowed Jem to slip through the rows and into a desk, paying little attention to those who glanced at his odd dress. “The cove…”
Elanile, The Fire Fairy

Elanile stood not far from her class when she noticed a black-haired guy standing in front of the door, looking at something and walked in.. hmm... he has a potential to be my master, his dress is... unique, better know him more, Elanile walked through the door right on time. Better not be late for her first day.

Elanile walked past the potentially master and sat not far from him. She watched his back closely, trying to read his mind which was something she couldn't do,
better wait for break time to talk to him, if he doesn't meet the requirements and tasted bad, I will surely streak him out from my list.

Elanile leaned to her seat and looked outside the window, she sure loved the sky here better than in her hometown, bluer and calmer.
After she bored looking outside the window, Elanile scanned her class carefully, Class 2, trying to find someone else who had potential to be her master.
Buzzing with excitement Maya couldn't take her eyes off the teacher , she looked at them nervously wondering what they were going to be like . Sighing she waited for more people to turn up , she knew that people wouldn't always be ready to be friends right away , but that never stopped her. Bored she started to doodle in her sketchbook , drawing a picture of the classroom and the teacher in it.

Her main goal this year was to have fun , she had been here for years and followed every rule but she never felt happy. Sighing dreamily she sketched the cove , practically no student had been there , it was forbidden up there at the top of the schools very long rule list. She looked at each person who came into the class carefully , trying to work out everything she could about everyone. It was her first time in class two as she had only just moved up.

Sighing she waited for something to happen , or at least someone to talk too , all of her friends were still with their families so most of the day she was alone.
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After finally making it to her dorm Chloe quickly realized how few things she really owned. Carefully she put all of her clothes away in drawers and sighed. Slowly Chloe shuffled across the room to gaze longingly out the window at the kids who still had families. Fathers giving their children awkwardly stiff hugs and handshakes while mothers stand weeping as they watch their babies growing up and leaving. Chloe shuddered as she thought about her own parents. Memories flooded into her mind but before it would affect her gift she managed to shut off the memory. Staggering away from the window she began looking around her room. White carpet and white tile. White walls, white sheets. White. "Great." Chloe muttered to herself.

After standing and staring aimlessly in her room for a period of time Chloe decided to head to class. Walking through the hallways she kept glancing in windows and through open doorways until she reached the classroom with
Class 2 on the door. A few people were already in the room and holding her breath Chloe made her way into the room and sat in one of the open desks. As she sat she let out the air she had been holding in.
Stefanie had been spotted by some elderly woman, who claimed to be a general instructor, of what the woman never said, and so Stefanie was ushered to the classrooms; specifically Class 2. She winced when other teenagers her age came into contact with her, before she managed to slip inside the class. Relieved, she took a seat by the window, slouching forward and trying to look as unapproachable as possible.

"Deep breaths." She whispered to herself, trying to ease her fears. Honestly, she thought she could handle being around so many people, this being the one thing she wished for throughout her childhood, but as it was she was quite simply confused and overwhelmed. This was nothing like the television shows and books, where the protagonist walked into the school and bumped into an immediate group of strangers who would soon become trusted friends. If anything, she was ignored, the people who bumped into her looked genuinely surprised to see her, as if she had just materialized in front of them.

With her thoughts trailing off into dark places, Stefanie distracted herself by discreetly eyeing her other classmates, the ones who founds seats. It was odd, seeing other students with their unique appearances in plain sight, confident with their bright wings, pointy ears, or even tails. Hesitantly she reached for her hat, debating internally if she should remove it; it rubbed against her horns which were oddly sensitive and it wasn't the most pleasing feeling in the world. But when another wave of students entered she snatched her hand away from her head and looked out the window, her face heating up. Perhaps another day. Or maybe never.
"Are everybody there?" Rayisho shouted to his class. He looks around and saw a desk free. "10 minutes too late... and that at the first day..." Rayisho said and sighed. "So...This is Class one, right? When yes, then I'm your Math and Chemistry Teacher. My name us Rayisho Samaysune. You call me Only Samaysune or Mister Samaysune. Something like sensei is ok too, but if anyone call me Rayisho in the lessons... I won't tell you guys that because it's..." Rayisho looks down and than looks at the class very serious.
Jem Harroway

At his desk, where it was located near the back of the class to avoid the heart of the din, Jem picked up the sound of class starting in the next room over. The voice was distinctly male, low and one that seized attention.

Expectant, Jem glanced toward the front. Lacking the same discipline commanded in the neighboring room, their instructor seemed more preoccupied with scribbling an introduction down on the chalkboard, their back turned to the class. Given that the hair was dressed in a ponytail, he only figured everyone would be soon addressing a Mrs. . The handwriting was neat, an exact copy of the one he’d seen earlier on the paper.

Something pricked the back of his neck then, and he turned instinctively, twisting in his chair. It might have possibly been his imagination but it felt as if for a brief second someone had been eying him with something akin to interest. Given that there were still a multitude of students behind him, Jem had no exact location of the person’s whereabouts but he glanced curiously at the girl with red hair, whose attention was drawn everywhere but himself.

A moment later he turned away, perching his chin into a gloved hand. Unintentionally, due to the way he had turned his face, he found his attention drawn to the girl on his adjacent left. She seemed somewhat distraught by something current, hands occasionally reaching up to trace the edge of her long brimmed hat before settling back into her lap. For many, a change in setting such as this could set anyone’s nerve on edge.

Sympathetic, he reached over and tapped her desk lightly, his face still plat formed by the other hand. “I believe we’re under dressed compared to most,” he murmured, his lips quirking in a small smile. He motioned to those who surrounded them, the action encompassing the odd and mythical. “An outfit like my own,” he gestured to himself, “or a hat such as that,” a glove finger pointed briefly at her, “would seem pretty normal given our circumstances. If it helps to leave it on, I wouldn’t worry too much.”
Maya was running desperately through the corridors , she had been at this school 2 years and she still didn't know where half of the classrooms are. She gasped for breath , she ran into the classroom slamming the door open , in-between breaths she stammered "Sorry. Late....Sorry sir .. wont happen again" Anxiously she waited for a reply before slipping into an empty seat. Starting to doodle on the desks she wondered what would happen later.

Compared to some others Maya was dressed quite normally , she had a normal appearance , normal ears and no wings . Her only difference to normal people was her gift.
Misuka, an odd individual with a warm hearted aura walks into the class shortly after a lady who appeared to have been running. She didn't know why people were running into the class rooms as if a wild bore had catched there scent, she only knew what class to go to. The bottles on her belt clank together as the liquids inside slosh around when she walked. She made her way to an empty seat up front sitting down and looks at the man who is standing up out of everyone in the room. He seemed to be very gloomy and steamed as Misuka knows this must be the teacher.
As Chloe sat her gaze shifted out of the nearby window. The sun was shining and birds were happily fluttering around outside. How nice that must be, She thought to herself as other students stumbled in through the door finding their own seats. To be able to go wherever you wanted, when you wanted. To be normal. As more and more people moved into the classroom Chloe heard murmurs of people talking in desks behind her. They spoke of clothing though Chloe didn't turn to look to see whom it was talking. A teacher stood at the front of the room writing in fancy script, words that Chloe was too distracted to care anything about.

Reaching into her bag Chloe rummaged around looking for a pencil. Not to write with but instead to feed her nervous habit of twirling the pencil though her fingers. Sitting in this classroom she felt awkward and like she didn't belong. All of the people here had real gifts, while Chloe felt more mutated than gifted.

While digging for a pencil she felt her finger graze across the edge of a piece of paper. "Ouch!" Chloe whispered quietly under her breath as she pulled her hand back out of the backpack. On her pointer finger paper cut ran the distance between her knuckles and a small bubble of blood began forming. Oh no. Chloe worried in her mind. She immediately stuck the bleeding knuckle to her lips to try and cover up her body's mending. You aren't supposed to use your powers idiot! Chloe internally argued with herself. But I can't control it, it just happens! It's okay just act natural, no one is even looking you're fine. Pulling her finger away from her mouth she saw the paper cut and its blood was gone, you would have never thought it was ever even there if it wasn't for the small white scar that covered where the cut once was. But even that would be gone in a couple minutes.

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