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Fantasy Beyond the Third Sky

Raphael stirred from his sleep. Again.

He was getting tired of waking up in new, wacky places.

And he had sand in his hair.

Which was unfortunate, because his body was covered in it. He was still in fox form from earlier.

Raph stood up and shook out his coat of fur quickly, causing sand to scatter. Some fur was clumped with wet sand that he had to bite at to free.

As he was doing this, he noticed the cheetah from earlier was up and about. He stopped and looked up as the cheetah approached him, and gave a noise of notice.

Raph cocked his head to the side immediately, in confusion. His blank stare seemed to last for a few minutes, when in reality it was slight seconds.

This was a smart cat, he could tell. Probably not a cat. Probably a person who can change into a cat, like a Kitsune can change into a fox.

Raphael put a paw up to his mouth... "Except you can't talk in animal form." he said outloud.

Raphael pondered this thought in his head. The only thing he could think... his instincts told him that his power was not natural at all. 'Kitsunes', as he seemed to be, were purely a magical entity.

Raphael gave a big, foxy smile. It looked unnatural.

"I'm being extremely rude. I'm Raphael. Call me Raph. Am I correct in assuming you can shift into a person as well?"

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The fox could talk! She meant- the boy could talk in fox form! Totally. Not. Fair. He was also a very cute fox, she realized, not in that way though.

The boy-fox asked her if she could also transform into a human. Jenna tried to speak, then the words were gargled in her throat, so she just nodded her head slowly. And purred. The boy then introduced himself as Raphael.

In that moment, Jenna actually tried to transform back into a human, with the sheer will of her mind. And she felt something stirring in her, as she imagined her skin as human, and her human eyes and human voice. Then, suddenly, her body started shivering. She was vibrating back and forth, almost convulsing. Jenna felt herself transforming- shrinking and contorting, until she collapsed on the ground. She was exhausted.

After a few seconds, she managed to get out, "My name's Jenna."

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Fiora opened her eyes, and was nearly blinded by the light suddenly filling her vision. She blinked a few times. After a few moments, her vision returned to normal. She could tell that she was in some town... She had no clue where, though. Of course... The most important question was what she was. She glanced around the town, becoming a little afraid of her sudden arrival and lack of knowledge as to what exactly she was. A few details seemed to come to mind quickly: her name was Fiora Fulmen, she was a young woman, and definitely human. She had a pair of daggers at her waist, and knew that she was capable of using some magic. That was about all that she knew, though... She tried speaking. "I'm... Fiora." She muttered, trying to remind herself where she was. She could at least take comfort in what little knowledge she had, even if everything else was intimidating. She could talk, move, and even defend herself if she needed to. With this decided, she figured that her best course of action was to look around. Maybe she'd find someone friendly. If someone else happened to be here, they could team up. She slowly started taking a stroll through the town, walking along a few paths. At least the surroundings looked nice.
The response to his question was a nod and a purr. It was kind of cute.

The next thing that happened? Maybe not as cute.

It seemed the cheetah was... trying very hard to change itself. Trying to prove it could change, I guess.

It was a disturbing process to watch, and when it was finally over... there was a girl. Collapsed on the ground. Panting.

Named Jenna.

Raph changed himself into a human, through his instinctual knowledge of his race. If you blinked, you would miss the transformation. Where there once stood a fluffy red fox, now stood a boy with crimson hair.

He rushed to her side.

"Woah, woah. You alright?" he knelt down next to her.

He softly chuckled to himself.

"Your changing doesn't look like the most fun thing in the world. It's nice to meet you, Jenna." He said, seeming guilty over the ease of transition for a kitsune.

And he could talk in animal form.

It really wasn't fair.
when she finally managed to start coming down from the high, fia looked down at herself. her clothes were a mess of soot, but seemingly intact. she wasn't sure what became of what she had realized too late she was carrying on her back, or what it had even been in the first place, but those were thoughts for another time. when she looked back to what was right in front of her, she was stunned to see what had been occurring while she had made her dance - a large creature stretched across the sky, the smoke remaining failing to obscure it's ridiculous mass.

and it looked at her. and began to approach. fuck. it being so many times her senior in size alone, she had no time at all to react before it was upon her - before the boy behind inside it was before her. she could think of nothing to say, nothing she could think to do - she could only stare at him, eyes wide.

"...well that was awesome."

her stupor didn't last very long. her mind was instantly flooded over again, and she jumped up to meet him. "w-what? you're joking, right?! you were that big, long thing, right? you-" coughing. she didn't realize the smoke was still so prevalent in the air. "y-you're that! you lit up the skyline! you were the skyline! i-'m-" god, what's with this smoke? all the fire had dissipated, surely it would've at least moved on by now? she continued to cough - almost completely able to vocalize anymore. "w-what-" god, it's so thick her lungs now. why wasn't it this bad when she was in the fire? she couldn't even breathe now! she sputtered, choked, and looked back up to him for a moment, her eyes confused and scared. no - this couldn't be happening - she-she had to breathe - this couldn't...!

she gasped out one last time desperate time before doubling over and passing out.

the sun.

her eyes shot open - ah, no, wait, crap - fia yelped as loud as she could, her eyes burning like fire. ('fire would be preferable, actually!' she thought to herself, amongst the yelling.) she scrambled to her feet as quickly as she could, her hands scraping at her eyes as she tried to fight out whatever it was that was burning them awake. she felt it near her, on her - gritty, small. everywhere. she was even standing on the stuff. 'sand! this is sand!' her mind desperately signaled as she ran around the odd little beach front. whoever was sleeping next to her was likely in for another rude awakening on top of all the desperate yelling, as their body was tripped over as she fell into the salty ocean.

"aoooohhoh, hh-elep!" she tried to shout into the water, but it didn't exactly work, either, and now her eyes burnt worse. she quickly pulled her head back up and gasped, panting and growling as she tried to calm down from the terrifying ordeal. at least the sand was gone, now, but her eyes were still in pain. she tried to wipe the ocean water and her tears away with the small parts of her dress that weren't sopping wet or covered in sand or sut. awful. awful awful. why was she so relieved to be alive, again? living was pain. awful, terrible pain.
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Alex stirred and awoke from, what felt like a long slumber. He sat up slowly and placed a hand to his forehead.

'God. My head Hurts' He had no idea where he was and was still waiting for his eyes to adjust to the sudden piercing light.

When his eyes adjusted he could tell he was in some sort of town. He looked around quickly before bumping his hand on something strapped to his side. He looked down to discover that there was a rather large wrench strapped to his waist, bound by a leather holster. He stood up slowly and dusted himself off.

He turned around to see a figure moving away from him. He didn't know what else to do so he raised a hand and shouted "Hello?!"

@Face Nemesis
Before Jenna could answer, another member of the small beach party awoke.

And probably woke up everyone else, too.

Raph's head shot up at the awful screaming. He recoiled and jumped back, quickly morphing into fox form. The fur stood on his back, like on an agitated cat. He peered at the source. A red headed girl.

She tripped and fell into the water, after fighting with the sand.

Raph slowly crept over.

"Hey, Red. Sand giving you trouble? It can be a bit tricky at times, I know." Raph said in a slightly condescending voice.

He started licking at the back of his paw.

"So far it's just the three of us awake." Raph said, motioning to Jenna. "Let me introduce myself... name's Raphael. Call me Raph."

He paused.

"Seriously, you gonna make it? Or are the water and the sand giving you a tough time?"
fia was busy furiously trying to wipe the water away from her eyes when she realized she was being spoken to. she turned to see the speaker, and jumped a little when she realized it was a... fox...? the word comes to mind on examining them, but it doesn't seem appropriate. still, what she was looking at wasn't humanoid, whatever it was. it caused her to start a little. her knees, which had been firmed lodged into the sand when she sat up, almost collapsed again and sent her back into the water, but she pulled herself up. she suddenly remembered the boy from before, and examined the creature closely.

"r-raphael," she repeats slowly, suspiciously, getting a little too close for comfort as she looked him over. she wasn't exactly sure what she expected to see, really, but she found it strange - was this the boy from before? was that his name - raphael? she took a quick glimpse at the rest of the sleeping bodies and realized, no, this was a completely separate multi-formed wonder. the boy from before was still sleeping, and there were two spots left empty from his, and the girl further upshore, absences. it was sort of underwhelming, after she had seen an odd eighty-foot dragon, to see this person now, actually, but it was still sort of disorientating. there was a distinct feeling inside her that this was not quite normal.

her eyes suddenly narrowed, realizing the supercilious nature to his first comment. "y-yeah, i'm f-fine! jeez!" as she furiously wiped at her dress, she felt a small bulge in her pocket, and she quickly reached into pull out the small sun. good. she still had it with her. she put it her to face, in an attempt to dry it. "i just was confused and all, you know? i'm good now. i get it. sand." she sighs, deflating a little. "i'm sorry."

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Raph began laughing out loud.

A laughing fox is a sight to behold.

"Don't be sorry. I take it that none of us have any single clue what's happening. I'm completely running off of animal instinct to be honest."

Raphael looked the girl up and down.

"Maybe animal instinct differs from creature to creature." Raph couldn't hold back from laughing out loud again. "Maybe some creatures are scared of sand!"

After calming down, Raphael started again.

"But seriously. I think fear is a pretty natural reaction, if you're in the same clueless state that I'm in." he said. "After everyone else wakes up, we'll have to figure out a plan of action."

Raphael took a few steps back, and dug himself a quick hole to lie down in. The cool, wet sand in the hole felt extremely nice.
a-animal instinct? was that a joke or just a statement of the fact of the situation? fia's lips pursed. thinking back to the old array of characters laying in the sand, this might, in fact, be an actual assessment of the situation. was she sure this wasn't the boy's only form? she decided it probably didn't actually matter. if it wasn't supposed to be normal, it was now. what was even 'normal' to begin with, and why did it matter, again?... this was making her head hurt. she set the mini-sun onto her lap, her face finally dry.

"maybe animal instinct differs from creature to creature." it felt like a sagacious comment - it almost managed to make her feel better. that was, until he broke out into another round of laughter. she would be getting indignant, if that didn't seem to be her default state of being. she buried her face in her hands... after meticulously making sure they weren't covered in any more sand. she might be impetuous, but she at least wouldn't make the same mistake again so soon if she could help it.

after a few moments, his laughter seems to subside, and he speaks again. "i am," fia replies, suddenly feeling a little somber. she grasps the small sun tightly, and awkwardly grasps it tightly in her hands, fiddling with it in a slow, anxious way. then, in a quiet voice, she adds, "thank you."

"after everyone else wakes up, we'll have to figure out a plan of action," he assures. yeah. that sounded like a good idea. the fox(?) moves off a little farther up and settles in, seemingly to cool itself off and relax. fia likes the heat, but she decides it might be a good idea to settle in here, too, and moves from her knees to a proper sitting position. for an indeterminate amount of time, that feels like forever for the ever-moving fia, she actually sits still, and listens as the waves lap onto the shore. her feet can just feel it's cool touch on her skin, and they settle in a little deeper into the sand.

"...fia," she suddenly offers up. "my name is fia. it's... nice to meet you." another pause. "thank you for coming over here. i -" she stops. she doesn't have anything to say, really, and while she felt compelled to fill the silence with something, she refrains, just this once, and let's the sound of the waves do it's part to fill the gap.

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Xenith La Rosia - Forest Cove Group

Why? Why? Why is there such a selfless person here? Why would you accept me? Her tears of frustration transformed into tears of pure joy. I'm not alone A smile, wider than ever before, filled her face as she wiped her tears away. She never even thought she could smile like that. "Thank you...thank you..." Jah'Ri was her light in the darkness, she always managed to save Xenith from despair. No matter what anyone says, she is not leaving this world without her. As she arose, a strangely thick smoke filled her lungs. Coughing and panting all over, all she could do before blacking out, was shield Jah'Ri.

Pure white fluff filled her view as Xenith blinked her eyes awake. Sitting up, she realized she was piled in snow. Wait, snow? Looking around her, snow was absolutely everywhere. From the high tree tops, to the small bushes underneath them, snow was present. Dangerous icicles hung from the tallest of trees, whereas the ice cold temperatures began to grow as the wind blew. At least I'm well rested now she thought quietly. Wait- where was Jah'Ri? Looking around her, she noticed the small tip of a reptilian head. Brushing the snow off, she sighed, she was safe but freezing cold. Ripping off parts of her dress, she covered Jah'Ri in order to warm her temperature. Sitting silently, she wondered what had caused such a chain of events. @DergTheDergon

Nio Magnetus - Town Group

Silently, Nio awoke to the pleasant freezing temperatures around him. For a moment, he sat peacefully, embracing the icy winds. Standing up, he brushed the cool white fluff off of his simple clothes. Thin and plain, he didn't really mind what he wore. Who was he? Why was he here? He didn't exactly care about these questions, but pondered them for the safety of his being. Looking for a local bookstore, he decided to release his confused emotions into a book.
Muro woke up to find himself covered in white powder. What was this stuff? Muro rose from it and shook it off. It was cold, but fortunately Muro's feathers shielded from the worst of it. He buried his snout in it and actually ate some of it, it tasted slightly like water, but fluffier. He walked around in a circle, feeling it beneath his feet, he left a trail of two toed footprints. Muro lay on his back and started rolling around in the snow. He felt a strange sense of joy in this simple activity. Why? He didn't know. He started laughing. It was an odd sight, a vicious looking creature rolling around and playing in the snow. He launched some more, even louder this time.

Simon was confused as to just about everything, who he was, why he was holding a weapon in the form of a crossbow, and why he was wearing a weird mask. He could see there were others around him.

"Hello." He said "Who are you people, eh? Hehehehehhe!"



Ammax smiled wickedly, feeling Massun pounding on the back of his concience.

"Not now Siren..."

He answered, standing on a tall building that looked as if it were to colapse at any instance. He wiped the blood off his weapon (Image). Smiling, the Beast glanced at a few people, few miles ahead. It snorted, the skulls hanging around its neck clacking together. He striked his hoof against the floor, watching a long crack form around where he striked.

"Lets take this baby down..."

He jumped off, and slammed his curved weapon into the building, and began repeating this prosses untill her reached the ground. Looking up, he saw the trail of destruction he left, and the cracks slowly spreading across the building. Snorting, he took a long rope with 3 skulls on both ends, and threw it up, the skulls wrapping tightly around a Lighting Pole. He smiled, and galloped in the directon of the people.

As he aproached the sorce of the noise, he stopped running. He took his urved weapon and dragged it along the rocky floor...

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Jah'Ri continued approaching Xenith cautiously, unsure how she would react to any sudden movements in her apparently delicate emotional state. It proved rather for Jah'RI difficult to resist running up to the pale girl and wrapping her scaly arms around her, but she managed even as the girl looked up at her with teary eyes. Jah'Ri found herself stopping in her tracks as she noticed the girl's look of despair slowly turn into a smile, the likes of which Jah'Ri had never seen. The mere sight of it caused Jah'Ri's heart to beat faster, her mind to clear of all thoughts but the disarming sight before her. What was this feeling?

"Xenith is... welcome... and Jah'Ri thanks Xenith as well." These words were ,for some reason, difficult to get out in this situation but she managed. She didn't really know what for, but Jah'Ri felt this unshakable urge to thank Xenith and so she did. Xenith had selflessly helped her earlier but more than that, she seemed to let her guard down around Jah'Ri, something that before she had not done for anyone. In the short time Jah'Ri has been interacting with Xenith, she got the impression that such was difficult for the pale girl. On some deep, nearly indescribable level, Jah'Ri understood this and it endeared her very much. Jah'Ri sat down next to Xenith under the tree, then suddenly,something alarming happened.

A thick smoke, black as night, began filling the air instantaneously as if it had no source. Jah'Ri began coughing and gasping for air, and in her panicked state of mind found herself reaching for Xenith, attempting to shield her from this air born threat with her reptilian body. Upon barely touching the girl however, Jah'Ri found herself losing consciousness...

Jah'Ri suddenly awoke, and the first thing she noticed was the cold. The nearly stinging cold against her back, and the cold in the air. Above her, gazing up at the sky still half-asleep, the sky was certainly different than Jah'Ri remembered. It was a vibrant Cyan, the sun shining just above in the center of the sky. Glancing around silently, she caught glimpses of the treetops, covering in this white substance, than glancing on either side of her as she lay there, she noticed where she was laying was in this white substance, a cold substance that almost felt numb. How long had she been laying there? More importantly, where was Xenith?!

Remembering the girl she had found just before she blacked out, Jah'Ri sat up with a start and was relieved to see Xenith right there in front of her. Upon Jah'Ri's face was a look of pure relief. "Ah, Xenith.... jah'Ri is glad you are alright..." J'ah'Ri sat up, brushing the snow from herself and glancing around. "This is nothing like where we were before..." jah'Ri muttered quietly. The trees were the only thing she recognized from the laster environment they were in. And before that... she remembered nothing.

Looking back towards Xenith, she noticed a difference in the elaborate cloth she had been covering herself with before, a contrast to Jah'Ri's simple leathers covering the most sensitive parts of her body. Namely, Xenith's attire seemed to be lacking much of the substance it had before, tears visible in what was left of it. Looking down at herself, the mystery of Xenith's attire had been solved. Pieces of her dress eem to have been ripped from it and placed over Jah'Ri as she lay there. "How long has Xenith been awake? And did Xenith... do this for Jah'Ri?" Jah'Ri held up one ofthe strips of clothes that had been placed over her for emphasis, and found her voice quieting a bit as she spoke, a strange warmth coming over her reptilian cheeks even in this cold.

Suddenly, Jah'Ri heard a thunderous laughter from nearby. Jerking her head that direction, her eyes widened as she spotted another familiar figure. It was Muro.... one of the injured from earlier .He seemed to have made it. The relieving sight of the fellow reptilian creature distracted her from the oddity of what he was doing. "Muro! Jah'Ri sees you! She is glad you are safe!" She called out to him, before turning back towards Xenith. "Is Xenith... colder now? Jah'Ri find something to warm her. Ah, Jah'Ri knows. She shall make fire." Jah'Ri stood and glanced around, spotting a fdew branches nearby and beginning to bring a source of warmth to this cold place. Once the fire had been igniting by her breath, jah'Ri who had begun shiverng let out a sigh of relief. "This place is freezing... not ideal for cold-blooded creature such as Jah'Ri." Throughout the process of making a campfire Jah'Ri found herself gazing towards Xenith more and more often. She simply found herself staring. There was something... captivating about the pale girl. Jah'Ri gradually understood less and less of how she felt around her, as these strange feelings grew more and more intense.

@VioletShadow @Spinoceratopsrex
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Xenith La Rosia - Forest Cove Group

Xenith, startled at Jah'Ri's sudden awakening, smiled calmly at her words. "I've only been awake...a short while" It was a white lie, she had been pondering for at least an hour in her mind. A long time ago, she had noticed the wafts of dark smoke in the distance, but refused to awake Jah'Ri, and let her rest. The incidents in the not so long past were not exactly minor. It was tempting, heading towards the possibly warm fire on her own, but fiercely decided against it. Her body was always cold, however, this freezing cold did do minor damage to her temperature. "That blanket of cloth is indeed for you. Use it to keep warm." Her expression had retained her usual, calm demeanor. But it was somehow gentler, more empathetic than before. She softly smiled, knowing that Jah'Ri was well enough to talk so much, meant a lot to her.

Looking over her shoulder, Xenith noticed Muro close by, continuously laughing in a loud manner. She couldn't help but smile at this strange feat; a fully grown dinosaur rolling and playing around in the snow? It seemed absurd, but she realized a long time ago that no matter what you look like, you can like whatever you want. This was connected to her own self as well as Muro, she was literally a monster, but liked friendship and company more so than a mere mortal. Nodding in his general direction, Xenith carried on her conversation with Jah'Ri.

"I'm not uncomfortable at all, the cold does not effect me much." She began. "However, you seem cold, make a fire for your own sake. Or I'll make it for you." Xenith's words may have seemed cold, but that was her usual way of communication. Her emotions are merely deeply hidden, expressing was not her forte. Gesturing towards the smoke in the distance, she proposed an idea "We should head towards that smoke soon, examining the area is always a good idea, if need be, I'll carry you and fly away." Civilization, comfort, homes, these were all things she yearned to find. Possibly she could settle in an area, but she suddenly remembered, not everyone is as nice as Jah'Ri. Darkness lurks around every corner...Shaking her head, she decided to scout out, before making any rash decisions. "Would any of you like to join me in my scouting trip?" She asked with an unreadable expression.

@DergTheDergon @Spinoceratopsrex

Nio Magnetus - Town Group

Tracing his fingers along the golden inscription on the old wooden sign, he read silently. "CLOSED" was imprinted boldly, in clear shining letters, which looked as if they were glowing in the darkness of the cold. A disappointed expression filled his face as he examined the building. Two floors, and possibly a basement was the overall structure of the building. Rusty windows, double doors atop a small flight of stairs, and to top it all off, a small hanging sign with the symbol of a book hang above him. He sighed slowly, and looked around. Two wasps of smoke filled his eyes, one from the center of town, the other in the far distance, possibly in the middle of the frosty woods. He was merely waiting, so he decided to explore around that area. Calmly, whilst humming an original song he had just thought of, he walked in utmost peace, just as he liked it.
Muro abruptly rose up from the snow. He ruffled his feathers to get the snow flakes out.

"Hello again." He said, he paused, remembering the last time he had seen Jah'Ri and Xenith, near the tortoise monster that he had ran away from, he had been scared for his life, and he really hoped it was gone.

"I will join you." Muro said, turning to Xenith , he was happy to have company again after being alone. "The monster, is it dead now? I didn't like that monster, made me hurt. Made me scared." Muro shook his head again to lose more snow.


Jah'Ri found herself unable to look away from Xenith's face as she spoke. She was rather out of sorts, still being half asleep, but more than that there was something about Xenith's expression as she conversed with Jah'Ri that captivated the curious dragonborn. It seemed... gentler than before, less guarded, as if she was allowing Jah'Ri to see a part of herself that she usually feels like she should keep others from seeing. Perhaps Jah'Ri was reading into it a bit excessively, but it was a nice thought nonetheless. The way Xenith said "a short while" sounded a bit suspicious... something made Jah'Ri think it wasn't "short" per se, but she felt no need to pry. "Jah'Ri... thanks you... you have already done so much for Jah'Ri, risked your life even, but still you..." Jah'Ri shook her head a little. "Th-thank you." What was this nervousness, all of a sudden? It seemed the importance of everything Jah'Ri said and did around Xenith, as well as the significance of ever ysmall gesture of kindness Xenith did for her, multiplied tenfold ever since Xenith carried Jah'Ri away from danger with barely any strength left. These feelings intensified even further upon learning that blood was what she needed to sustain herself, and Jah'Ri could give of it without much risk to herself as well, or so it seemed. Despite the pain and shock the surprise bite had given her, Jah'Ri felt... content, fulfilled even, realizing that by biting her neck Xenith had had her wounds cured, her strength restored to her. Thinking of this, she found herself idly touching the side of her neck as the two spoke, feeling over the small incisions made by Xenith's fangs.

As the conversation continued, turning to the subject of fire, Jah'Ri noticed Xenith's stoic, slightly harsh tone had returned shortly after seeing Jah'Ri wake up. It seemed it took a great deal of emotion to get it to show, which Jah'Ri understood. The dragon-born herself had been rather quiet, preferring to observe before she met Xenith, but something about her made Jah'Ri want to speak to her more than others. There also was the matter of Jah'Ri's face naturally not being as expressive as most humanoid species'. "I see... Jah'Ri shall make fire anyway then. If Xenith needs... a-anything else, please let Jah'Ri know." The slight nervous edge to Jah'Ri's tone before she left to gather wood nearby signified that she was referring to favors that she was not exactly comfortable about doing for Xenith, but would do so without protest... such as giving blood to her, willingly this time, to prevent further accidents and keep Xenith healthy.

Finally having made a fire, Muro then came over. She nodded at him curtly and smiled a bit as he came over greeting the two so cordially. Jah'Ri was rather endeared that such a fearsome-looking creature had such a gentle soul. The dragonborn woman could, of course, empathize easily with Muro in that respect, and perhaps Xenith could as well. Though she did seem to have the advantage of having a far`less monstrous visage than the two reptilian creatures sitting by the fire with her.

To Jah'Ri's surprise, tilting her head in slight confusion, Xenith suddenly brought up the apparent smoke rising in the distance. Looking out towards the horizon, Jah'Ri finally saw it. She nodded the moment Xenith had finished her proposal. "Yes. Jah'Ri go where ever Xenith goes, and she is very curious about what may be causing that... and eager to get somewhere warmer." She nodded towards Muro as he agreed to join as well. She lowered her gaze for a moment after his next question, thinking. "It is possible... though Jah'Ri is not sure. It seems we have ended up in very different place from where monster resides."

Once she'd sufficiently warmed herself by the fire, she suggested the others begin whatever preparations they need to set off towards that pillar of smoke in the distance. Jah'Ri decided to bring along the only possession she currently had besides her rather primitive clothing, that being the makeshift blanket Xenith had made for Jah'Ri out of her own clothing. She gathered it up, folded it as neatly as her awkward clawed fingers would allow, and held it close to her chest in her arms almost like a small child holding her favorite doll or stuffed animal. Turning to look at the other two gathered by her fire Jah'Ri then spoke up. "Are we ready for journey now?" She seemed quite excited about the prospect of exploring new places.

@VioletShadow @Spinoceratopsrex
"It is excellent to meet you Fiora." A deep and loud voice bellowed from behind her. Somrene had woken up, and had replied to Fiora whilst still laying down. But now as he got up, it became very clear that Somrene was not nearly so typical as Fiora was. Rather, the 11 foot Gigant towered over over just about every other person. He even rivaled the size of some of the smaller buildings here in the town. "My name is Somrene. Judging by your hesitation in speech, I would guess that you are just as mystified as I am." He continued his thoughts, looking around the rest of the town. The Gigant heard a loud cry from elsewhere, something that sounded like hello, and on instinct, Somrene bellowed back. "There is no need to yell cluelessly! Just come on over, perhaps you can help us other person." He called to the "Hello"er, his voice carrying easily.

@Face Nemesis @Blacknife


"Could you guys keep it down for like two more minutes? I'm trying to enjoy a saltwater nap. I hear it's good for the skin." Caesar groaned a comical complaint to those who had already awoken and had begun conversing. There was no point in rushing to get up at this point, he was already soaked, and covered in sand. You know, for how short his life had been a thing, it had sucked real bad. He eventually got up, standing tall and stretching out, letting out a lengthy yawn. Caesar bent down and grabbed his bow and a quiver of arrows that had been out of reach of the tide, and reaffixed them to his person. "I'm just going to assume that there's been no revolutionary development on who we are, what we're doing here, and all those other typical questions." He mentioned offhandedly, taking a look around the environment.
@Face Nemesis[/URL] @Blacknife


"Could you guys keep it down for like two more minutes? I'm trying to enjoy a saltwater nap. I hear it's good for the skin." Caesar groaned a comical complaint to those who had already awoken and had begun conversing. There was no point in rushing to get up at this point, he was already soaked, and covered in sand. You know, for how short his life had been a thing, it had sucked real bad. He eventually got up, standing tall and stretching out, letting out a lengthy yawn. Caesar bent down and grabbed his bow and a quiver of arrows that had been out of reach of the tide, and reaffixed them to his person. "I'm just going to assume that there's been no revolutionary development on who we are, what we're doing here, and all those other typical questions." He mentioned offhandedly, taking a look around the environment.
((Ive left this rp))
Raph's red ears perked up at the new voice. A scolding voice. A voice wanting more rest.

Raph could appreciate that.

"Hey, don't look at me buddy. Fia's the one yelling and making ruckus because of sand." Raph couldn't help but bust out into laughter again.

Then Jenna seemed to regain some energy and spoke. And outed Raph as a boy and not a fox!

Raph gave a big, foxy frown.

"Hey! You can't just go around revealing that kind of thing! I'm a talking fox. Just a fox." Raph said extremely defensively.

Then she brought up the idea of going exploring.

Raph jumped up out of his sandy fox-hole.

"Yes. Yes, I am totally down to go exploring. I have no idea where we are or what anything is. I want to see some stuff! And hey, maybe we could find something useful. I take it we'll probably have to set up camp here, right? At least until we figure out what to do next." Raph finished.
Jenna felt no remorse at outing the fox as a boy, in fact, she was surprised he got so defensive. "Oh come on Raph- I can call you Raph, right?- we're all friends here. There's no need to keep secrets. Especially when none of us have any idea what the hell we're doing."

She was glad though he had agreed with going exploring. She was excited at what they might find out there beyond the beach, as long as it wasn't more monsters. "I do think it's a good idea to build a temporary camp here," said Jenna. She glanced past the rocky foothills of the beach, where there was the beginnings of a dense forest. "How about we search around in that forest for some supplies and food? Who wants to come with me?"

@Yuffie Kisaragi @princekyle @rusticyawn @Xion136
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fia listened intently as the girl spoke. huh. she sort of had an idea that she was the only one here who had any natural attunement to fire, but it felt a little weird, having it be so openly acknowledged. she looked one more time at the sleeping blue-haired boy, an odd feeling in her chest rising. there seemed to be a commonality in the amount of people here who weren't limited to one form, but even the others seemed a little put off by his size. she tapped her hands, not quite realizing she was zoning out.

when she heard 'raph's' laugh again, though, she immediately gave him a look of playful disdain, obviously offended. "i was confused! confused!! i don't have some weird thing against sand!" she pouts. she lets jenna do the scolding on her behalf in regards to him being a fox and just thinking it'd be funny to not tell her, because she's not quite sure what to say, anyway. she had suspicions anyway - did he honestly not want anyone to know or was he just being coy about it? was he trying to be malicious? it suddenly makes her a little self-conscious.

at the mention of exploring, she jumps up, as well. "count me in! i- i don't have a problem with sand!" she repeats, kicking some of it up in frustration, only to have it cause her to nearly trip again. why would she expect any less? she straightens herself out, and does her best to recompose herself quickly. "i need to get away. not because of the sand! i need to stretch my legs a little - i feel like we've been laying here forever." after reaffirming that she, in fact, did not have a sand problem in a very suspiciously obvious way, and starts to stretch her legs out, like she's ready to run or a race or something.

"what about you all?" she didn't even wait for the confirmation that she was allowed to join in on the little adventure - she just assumed she was already welcome.

@Yuffie Kisaragi @princekyle @Xion136 @Pashpu

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Xenith La Rosia - Forest Cove Group

Xenith smiled lightly, she was glad to have companions on this possibly unsafe adventure. Brushing her ripped dress, she was joyful watching Jah'Ri hold her original blanket so dearly. Examining the area one last time, Xenith wore a distant look on her face. This was the area she woke up, despite it not being safe or distinct in any way, it was still important to her. Her first memories began in this very area, even though the changes that happened were incredibly drastic. With a lingering look, she departed with her companions "Come, we must hurry. We never know when darkness will fall." @DergTheDergon @Spinoceratopsrex

However, just as soon as they headed out, they noticed a humanoid being approaching them. Xenith felt a strong sense of nostalgia, despite not remembering a single thing about the figure before her. He was tall and had beautiful fuchsia eyes, which she felt she had seen before. Her crimson eyes glowed a soft pink as they glazed over with tears. Her gaze was unwavering, as she stared deeply at the figure. Her mind was in turmoil, she did not know him in the slightest, yet he felt so... familiar.

Nio Magnetus - Town Group

Nio was occupied, looking admiringly at the soft snow around him. Delicate, free, soft, he proposed an idea to create a poem about such beauty, but was suddenly taken aback by the figure before him. An elegant young lady, garbed in a torn dress with alluring crimson eyes, gazed at him softly. He knows this person... no doubt about it, but who was she? Her mere aura felt strangely familiar to him. His fuchsia eyes glazed over, similar to the woman's deep red eyes. He felt as if he knew her... from an ancient past.... Unknowingly, he stepped closer.

Together, in precise synchronization, they both asked "Who are you?" in mere whispers.
Jah'Ri looked up from folding Xenith's gift to her against her scaly chest and caught a glimpse of Xenith herself smiling joyously. Again, there was that aching, yet pleasant feeling in Jah'Ri's chest seeing the pale girl so happy... not understanding what it was or why it was occuring jah'Ri decided it was best to simply try to get along with it, though it did make it rather difficult to focus on anything when Xenith is nearby... except gazing at her. Nearly overwhelmed by this feeling, it took Xenith's call for the trio to make haste for Jah'Ri to snap out of it. She nodded in understanding, and followed behind Xenith, keeping watch for suspicious sights, sounds and smells as the unllikely companions began thier journey.

They hadn't gotten very far before Jah'Ri spotted a mysterious figure approaching them, silently. There was something about the way he was behaving that made Jah'Ri uneasy. "You there, stop." Jah'Ri called out to him. Only then did she notice that he was transfixed by the sight of Xenith all the sudden. Glancing towards the girl in question who'd been walking side-by-side with Jah'Ri all this time, she realized that Xenith, too, was take naback by him as well. What was going on? Jah'Ri's uneasiness only grew when she looked worriedly into Xenith's eyes and saw that glazed-over look of hers, it almost looked like she was about to try as she stared wide-eyed at the boy. The seemed to... glow. Jah'Ri felt a tinge of... something else in her heart for a moment. Something darker than what she had felt around Xenith before. When they asked, in sync, who eachother was, in the exact same tone, this feeling only deepened.

She understood this feeling, at least... it was fear. Fear that Xenith was in trouble somehow, or at the very least was about to change in some way due to this strange encounter.... a way Jah'Ri had this strange feeling she wouldn't like. It felt like this was some sort of fated meeting, and Jah'Ri found herself... bothered by this. The boy almost seemed to be a threat to her very limited understanding of the situation. For now Jah'Ri ignored him and spoke to Xenith, placing one scaly hand gently on her shoulder. "Is Xenith... okay? Can Xenith hear Jah'Ri?" She spoke in a quiet, anxious tone, her worry obvious to all who could hear.


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