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Fantasy Beyond the Third Sky

"I hear you..." Xicor said as he laid on the ground, sharp pain on his chest from the fall, and him unable to really get himself up, clutching his chest with his left arm as he held his rifle in the other. "That fall got me...good. I can barely move, and I feel dizzy as hell." Xicor explained, as he had managed to land sorta near Jar'ri.

Xicor's systems were already beginning to repair the damage...like a true cyborg's but the proccess would take some time. "Help?" He asked.


This was not Tolan's day, not only did one of his 'team' die but he was in a horrible situation, not only hangin on by a thread but also having a beast rushing at him, he prepared for the worst. but was quickly saved by Xenith, as she carried him to safety he clutched his wounded arm as Xenith flew to a safe area (I think).

Upon landing Tolan quickly kneeled onto the ground to check on his arm, wounded...but not broken. He turned to Xenith and simply nodded to her. it was his way of saying thanks for saving his life. "I will repay the debt when possible..." Was all Tolan said to her. as he examined the area now.


Hektor managed to avoid the flames, but some people were still there. "Darn it." He muttered as he turned back to look at the chaos, and Fia who was trying to help them.

He grit his teeth, there wasn't much he could do in this situation.
Jenna was running. Running so fast she felt the world as a blur behind her, a stream of green and yellow and red. After some time, she came to a halt. She collapsed on the ground, panting. Somehow she had managed to avoid any burn injuries...and somehow much of the fire around them had magically gone away. Interesting...

She looked around for the other people in her group, walking on her paws. Wait a minute!? Paws? Jenna looked down in shock. She had somehow transformed entirely into a cat. No, not just any cat, a cheetah. This was super weird. Jenna tried to rationalize what had happened. Maybe somehow, she had been running so fast, her body just felt it natural for her to transform into a cheetah? Huh. Was she a shapeshifter? Or just a cheetah-shifter? Huh. Anyway, she didn't mind this form so much. As she walked around, she noticed how powerful her leg muscles seemed. And her coat was so beautiful and smooth.

Jenna caught sight of the rest of the group. They were standing in a clearing a small decent distance away, and talking. None of them seemed to be seriously hurt, thankfully. Jenna cocked her ears to the sound. What she gathered from the conversation, was that the red-haired girl, Fia, had apparently saved them all by using some of her powers to clear away a path in the fire. But she was still out there, trying to contain the rest of it.

Jenna was about to go forward and alert them to her presence, when she remembered she was a cheetah. They would all be scared of her, or at least some of them. But she had to get back to the group! As far as she knew, they were the only other people in the world, and she didn't want to be alone. She thought for a moment, coming up with a plan to make her seem non-threatening. Maybe if she looked injured, no one would run away, right?

Slowly, Jenna made her way into the group. She hobbled on all fours, whimpering as much as she could, and faking a limp on both her back legs. "Mew," she whined pathetically, as they noticed her.

@SuperiorKunivas @Scrapmaster @rusticyawn @NeverBetter @RealityEntity @Xion136 @Pashpu @Yuffie Kisaragi
The red headed boy finally arose from his slumber.

The first thing he noticed was an amazing warmth... And a lot of light. Way too bright to handle.

Raphael shot up and noticed the fire blazing near by.

Instinctively, out of fear, Raphael changed into a fox.

He looked around, and noticed a group of people talking, as well as another quadrupedal creature walking over to the group.

Quickly, Raphael darted and zipped over to fall in step with the large cat.
Xenith quietly nodded back to Tolan, as she quickly made her way back to the scene. She noticed the massive 'Tortis' beast had not attacked anyone. Possibly because of how small we are compared to it, we probably look like ants. She smiled softly, that's one less problem for us to deal with.

After circling the area a few times, she managed to locate Jah'Ri with everyone else. Landing quietly, she gave her wings a short break. Noticing her numbed arm, it was continuously dripping blood. Not a large amount, but it was definitely noticeable. But she couldn't deal with her wound yet, lives were at stake. As she looked back at Jah'Ri, she nodded, waiting for orders. @DergTheDergon
Jah-Ri was focused on keeping sights on the monster, but then nearby, someone called out to her. He (?) seemed to be one of the injured, as the voice was pained. This one seemed to be a cross between the metal one among the group, and a more fleshy humanoid like the various other females of the group. Still taking a stance against the thankfully slow-moving creature, Jah'Ri bounded over to the half-machine being and began to help him sit up for now. Looking up towards the sky for a moment, Jah'Ri was relieved as she saw Xenith fly back down towards her. She had come back, and just in time for the injured being in her arms. "Xenith, take this one to safe place you left other man. Oh... Jah'Ri sees Xenith's own wounds. Trip not good idea if she thinskshe can't make it. Jah'Ri stand her ground here, whatever Xenith's decision." Jah'Ri turned back towards the beast and tried to take its attention, spewing more flame at its wooden parts and attempting to avoid its attacks whilst luring it away from the injured.

@Scrapmaster @VioletShadow @NeverBetter
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Xenith sighed, just what she was expecting. Gritting her teeth, the man's cyborg metals were much heavier than a normal human's flesh and scraped her wound as she lifted him up. Panting quietly, she said "Leave it to me" before hurriedly heading off, afraid of losing her strength. The trip back was a calm one, nothing out of the ordinary occurred. Her wings began to wilt slightly, exhausted from the continuous uplift they had to produce. Landing tiredly, she apologized for the rough drop and placed the cyborg near the man she saved earlier. Taking a short break, Xenith was continuously revived by the fact that she had to save Jah'Ri. Heading off once again, she came to the realization that, she could only carry one more person back. She didn't care what Jah'Ri said, she was going to choose her.

As she approached Jah'Ri, Xenith swooped down and carried her in her arms. Continuing her struggle, she, whilst absolutely exhausted, smiled weakly at Jah'Ri as she carried her back.

@Scrapmaster @DergTheDergon @NeverBetter
Suddenly, without warning, Jah'ri heard something-no, someone, swooping down towards her from the sky. Craning her neck upwards, she only caught a momentary glimpse of Xenith right above her before she was scooped up off the ground. Jah'Ri stared up at her in surprise for a moment, Violet draconian eyes staring into hers. She was going to ask what the winged woman was doing, point out that there were many injured and Jah'Ri was fine, but then she noticed the pained, yet somehow happy expression upon her face and the words would not come. She seemed exhausted. Did she know that she didn't have the strength to do this for much longer and decided to take Jah'Ri? It seemed that way... looking down as the beast still loomed over the others, Jah'Ri was silent for a while ,taking this all in before saying, "Jah'Ri... thanks you, Xenith. She understands that protecting all others is very difficult task, and is honored that you chose her. When Xenith lands, J'ah'Ri shall keep watch as Xenith rests. It is least she can do." Jah'ri smiled back, her toothy reptilian mouth making the expression seem unintentionally a bit menacing, though the sentiment behind it was genuine.

During the trip, Jah'Ri found herself looking down on the landscape, deep in thought. She had no idea what was happening, who she was or who the others were.. .but something about this moment, Xenith's willigness to do this despite her injury, her smile... if Jah'Ri could protect no one else, she decided that Xenith's safety should be of top priority. @VioletShadow
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Eclaire sprinted towards Jennifer Shepard, skidding to a stop by her. She winced at her burned side, pressing a hand against the tortured flesh. "Giant slug, giant tortoise, and we're scattered. Got any ideas on what to do?" She wasn't experienced at this, this thing was out of her control. Really, what the hell was she supposed to do? She just had a sword and probably some unknown powers.

What was she supposed to do, dammit.


Aurelius was so done with this that, as he hurtled towards imminent doom he spun and just shouted the first thing that came to his mind.

"Dragon up!"

Then shit got extremely real, because Aurelius wasn't just some kid or Natsu or something. No, he was in fact a motherfucking dragon. And not some small one like Jake Long, an eighty meter long Chinese dragon. And as he flattened a dozen trees with an extremely bad landing/takeoff combo, he twisted through the sky.

"...I didn't expect this." He intoned. His eyes now on the giant monster, not the tortoise, Aurelius snorted smoke. Two people were flying away, so he hoped that they were the last. With a mighty roar, the Storm Dragon King unleashed the hellfire of a full blooded Dragon, engaging the giant enemy with long-range attacks, as he kept his distance, circling above like a C-130.

Appearance (Pre-Authrorized through Neverbetter)


Grace had been knocked down, hard, and she was out of it. Groaning for a minute, she stumbled up, only to fall. "H...hello? I...is anyone there?" She called, unable to stand. She couldn't regain her balance, hell, she couldn't even regain focus. Unfocused and shaky, she couldn't really see at the moment. "H...elp? A...anyone? Is...is anyone there?" She called. Tears welled up, the girl crawling forward a bit. "Is...is anyone there?" She called. "Please...please don't leave me...I...I didn't mean it! I didn't mean I fire, I didn't!"

But all she heard were the roars of beasts and the sound of fire...she couldn't see anyone.

Grace collapsed.

She was alone.

  • VioletShadow said:
    Xenith's calm nature barely aided her facial expression. Her face in agony as she clutched her left arm, a long gash, stretching from her wrist to her elbow, had appeared from her scraping against the rocks on the forest floor. Her voice muffled from the act of biting her lip; she refused to awaken more monsters... if they hadn't awoken already. Blood trickled down her mouth, she had to stay calm despite everything around her. Her left arm and her left leg injured and in pain? Brilliant. She could only rely on the senses on her right side now. Flapping her wings, she noticed a hanging man struggling to remove his grapple. One of the giant beasts, spongy yet covered in bark for armour, was charging towards him. Smiling at her sudden, foolish, compassionate attitude, she flew towards him in a rush. Using the blood from her lip, she slashed the thread with her blood magic, and caught him as he was falling. Her left arm pained immensly, as she managed to successfully carry him, if not barely. Immediately, she flew away, attempting to find a safer location, away from these beasts.
    Spinoceratopsrex said:
    Muro felt terrible. His bones were not in good shape. This was it, there was no way he could fight this thing. Summoning up what energy he had, he ran for his life. He found a tree, and clumsily climbed up. Then he started hopping from branch to branch, widening the gap between him and the huge monster. Then he came back onto the ground, he was alone now. Time to rest. Muro curled up on the ground and began to sleep.
    DergTheDergon said:
    Bracing herself for attack, Jah'Ri had no idea how unprepared she truly was for the events to follow. Something was indeed coming, lumbering through the forest. Jah'Ri could hear it. She swore for a moment she could even see it, a nondescript massive form covered in darkness, almost as if the shroud was unnatural. Before she had time to even think of what to do when that creature got here, whilst the others seemed to be panicking, or trying to calm the panicked, or running away, something happened. Something nigh indescribable.
    Everything happened far too fast for Jah'Ri to comprehend. The ground rumbling. Nature seeming to rebel as colors wildly fluctuated, berries fell, and the trees themselves seemed to fall far away... or was Jah'Ri falling? Only when hitting the ground with a thud did she understand that indeed, she had. Gazing up, her eyes widened, a raspy gasp issuing forth from her reptilian lips. "Forest was not forest... forest was... very large creature with forest on back." She said this aloud, in a startled tone, trying to comprehend it but failing.

    Brushing herself off, she was amazed that she seemed uninjured having fallen from that height. Glancing about however, it seemed she was lucky compared to most of the others. She glanced about and saw a few of her party members in various states of injury. Jah'Ri glanced up towards the sky just in time to see the one called Xenith flying away with someone else in her arms. Calling out to her, Jah'Ri shouted, hoping she would hear, "If Xenith find safe place, return to Jah'Ri!" Jah'Ri hoped with all her being that Xenith heard, and at least considered her request.

    Spending a few short moments wondering what to do, she looked over the others. They seemed to be alive for now... Jah'Ri felt the need to protect them. She had no idea how to treat thier wounds, and she supposed if nature would have it they would perish. If nature saw for them to recover, they would. Jah'Ri supposed she should try and protect them from threats for the time being. First though, perhaps it would be a good idea to see if any of them were conscious and coherent after all that. Speaking loudly so all that she saw surrounding her could here, she cried out.

    "Can anyone hear Jah'RI?! Can beings stand or walk?! Jah'Ri shall try to protect!" With that she began glancing around the nearby terrain, getting a good look of where she was standing now. Besides the massive monstrosity they seemed to have fallen off of, anything in the surrounding area could be of possible help or hinderance to helping these unfortunate injured beings survive.

    Suddenly, Jah'Ri noticed the creature attacking a nearby male. Finally it showed itself in all its gruesome splendor, but her instincts bid her to act before thinking much. it seemed to be made of wood. From as safe a distance as possible, Jah'Ri breathed in deeply and let go a long jet of flame, careening towards the creature, then she immediately moved to try and protect the one the beast was going after.
    Scrapmaster said:
    "I hear you..." Xicor said as he laid on the ground, sharp pain on his chest from the fall, and him unable to really get himself up, clutching his chest with his left arm as he held his rifle in the other. "That fall got me...good. I can barely move, and I feel dizzy as hell." Xicor explained, as he had managed to land sorta near Jar'ri.
    Xicor's systems were already beginning to repair the damage...like a true cyborg's but the proccess would take some time. "Help?" He asked.

    This was not Tolan's day, not only did one of his 'team' die but he was in a horrible situation, not only hangin on by a thread but also having a beast rushing at him, he prepared for the worst. but was quickly saved by Xenith, as she carried him to safety he clutched his wounded arm as Xenith flew to a safe area (I think).

    Upon landing Tolan quickly kneeled onto the ground to check on his arm, wounded...but not broken. He turned to Xenith and simply nodded to her. it was his way of saying thanks for saving his life. "I will repay the debt when possible..." Was all Tolan said to her. as he examined the area now.
    Xion136 said:
    Aurelius was so done with this that, as he hurtled towards imminent doom he spun and just shouted the first thing that came to his mind.
    "Dragon up!"

    Then shit got extremely real, because Aurelius wasn't just some kid or Natsu or something. No, he was in fact a motherfucking dragon. And not some small one like Jake Long, an eighty meter long Chinese dragon. And as he flattened a dozen trees with an extremely bad landing/takeoff combo, he twisted through the sky.

    "...I didn't expect this." He intoned. His eyes now on the giant monster, not the tortoise, Aurelius snorted smoke. Two people were flying away, so he hoped that they were the last. With a mighty roar, the Storm Dragon King unleashed the hellfire of a full blooded Dragon, engaging the giant enemy with long-range attacks, as he kept his distance, circling above like a C-130.

    Appearance (Pre-Authrorized through Neverbetter)


    Grace had been knocked down, hard, and she was out of it. Groaning for a minute, she stumbled up, only to fall. "H...hello? I...is anyone there?" She called, unable to stand. She couldn't regain her balance, hell, she couldn't even regain focus. Unfocused and shaky, she couldn't really see at the moment. "H...elp? A...anyone? Is...is anyone there?" She called. Tears welled up, the girl crawling forward a bit. "Is...is anyone there?" She called. "Please...please don't leave me...I...I didn't mean it! I didn't mean I fire, I didn't!"

    But all she heard were the roars of beasts and the sound of fire...she couldn't see anyone.

    Grace collapsed.

    She was alone.
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Xenith didn't understand herself. Why was she doing this? Why did she adore Jah'Ri so much? She thought her heart was as cold as ice, at first. Her wings darkened and wilted dramatically as she reached a good height above the ground. Smiling once again at Jah'Ri, from her kind comment, her pain subsided a little, numbed by the happiness she now felt. But, that didn't mean her body was going to be able to handle this. Gradually, she approached the forest floor beneath her, hoping to prevent the damage the incoming event was going to cause. Sighing apologetically, she whispered, "I'm... sorry", before collapsing a few meters away from where the others were. Luckily, she hit a leafy bush, cushioning her fall. She quietly hoped Jah'Ri was well enough to deal with this sudden event..before Xenith finally blacked out completely. @DergTheDergon
Jah'Ri felt immensely relieved as, looking down from her position in Xenith's grasp, the creature from before perished under the heat of her flames. At least that immediate threat to the others was gone. Looking into the distance however, anxiety and slight regret set in as the massive forest-backed tortoise turned around and made to attack one of the others on the ground.

Suddenly, Jah'Ri realized that Xenith was losing altitude. The Dragonborn found herself snapping out of her deep thought, realizing that the woman carrying her was about to crash. Perhaps she should not have expected her to cart off the metal man, who looked quite heavy, but before then she hadn't noticed how injured she was and she seemed to eager to help. Jah'Ri wondered why... before then, Xenith seemed so distant and cold to everyone, Jah'Ri included. Jah'Ri braced herself from impact, caught off guard yet again by Xenith's weakly whispered apology a moment before she finally lost all her strength to fly. Thankfully, Xenith had lowered herself gradually and Jah'Ri had landed well enough, tumbling a bit on the forest floor and coming up with a few minor scrapes. This was nothing compared to Xenith's condition it seemed, but glancing about frantically, Jah'Ri noticed that Xenith had landed in a rather soft looking bush by some stroke of fate, causing a sigh of relief to escape Jah'Ri's lips.

"Seems it is Jah'Ri's turn to carry Xenith to safety now," she whispered softly, scooping the unconscious Xenith into her arms. Feeling for a pulse gently, it seemed she was alright, simply unconcious, if only hanging by a thread. Jah'Ri resolved to find the other injured she flew off earlier and lay her with them, then keep vigilant watch over the three. With that in mind, Xenith hoisted carefully and gently over her shoulder, Jah'Ri headed in the direction Xenith had been flying, hoping to find the others. Now that Jah'Ri thought about it, this girl was very light, not to mention injured, and yet somehow managed to fly the other two farther than Jah'Ri. Those wings of hers must be pretty powerful. "Hang on Xenith... Jah'Ri will not allow your death... she has much repayment to do." Jah'Ri felt this strange tight feeling in her chest as she thought of these things, wandering the forest looking for the others. She wasn't sure what it was, but it felt... pleasant, for the most part.

@VioletShadow @Scrapmaster @NeverBetter
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okay, what was it that fia was supposed to focus on, then? her steps had come something of a habit as she moved through them - she didn't know what it was, at first, but she had repeated it so often by now, and so quickly, that she knew it's steps by heart. she couldn't fail this. she had to do it perfectly. step, twirl, part, step - she let the world, and even herself, melt away as she fell into routine. even her own thoughts fell out of focus, and all that was left was her and the flames.

come. the dance was a message. her feet imprinted it into the coarse dirt, her arms demanded it as they moved through the hot, arid sky. something that began as little more than a whisper now felt it's way through the entire landscape in a triumphant, echoing shout. come! the dance commanded, and so the flames abide it, escaping their chaotic rampage and moving towards the arms of it's master. in a perfect circle, all of it came together, the landscape darkening quickly as it picked up pace in it's rush to the call.

end it! she stopped, cupping her hands and holding them to the sky. the flames were obliged, and in an instant, a bright white light burst into existence and began throwing off sparks wildly. the flames converged into it, and small shakes began to rumble the area around her. it seemed like even nature itself was stunned at it's intensity. it shined, oh so bright, and once the fire had disappeared, it smoothed over, forming a perfectly round ball. afterwards, the intensity of the light faded, leaving just fia standing, the ball still intact.

she blinked. her struggle against the wild blaze was truly, finally over. she felt the ball of light lightly, delicately, floating in her fingers, and she brought it closer to her body. she breathed a deep, sigh of relief. not only had the fire happened, but it had ended because of her, and this was her proof. she was satisfied. then, the adrenaline leftover from the fire and the energy the beautiful light produced flooded her all at once.

"yeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" she yelled at the top of her lungs, jumping up as far as she could and collapsing back onto the ground. she was crying hot, wet tears of joy and relief, and they evaporated as they got near the light. she was okay! everybody else was okay! they were alive! she was alive! she trembled as she held to bright light close, crying and laughing as hard as she could. overhead, there was a beast elegantly careening across the skyline and flames being shot across the world, but none of it mattered - not right now. she would have this small peace. she was alive. she was alive.
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DergTheDergon said:
Jah'Ri felt immensely relieved as, looking down from her position in Xenith's grasp, the creature from before perished under the heat of her flames. At least that immediate threat to the others was gone. Looking into the distance however, anxiety and slight regret set in as the massive forest-backed tortoise turned around and made to attack one of the others on the ground.
Suddenly, Jah'Ri realized that Xenith was losing ground. The Dragonborn found herself snapping out of her deep thought, realizing that the woman carrying her was about to crash. Perhaps she should not have expected her to cart off the metal man, who looked quite heavy, but before then she hadn't noticed how injured she was and she seemed to eager to help. Jah'Ri wondered why... before then, Xenith seemed so distant and cold to everyone, Jah'Ri included. Jah'Ri braced herself from impact, caught off guard yet again by Xenith's weakly whispered apology a moment before she finally lost all her strength to fly. Thankfully, Xenith had lowered herself gradually and Jah'Ri had landed well enough, tumbling a bit on the forest floor and coming up with a few minor scrapes. This was nothing compared to Xenith's condition it seemed, but glancing about frantically, Jah'Ri noticed that Xenith had landed in a rather soft looking bush by some stroke of fate, causing a sigh of relief to escape Jah'Ri's lips.

"Seems it is Jah'Ri's turn to carry Xenith to safety now," she whispered softly, scooping the unconscious Xenith into her arms. Feeling for a pulse gently, it seemed she was alive, if only ahnging by a thread. Jah'Ri resolved to find the other injured she flew off earlier and lay her with them, then keep vigilant watch over the three. With that in mind, Xenith hoisted carefully and gently over her shoulder, Jah'Ri headed in the direction Xenith had been flying, hoping to find the others. Now that Jah'Ri thought about it, this girl was very light, not to mention injured, and yet somehow managed to fly the other two farther than Jah'Ri. Those wings of her s must be pretty powerful. "Hang on Xenith... Jah'Ri will not allow your death... she has much repayment to do." Jah'Ri felt this strange tight feeling in her chest as she thought of these things, wandering the forest looking for the others. She wasn't sure what it was, but it felt... pleasant, for the most part.

@VioletShadow @Scrapmaster @NeverBetter
VioletShadow said:
Xenith didn't understand herself. Why was she doing this? Why did she adore Jah'Ri so much? She thought her heart was as cold as ice, at first. Her wings darkened and wilted dramatically as she reached a good height above the ground. Smiling once again at Jah'Ri, from her kind comment, her pain subsided a little, numbed by the happiness she now felt. But, that didn't mean her body was going to be able to handle this. Gradually, she approached the forest floor beneath her, hoping to prevent the damage the incoming event was going to cause. Sighing apologetically, she whispered, "I'm... sorry", before collapsing a few meters away from where the others were. Luckily, she hit a leafy bush, cushioning her fall. She quietly hoped Jah'Ri was well enough to deal with this sudden event..before Xenith finally blacked out completely. @DergTheDergon
(Just right quick...


Xenith woke up silently, without even a flicker of emotion on her pale face. Her eyes blinked multiple times, in order to adjust to the forest scenery. For some strange reason, she was moving swiftly in one direction. Looking up, she noticed Jah'Ri carrying her, hopefully to where the others are. Her body was numb and tired, she couldn't move at all. All the overexertion was finally receiving it's retribution. Her body had sustained a large amount of blood loss, causing her to hunger and thirst for blood. Oh sweet, sweet blood... Her eyes began to glow crimson, as she looked around her. She needed blood. Her limbs, awoken by her thirst, began to actively search around. She didn't want to, but she knew what she was eventually going to do. However, she refused to bite Jah'Ri, especially at this moment. @DergTheDergon
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As Jah'Ri trudged steadily towards where the others would hopefully be, she kept an eye out, glancing around to each side as she walked, listening for whatever sounds would need to be heard. All the while she kept an arm wrapped around Xenith firmly, securing her in place. Carrying her wasn't very difficult, she was rather slim after all. Far too frail to be able to lift beings like that metal-man or Jah'Ri herself at first glance, now that the Dragonborn thought about it. There was something mysterious about the way Xenith seemed to function physically. For one thing, Jah'Ri knew that most beings normally would die, or at least be in less stable condition than Xenith, after the amount of blood loss she seems to have suffered. But her condition, from her breathing and other tell-tale signs, seems to not have worsened at all. It was almost as if she needed far less blood to function than other beings. Also, like Jah'ri's kind, it seemed that Xenith was cold blooded, or Jah'Ri should be feeling heat radiating from her fair skin... But there was none.

Without any forewarning, Xenith began to stir, rather wildly in fact. Her arms and legs began moving about suddenlly, almost as if they were trying to find and grab hold of something. Standing still for a moment, Jahri spoke up. "Xenith is awake? Say something." Jah'Ri loosened her grip on Xenith slightly so she could shift the girl around and look into her eyes.... and what a sight she was met with when eye contact was a achieved. The pale girl's eyes seemed to have... changed color, to a deep crimson. Though slightly alarmed by this strange out-out -place detail, once the initial surprise faded Jah'Ri paid it little mind. "Is there anything Jah'Ri can get get you? Food? Water? We are almost to the others I think. Jah'Ri smells familiar scents nearby." Indeed Jah'Ri was almost upon the place that Xenith had left the others. Once Xenith gave any sort of response to Jah'Ri, she shifted Xenith carefully so her head was resting upon her shoulder again, unaware of the tempation that most likely caused the pale girl, made to face Jah-Ri's neck so suddenly. "Xenith should attempt to rest, regain strength," she suggested. A few moments later she came upon the place where the metal man had been left to recover.

@VioletShadow @Scrapmaster
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Ammax smiled wickedly, feeling Massun pounding on the back of his concience.

"Not now Siren..."

He answered, standing on a tall building that looked as if it were to colapse at any instance. He wiped the blood off his weapon (Image). Smiling, the Beast glanced at the fire raging a few miles ahead. It snorted, the skulls hanging around its neck clacking together. He striked his hoof against the floor, watching a long crack form around where he striked.

"Lets take this baby down..."

He jumped off, and slammed his curved weapon into the building, and began repeating this prosses untill her reached the ground. Looking up, he saw the trail of destruction he left, and the cracks slowly spreading across the building. Snorting, he took a long rope with 3 skulls on both ends, and threw it up, the skulls wrapping around a Lighting Pole. He smiled, and galloped in the directon of the fire.

((Excuse any mispelling, English is secong language))​
Supermegabrenda2 said:



Ammax smiled wickedly, feeling Massun pounding on the back of his concience.

"Not now Siren..."

He answered, standing on a tall building that looked as if it were to colapse at any instance. He wiped the blood off his weapon (Image). Smiling, the Beast glanced at the fire raging a few miles ahead. It snorted, the skulls hanging around its neck clacking together. He striked his hoof against the floor, watching a long crack form around where he striked.

"Lets take this baby down..."

He jumped off, and slammed his curved weapon into the building, and began repeating this prosses untill her reached the ground. Looking up, he saw the trail of destruction he left, and the cracks slowly spreading across the building. Snorting, he took a long rope with 3 skulls on both ends, and threw it up, the skulls wrapping around a Lighting Pole. He smiled, and galloped in the directon of the fire.

((Excuse any mispelling, English is secong language))​
(As stated, you will be introduced, but right now is not a good time...)
NeverBetter said:
(As stated, you will be introduced, but right now is not a good time...)
Ahh... Okay. I misiread it, sorry. Tag me when its time xD .
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Xenith sighed. The look on her face was unwavering, as she stared deeply at Jah'Ri's neck. It was so tempting...Blood pulsed steadily through her veins...one bite.. wouldn't hurt right? Hardly noticing the others, Xenith pounced suddenly, forcing Jah'Ri onto the floor in surprise. Attempting to control her thirst, she hesitated before biting carefully. Her wounds immediately began to close slowly, as sweet, warm blood flowed down her throat. She felt peaceful, and satisfied. Light crimson returned to her eyes, as the deep blood colour faded away.

Stopping suddenly, she realized what she had done. Sitting up, she looked with horror and fear at Jah'Ri. Red was splattered over her lower face, fangs dripping with a reflective crimson. Panting softly, Xenith stood up and apologized swiftly, before turning and running away, deep into the forest. I'm a monster Negative thoughts echoed through out her mind. Who would accept something like me? Blood-thirsty, dark, emotionless... was I created to kill? Tears ran down her face. I don't want this life... I never wanted it. Silently, she crouched beneath a tall tree, contemplating life, friendship, acceptance and her very being. @DergTheDergon
Muro's eyes snapped open. He felt much more energy now, the alcoholic affect of the water had worn off, but his body still hurt like help from the fall. He needed to find the others. Where could they be? Muro started making calls, not loud enough to attract the attention of giant monsters, but enough to get him noticed by creatures off similar size.

"Hello?" He said hesitantly. "Is anyone here? It's me, Muro. Where are you?"
Jah'Ri approached the small hidden area where the others were, and was about to gently put Xenith down when suddenly, Xenith herself shifted her weight and caused Jah'Ri to fall back onto the ground. What had gotten into her? She leaned in closer and closer to her neck, some primal urge seeming to have come over her. Before jah'Ri could react, she felt a sharp pain as Xenith's fangs pierced her reptilian skin, more vulnerable at her neck than throughout most of her body. Hissing in pain and surprise, she was too shocked to move for a moment ,even when Xenith had stood. Catching a glimpse of her, she seemed... healthy now. Was blood what she needed to sustain herself? From the color returning to her cheeks, her eyes dulling to thier normal color, it seemed as much. Staring up at her wide-eyed, not exactly afriad but... surprised. Jah'Ri needed meat to sustain herself, but Xenith only need drink blood. That was amazing, and Jah'Ri herself hadn't sensed any malicious intent in the bite. She just seemed... hungry, and now she wasn't.

Xenith herself seemed afraid that Jah'Ri thought ill of her now... she perhaps could have warned her or even asked, but honestly apart from a slight lightheadedness the feeding hadn't seemed to have affected her negatively at all. Still, Jah'Ri was speechless and so was unable to quell Xenith's doubts and fears before they took control and Xenith began to flee. "Wait! Xenith! Jah'Ri was just-" but she had already put quite a bit of distance between herself and the dragonborn. "...Just... caught off her guard..." her voice wavered a bit. Sighing a raspy, lizardlike sigh, she then turned to the others nearby. "You wait here. Shall be safe for now." She had just found them, and felt slightly guilty for leaving them like this, but for now... something spurred her on to find Xenith, explain that there was a misunderstanding. Jah'Ri knew she needed blood now, and providing it didn't seem to be that much of a hindrance, so Jah'Ri saw no reason to be angry at her for this. The poor girl must think herself a monster. Jah'Ri pursued the pale girl as best she could, sniffing and catching her scent, just barely. She was fast. Jah'Ri found herself strainng to keep up with her, mher muscles screaming for her to stop, her head feeling dizzy. Perhaps this much activity wasn't wise after losing so much blood, but the thought didn't even crpss Jah'Ri's mind.

When she finally caught up to the girl, through labored breaths she managed to say: "Xenith... Jah'Ri... is not... upset. Jah'Ri's blood... sustain Xenith, Jah'Ri... happy for this. Running not necessary." She accentuated her words with her usual reptilian smile.

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-Karyx, Conflux of Darkness - Western Plains-

The situation just got worse, with Karyx having to retreat when the blaze got too intense to a safe distance...although, things got interesting when the fire was extinguished by Fia, plus there being a giant Tortoise Titan in the distance...and now a Dragon, wonderful. And it was more than likely someone over there was dead, for there had to be someone there otherwise why would the Titan awake so suddenly? Can't have been the Dragon for it appeared after the fact.

"SHONASH VAN HAE..." He muttered in his native tongue a few words of incantation, but did not finish, deciding to hold off, observing the two girls below him (Shepard and Eclaire) who seemed to be just as confused as he was. "You two. Mating pair of the same gender. Do you need my aid?" He asked them, noticing their close proximity and came to a logical conclusion. His race was very literal minded it seems, so his logic was far more...to the point.

-Jennifer "Jenny" Shepard - Western Plains-

Shepard grunted in frustration, feeling a little helpless inside but she dared not show it, lest she show weakness to the pink-haired woman, Eclaire. She thought fast, faster than ever before...which was never, but she shook her head. "The situation is a little...dire, Valkyrie. If we're gonna die here, tell me your name at least. I like to put a name to a face, 'specially a pretty one. Name's Shepard." She said, not really making light of their situation just, keeping them cool, disregarding the heat surrounding them.

Her internal panic was soon to end as Fia demonstrated a essential ability that extinguished the blaze around them, allowing them some reprieve. Then chimed in the Shade, who mistook them (Her and Eclaire) for a mating pair. "No, no, we're not a couple. And we're...surprisingly fine now, aside from her burnt side...shit." Shepard replied.

-Lilith - Woodland Plains aka: Faux Woodland, for it was a Tortoise Titan-

Surviving the fall with ease, Lilith focused on survival and the safety of others, seeing that others were taken care of, she noticed someone was missing...the girl who caused the Titan to rise and kill one of their companions. "By whatever merciless God put us here..." With this she took off, searching frantically for her, hoping Grace wouldn't be killed so early. They had lost Red. They weren't going to lose anyone else.

There she was: Collapsed upon the ground, alive yet battered. "Hey!" She ran towards the girl, skidding to a halt and a crouch next to her, lifting her arm and body up, wrapping the arm around her back and supporting Grace by the waist. "You're not dying today, young lady..." Lilith then moved as fast as she could to drag Grace to safety.

@rusticyawn @Xion136 @Scrapmaster @NeverBetter
Aurelius watched the beast fall and die, and let out an earth-shaking roar. Clouds began to gather, but they would stop when he started to land. Once again in the plains, Aurelius landed and snorted smoke, looking towards Fia.

He nodded approvingly, before shrinking down to human form. He seemed pretty chill.

"...well that was awesome."


Eclaire blushed and looked away. "What she said. Only minor burns, I should be fine." She said honestly. Rubbing her forehead, she looked at Aurelius. "...so we have a dragon. That works." She then looked at Shepard.

"...Eclaire. my name is...Eclaire."


Grace literally began crying. She clung to Lilith and tried to get her footing.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She began again. "I didn't know I could do that. I didn't know." She clung and tried to walk, but still was out of it. Her vision still blurry and shaky, it would be a lot more trounle getting off the tortoise, than anything.
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"̶̢̮͕͎̱̩̙̫ͬͭ̃ͪͥ̏ͫͤ̀Ỉ̜̪̀͜͝t̴̖̭̺̩̩͖̘̩̤͋̓̄̓̓̏̕͡'̷͈̥̤̦̬̫ͮ͊ͫͮ̇̐ͧ͝s̎͆ͭ͐̍ͮ̚͏̜͉̤̺ ͍̩̲̯̜̥̟̥͒ͯͤc̴͇̗̮͓͇̻͉̬̓̃h̡̔ͫ̓͏̱a̛̼̺̼̗̤̗͑̉͛̈́̓̈͜͟o͗̈ͥͮ͏̨̟̱͓̬͠s̩̳̙̝̟̫̪̍̾ͥ̂̎͑,͖̮̦̝̞̊͆͂͋̄ͣ̔̏͘ ̶̣̯̟̠̲̞̫͕͗̀ͮͨ̚͡ņ̮͕ͨ͒̄ō̹̯̦͕̪͕̺ͥ̑͗̄̕͢ ̿̀ͭ҉̘̖͔̱̤̱͜o͎̦ͮ͑̾̂ͬͤ̓͐ņ͓̳̜̱̈́̀͆ͪ͑ͥͦ̀ͪ͜͝e̠̲̣̘̪͔͉̟ͫ͌́̃ͫ͒ͤ̈͜ ̤̝̝̯̻̅ͥǩ̨͎̭̳͖̻̞͈̲͔̒͆ͮ̔ͯ͟n̻̹̘͛̈́͆̽ǫ̜̦̱̩̫͍̹ͮͦ̏̕w̶̡͙͇͉̠̆ͣś̳̹̒̀ͤ́̀͜ ̬̥̪̼̱͎͕̻̎ͯ͊ͭ̀͂̏̚͠͝w̷̯̙̜̭̿̓͜͜h̩̤̆̊̒̓̀̈ͤ̿ͤ́́a̫̤͍̭͍͚͔̱ͦ̈́͂͝t̨́́̃ͬ́͏̫̺̠͇̬̟̪ͅͅ ̖͉̻͍̮̙͛̾͛͆ͪ͐ͅt͉͎̬̗͗̈͊͠͞o̴̱̦͈̯͖̍ͯ͘͟ ̻͑̈́̄ͧͮ̉ͅd̡̰̗̮͕̠͂ͭͧ̃͆̂̇o̶̶͍̖̰̙̍́ͥ͋ͯ̊́,̙̫̺͚̰̘͌̃͒̄ͤ̈̐́̚͟ ̨̺͎̈ͮ͛́ͧ̚a̷̙̖ͭͥ͐ͤͮͪ̒ͩ̄͘n͉̗̗̯̒ͯ̿͊ͣ̾̓dͫ͂̊̓͆ͣ̌͢͠҉̼̼̞͈̖͚̩ͅ ̵̺̬̬̘͕ͫẗ̙̪̰̹̰ͭ͂̋h̡͇͈͍͕̥̦͎̒̒͛̍͂̿͛ͅḛ̯͓̰͓̞̖̱ͮͤ͆̿ ̘̼̬̯̈́d̵̙̩̘͎̲͎ͨ͂͋ͭ́ͫ̈́ͤr̈͆͂͊ͥ͒҉̙͓̥͎̪͞ͅͅa̩̠̼̺̖͍̍͠͞g͙͙͉̏̔̔o̜̻̫̤̔̄̽̋̃͝nͩ̿͗ͥ͒̋ͫ̒ͪ͏̮̻̻̩̬ ̘̹̰̦̪͈ͬ͋ͥ͌ͮ͑͋́͞h̑̌̎̋̿ͮ҉̤̦̺̳̱u̻̲̟̯̙͚͉ͬͮ̇́͢͡͡m̴̥͈̬̎ͨͩ͆̓ͬạ̜̙̤͉̹͚͎̱͊̈͢n̜͖̜̘͔͊ͦ̓̒͌ͧ̐ͩ́̚̕o̶͚͙̫̜̖̻̞̮͗̇̀͊̐͑̋͡i̗̟͖̘̞ͫͪ̽̚͞͡d̑̌̓̄ͧ͡҉̟͔̫̘̫͟ ̩̗̃͋͟i̱̬ͦ̾ͫ͗͘̕s͇͕̰̻̭̍̀ͧͥͩ ̨̤͇͓̗̀ͨ́͑́ͅi̸̸͙̺̗͎̗̬̾̋̀͋̒n̶̙̖̣͂̂͘ ̷̶̼̆l̻̲̠͌̓ͣͫ͢o̡̳̺ͫ̀ͬ̿̒v̮͎̞͎̺̰͋̂ͭ͑́̚͟͠e͉̼͑͟ ̸̵̯̯̤̪̳̭̪̜̋̓̉ͭ̉w͈͚̝͙̟̙͆͑͠i̵̱̐̉͆ͣ̚͡ͅt̲͔̃ͨ̓ͮ̎h̽̐ͧ͒́̅ͥ͏̮ ̫̠̰͔͚̦̥̫̦ͥ̾͗̈̄̌̓t̵̡̰͖̟̞͕̗̮͈̿ͭ͞h̤̤̣̘̟͚̯̫̔ͫ͑̂ͦͫ̑e͍̖͇̠̹̙ͣ͠ͅ ̓́̋ͬ͋ͩͨ̆́͏̧̬̘͖̫̰̗̬̞̱v̶̜̪͖̫̻ͦͫͤ̃̑̋͢a̮̦͙̬͍ͥͩ͑̓͜ṁ̯̼̪̱̪̩ͩ̉ͧͤp̜̤ͦͬ̾̌͒i̢̳̯͎̯̭̤͚̥͆ͪͭͩ̍́͂̀r̵̰̻̰̪̟̣̖̃͟͞ẻ̪̹̪̬̥̭̥͎̭ͯ̎͆ͥ͂̆,̛̠̙͚̖͍̻̝̋͊ͮ͂͂̈́́̊͢ ̢̖͕̺̼͓ͬͬ͑̇͐͛̓̀̚̚͡ḁ̢͔̳̓n̦͓̺̗͐́̀͜d̳̣̀ͨ͂ͬ̇̆̂̀͞ ͩ͞͏̙͙̙̠̝̤̠t̠̲̞̠͌̌h̛̼̱̗͖̰̦̗̲͒̇̿̅͢e̵͇̤̦͇̰̱̫ͩͬ͊̉̄̈̆ ̢͍̥̥ͨ́̾̈́ͨ̄̽ͧ͢v͙̘̟̖̻̐̂ͬ̄͆̇å̸͈̗̼̼̼̞̍͑̂̏̓̈̀̚m̯̪̱̤̖̰̪̰ͪ̓ͥ̆̽ͬ̿͠p̸̡̱̖̖̰̺͗͌̅̅̆̏̓i̷̹̓ȓ̖̺̪͎̮̤̞ͣ́e͎͕̫̐͛ ̷̨̗̞̣̝̄̏̋͒̄ͧͧl̸̬̬̤ͯ͒ͩ͌̃̄̾o̲͔̮̲̣̅͂̓́̕v̧̛̗̫͎̲̰̌ͤe̶̶̪͍̘̥̽̇̂ͬ͗̌̊̊s̢̬̹͚̙̼ͬͩ͛͟͡ ̨̟̲̩͚̋͗̆͌ͅh̷̭̹͖͍̠̆̂ͤ̑̎́̿́̀e̢͎̗̠̰̤̰̅ř̴̶̳̯̦̣̫͚̐͒͌̑́͒͂ ̭̳̬́̇͛̓̄͂̎́b̨͕͉ͯ̓͑ͤ̕͡a̴̧̞̳̘͍̯̖ͦ̈́̽̎̒̚c̖̰̙͕̻ͪ͗͂͋̽̑̓ͣk̷͙̪̱͈̥̖̬ͮ͑.̄̏͆͂̎͊ͦ̄҉̳͎ ̵̗̲̼͚͍̣̫̀ͨẄ̟̩̫͖͑̀h̘̱̟̘͙́̒̇̚͝a̸ͪ͆̓ͤͤ̚͏̻͓͔̟̖̙̻̗t̐̋ͩ̅҉̥̮̠̹̻̪͢ ̙͍̹̗̞̪ͩ̎ͪ̀ͧͧ̆t̂̊̓̄͊͑͋͏̫h̗̩̫̼̙̼ͣ̋͠eͯ̌̽̄ͮ̎͑ͩ͠҉͔̺̬͖̣̺̹̫ ͈͈͐̆̀͘͜f̨̠̘̑̓͐̈̎͊͗̑̍ů̢͙͓͎͇̤͚̩ͭ́̉̄͞c̵̶̛͖̹͕̙̻̣̗ͮ̍̿ͪ̿̋k̡͚ͧ̅̚͘ͅ ̞̭͓̘̭̞̿̃͋̐ͦ̑d̨̪̞̪̦͙̯̩̙ͨ̔̀̚ͅō̸̦͚͖͉̯̰͖ͧ̽ ̧̧̝̙̝̞͕̙̐̑̏͊͊̊̉ẘ̛͍̈́͊̉ͤͯ̀̚͡ẹ̶͖̠̰͉ͨ͐̍͠ ̴̳̙̐̐̋̀d͈͇̠̼͇̱͋̈́̎̇o̶̅̋͑ͮͮ͏̟̙͇͓̭̲?̹̻͍̟̅͑̋ͭ̃"̡͕̳̺̙͙̥̹̩̇̊̿̏́̚


͛ͧ̌̌҉̯̪̝̞"̨̞̦̬̓ͣ̓̒̽̅ͧ͝Sͫ̓ͭ́҉̝̜̜̫͓i̼̠̦ͤ͑m͓̗̱̉͒ͭ̀̈̾̀ͨp̴̠͙̞̘͐̓ͫ̓l̥̅͂̐̽̒̿e͑͊ͮ̇̎̇ͬ̚̕҉̟̫͉̙̱̬,͖̻̬̥̲̻̂́͞ ̶̣̹͖̻̰̑͗͂ͥP̛͇̮̻̿ͮ̈ͪ̄̀͠r̤͍̱̭̍͐̔͛̽e͍̦̼͆͛̏t̳̟̣̮͙͊̊̔̎ͯ̔̃͜e̯̬̜͖ͥ̄̒ͮ͡n̢̟̩̹̫̥̻̈ͤͅd͓̟̣͙ͨͨ͐ͮ͜ ̯̜͑̃͂̋ͨ̚͟ḷ̟͚̜̣̻̩̼͊̅̈́̐͊͒͛͗͂ị͓̪̟͖̐̇̆͑̋ͨ͛̀k̸̖͓̱̹͙̥̘̣͆ͥͦ̂ͯ͒ͤe̻͕͉̦̭̰͕͚͚̽ͫ ̷͍̲̓̇̀̐͘͜i̴̡̦̼͕͊̔̈́̐͗ͪͯ̀t̹̺̖̯̳̻̞̿ͫ́̌͟ ͚̾̐̅̌ͣ̕n̝̗̱̥͍͔̑ͭ͌̾́ͩ̓͢e̸̴̢̥̱͙̤͉ͩͥ̾̊̊̓ͫ̈́̂v̘̞̞̼̐̏̋͆̈̑̒ͥe̢̱̙͇̲̣̘̲̜̜ͫ̈́̈͛̈̽͋r̢̯̣̼͖̺̯̖̜̍͞ ̍ͫ͝͏̣̯̼͚̝̘̹̠̠ḩ͕̰͍ͧ̌ͩ̓̀̚͜a̲͕̯̼̟͙͍̅ͪ͊͛ͪͨ͑͟p̦̣̣̰̅̂̆͆͛́ͣ̍̚p͗ͤ́҉̱͓̲e̲͉̮͉͈̺̼̬ͨ͆̊ͩ̅͝n̷͗̾ͦ̓͋҉͙̭̼̰͓͕̥͢e͓̟̙̟̭̙͕͗͊̋̾͐ḋ̵̗̚̕ͅ ̓͒ͦ̇͏̰̥͜a̢̩̣͖ͯ̔n̡͇̗̬͔̜̼ͤ̇ͯ̇͝ͅd͍̹ͨ̒ͯ̉ͭͪ͗͘̕ ̛̙͙̱̺ͨ̀͒s̪̝͛̑ͮͨͧ̑͒͂̀̕e͚͖̙͇̪̙̒̊ͬ̈́̏̉ͯ̊ͣ͘ͅn̲͔̟̅ͮ̈́̐d̾̓̽ͣ͐̒̓͏̬̘̥͖̬͕ ̢̜͕̱̻̙̇̀t̸̫͇̟̩͈͂h̛͖̤̯̭̫̗ͣ͒ͬ͜͝ĕ̀ͣͭ͑ͪͧ͒͏̷̶̩͇̹͕̟̯̰̰̝m̷̨͔͊̋́̊ͦͩ͞ ̦͓̂ͭ̿̀t̵̼̹͎̜͆̉̾̎̾ͦ̄̅o̍̀̇̉̏ͮ͋͑̚͏̠̦͉ ̨̡̟͉͇̗͇͉̐̅̊͞ͅa̵̖͂̀ͧ̄̃ͤ̀ ̸̙͕̩̠̺͖̜̅̂ͨ͌̆̅̕t͎̰̫̽̾ͭ̈́ͯͦ̿ỏ̫̪̤̩͉͚̻̤͠͠w̴̖̯̪͎̯ͣͭ̋̅ͣͫ̏ͣ͢ͅͅn̰͔̤̗̯̗͉ͧͥͩ̇̑ͥ̀̈́ ̫͉̣̘̱̱̺͙̋ͪͩt̛̩̐ͬ͡h̖̹͕̩͓̼̓̋ͥͤ͊̏a̒̉̍̋̐҉̷̼̺͝t͕̖̃͂̋̔̒̇̕͜ ̧̢̛̰̬̇ͨͩ̍̎̀̍Iͭͬͤͦ͂҉̴̣̻͎̬͓̥̱ ̧̲̼̖͙̟̝̅̓p̗̖̜̰̮̜ͮ͋ͦ̍͜u̻̝̻̫͉̫̖̇͂͂̿͟l͓͚̭̎ͪͦ̂͛ͥ̋̌ͧ͡l̢͔̗̣̮̠̖͕̪̅̌̅́́͞e̴̺͕͓͉̱̟̍͋̏̒̓̚͝ͅd̷̒̈́ͯ҉͙̗̜ ̨͖̤̼̽̎ͮ͝o̵̬͍̺͉̳ͬ͂ͩ͛̋̂͌ͧu̳̔̿t̨̨̜̖ͥ͛ͪ͆͛ͦ̓̔ ̡̌̚͏̩̜̺̱̦͚̠ȏ͙͓͍̜̖ͬ̀f̦̫̬̗̰̥̪͌ ̙̘̲̺̙̃́̌̂̔͐̌̀͡ṃ̶̛̪̈́ͧͮ̓͛ỳ̡̪̻͍̽̽̊̏̆ͯͨ ̠͈͍̪͎̎̽̒͘͜ȃ͆҉̲̪͘s̨͕͓̹̠̎ͩ̋͆̌ͭͧ́s̨̢̲̐ͥ̅͑ͥ͆͡.̴̱̝͒ͮ̿ͨ͟͝"̥͍̜̯͈ͬͬͫͫ͘͝


̴͎̥̘̜̉̒ͯ̎͂̐"ͬͬ͗̂̋͊̈́̓̋҉̮̤͎̘̫̝B̺͖̉ͦ͗́u̸̢͎̩ͯ̀̀t̨̠͉͂͆͂̌ͪ ͍͑̆ͤ̓̐͘͞w̴̧̥͕͍̘̜̬̱̰͛͊̉ͭǫ̵̖̟͉͕́ͧṅ̸͎̺̤̭̠͍'̨̼̹̹̱̪̂̉ͧ̓̀ţ̶̦͈̩̞̤̦͍͑̉͊̿ͤͅ ̣̫̳̀͂ͩ̐̏͡t̰͎̥ͦ̀͐ͭ̋̚̚h̡̞̪͍͛ͧͧ́̎e̼̪͙͌͒͋ͣ͂̾́̾y̨̡͚̠͇̱̿ͦ ̡̛̩͔̹̲͔͈͉̻ͧͪͦ̎̌̂̔͛g̟̘͔̗̋̃̂̿̿͟͝e̠̞̪̻ͭ̏̂̍͌͆̆ť̠̫̀̓ͬ́͠ ̧̠̯̣̬̘͕ͣ̇̓c̫͈̟̲͔̗͍̓̾͐ͮ̏͗̈́ͨͅo̸̔ͭ̉҉̢͔̮͍̤n͛̆ͦ͐҉̖͉͉̞̀͞f̸̠̀̈́̓͗̅̿͒ͭ͠͠u̧̝̬̭̱̤̘͊ͫ̂̈́̀͘s͚̮͔̮̩͗ͥ͒̀̽́ḛ͎̥̞̭́͌ͅd̪͖͙͉̼̲̽̇̌?̶̘̱͙̟̼̩̒́̎͛̈́̄͢ͅͅ"̷̖̖͎ͤ͂̊̾̔͛ͫ͞


̡̡̱͔̔́͒"̵̭̙̫͈̟͊ͧͩ́̄̓̍̂́̕Y̷̷̧͇͍̫̆ͨ̏ͩ̈̈́̚̚ȩ̛̜͎̖͈͉̘̰ͤş̛̙̱̠̼̹͑ͦ̈́ͅ,̧̡̯̣̩̺͔͉̿̿ͮ̽ͭ̉ ̡͉̮̦͔̜̌̿͑́̚b̴̠ͦ̌͗͌u̹̩̼̹͓̍̍ͨ̍ͤ̀t̘͇̬̖̳͍̋̽̋̂ͧͩ͘ ̝̎̿̒a̤̖ͣ̒t̠̞̻̖̟͓̩̙̖ͫ̈̀ ̴̲̰͇̝̬̝͉̀̄t͍̘͇͉ͧ͝ͅḩ̛̞̘͍͔͇̳̗͖ͤ̿̅ͧ͐̌ͥ̀͞i̶͆̃҉͖̻̮̱ṣ̛̟͉̹̞̦̘̪ͤͤ͐̉ͭ͞ ̢̦͙͖̩͛̔ͨ͆̋̽ͭ̈͘p̴̨̦̭͕̆̿̐ͪ̾͑o̡ͤͭ̂͆ͪ̔̍̋͏̟̟̠̼͇į̛͉̞̈̅ͣͪͥ̀̚n̶̮̰̭̑ť͈̼̭ͦ͂̉̉ͧ͘,̨̣̠̳̬̒ͭ ̂̽̆͂͌͌̈̾͋͏̠͎͝͝ơ̝͔͕̥̓̏̒ņ̶̩̳̟̱̱ͮͩ̆͌ë̵̷͙̇̋̈́ͩͅ ̻̳̅ö͓̞̤f̸̧̣͚̥͌̑̎̑ͮͪͭ̆ ̶̝̘̦͇̿͛t̘̻̘̦̝̟̣̓̌ͣͩͅh̢͉̞̣̋̏ͩ̇͆̄ͧe̝͙̥̳͖͔͍͙̒͊ͪ̂ͫͫ̒ͣͨ͢͡m̥̮͇̠̍͌̊͆ͧͦ̾͜͝ ͈̉͋ͦ͐̌̿͊ͅí̖̞ͥ̽̎̀͗̋ͤ͗͜͜͟s̼͍͚̪͇̋̀́̍̓́ͬ́́͢ ̭̊ͮ̋ͤd̡̝̣̹͍͓̥̺̐̆ͪ̈e̯͉̻̟͈̮̙̅͆ͥͨͮ̌̍ͯ̋͟a͍͈̯̝͓̱̯ͮ͆̇ͦ͛͊ͫ̋ď̷̠̪̭̱͓̞̙̝ͯ͑̀̓̅͋͆,͉͓̮͓̩̫̈̿̓́̀ͅ ̷̜̬ͨ͋̑̓́ͅẗ̵̞̼͖̍̂̿̅̒̅ͬ̕h̗̮̪ͤ͋ͦ̂̿͐̀e̡͕̜͇̾ͣͪy̢͍̥̺̱̟͇̤̺ͩͤ̋̽͒̑̚'̒̓͂̈́́̍҉͖ŕ̰̣͌ͬ͑͢e͈̙̯̻͚̰͖̍̋̊ͤ̉̈́͒͟ ̶͙̙͖̦̲̦̩̒̇̇̓ͥ̚ḁ̛̩̰̜͙̊̊̀ͤ̅̔ͬ̉͘l̡̧͙̘͇̖͖̩̝͚ͫ͂̅̉̐l̪̝̟͉̥̱͂ͪ̔̀͠ ̱̣̞̩̃̈͟t̫̫̾ͯ̒ē͙̝̩̘̝̠̲͂̔͊ͦ̀ͤ͟ṟ̤̖̗̣̭̝̼ͮ̿ͣ̔́̌ͬ́ṛ̛͚̰͉̖͍̦͙̈́͛̃ͧ̇̑̎̚͜͜î̢̱̠ͭ̎͘ͅb͖̯̝̜̦̺͈̠ͭ̊ͫ̉̆́ͫl͓̼̲̞͙͖̘͈̞͆y̷̞̻̬̽̌̈́̂ ̧ͦͨͤ̆̇͗҉̘̬̬̖̘̠͘ẃͭ͗̉͗ͩ͒̚҉͏͔̫͖͢oͯ͂ͫ͏̵̫ů̬̣̆͑ǹ̯̮̥̯̳͍̰͛͌̐͑̐͟d̶͖̬̖̣̦̩ͦͨ̓ͤͬ̓͜e͆̓̓ͣ͏̶̗̰͕̟͔d͕̻̹̀̀̉̾̈̚͜ͅ,͙͔͔̪̩͛̆͆̏ͪ͠ͅ ̷̤̲͍͓̰̈̑͊̐̒͋ͬͅa̯̬̺͇̹̠̖͔ͭ̅̍ͣ̊͒͟͝n̤͓͇̪͗̆ͪ͜d̢͇̖̳̠ͮ̈ ͙̠͓̿́̽ͦ̎̌ẃ̩̻̩̼̲̻͊͆͘ĕ̋̃̏̋ͨͧ͏͏̢͇̺̠͚̲̟ ̲̳͍͎̈́̋̅͒h̷̰͈̦̼̘ͥͤ͋͗̇̉̽̾͟͞a͂̀ͧ̔̄̿̏ͭ͏̳̜v̨̺̖̯̑̀͝e͒̓͟҉͉̙͖̩̬̗̫̬ ̸͍̦̤̇ͭ̓̃̎͆ͦͮͅa͑ͦ͡҉̴͖̝̙͓̰̟̤̗͉ ͙̠͐͋̊̆͗̆ͫ̆͆͡͞ġ͓̭̺͈̻̯̭͓̟̉iͪ͏̧̦͔͙̟̮ͅa͊̊̓̏̆̂ͧ҉͏̪͕̠͖̘̞̺n̞͈̼̭̦̬̅ͥ̑ͤ̂̐t͉̻͈̩̥͈͙̫ͩͫ́ ͎̻̣̬̅ͩ̔̀͠ȩ̼̱̤̱̗͇̉́̅͒͠n̸̫̪̺͇̣̫ͯͣ̆̒̏̈͜ȩ̞͓̌ͩͨ̍̆̑̎̕͜m̦̥͍̼͓ͪ̉͛̍̓̍ͅy̷̷̘̪̺̙̲̯ͫ̌́ ͉̐ͦ̐̀̀͞f̦̭̰̮̱͖̮̏̄i͈̜̮͓̝̺͂̀̈́͒g̨̘͖̖̐ͫ͌ͨ͟͡h̙͉̼̪̮̱̙͗͐̅ͦ̎̚͜ţ̶͓̹͕͈͐ͣ̀̔i̝͙̺̜͋̅̋̌̉̈́n̮͈̘̝̲̲̠͉͑̆̽̏̀͡ͅg̶̬ͧ̀̅̏̏ͬͩͩͤ͞ ̴̢̟͕̪̯̖̽̋͌ͥ͢a̸͖͍̜̳͗̒̍ͭ̀ ̖͕̮̠͚̹̣̬̃̌g̛̳͇̙̣̘̞͌͊̉ͮͭͫ̂͌͘ͅò̢̭̠͔͚ͯ͟ḏ͎̫̌͋͛͞ ̴̶̠̮͓̼̓̈ͯ͑ͧ̍̇̄́d́̇͏̸̹͓̠̭̤͔̗̙a͓̳̥̜͓̳ͧ̃̑͛̄ͦ̀ͨ͠m̢̘̜͛͒͟͡n̒ͬ͊͌ͨͤ͛̍͏̛҉͚ͅ ̩̜̦͂͗͝d̠̤̀ͣ̔ͪ̓ͮ̋̓͢r̶̨̩̟̤͍͈̩̳̿̊͐̀̊̐ͭͨ͘a͚̳̳̣͙͖̟͓̽ͯg̵̪̥̥̗̰͉̔͂͆̍ͨͯ́͢ȍ̶̡̯̻̬̩͕͓̗ͣ̽̔̈́͊ͅń͕̽ͧͬ̅͛̄ ̶̗̔͊̎̐͐ͫ̕i̸̼̇ͭ̄̿ͤ̓n̙͓̐̏ͤ͊ͣ͘ ̡̨̟͉̭̤̱̆ͥͥͫǒ̢̥͕ͪ̌ͥ̈͛n̦̼̫̩̟̅́̚èͣ̐͒̊͏̼̤̱̰͢͡ ̷̸̴̞̙ͤͨ̎̑̑͗ͮͨg̶̤ͦ̿̀ͦ͛̋̊ͦ̕r͌ͬ̽͏̭̬̦ȯ̧̬͔͍̜̙̻̤̠ͥ̑ͥ͛ͮū̴̟̳ͫ̋͒͂̏͢͡p̧̞̣̤͙̻̩͒̉̀͐͒̌͂,̗̗͒ͬ̎̌͟ ̶̪̦̭͎̄͐ͬ̋i͎̦̝ͥ̄̄͗n̖̺͛ͧ͐͐͊́ ̥̤̟̺̹̟̫ͩ̾ͩt̜̺͐ͯ̉̚h̙̤̯̲̝ͪ̒ͯe̴̢̝̼͕̤̥͊́͛ͦ ̢̞̻̳̩͍̳͉͔̀̈́o̖͚̾̊̽̾ͭ̈́t̮̫̦̲̬̏͢h̶̵̺̺̝̝̳̤̮ͦ̿̂́ͤ͝e̤ͮ̃̾̓̇ŕ̢͚̮̩̮͉̼̜ͯ͆͊̑̍̆͌ͅ,̦͚̣̭͚̫͐ͨ̍̎ͥ̿͐ ̷̧̝͔ͭ̌̄̔ͩ̅̄ͦ̍͜h̛ͮ͛ͥ̊͒ͫ͛̑́͞͏̺̯a͓̭̤̰͓̬̱͓ͪ͆̒̃͡͡l͇͇͉͎̻̝̯ͮ̓͘f̴̨̭̫̫͍ͥͪ͂͑̑̓̑̎̕ ͈̱͈͓͍͍̲̌̔̈́̓͌ͧͧo̵̶̬͖̣̓͒̊f̷̼̑͌̾̋̃͐̇ ̦̻͎̜̘̹̳͋ͬ̎͜t͕̮̗͉͗ͦ̔̉̽͛̓ͤ̀h̩͕̣̹̗̗̘̑̆̽ͯ͜ḙ̝͔̝̺̦̰͑̒͂ͯ͋͊͛͒ͤṁͬ͏̵͍͎͈ ̹̳̑ͯͭ̽̂̕͢͜ģ̶̳̞̬̲̯̣̀o̧̺̟̳͗̑ͥ̈́t͓͚͈͓͍̖̖̃̔̕ ̸̸̖̟̺̒ͩ͆̈́͆s̡̧ͫͨ҉̘͔͉̳̺̻͓e̙͎̊̇͌ͨ͐͋̾͢͟͝v̛͎̜̻̞̫̱̳̣̎ͫ̐ͨ̒͝e̯͇̜̥̞͙̪̟͇ͭ̈́̈́̒͆͟ȓ͖͎̯͈̻͉͗̿̓ͧ͞ẽ͚͕̰̻̲̽̇͘ḷ̻̰̱̓ͣͧ̽̔y̷̪͓̰̯̖̭ͤͦ ̶͔̬̠͚͈͕̦͑ͨͭ̑ͦ̐ͩḇ̴̳͉̏͑̈̍́͡u̟̰͎̟͎͈̤͔ͨͯͧ̓̀͒̑͞͠͝r̴̗͈̳̖͔̹̔͐ͭ̇̒͑̈n̠̗̱̱̪̽̆ȅ̹̬̓͋͊̆̚͞d̸̸͖̳͔͚ͮͥ̑̈́͆̏͡,̰̘̜̘̻̑̏͑̎̋̈́͂ͫ ̛̥̰̲͇̱͕̹ͫͭ͊̿ͣͤ̍̐̕t̻̳ͤͪ͐͘͜͞h̢̡͖̫͖̪̻͇͒ͪͅͅe͇͎̯͚̟̯ͦ̏ͯͦ̊̽̅ͣ ̊҉̮͓͎͔̳̼̬o̴̴̞̦͆͌̌͜t͈̺̼̪̠̹̩̙ͭͪͣ̎̇̌́h̴̯̘̤̬̺̼̻ͧ͛ͣ̒ͦe̠̘̙̟̥͎̳͚ͦ̎̄r̺̹̋ͭͦͦ̅̒ ̠͎̞͚͐ͬͧͮͅh̴̖̖͚̠͖̎̿͐̈ͨ̊̆a̛̯͎̗͚͒̂̌͒ͬl̦͕̩͎̤͇͎̥͔ͥ́f̡̩͔̦̟͈̈̓̈͆̓̐̎͠ ͕̼̪̩̻̓̽͢a̧̱̦̞͈̘̱̫̫͌͂͗r̮̭̔̐̅̌͝ẹ̸̝͕̖̦͚͉̱ͤͬͩ̆ ̴̰̭͓̬̬͚̺ͫ͒͗͑ͫạ̱͍͉̞̈́̉̍ͦ͠l͙̓ͮ́ͥͮ̂̒̾̂͞ͅŗ͚̽ͫͪ͗̋̿͐ͫ͆i̖̫͖̠̯͔͖̽͑ͧͣ̇͒̀͞g͍̫͉̼ͨ̌̐ͩh̀͏̵̘͔͖̻t͓̹̩̥͔̑͂ ̸͇̙̘̰̱͚̝̤̞ͮ̈́͊͜b͓̤̬͈̯ͤ̍̾̊͐̐u͉̼̟ͩͥ͋̔ͭͫ̄͐̓͡t̥̳̗̥̘̥̰̿ͯ̋ͨ͜͡ ͋̈̔̿̚҉̶̣͚͖͘h̨̻̩̘̱͚̮ͬ̍̎͗̒̉ͦ͑̓ą̴̞̜̗̦̻̬͚̝͊͋͑̿́̎̓́v͓͇̪̋͒͠͝e͖͒̂̌͆ͪ̄̎͋͡ ̳͍̖͉͔̬̬́ͫ̂̾ṋ̲̱̼̜͌̐̋ͧ͆͛ͥ̀o̧͕̲͉̊͊̉t̗̘̏ͧͥ̓̓̀͟h̔͐̂̅̍̌ͧ̐̅҉͏̣͚͚̝ī̮̖̝͇̳̻̰͈̭͐ͧ̑̈́ͦͣ̚ņ̸̤͓̝͙̘̤̣̹̌ͦͭ̎̌g͉̞̞͕̞ͫ̀̐͌̍ ͧ͌͛̃̏ͩ̿́͝͏͔̲̻̼̭̖̘ͅt̴̸̙̜̩̙͓͚ͮͩ̅͊̌ͫ͠o̯͕̓͌̈ ̪͕̗̻ͣ̒ͧs̅͒̽ͬ͌̒ͬ̂̒҉͚̰̣͈̖͍̖̬̺̀͝a̢̛̬̺̗̭ͥͦͫͭͥ͗͊̃̐y͚ͣ͛.͓̓͒̅̿̚͜ ̷̡̩̥̽ͨ̚C̵̴̟̹͍̺̫̖̗̗̓ͥͯͭ́̑a̡̧̪̲̗̗̺̼̘ͩ̂͘n̡̻͖̮̝̞̲͓͖ͬ͛͊̿̈̾̏̃̍͜͝ͅ'̲̖̝ͩ͊ͤ̂ͮͦͅṭ̴̵̞̪̌ͧ̓͗̀̔̃͊ ̹͚̞̣̖̱͖̉͝s̸̡͔̣͕̼̥̳͚̾a̧͔̫̹͈̼͎̤̟ͧͨ̂͐ͮͬ͌̍͘ỵ̭̭͊̋̐̓̀͜͠ ̸̧̘͚̫̘̫͆͒̇͐̄ͩͧ̔͘Ḭ̢͍̱͔͉ͩͥ ͎͍̩̦̦̟ͦͯ̅ͨ̚͡b̴̫̥̪̍̂̍̂͛ͧ̚l̨͎̲̭̰͙̬̂͐͛̈́̍a̞͓̣͚̗̲̩͎͌̐ͨ̇̈͝ͅm̵̮͇͒͐ͤ̄̋͊̆̚͜e̴̪̖̠̝͎̤̻ͨ̍͂ͥͮ̃ ̗̭̗̯̫̙̱̥̤̈̆̿ͨ͊͋t̖̮͖ͭ̄̑ͬ͊ͧ̀̕ẖ̢̥͓̮̙̱̝̠͐ͯ̅̕e̶͇̠͉͚̠͊͝m̥͈̖̓̑ͥ ̛͐̒̈͒͂ͥ̓̆ͮ̀҉͔͖é͖͓̫̫̎̄̇͑̾̽ͧi̧͍͇͉͚͓ͩt̷̬̥̜̟̩ͩ̅̔h̷̦̭̗͊̓̎ͫ͝e̡͍͉͕̬͙̪̘̦̲͑ͬ͘r̡͚̠̗̱͉͑̋ͭ̄̚ͅ.͗͆̊́̿̀҉̪̻̟̩"̶̲̝͍̬͈̟ͩͨ͆̾


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Chapter One: A Town from the Mist.


Wait, Smoke?

Yes, smoke. Smoke of fire burning filed the air, denser, it leaked into every crack in ones armor any hole it could find. Every single one. Clogging, stifling, choking, it was everywhere, Before one could even focus, or even run, the smoke clogged their lungs and tightened their airways. Lungs screamed for air, yet it did not come. Both the group from the Forest Cove and the Dying Planes couldn't escape it, no matter how hard they fought to evade it. Sylas was the only one unaffected, until something struck it in the head, causing him to shut down as well. Everyone was passed out. And then, from the sky, from that dark red moon's direction, a meteor appeared from the sky...

The next Morning.

The Forest Cove group would awaken here and now, no longer a cove, but what seemed to be a frozen glade, the ice sticking from the coniferous trees, it was nothing like their previous location...

The trees, though still tall, showed the sky clearly. It was mid-day, the vibrant cyan of the day sky was shocking, especially in such a cold area full of snow. One would think this place were covered in clouds at all times, especially with the snow in the area. Only now would they notice they had been covered in a thick blanket of the white stuff, not too much, just enough to be cold. Freezing, in fact.

The smoke stack in the distance quickly become a welcoming site. They may not know who made such a thing, but fire in this cold was a rather welcome sight.

In contrast, the Dying Plains group awoke and found themselves much more hospitable, although the gritty land was not welcome in the hair. They lay on the beach, lined up like perfect perfect dolls, assigned a specific spot. they lay soaked in seawater, but on a beach they lay. From the impressions in the sand they had, they must had been there for quite some time. The dust lay on their bodies; sand all over. The only way a day at the beach could get worse is if there were bees, however, to the pleasure of our non-armored and non-metallic companions, there were none. Only the minor annoyance of sand in your hair, in your clothing, so on.

Far off from them, a town within distance. Some miles away from them, the forest above them proved that it would be a cold trek to the town, but the alternative as trying to find dry drift wood and making camp. The Carboniferous trees and snow made it quite obvious: a flying dragon wouldn't exactly be a bad thing to have with you right now. But do they dare ask to hitch a ride on Dragoon Uber? Or will they walk? For them to choose for right now.

In the middle of a down with snow-covered peaks and short trees that looked like palm wood had grown a bubble of leaves round it awaken Nio Magnetus, John Colt, Somrene Neyelmnik, Simon Cross, Fiora Fulmen, and Massun Yeri. Why they were in the middle of a town, where the small fountain and cobblestone road sat, why they were there, they couldn't not tell you. The townsfolk were yet to be out this day, they had a chance to get moving, to act natural, to get themselves together, before the towns people made their appearances. They best hurry, no telling what the people around here are like...
Jenna the cheetah woke up on the beach. She wiped some of the gritty sand out of her now wet coat of fur, not bothering to wonder how they had gotten here from there.

Seeing the rest of the group around her lying down, she decided to abandon her previous injury facade. There was no point in faking anyway, as no one had really noticed her. They had been too busy noticing the huge fucking dragon which had transformed from Aurelius, and the remnants of the burnt plains, and the giant turtle creature. She couldn't blame them, they were a lot more interesting than some random cheetah.

Except the fox boy. He had noticed her, and walked in stride with her, somewhat creepily. In a way it was nice to have a companion and a fellow shapeshifter (she assumed).

"Mewww," she purred in a low voice to the fox, acknowledging his presence. God, it was awful not having the vocal cords to speak the human language. She wondered if she would ever figure out how to transform back into a human....

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