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Fandom Beacon Academy

After an eventful evening of doing...nothing, Samantha woke up and noticed most of the people had left the ballroom, but saw the people she had met yesterday, Sam decided to get up and go to her locker, as she opened it she saw a note with a number on it... 3, Samantha grabbed the note and went over to the people she met from yesterday "Hi, erm so how is everyone" Smiling and sorting her hair out whilst speaking.
Jen didn't feel so good around groups of people, she always felt nervous, she couldn't stand her darn anxiety disorder, jen cursed in French to herself in her head, she leaned against a wall not to far away from the group, she liked the fresh air flowing in through the open window "what a nice view..."
Martin had entered the locker room still wrapped up in his sheets, he exited the same way after acquiring his weapons and armor. He was not about to forego his comforts just yet.

He silently picked out a sign of some sort calling for three's.

He stayed quite as he wordlessly approached the group, then took a spot off to the side of them.
(Sorry no Alerts)

Yuri would Samantha and say as he would be Leaning on the wall "Fine....not much only bord"he says as he unstraps his Tesla Rifle and start too tinker with it and would see a man and says as he tinkers with his tesla rifle "So all of us here have the 3 Right?"
Aoi nodded her head. "Yeah I got a number three." Aoi said still not looking away from her book. "So how many does that make." Aoi asked since she couldn't be bother counting.
Sheele walked into the locker room wearing her favorite purple dress, easy for moving. The day before she did not talk to anyone, so she knew no one in the locker room. She opened her locker, grabbed her weapon and it's holster and sat at one of the benches polishing her weapon.
Jen was In one of beacons rooms, she wanted some privacy to play her violin, she always loved playing it whenever she had the time, she always remembered a special person while playing, it brought her nice memories and places.
(Here is close too 1.34 am)

Yuri would be outside looking up too the stars as he looks up and his Tesla rifle making that Humming sound every day as it was good with that combination wen looking up as he wonders wen the grupe is going too meat each other
Martin stepped through the halls smoothly, the sounds of his shoes were his main focus as the suppressants he had recently taken dulled most thought from his slowly calming mind. His steps became coordinated as he put forth effort into organization. The group meeting hadn't been what he expected, not disappointing but surely not exciting in any way. He thought the whole thing was rather businesslike, but his opinion didn't matter at the moment.

Hadn't done much afterward, wandered and got accustomed to his new habitat. Almost like a rodent being placed in a cage... he could see it that way, the classes were the big metal wheels, bedrooms were little plastic homes to rest in.

He stopped what he was doing and pulled a pack of pills from his jacket before quickly swallowing it dry.

He continued walking. He had to memorize the area so it could be used to its full potential if necessary. Paranoia was good, provided the fear necessary to act.

He also had to keep tabs on the other members of group 3. Any one of them could end up on his team, had to prepare for their personality types.

People may go through individual events, but those events and subsequent reactions can be categorized. Reading how a person works by observation was a common simplicity.

Martin was used to being in the background, so sneaking around spying on his fellow 3's was only a minor task.

He had already pinpointed and verified the location of a male student outside. Hadn't been too much of a hassle, but seeing how content he looked strengthened Martin's resolve to leave him be.

Afterwards he had wandered and picked out two others before recognizing the sound of a violin.

His dedication to his plan urged him to continue searching the halls, but he was less than entertained.

A detour would not hurt his plan.

Making his way closer to the sound, Martin stopped in front of a door before tilting his head to the side and listened for a bit.

After muttering some things under his breath he pulled open the door and let himself in.

Turns out his need to find another way to pass time was correctly followed this time.

He remembered the girl, another three.

Somewhat on the young side, but Martin was no stranger to Beacon's acceptance of various hunters of all walks of life.

He really needed to keep notes on these things.
Jen jumped up seeing a guy enter the room, she almost fell out of her chair and held her violin, she was about to scold him about on how to knock doors but stopped as she knew that yelling at a fellow classmate she didn't know was wrong, she breathed in and out and looked at him, "hello there, my names jen did I bother you with my playing if you want I could stop" she rubbed the back of her neck feeling nervous talking to someone else, her anxiety was building up again and felt like she would have a panic attack if the silence kept going on
Martin shook his head as he made sure to memorize her face, it was too early to decide whether she played for escape or hobby.

Whether it was a hobby would determine if he'd have to worry about her playing obnoxiously or not.

"Continue playing, if that is what you desire then I shall not impede."

Martin said this as he began studying the room, would this be a regular spot for her or would she shift?

It may or may not deter his movement depending on how the answer to his previous query is answered.

"I am Martin," he said as he inspected the nearest window "You are also a three, therefore I am obligated to greet you in a way befitting the standards of normal children..."

Martin paused for several seconds before finishing in the same indifferent and tired tone "Hello."

Then he took note of the room's floor area, and began mentally measuring.
Tregan slammed his locker shut after checking for his number. He took some deep breaths, concentrating on not using all of his strength instead of all this stress. Having missed the first set of jets to get to Beacon, and had missed the entire first day of school. There would be rumors, jokes, and teacher bias right off the bat.

He didn't care, he reminded himself. He is tougher than that. Nothing would topple him.

Reading the crumpled three in his hands, he got lost trying to find everyone. The rest of the students had the day before to explore. He had no chance for that, and hopefully would not miss initiation. He only heard rumors about it, that it was the true experience of Beacon. It was hard to imagine that this place was so grand, when the schools he had been to were bare minimum on everything,

They better have a good Gym.

He looked up from his thoughts and saw a group of people standing off to the side. Mostly girls, possibly some "hits" in there. Maybe they knew where he was supposed to go.

He approached the group with his number held above his head. "Is there a group three around here?"
Sheele was finished polishing her weapon when she heard a violin from the hallway and it's playing abruptly stopped. No one went to go check so she decided to investigate. She held her weapon close to her and walked into the hallway hearing talking. She walked into a room to see a boy and a girl in the room and the girl was holding a violin. "That was very nice playing." She said in a shy tone.
Yuri would walk back inside the School as he was geting a nice good view of the outside too atleats calm himself down,he wasent angry but whanted too be calm atleats,as he walks in he hears a man say grupe 3 as he would check his poket and get his pice of paper and he saw a "M"...wait now a "W"..now its a "E"....as he would realice he was holding it lots of wrong ways and rotating it gets the 3 right as he would whisel too the man and say "Pice of Grupe 3 Here"

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