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Fandom Beacon Academy

Jen looked at new person who had entered and smiled "oh well thank you it was a new piece I made during my free time, playing the violin soothes me when I'm in stress, I could teach the both of you sometime if you'd like" she trapped her handkerchief and began cleaning off the violin, the sun was coming in through the window and making the darkness go away, she could see specks of dust, floating around, like nothing mattered, she saw the trees leaves slowly swaying back and forth
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(Several assembling as a group, others spread out across the Academy. There's one outside appreciating the night. Three in a random room where Miss Underwood was playing her violin. Blah Blah Blah, take your Pick... the beginning of all Roleplays are always chaotic as many arcs mesh together.)
(Does anyone have any semblance of an actual plot to follow? Or shall we just pump life with an assortment of backstories, character development, and hijinks?)
(I really dont know...I think for now we meat each other and wen GM comes we continue maybe with the plot....if there is)
(Wasn't there a group of people gathered already? I thought I approached them. Are they on right now?)
(Oh I didn't realize you were trying to talk to me sorry)

Tregan turned to the smaller man. Long blue hair and headphones. Probably some jock. He was sort of a jock himself. Better stay around this guy to gather everyone up.

"Alright. We're getting together at least." He set his left shield upright on the ground and extended a large hand to the smaller man. "Name's Tregan. Rhymes with ray gun. Seen any others yet?"
Yuri would look up as this guy was close too 7 feet...dam..as he would chake his and smiel at him and say "Yuri here...nope havent seen any was outside geting air...you are "Chocking" in size"he says as he hopes he too get the joke as he had a "Elecrifieng"(Dont know how you spell that xD ) Personality
Jen stood up and climbed out the window, she wasn't in it to go down a Giant flight of stairs so she took the window instead she stood on the ledge "it was nice meeting you both, lets see each other later" she gave a smile she got that charm from her mother, she commenced to jump she took out her harpoon rifle and shot up where the harpoon would get caught, the rope straightened out and she climbed down, she retrieved her harpoon and stood outside on the grass looking up at the sky the clouds looked puffy and soft she saw as they drifted slowly away and felt relaxed as she felt the cook breeze brush itself against her cheek
"I've been called tall, but never 'shocking in size'." He shook as gently as he could with Yuri. Didn't want to break the unfortunate man's hand. An eyebrow raised at his numbermate. "Were you trying to make a joke there? I'm sorry humor doesn't get to me well. My old friends call me thick, but really humor has strange effects on me. I tend not to laugh at things when I can hold it."
"Well yes i try.....but i undestand if you are not the Joke guy....so what is your wepons of choise?"he ask curiusly as the man was large and bulki muts be a heavy hitter of some sort

(Sorry no alerts)
"Oh no, I am much to clumsy for that. I would probably break your violin." Sheele said in a quiet voice. She walked to one of the chairs and sat down, ready to listen to more.
Tregan shrugged. His weapons were designed by a long ago friend, but he had still built the entire thing himself form the blueprints.

He picked up the large "I got my two Shilts here. Really they're for deflecting anything big and painful coming my way, but the spikes on all ends helps me hit things when I need to. Carbon tungsten coating helps keep it in shape. Also-"

At this point he put his arms next to each other straight out in front of him. The shields clicked together and 6 slim barrels emerged from the hole made by the shield's curve.

"Gatling gun."
Yuri,s eye open wide as he has never seen somthing like that and says exitedly "That Bro is the colles thing i have ever seen...Wen you ever see 2 things make one cool thing....you are full o suprises are you"he says as this was cool...no really it is wen do you ever see this?
She jumped back up to the window and smiled cheerfully, "hey don't worry, I'd get you your own instrument if ya want, and if you wanna hear me play my violin again. I'll be back at 4:00,now I really need to go it was nice meeting you" She took out a mandarin and jumped back down to the courtyard, she calmly ate her fruit outside leaning on the school
A few more clicks happened, and the shilts separated, once again becoming massive side protectors.

"What about you? What do you like to use as a weapon?" He wasn't really interested, but feigned interest for the sake of the fellow.
Yuri would reach his back and Shock himself as he would growl a litle and reach again and this time Grab his Rifle,as he would draw it and say "Mi little Tesla Rifle....Or Rifles really but mostly mi Tesla rifle"he says as he sees the Chaingun Split in two.
Jen was looking around until she saw a short boy with blue hair and an outrageously tall man, she was about to choke on her fruit by seeing the other guys size she whispered to herself "he must be really strong" she rubbed the back of her neck and watched the both of them for a bit until going back inside the school
Satisfied with his investigation of the room, Martin waited for the one girl to leave before turning on the new, purple haired girl. Another three, how lucky he was.

Martin checked his watch before approaching the girl and reciting in the exact same tone he had with the Jen lady he previously spoke with.

"You're a three," He stated "therefore I am obligated to initiate a greeting of some type in order to disqualify any negative misconceptions may have formed."

Short Pause.


Hopefully she had places to be, memorizing the school's area wasn't easy and he found it more pressing than conversing with the variables at the moment.
Sheele looked at the boy in confusion. He said rather odd things. "Hello, I have to go to so bye..." She walked of awkwardly thinking about the strange conversation. She walked to the practice room and readied her weapon for training.
She was walking around learning most of the schools rooms and hallways, she had memorized the schools ways in her mind, she always did this so she wouldn't get lost, she sighed to herself "ah I wish they had some type of music room it would be nice to play some other instruments in my free time.." She shook her head and leaned against the cold wall she looked at the empty hallways, Jen always liked the silence it was calming.

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