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Fandom Beacon Academy

Sheele grabbed both of the handles on her blade (which were shaped like scissors) and opened it up. She stood stiff and her face emotionless. As soon as the bell dinged robots came out and attacked her. She jumped towards the first one, doing a flip in the process, and cut in half. She moved to the next few and sliced them up with grace. Robots with guns fired at her and she deflected it with her blade and proceeded to walk towards them and destroy them. It was over in a matter of a minute and she found herself rather board with these objects. They hadn't even put up a good fight.
Jen was walking outside near the forest where she entered for training, she never got bored with the robotic attackers built to fight, she always found her training fun, she flew in to the darkness of the forest ready to begin her test, a mans voice could be heard "are you ready?" She smiled, jen help up her darts and harpoon rifle "I'm always ready sir" the man could be heard chuckling "alright do you want the usual advanced attackers or donyiu want to take it easy this time?" Jen thought she was feeling a bit sore but she also wanted to get more skill and strength, it was silent until she answered "usual" before she knew it she heard shrieks around her, they were far from her so she had time to reload her gun, the man said in type of smug tone "good luck Jennifer" before she knew it she saw on of the monsters in front of her "h-hey there buddy, if you don't mind would you be so kind as to refrain your screams when I slash this part open?" She sliced it's leg open making it fall down to the grass, its liquids quickly poured out onto the grass, the beast itself was fading away "ok one down a ton of other ones to go" she was worried but she knew she could do this,believing was her speciality.
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Tregan let out a deep yawn and circled his shoulders. "Well Yuri, I wish you to do well when the testing starts. Train hard and you will do well."

With that he left with a small hand wave. His shields colapsed into more of a buckler size, and he headed to one of the taller buildings he had seen, hoping it was the gym.

He hears loud sounds as he approached the room. The main door had large letters saying 'In use.' Farther down the hall he could see a sign that read 'Waiting/Viewing room.'

Entering there, he saw a girl battling nearly an army solo through the one way mirror. The sound of metal and rythm she had was amazing. Whether for fun, sport, or practice didn't matter. She was good.

And he had a "hit."

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(( I now have a computer ))

Indigo wandered around the building holding a paper with the number 3 written on it, what did it mean and why did he have it, he actually was just bored and wandered around aimlessly, people underestimated him, but he was very strong for a crazy guy his attacks were very odd, thats why people always thought he was weak, but he used his combination very well. Indigo continued to wander the halls wondering what they were doing, would they do a trial to see who got in or would they get into teams, such a hard life.
Sheele walked out of the room and wandered into the viewing room to watch others. She hoped that there could be a higher difficulty level on the robots because it was to easy. She could never get better this way. She watched to see who struggled and who excelled.
Jen was in the woods for now, she didn't like the type of technology the school had for training it was a bit weird for her, her parents way of training was more special to her, they left all of this for her to improve and succeed in her combat, she was having a tough time as to how one of the monsters scratched her neck, she couldn't breathe she was a tiny bit frightened her skin became pale but she still had enough strength to finish her given test from professor ozpin, she didn't want to fail or stay behind on her task, she had some rough times battling the beasts, she seemed to be okay at first making funny puns to herself knowing she could do it but now she's now to sure with the giant wound on her neck, she took out her weapon again to attack the monster behind her and choke it, jen saw another one fade away from the grip of her harpoon, she had finished her test but she didn't feel so good, Jen saw her blood drop down onto the grass, "dammit Jesus freaking Christ" she hissed and winced at how much pain she was feeling, she couldn't feel anything and blacked out in the forest "I need to work harder for them.."
(Have someone RP as Ozpin Announcing the Team Set up and time skip to us all being at the edge of the Emerald forest like in the show so nobody can split off and confuse everyone with random changes in the story arc. And by that I do mean everybody. We should be able to set up teams rather easily from there. But we'll need to tag all active role-players to see who's left that we can work with.)
((True but how can we set teams up without the others, sometimes some people are off and busy, or do we set people up randomly
(The Emerald Forest Team selection is technically based off a challenge where a large number of students are flung into the forest via launch pads and have to fight there way through the native Grimm to a specific area labeled to them beforehand. That area holds a large number of items associated with a theme, and come in variable groups of four. Once captured the items must be brought to a set of ruins usually far off on the other side of the forest, where the groups are determined based on what item they got. Concluding the mission.)

(I can point out fourteen spots in this arc where somebody can jump in, they don't even have to be there. If a full team of four isn't assembled by the time the current players finish, they could always type about there experiences in the forest as a summarization in past tense. This ensures that people won't have to be stuck in partially empty groups and that new characters won't have to be alone. I feel that we can pull this off expertly.)

(Although I recommend that whoever does wind up playing Ozpin should Tag all known role-players, just to weed out the dead-letters.)
(( Well that sounds cool, good idea )) 
(( What theme should we do this time cause last time it was chess ))
Yuri would raie his head as he hears the order,as he would holster his Tesla Rifle on his back and prosid too the emerald forrest and making sure his tesla Rifle dosent get too much Energy.
Sheele heard the message and left the viewing area. She walked towards the Emerald Forest, tripping a few times. She arrived to see a boy with a rifle and Professor Ozpin.
(Guys I won't be on so I'm gonna need to my character somewhere dying xD but no seriously

•-• I'm gonna have to go for right now
Yuri would be wating and turns around and sees a Girl,as he would look at the Profeser and ask "So Is it time For the Initiation?..."he says kinda shy as he ws curius as wen will it start

(Ok seeya ^-^...and dont worri for a "Shoking" things )
Indigo heard the announcement and walked to the initiation In the forest he found an odd guy who held a rifle, clearly he was not smart enough to hide such a thing well indigo chose to hide his weapon so he could surprise the enemy, some people never seemed to understand his crazy but sometimes crazy was good, Indigo stepped onto a pad and had a creepy smile on his face as he looked at his new enemies or were they his new friends....hmmmm what did he care either way he would blow something up
Approaching the group assembled along the edge of the cliff, Martin's frantic eyes darted over each individual as he picked a random pad and tapped on it with a foot before stepping on it.

Far below, Martin could see the Emerald Forest teeming with natural wonder and danger. He took several steady breaths, thankfully he already had a landing strategy in mind. A simple one at that, afterwards the only thing he'd have to worry about would be stealthily searching for the relics.

As many more students arrived, many Martin was proud to say he remembered as three's, Ozpin began speaking.

"Each one of you will be launched toward non-specific locations within the forest. Find the relics and meet at the ruins at the edge of the forest, simple enough. Be wary of the Grimm located within the forest." He stated as he stared down at the coffee in his hand "One more thing, the first three students you make eye contact with shall be your team for the entirety of your stay at Beacon."

This gave Martin pause, he knew that they'd be assigned randomly, but the Professor just stated that the teachers would have no hand whatsoever in the selection. Which made it even more troublesome if he ended up with the less equipped hunters and huntresses of Beacon. He openly sighed before returning his attention towards the forest before him.

Once Ozpin went silent his assistant, Glynda Goodwitch, took the floor and began listing some rules and precautions as the last of the students began trickling in.

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