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Fandom Beacon Academy

"Heh heh, this shall be explosive...." Indigo mumbles to the group, he kept his eyes forward and his smile just as evil as he starred forward, he would not make eye contact more the likely, or he would make contact with the kids he felt were the strongest or the best fit for him, but no one was as psycho as he was but they would not know he was crazy
Tregan lumbered towards the Emerald Forest. He arrived there just in time to hear about the launchings and listen to the talk about what precautions to make. Teams of four also seemed small, but he wasn't one to complain.

Tregan had only had to make a landing once, and that didn't turn out well. His shields might be able to help soften the blow this time, but he wasn't sure how exactly to use it.
Jen arrived quickly out of nowhere,she listened to the directions closely, she didn't bcsre who she was teamed up with,even if she was teamed up with the weakest or strongest she didn't want to socialize or talk with the people she paired up with in case of an emergency to mission, she was thinking to herself ,she thought all thst because she was in a bad mood after failing one of ozpins first test, it wasn't specifically an important test everyone had to take, it was just there to get extra credit,and he didn't assign it face to face do students didn't think it mattered, she had her weapon unholstered and didn't make eye contact with the other students she was too angry and embarrassed at her failure, the wound in her neck made her hiss quietly in anger and pain, looking forward only at the dozens of tree's scattered everywhere seeing only the top of it, Jen gripped on to her weapon tightly she was determined to at least make herself happy with her landing, she wanted to show herself that she had skills, otherwise what was the point of coming here if she thought she was a failure, she is as failure, she always knew it, but now wasn't the time to get upset over her small problems she didn't have time to pity herself right now, it didn't matter, what mattered was the strategy she was coming up right now and nothing else,She made a good one to herself at the moment.
Once the trickle of students finally cut off, Ozpin looked at his scroll before subtly nodding towards Glynda.

"Alright, let us begin." She said

The second she finished talking the student at the very end of the row was launched from their pad with considerable force, and was soon sent hurtling towards the forest below. One by one the other students were flung forward as well, Martin experimentally bent his knees as the kids went flying systematically. He just needed to find the range and trajectory.
Sheele was flung forward from the platform and pointed her weapon straight forward to increase her speed and distance. When she started slowing down she saw a tree she could land on she lifted her weapon to let the air hit to slow her down and she opened her blade and closed it onto the tree to stop. Sheele saw Beowolves beneath her and she cut the tree so it would fall and make them scatter.
Indigo chose a horrible approach to the whole launching and landing, he made sure to find a pack of beowolves and turned his rocket hammer into a hammer and started to bring it down the missiles inside pushing it foreword making the blow feel ten times worse as the hammer struck and just to make it worse as soon as his hammer almost collided he pressed a button uncovering a bunch of live missiles that soon enough connected with the beowolfs head, this did not have an amazing outcome for indigo, it may have blow up part of the area and destroyed the beowolves but he it turn was thrown back from the explosion leaving himself hurt a bit, but he never seemed to care
Sheele climbed out of the tree and proceeded to walk towards the temple. She walked in this tall grass and it kind of made her edgy. She flinched at every noise. A shadow enveloped her body and Sheele turned around to see a King Taijitu. It lunged at her and she swiped at it while also jumping back but landing on her side.
As Tregan launched off the platform, he thought of only one way to make the landing in a way that would make the least amount of harm to his body. As he flew past most of the other members of group 3, he remembered learning things with more mass tended to go farther when given the same push force.

He saw the trees beginning to approach beneath him. Putting his shields at an angle to the ground and trees, he bounced off branches with ease until his bottom shield made contact with the ground. The branches had slowed his fall, but not enough, as he felt more pressure on his arm than he had expected. There were going to be some bruises left after it was done.

He crawled out of the crater he had made and listened for a second, before heading off towards the artifact site.
Sheele got up but the creature tried to bite her. It almost got her but she opened her blade to keep his mouth open. Sheele jumped out and moved to the side and cut off it's head. The other one lunged and she sliced it's head in half.

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