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Fandom Beacon Academy

Xeno arrived at the main hall only a couple of minutes later. He simply chats with a couple of people about what was going on and waits around.
Laretta nodded in agreement. "Do you know where it is? I never received a map...and I'm terrible with direction." She had gotten lost in countless places, and some of them, so simple that it was impossible to get lost, but of course, Laretta did the impossible: she got lost. And now wasn't a good time to get someone lost with her. It'd be best to leave the directions to the girl beside her.
Sam smiled "Yeah i know where the main hall is, just stick beside me and you will be fine, and we will try and get you a map later on" As she turned around and headed towards the main hall
Laretta sighed in relief. Luck was on her side today; someone knew where they were headed to. "That's good," she mumbled, barely audible. "I have a feeling a map won't do much for me," she added. At least having a map was better than without one; it would lead her in the direction she needed, and then her wonderful skills of getting lost would kick in. She followed closely behind Samantha, occasionally glancing around at the other students.
Samantha heard Laretta say a map would not do much for her, Sam turned her head towards her "Well if you ever get lost or need something, you can count on me" Sam said as she smiled then turned her head back to it original position, finally they arrived at the main hall, as Samantha walked in she immediately put her ribbon away and moved closer towards Laretta, as she was slightly scared of the amount of people in the main hall.
Yuri would walk in the building as it was very inpresive and reaching the mainhall as he would look around adn see so much people,as it was his firts day and aswell his first step in the building and kinda felt great but aswell not that much exitment in him but still imprest and ready as his Tesla Rifle would be on his back emiting a soft hum as it canot be turn off
After a few more moments of waiting Professor Ozpin(The headmaster) steps onto the stage and gives his welcoming speech which, though short, was rather blunt. He reminds the new students that they have come to Beacon to apply their talents and seek knowledge, and that when they graduate, they would devote their time to protecting the world. He also notes that they lack experience, and that they need to take the initiative to seek knowledge at Beacon. The huntress Glynda then takes over the stage and instructs the students to gather in the ballroom and prepare for tomorrow's initiation. Aoi saw no point in waiting around and made her way the the ballroom where she could rest for a while.
Her ears picked up a slight shuffling as Samantha drew closer to her. "What's the matter?" she asked in a quiet tone. She looked around the room, eyeing out any possible threat. Laretta pulled out a Pocky stick and offered it to Samantha. "Do you want?" she asked, wondering if food calmed the girl down. It calmed Laretta down, no doubt, as she absolutely loved it.
Xeno starts walking through the crowd and ends up bumping into Samantha,

"Oh, hey Sam." He states, accompanied with a small wave.
Yuri would make his way too the ballroom as he pass the crowd as there was too many but he would keep walking and making his way too the ballroom
Sam was looking around at everyone "I..I just get scared when there are lots of people about" But then she noticed Laretta offer a Pocky stick, Samantha turns her head to Laretta "No thanks, i should be fine soon...hopefully" As she smiled very promptly and then continued to look around, but then Xeno from earlier bumped into Sam "Oh hi Xeno , Erm this is Laretta" As she pointed towards Laretta, but then the Headmaster started to talk and Glynda another huntress asked if people could move to the ballroom.
Xeno waves at Laretta,

"Nice to meet you, Laretta." He says with a faint smile. Xeno looks around at all the people heading to the ballroom,

"I think we should follow the crowd." He says as he yawns, Xeno didn't get much sleep last night.
Aoi arrived at the ballroom where she quickly moved towards a wall and sat by it. She lit a candle and began to read since she wasn't one for talking with people and would much rather read than talk to others.
Sam nodded "Yeah we should get moving, lets go, Xeno you are more than welcome to come around with us" Sam said to both of the people present, as she moved towards the ballroom making sure that Laretta was next to her
Xeno nods and follows Samantha. Man, I hope that this whole thing will be over soon. Xeno thinks to himself. This really was quite a crowd for a school designed only for hunters.
Samantha hated being with big crowds of people, she felt something might happen to her, as entering sam grabbed Laterra, she was becoming more scared as she didnt know what to do and it seemed more and more people kept coming, Sam turned to Xeno "what happened to the girl from earlier" Speaking in a nervous tone and trying to crack a smile.
Indigo was on the back of the ship headed for the school lugging around the massive rocket launcher that looked oddly when cramped up a metal duffle bag but in reality it was a massive rocket launcher. Indigo hopped off the plane a happy smile on his face as he went around sniffing random people on he way into the main hall, he wandered around till he decided to follow the crowds to where all the freshman had to be, he had a creepy smile on his face as he entered
(Oh my gosh, I am so sorry for not replying--my notification system is funky--I'm really not getting notifications for the RP's I joined...so for future time, if I'm included, can you guys tag me? Thanks. ;. ;)

Laretta nodded at Xeno, turning her attention back to Samantha, who had grabbed onto her. "I'm not comfortable with large crowds," she confessed, mumbling a bit in the process.
((Nah you we started a while before you joined just say your characters making his way or in the ballroom.))
Jen was walking to the ballroom in an empty hallway, she was amazed at the school, she never thought she would be able to get in an academy this prestigious, when she finally made it to the ballroom she was shoved onto the floor since there was a massive group of students running in, she sighed and cursed a bit in French under her breath, but she calmed down easily minutes later
Xeno follows the bunch into the ballroom, it was way bigger than he expected it to be. To be honest, he wasn't really one for large crowds either. Xeno makes sure to stick with his small group of new friends.

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