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Fandom Battle of Tokyo

Who should apologize?

  • Holo

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  • Lucky

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  • Both

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  • Neither

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  • Total voters

Random Seer

Future Teller
Look at the overview for the info YAY


  • NO OP characters (Kangunes and Quinques)
  • 2 characters are encouraged
  • People will die
  • Fighting in safe areas are discouraged (Coffee Shops)
  • Any more rules please tell me.
  • Don't Kill yourself with your own character (This is self - explanatory)
  • We are still Accepting characters ^^

Yay for rainbows
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Kimi starts to get ready to work at the coffee shop. Putting her headphones up on her door handle. Her eyes in their human - like state, luckily I suppose as she changes in her waitress uniform. Another day of misfortune , I wonder if it is raining in different wards. Or maybe is it sunny as she walks out to the main lobby for the Cafe. Kimi looks around as she walks over to a near table to deliver their coffee.

"Hi anything else you want today," her mind cleared out from her regular random thoughts. Her brown hair falling over her shoulder. Her notebook resting on a clipboard.
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"A job." Anthony said joking before getting up planning to help out. He had finished school at a young age and as such needed something to do so he tries to help at the coffee shop. "How are you doing today Kimi? Not hungry I hope." Anthony asked wondering if he'd have to take the rare position of life saving snack again.

Tania had both her cases by her feet as she sipped her coffee. She noticed a boy talking to a waitress and frowned looking at her watch them back at the kid. "Hey boy don't you have school?" She said the same way she always did when she saw him in the coffee shop. She knew the kids didn't have school but it was always nice to talk to the boy.

"Ha! I finished my schooling treats ago." Anthony said back rather coyly before turning back to smile at Kimi.

@Random Seer
Kei walks in his regular place of business, otherwise known as the Doves HQ. Placing his pencil on the table in many positions "Seriously I didn't know this would happen to me when I took this job" Kei whined, he thought to himself that he could actually die of boredom.

As he got up and started to do paces around his room, he looked at the air vent as he crawled all the way outside via Air vent.

"Thank you architecture and the architect" Thinking about his earlier realization that they might have save his life.

He spied a near by park, rubbing his head thinking not many doves might go this one. Looking around as he then finds a bike store.
"Welp...maybe I can go for a ride" Looking around for familiar faces in the 12th ward that were doves. Or all doves period at the least.
Masaki sat up in bed as he rubbed his eyes with a yawn, he looked at his clock to check the time and then proceeded to get up and get changed into his work uniform, "Another day at work.. I wonder if any rude people will be there, I hope not.." He spoke quietly to himself as he got ready "I cant be dealing with rudeness" he looks in the mirror and observes his eyes to see that they are appearing human like, he then went out of his room, into the lobby and then down to the coffee shop. "Good morning everyone.." He said shyly as he then went over to the counter to pick up a tables order to then swiftly deliver it to the correct table
"You already have it anytime and What?" Kimi spoke out loud, already proceeding to the daydream phase of her mind. Thinking about the earlier thought she had. Imagining every ward to have a different climate and weather.

"Oh hey Masaki" Waving her hand at him. Blinking twice snapping her out of her daydream. Looking around the coffee shop resting on the granite counter.

"Why does nobody come up to drink coffee anymore." One of the few workers who actually enjoyed working here was Kimi. Wanting to work and be active at the coffee shop. Noting that this is where everyone can be themselves and safely,especially for ghouls.
Masaki looks back to Kimi after he finished serving the couple sat at the table, sighing as he then said "I dont know.. Maybe they found some place else to go.. I heard that a new cafe opened in one of the other wards so they might be going there" he then goes and stands by the door to the lobby as he puts his hands into his pockets "But, im so bored.. I need to do something.. Maybe go back to sleep, im so tired." He rubs his eyes and then sighs, knowing he couldnt do that. It was a shame, this coffee shop used to be so busy, he looks around and then sighs, making himself a cup of coffee. It wa the only thing Ghouls could enjoy just like humans
Tania waved at Masaaki but didn't look his way since he wasn't a target of interest in her mind. She was sure the people that worked in the coffee shop were ghouls but she had no proof and on top of that they were so damned nice. "If only you guys weren't so clammed up." She thought to herself before throwing some change on the table then standing up to head out. " See you freaks tomorrow. As always."

Anthony sighed before walking to the other side of the counter to put on a apron. "You're obviously not hungry Kimi so I think I'll just make some coffee and draw in some customers." Anthony said making a pot of coffee very carefully before putting money on the counter to pay for the whole pot. He then took a tray full of cups and went outside filling the cups and handing them out so the shop would slowly trickle full.

@Random Seer

Kei bought the bike as he covers his face by looking downwards as he reaches a coffee shop.

He looks downwards as he takes a seat furthest from Tania. Waving waiter over to where Kei is. " Hello may I order" In a weird fake voice as he may be honest doesn't mean he can't have secrets...well he could but they don't last long. He looks at the worker going outside as he looks at the ceiling when she leaves the place, Thinking that he was lucky to get in when she left. Looks like the universe wants me to not die of boredom.

"I Would like a cup of coffee " he said with a slight smile on his face. He takes a peek at the Window checking if Tania was going to come back to the coffee shop.

((Sorry death to houses and soon my phone T^T))
Ryuu sees a cafe and walks in. It had been a long day of work and it was, say, especially smelly. He worked as a garbage man and though the pay was good, it was not very pleasant. He sat down at a table and called the waiter "Could I have some coffee? Whatever you have is fine just brin some sugar."

@Random Seer
Masaki waved to Tania as she left the coffee shop, he ignored her remark as it offended him slightly but he kept that to himself. He quietly sipped the coffee as more customers slowly started to pour in, he sighed and then mumbled "...Great" he hated new people so this was quite awkward for him. He put down his coffee and began to start taking customers orders. "When this shift is over im gonna go do something fun" he smiled to himself as he brought Ryuu his order and said "Is there anything else you would like?"
Anthony was handing out coffee on the street to anybody who'd take it and pretty soon the shop was almost full. " Coffee here made with care and dedication. It's brewed right before your eyes and is fresh every time."

Tania walked by and put a tip on the tray of cups them started for work ignoring her boss on purpose. "No need to ruffle feathers just yet." She mumbled on the way by as Anthony went in to get coffee for himself since he had brought in a bunch of customers. " Yo Masaki chill man they'll be regulates in no time."


@Random Seer

Ryuu took a sip from the coffee and said "No there is nothing else..." He continued sipping the coffee, staring at the waiter and for an instant his eyes changed but it changed back to normal before anyone might notice.

(God dammit accidental double post.)
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Masaki sighed and looked at Anthony "Im already chilled, I couldnt possibly be any more chilled" he sighed, evidenty quite annoyed but he hid that behind a smile, he then looked back to Ryuu and said. "Well, if there is anything else you would like please let me know. Its my job" he then turned and headed to the counter where he stood there, drinking another cup of coffee
Anthony laughed and then set his tray down and leaned back. " I've seen fire pits that were more chill. You'll be fine dude new people aren't rude, gourmet coffee freaks are rude." Anthony said trying to reassure Masaki since he knew it would be alright. They already had one dove snooping around the shop that hasn't caused any issues yet.

Alex looked at the sleeping ghoul, Ark? Ash? Whatever his name was, Alex had spent the last month slowly stealing bit by bit of this guy's money but now he was broke. 'Well, now he is' Alex thought as he stuffed the $50 in his pocket. Leaving the apartment, he headed for some stores so he could stock up on food and water. It took forever for the guy before this one to stop looking for Alex, but then again the guy lost about $400. After some stolling while being lost in his thoughts, Alex saw a cafe however it looked full. He decided to go in a nearby ally and wait it out. Most people came to these shops in the morning and then leave in a hurry to go somewhere they were needed, so he didn't need to rush in as well.
Miki goes back to work taking a little sip of coffee. "Don't speak so lightly, you do know how sometimes it is quiet all of sudden" Miki hissed at the two.

Thinking that the very least the fact that we know about the doves is suspicious. After that she started to think about dives in a sort of run on sort of fashion. Until she goes full on daydream until the ring of a bell snaps her out of it. She was kind of nervous when she comes around the Café. ...it seems weird. Her serving her own enemy

Miki looks around as she walks out to Anthony,
"I can take over if you want" After she was done cleaning the empty tables of course. After she was up, looking at the person who was waiting outside of the Cafe not much just a peek of his face.
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Masaki looks at Anthony and then looks away again, taking a sip of his coffee and says "Most new people are rude, especially in this day in age. They either expect something from you or boss you around." He sighs and then finishes his coffee "I just dont like new people. I get these vibes from them you know.." He smiles to Anthony and then proceeds to hand people their ordered coffee. After hes done that he stands by the window, watching people walk past,he puts his hands in his pockets and stands there quietly
She sticks her tongue out at him. "Well I like working here dummy" Kimi looking at him . Blinking twice thinking about what Anthony was saying.

"Sure I'll go with you guys"
she said curious about what was Anthony thinking about doing.

"But you have to stay here until closing hour at 7 o'clock"
her curiosity getting the better of her again as she thinks about multiple places in the 12th ward.
Masaki turns and looks at Anthony "I suppose so... But its probably really dangerous considering.." He turns back away not wanting to give everything away to the other customers. He goes and sits at an empty table, getting his iPod out from his pocket and plugs his headphones in listening to music. He stares out the window next to him as he sighs, thinking to himself "I wonder if the Doves will find us..."
"Really? Sure I'll stay until midnight if it'll get you out to have some fun." Anthony said surprised she agreed to join them on a night on the town. He then started wondering where to take her and Masaki that they'd have fun. " what do you think we should do? I figured you'd say no so I hadn't really thought about it. We can go anywhere really in fact I know a nice skating rink in the 11th ward."

@Random Seer

"Well I suppose we could bring our masks" Also thinking about the Doves threat. Thinking about the possibility of death by Doves.

Thinking safely
"We could stay here where we can't be harmed as well and just hang out here" she whispered just in case someone would overhear us. Which would give some value of evidence. "If you are that worried I suppose" her curiosity overcoming the danger, for some reason the thought curiosity killed the cat. She shrugged it off as she goes back to change out of her work clothes when the clock hit 6:59 Pm and wore her regular clothes. Which included her headphones still hanging on the knob and a coat where she could store a mask.

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