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Fandom Avoiding The Devil

Sarah exited the room and closed the door before going to the computer and sighing as she started the machine.

Thor nodded his head, “ya I wonder.” He said as he sighed a bit.
Sarah sighed as she shook her head, “something Tony gave her is killing brain cells.” She said as she leaned back. “The thing is it won’t distinguish. No chemical does, the fact that it hasn’t killed any other parts of her brain is astonishing, but I imagine that after it’s done there it will.” She said before she looked for the prefrontal cortex and shook her head. “Never mind, it’s eating motor control too.” She said as she sighed. “Banner fix this now.” She said as she looked at him.
“That’s what i been doing.” Banner said. “Even if I do managed to get the chemical pit that doesn’t mean what is already damaged won’t be magically fixed after it’s gone.” He said then left to work even harder to find a way to save thana.

“I don’t want to think how long it’ll take for it to consume her like that.” Magnus said worried for his sister.
Sarah looked at Banner, “I’m not looking to reverse the damage, but to prevent more.” She said as she got up. “We can work with her once it’s not eating her brain away, but we can’t until then.” She said as she sighed a bit.
Thana was growing bored of being still.

Magnus sighed. “Tony better not come here.” He said a bit ticked.

Banner was working like hell..
Sarah sighed and nodded her head in agreement. She then went into the room and smiled softly, “Alright come on Thana.” She said as she looked st her.
Sarah went and grabbed Thana’s arm, “seeetie it’s best you don’t walk right now. Come on, get in the bed.” She said smiling softly to her. “I’ll get you to your room quick.”

Thor sighed a bit, “is there way to reverse the damage or stop its progression for now?” He asked.

Sarah sighed, “we’ll IV proteins that stimulate brain growth, but I make no promises. It will at the best reverse atleast some of the damage, at the worst just slow the progression for a couple hours.”
Sarah looked at Thana and smiled softly, “come on. Lily would love it if you’d listen and don’t walk. She wouldn’t want you to get hurt.” She said as she looked at her.
Sarah breathes a sigh of relief before she wheeled her back to the room and then set Thana back up. “Alright there you go.” She said smiling softly.
Sarah looked to Thor, “make sure she stays safe.” She said before leaving and sighing a bit as she went back to the CT scan room.

Thor sighed a bit as he looked at Thana and rubbed the back of his head.
Thor looked at Thana, “Thana, Lily is sitting right infront of you.” He said as he watched her look around.

Sarah looked at Magbus, “this is not good.” She said as she looked over the images.
“My healing powers won’t work will they?” Magnus asked.

Lily actually wasn’t there at all. She was still outside.

“No she isn’t.” Thana said.
Sarah sighed and shook her head, “no heating power strong enough in the universe could reverse this. Hell, I asked my uncle Dean if uncle Castiel could do it and he said no.” She said as she sighed a little bit.

Thor raised an eyebrow as he knew he had gotten her from outside. So, where did she go?
Magnus sighed. “Why would anyone want to harm us aside from that jerk Lucifer?” He asked.

Lily soon entered, she was slightly wounded but not much. Another hellhound attacked her.

“Lily.” Thana said worried about her.
Sarah sighed, “well my understanding is Tony is an asshole.” She said as she leaned back in her chair. “Just don’t go anywhere alone please. I’m sure he sighed after you too.” She said as she looked st Magnus.

Thor looked at Lily for a moment, “how did that happen?”
Lily looked at Thor and lightly growled before going to thana. She then laid down near the bed.

Thana tried to get a closer look. “Bites and scratches.....from other hellhounds.” She said and shivered cause she know those markings too well.

“I won’t thatll mean I’ll have to be around people every minute while not on this land.” Magbus said.
Thor sighed a bit, “why did she go outside though? I mean... when we left Sarah told her to stay here.” He said as he looked at Thana.

Sarah sighed, “ya I know it’s not ideal.” She whispered as she shook her head.

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