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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Ivory sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose before he straightened out, "Okay! Tech? Yours name's Tech right? Yeah you stay here, we need you on hacker duty, if something is blocking us you take it down." He turned to Cassandra, "Your one of the best damn snipers I've seen, and that's coming from the guy who was thrown into rooms to doge the damn bullets, you're on sniper duty, you get a shot at Ousborne or Conner, you take it." He turned to Jamie and Tanya, "You two are our crowd control, any innocents or supers in that building that dont belong? You get them out." He turned to Jordan, Spyder and Terry, "Lastly, our distractions, make a scene they can't ignore, that's it." He turned to face everyone, "Got it?"

@Pink Gorilla



Sarah whistled, "That works."

Ivory grabbed Jordan's arm, "Jordan please. I need your help, the night I died I got the awnser I was looking for...." He growled and bit back tears, "That fucking faker kille- no toutured Conner to death and took his place. I need your help to make sure he doesn't take over his life."

"Unless you need me to burn the building and everyone in it off the face of this earth...I cannot help you...I'm...unable to do anything less than that right now..."
"So uh, the place is under lockdown but Jordan and I can blast the doors open," Terry suggested. "Wait what's up with Connor? I had a field trip so I was away."
Finn looked over Connor's way curiously. "Wait, so somebody's going to show up here with some people and try to kill you? Why? What on earth's been going on?" There was also the matter of the time traveling girl over there, what if she wasn't telling the truth? Yippie the registration act is over but you would never be able to tell. "And taking them out? Isn't there a better way we could solve this problem?"
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Jamie groaned and turned towards Tanya. "I was hoping to shoot someone." She signed."

"You are a cruel girl." Tanya replied."

"So are you." Jamie signed.

"True. Jordan, wait until were done with this before going to the Boss, or she will stop this mission and probably kill us." Tanya stated.

Harry spoke into Conners earpiece. "Dimitri is dead. Tell them. The avengers. Tell them it was a suicide or accident, whichever you think is best, but keep my name out of it."

Connor shrugged at Finn, "Ask future girl here, she's the one claiming all of this. Better safe than sorry right? If you want to play diplomat go for it but I'll be standing away from any of the windows." He started to lean on one foot when his earpiece went off with Harry's voice from the other side. "He's what!?"

That's one less to worry about.

Connor was smiling internally, "Dimitri's...dead." The blonde turned to Finn with a despairing look followed by a sigh and pat Finn on the shoulder as he moved away from the so he could talk quietly with Harry and look like he needed a moment to himself, "In a bind here myself. Girl from the future says she was sent here by you to keep me alive. Should I even be telling you this? Isn't there some space and time rules to be followed? Supposedly sometime in the next hour Connor Rogers dies...and I don't plan to."
"It's a good thing you're not Conner Rodgers, then. Perhaps I should kill the real Conner Rodgers to keep you safe. I don't know any time traveler, though. Or rather.... I probably haven't met her yet....."
"But they think I am. If I die here everyone will think Connor is dead, something happens in the future that's important enough for you to build a time machine and send someone back in time to save me." The blonde gave a smirk, "Or maybe you've just got a soft spot for me." Connor glanced back at the group for a moment before turning his head once again, "I don't care what you do to Rogers but I want him alive at the end. When I'm finished I want him to see his friends and family dead, the Avengers in shambles, and the city and it's people in ruins. He must be alive to see it, to feel it."
"You're forgetting. If I sent the time traveler, she got orders from me, and I'll have told her what really happened. Maybe the warning will be enough to save you. Just be careful. You were expensive."
"Aw gee thanks, someone cares. And maybe your right but my guess is you gave her some speech about saving the real Connor Rogers and preventing alot of bad things, she seems the gullible type atleast." Connor couldn't help but look Sarah's direction again out of reflex. "And apparently she's related to the one that kills me. If I don't make it out of this or you don't hear from me within the next twenty four hours then kill Connor." With that he turned the comm speaker off and headed back towards the others, forcing his eyes to moisten along the way.
(See, I could read 590 posts, but I don't think anyone really has time for that. I'm back though)

Kelai rubs his head around as he walks over to the locked Stark tower. He was so confused that it was affecting his chi. He gets to the locked Stark door and rips it down, walking into the building. (@anyone in the tower)
Cassandra aimed her now morphed sniper rifle at Kelai. "Something's going on. Someone's already in," She said and zoomed closer.
Leaning against the wall to stop the world from spinning was all that he could accomplish. "Dimitri's dead?" He turned and angrily punched the wall. Finn stared in shock as Kelai burst through the building. This place in lockdown was tighter security than if Alcatraz and Azkaban combined, how did he manage to burst in? Finn shrugged and paced the floor. Kelai's strength was the least of his worries at the moment, a hit squad was coming for Connor, Dimitri was gone, and strange people and creatures were flocking to New York like a bird nesting ground.
Kelai spots Finn and cautiously walks over. "You alright big guy? What's been happening around here?"

Kelai continues to walk yo finn, not noticing the sniper
"Hey." Connor said quietly as he came up behind Finn. "We'll figure it out, after this. Sorry your getting dragged into this, I mean I don't really know what this is. Seems like lately everyone wants to take shots at me, and the last thing I wanted was you in the middle of this." Connor's head turned at the sound of one of the reinforced doors getting torn down and tossed, watching as Kelai heads in their direction.
Ivory looked at Cassandra and Tabya, the feeling in his chest tightining again, he tried to force it to the side but knew he had to say something, "Hey you two.... Just... Dont die okay?" He turned to the others and counted, "Three... Two... One... Go! Tech get those defenses down!" He jumped off the building and seemingly disappeared.

@Pink Gorilla


Tanya was confused about the amount of emotion that was put into that sentence, but she shrugged it off and her and Jamie went into the lobby of Stark Tower. Tanya began ushering people out saying there was a gas leak while Jamie opened the exit.
"Dimitri's dead apparently, the act is over, some crazy psycho from the future is saying that someone's going to kill Connor. I have no idea what's going on here." He turned Connor's way and shook his head. "We're in this together. You're not dragging anyone into anything. If any of us don't want to be a part of this then we would have left by now." He sighed and rubbed his forehead. "We need to get a game plan. How are we going to stop the Hit Squad without casualties if possible?"
Kelai shrugs. "I don't know. It's actually really dangerous for me to be here. I'm still one of the top 5 most dangerous criminals/villains in the country apparently to the public. But we need to find a way to stop this squad. We could maybe fight them and knock them all out?"

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