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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Hey future kid! I'm from there-" Miguel was suddenly punched into another wall. "That's what I get for putting my attention on someone else," He muttered and went back to fighting.

"We shouldn't be talking right now. We get in, find Connor and Harry, and we get out," Cassandra said and she finished her sandwich.
"Jamie." Tanya stated and turned to the left. Then Jamie appeared at her side. She looked at Tanya and signed. "You have to be quieter than that to get around me, what are you doing?"

"We are going to do something about Harry and the fake Connor." Tanya stated.

"I'm in." Jamie signed back.
"Oh, so you're not from like 80 years in the future like me. Bummer!" Miguel said as he dodged another blow. He thought he could actually relate to someone from his decade now.
"What does your brother want to kill me?" If what she says is true does that mean I am killed or Connor? Or both of us. Hmmm. But if Harry sent her then why not. Connor shook his head, "Let's go then, future girl." With Redd and Cindy showing up it was becoming a party. "Where to?" He asked her.
Ivory jumped off the building and called for the others to follow, eventually he reached a building just two blocks away from Stark Tower, the rendezvous point, he landed and looked at Tech, "So.. Where's Spyder."

@Pink Gorilla



Sarah looked into Conner's eyes, "We're going to different rooms of the tower and locking it down. Apparently you were all rushed down by a group to distract you while a shot was fired from a building across the way."

"That sounds...lovely." The blonde said scratching the back of his head, "Why not just leave then? I mean not that sitting in a room hoping they don't find us sounds fun and all but, you know. Or call for backup over comm's?"
Sarah smacked the side of the blonde's head, "Listen to what Im saying! Board up windows and doors, limit entry points. Leaving now puts us in the mouse position, once you're a mouse you'll always be one." She walked to a window and looked outside, "They had this thing called the Inside War that you guys had, everyone said it caused everything in the future, THIS fight goes down as the final battle, so lets win it."
"You've been meeting a lot of people lately," Cassandra said and he looked over at Tech. "I mean two people," She shrugged. "Wanna debrief so I can actually see what we're doing here? Other then kidnapping Connor and Harry obviously."
LokiofSP said:
Sarah smacked the side of the blonde's head, "Listen to what Im saying! Board up windows and doors, limit entry points. Leaving now puts us in the mouse position, once you're a mouse you'll always be one." She walked to a window and looked outside, "They had this thing called the Inside War that you guys had, everyone said it caused everything in the future, THIS fight goes down as the final battle, so lets win it."
"Yes, we shall win the glory of our future!!!" Redd said barbarically in reply to Sarah. Cindy looked outside, a bad feeling grew inside her, and worried about perry.
Tanya stood beside Ivory. "Who are waiting for?" She asked. Jamie stood perched at the edge of the rooftop with her rifle in one hand.
"Spyder," Cassandra said and looked over at Jamie. "I really need to hook you guys up with multiguns," She sighed. She hasn't used a normal rifle or gun in that matter for a while.
Tanya turned around. "Wow, he is taller than me." Jamie turned to Cassandra, then to Spyder. She looked at him unimpressed.
"Okay that's disgusting..." Cassandra said and looked down at the spiders. She wasn't sure if everyone else was going to be this calm or not.
"Yah. No offense Ivory, but I think I have a plan. We should go into groups and cover each entrance of the tower. So we all can corner him. Well unless you have a better plan," Cassandra shrugged.
Another war between the heroes eh? That's 'almost' worth dying for. "Finn and I know the in's and out's to this tower, we practically grew up here. You want to lock the place down manually? That will take hours even with all of us." Connor walked up the window beside Sarah and looked upwards, "Friday, initiate tower lock-down procedure, pass-code Charlie Alpha Romeo. Just...leave the front lobby door open."

"Pass-code Charlie Alpha Romeo accepted, tower lock-down initiated." Came the A.I's voice, and with that each and every window, door, and balcony was covered in a reinforced armored plating.

Connor turned so that he could see Sarah and the others. "We just let them walk in, we hunker down in the lower level's and when they funnel in we take them out. Sound like a plan?"
"Hey guys!" Terry said as he made a descent down to the small group. From above it seemed that they were either hanging out or they were planning something. Either way, once he touched the floor Cassandra pointed her gun at him. "Any of you guys know this kid?" She asked and looked around for answers. "Hey uh... Lady? First bullets don't really do anything to me. Second, I know these people. Well most of these people. I mean only Ivory."

(He shouldn't be...)

"Ah crap. We're locked up with this freak," Miguel said and he looked at all of the possible exits close. "Good to see you again by the way. Can't really send texts to people from the past," He squinted at Morlun. He seemed to not be attacking at the moment. "What are you talking about? We just met dude," Perry said and looked over at him with a confused face. "Then I'm talking to the wrong person. Whatever," Miguel responded and he started attacking Morlun.
Jordan smacked Terry in the back of the head "Hello again Bucket-head" he said with a bit of humor and landed near Tanya. "We meet again, is this going to end with me saving you again, cause I should think that I deserve a reward this time around" he joked.



@Pink Gorilla

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