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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Harry climbed to the roof of his building and laid on the floor with his fingers interlaced behind his head. It was only a matter of time now. One less avenger, after all.
Flames shot at the slaves and burned until there was nothing left of them but ash "Enough." he said to Hollow "Keep this up and I'll kill you myself."
"You can't kill me! You may destroy this body, but I will find another vessel! I must say, I didn't take you to be a murderer." Hollow stated.
"Jordan they're people!" Perry shouted to him. He sighed and looked at all the slaves reduced to ash. "Whatever," He muttered. "By the way any of you guys hear something coming from upstairs?"

"Argh!" Miguel shouted as he was slammed onto the ground floor. So much ash... He thought to himself and was flung across the room.
Hollow prevented the fire from damaging. "All those civilians, burned to death. You call yourself a hero?" It looked outside and took control of more civilians.
"Yeah Jordan, let's not go killing the innocent people now." Connor said, nudging his foot in some of the ashes, partially amused. Miguel crashing through the ceiling answered Perry's question pretty quickly. "It seems she's not the only one we have to worry about." The blonde looked up at the hole in anticipation for something else to come through.
Perry sighed. We'll be getting so much crap later... He thought and started fighting some of he newly controlled citizens.
"I have never, not once claimed to be a hero. But I will be your end." Jordan made a slicing motion and the fire whipped around like a scythe and cut the strings controlling the civilians.
Hollow made the strings reappear. "You are going to have to try harder than that." It said, starting to make all the objects around it crumble, bend, and break.
The fire engulfed Hollow. It laughed as it burned. Hollow shot the fire off of it in all directions. Hollow lifted Jordan and threw him.
Charon began having delusions but knew they were caused by the creature so he tried his best to ignore them and landed on the ground, going through a shadow and disappearing, only to reappear out of Hollow's shadow to give it a quick but hard kick to the face before going back through Hollow's shadow and reappearing out of another shadow, he had several dislocated limbs since he wasn't expecting Hollow to bend an break everything around it. He hovered above the ground with his wings and flew higher up, attacking the creature with multiple shadows.
Jordan reasserted himself in midair and started manipulating the energy around Hollow, it turned orange "Burn." The energy around Hollow exploded into fire that had 7 different energy signatures.
Cassandra shot straight up on instinct but she learned to fight punching whatever or whoever was making a sound that woke her up. "What?" She asked with a groggy tone.
Connor was torn at seeing Perry tossed against the wall by the new foe. On one hand he could continue his pursuit against the slaves and help Jordan and the other guy against this woman, potentially allow Morlun to have his way with Perry and hopefully kill him. Or, who knows, maybe if he helps Perry out the guy will lay off and owe him one. With very little time to decide he turned and charged at Morlun with shield raised. To be honest he didn't really feel like getting roasted by Jordan, accidental or otherwise.
Ivory got tired of waiting and instead carefully went out to Cassandra's room, trying not to wake anyone up. He stepped in and closed the door before waving, hoping Cassandra wouldn't punch him.

@Pink Gorilla

(Two words. Wifi, buses)

Ivory sighed a sigh of relief before looking confused, "Wait, you're not gonna punch me for faking my death? Odd. Anyway." He got straight to business, "I need both of you to help me take down Harry Ousborne and a faker that's been posing as Conner."

@Pink Gorilla

"You faked your death? Well that sucks," Cassandra said and she got up. "So, I'll take down a poser but why Harry? Did he go all killer or something?"

Morlun quickly grabbed Perry from the grounds and pinned him to the wall. "You must be a new Spider-Man in this dimension. I would've caught your scent if you weren't."
Tanya squinted her eyes at him. "You come back from the dead and your first conversation with us is that you want us to help you get rid of 'Connor' and Harry?!"

Hollow's body was destroyed, but it went into Jordan's mind and began picking apart his mind for his fears. "Don't worry, I am not going to control you or kill you, I'm just gonna hurt ya. Really, really badly." Hollow stated. (If anyone gets that reference, I love you) @LokiofSP @Crono @Pyosimros

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