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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Do what you want! You still can't stop me and my army. You might as well bow to me!" Hollo shouted as she flung Ivory away from it.
Ivory growled, "I don't have time for this!" He ran up to Hollow once more and went for a roundhouse kick, he then did a spin mid air and landed on her back. He held his hand against the back of her head.
LucianGrey7971 said:
"Jordan Grace. In a coma for 10 years. Woke up two years ago and made it big off a couple good lotto picks, made it s fortune by investing heavily in Parker Industries. I have nothing to hide that can't be found with a government search." Jordan said nonchalantly "...Skrull." he said after a while "A better version of someone with a MUCH different outlook. Thanks."
Connor snorted out a chuckle, "Sorry, not an alien." He sighed, he literally had to spell it out for this guy didn't he, why was he telling him again? "I'm his--" The blonde was cut off by a crashing noise from inside the tower, followed by screams and more commotion. "Duty calls." Connor winks at Jordan before dashing back into the tower.
Hollow's body laid there bleeding, then a distorted, twisted laugh came from the body. It stood up again and spoke in Ivory's mind. "You will have to try harder than that." Hollow stated as it entered Stark Tower. "Go slaves! Kill the Avengers!" (I am still trying to think of a way for Hollow to die lol)
Charon watched the slaves enter the tower, led by what appeared to be invulnerable to all wounds, though it could still take hits and be temporarily knocked out. He continued to watch from a distance as he wanted to learn as much of the enemy as possible to reduce the risk, even if the other avengers were to be sacrificed.
Hollow grew annoyed. It began flinging tables and chairs at Helga. "You should die!" It shouted. "But perhaps you could be useful..." It then attached puppet strings to Helga and tried to make her bend to Hollow's will
Helga was a stubborn creature, and resisted her will. She growled as she thrashed about, trying to throw her out of control. A hydra symbol was shown on her back. Hollow reminded helga of hydra's arrogant ego, and this pissed her off. @LokiofSP @Pink Gorilla.
Several shadows quickly cut the strings before becoming ordinary shadows once more. Charon did not move from his spot, controlling the shadows from a distance, hidden in the shadows and completely invisible to the naked eye. 'So... The enemy can control others it seems.' He thought as he wondered whether it was stronger than his own power of manipulation,
Hollow looked at the shadows that disappeared. "I sense something powerful, someone I have not met yet. Oh, this should be fun." It said. "Come out, come out! You can't hide forever!" @Verdas
Ivory ran until he found a collapsing building, "Here it is, gotta be careful though, only need two of them."

Ivory quietly crawled through the vents as he stopped just above Tanya's room, "Here it is."

@Pink Gorilla
Charon ignores what Hollow says, responding by taking control of one of Hydra's slaves, though it wasn't very noticeable and had it suddenly charge towards Hollow, as he wanted to see how it would react. The slaves were weak so they were all very easy for him to take control of using their own shadows. He did not plan on showing himself just yet. @Pink Gorilla
(Stalker alert! @LokiofSP )Hollow saw the slave charge towards it. Hollow lifted the slave up. "You would use a citizen to attack me? Obviously not a hero." It stated as it ripped the slaves heart out and dropped it on the ground.
Charon manipulates a few more slaves to attack Hollow to distract it as he flew up into the sky, still invisible, his wings 'toggled off', meaning they were hidden, though they were still there and fully functional. He was about to come out of the safety of the shadows and become visible. The creature probably wouldn't be taken down from shadows alone. @Pink Gorilla
Hollow just began cutting and stabbing the slaves. It began humming along as she killed them. "I can just get more. The city is full of them."
Connor fought the slaves inside the tower, it was quite annoying that they wouldn't stay down even if he bashed them over the head with his shield. "Nothing is more annoying than someone who doesn't know when to quit." He said as he swept the legs of a few the slaves in his way.

(Keep forgetting to do a random @The Regal Rper tag. :o )
Several shadows extend towards Hollow as they try to skewer it as Charon comes out of the shadows, fully visible, and stays in the air, waiting for the shadows to disable most of the creatures movements before he comes out from it's own shadow to attack. @Pink Gorilla
Helga grows stressed as the slaves of hollow surround her, she attempts to defend herself as the slaves pile onto her. Once she repels them, she looked to fighting hollow, and helping charon.@verdas @Pink Gorilla
Perry's ears still rang from Cindy's sonic attack earlier. "I'm probably never going to hear properly again," He joked over to her and started fighting.
Pyosimros said:
Perry's ears still rang from Cindy's sonic attack earlier. "I'm probably never going to hear properly again," He joked over to her and started fighting.
Cindy gets to work, by paralyzing the slaves until about a day after. Cindy then shot a swarm of wasps at them to put them in a comatose state.

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