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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Hey Perry." He said returning the greeting. Nodding thanks to Cindy as he sat down on a stool at the bar with a smile, "Thanks. And that's one way of putting it." Connor glanced back over at Perry curiously. The boy had asked for his location and now that he was here he was suddenly quiet, something was off.
Crono said:
"Hey Perry." He said returning the greeting. Nodding thanks to Cindy as he sat down on a stool at the bar with a smile, "Thanks. And that's one way of putting it." Connor glanced back over at Perry curiously. The boy had asked for his location and now that he was here he was suddenly quiet, something was off.
She finishes Connor's breakfast and serves it to him. "Eat up, fresh from the pan." She said with a smile as she sat down on a chair in the kitchen as she waited to eat with Perry. @Crono @Pyosimros
"Yeah sure." He told Perry as he took his first bite, "I'll try to be quick." He wants a good old one one conversation...great. Maybe he could feign choking, wouldn't really accomplish anything but it might be good for a laugh. Shrugging inwardly as he continued to eat, "I didn't realize you we're this good of a cook Cindy." He himself wasn't that bad either, the real Connor however..terrible, just terrible...manages to burn water.
Crono said:
"Yeah sure." He told Perry as he took his first bite, "I'll try to be quick." He wants a good old one one conversation...great. Maybe he could feign choking, wouldn't really accomplish anything but it might be good for a laugh. Shrugging inwardly as he continued to eat, "I didn't realize you we're this good of a cook Cindy." He himself wasn't that bad either, the real Connor however..terrible, just terrible...manages to burn water.
"When you are on your own with empty stores at your leisure, you tend to do a lot of cooking." She said to Connor as she adjusted her top part of the dress. "Dammit, curse this massive bust of mine." She muttered under her breath.
"Aren't you going to eat too Cindy?" Perry asked and turned his chair around to face her. "By the way your suit's in the closet at my place.
Pyosimros said:
"Aren't you going to eat too Cindy?" Perry asked and turned his chair around to face her. "By the way your suit's in the closet at my place.
"I will eat when you eat. And I will go get it later. Right now I just want to relax and not be a hero for once." She said with a content sigh.
Connor looked from Cindy to Perry and back again, "Am I holding you two up or something?" He kept eating at a quick pace.
Crono said:
Connor looked from Cindy to Perry and back again, "Am I holding you two up or something?" He kept eating at a quick pace.
"No, perry is holding us up from breakfast." Cindy joked as she giggled. "Wow, you eat fast Connor." She said as she watched him.
"Well now that you're done, come with me," Perry said and got up. This probably feels so sketchy for him, He thought as he gestured him to come.
Olivier came to the door and gently smooshed Dru's face out of the way "It is rude for a guest to answer the door....How can I help you?"

Jordan was starting to get a bit annoyed at being ignored by Connor "...IF someone would point me in the direction that Connor Rogers is in, I'll happily be on my way"
"Well I was trying to eat quickly for Perry." He said with a shrug as he stood up. "Thanks for the food though." He told Cindy moving and dumping the plate into the sink, there was more commotion downstairs. "Either of you see what was going on down there when you came in?" Connor asked as he moved towards Perry.
"Jordan is not here at the moment, how might I help you?" she asked kindly

Jordan sighed with frustration "Screw it, I'll find him myself....THIS is why I don't take the front door route." he said making his way to the stairs
Ivory shook his head, " This is something that him and I need to talk about alone." He said, he then quickly added, "Not to disrespect you! It's just something very private and I don't know if you'd be able to help."

"Nah not really," Perry shrugged as they went to another room. Once they were away from Cindy his smile was gone of he shoved Connor onto a wall. "Sorry man, just gotta see..." He said and he pulled out a cable from his belt and injected it into him.
Connor wasn't sure what he was expecting from Perry, but aggression like this wasn't what he was thinking. His back hit the wall and he was thrown off guard. "Ow! What the-- hey!" He called out angrily as Perry injected him with something, his hands fumbling to pull whatever it was out and push him back at the same time.
"I'm sorry dude, it's just with all the allegations that you're a fake or not..." Perry said and pulled the cable out of him. Didn't have to be so aggressive about it, but... "You freaking caused the death of my cousin! I don't care if you're a fake or not!" He shouted and punched him across the face.
Connor flinched as Perry's fist connected with his face and pushed off from the wall and threw a punch right back at him. "I caused his death!? Are you kidding me!? I cared about him too, all I did the entire time was try to stop the fight, how was I supposed to know he had a gun!"
Cindy sat on the chair, waiting for perry. She had no idea what was going on, but wanted to keep it that way. She then ate some food, since she could not wait any longer. "Hurry up perry, your food is getting cold." She said under her breath.
Perry quickly took a punch back and the impact made him wince. Though it didn't do any real damage because of the amount of armor he had on him. Then he realized that this fighting was pointless and he would probably be destroying his room if it kept going on. "Fine," He growled and he turned around to face the door. His spider-sense would tell him if 'Connor' was going to punch him anyways. "I'm hungry anyways," He continued though now he said it in his friendly voice.
Perry was clearly not buying his act fully and that made the blond nervous, he wasn't sure what the whole cable thing was about but knew it hadn't been just nothing. If Perry was coming after him then different tactics we're needed, Perry wasn't Ivory, but it was easy to play into emotions. All Connor had to say was Perry blamed him for Ivory's death and was lashing out at him out of grief. It was a bit weak if anything but some would buy it, especially if this little attack got caught on the tower security footage.

"Blame me if it makes you feel better, but don't tell me I caused it." It's not like you did anything to stop it. He wanted to add but knew it would probably make things worse. Shoving past Perry and out into the hall.
Perry looked up. Security cameras. It was pretty obvious they would exist in this building but he was too caught up in the moment to acknowledge them. Aw crap should've jammed the security cameras before attacking... Well this moment's going to curse me later, He thought and he was shoved over by Connor. Perry glared at him through his mask for a few seconds before returning to the kitchen. "Sorry, we had to talk about some things," He said over to Cindy and sat down.
"Its fine. Your food is in the microwave." Cindy said as she smiled. "I was also thinking, maybe we could get me one of things you call a phone?" She asked as she finished her plate. @Pyosimros
"Sure," Perry said and he took his food out of the microwave. Sitting down, he began wondering if she even knew what happened to Ivory. His mask quickly flipped up and he began eating. After a bite, he decided to ask her about it. "Hey, you do know what happened to Ivory right?"

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