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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

(Eh... Let me find it Kalin)

"Nah it's alright," He repeated.


LokiofSP said:
Fortune stuffed her mouth with food and swallowed with an audible gulp, she then took a napkin and whipped her face on it, "Alright, lets talk. I'm dressed, fed, don't really have much to worry about right now."
(There :D )
@Kalin Scarlet )
Pyosimros said:
(Eh... Let me find it Kalin)
"Nah it's alright," He repeated.

(There :D )
"Oh alright......" She said with a yawn. "I still need that night wear, since it is a custom to wear what you call pajamas when in bed, right?" She asked him.
"I'm not a guy who carries a lady's pajamas, that would just be creepy," He explained.

(Oh uh....)


LokiofSP said:
Fortune tentatively took the tea and drank it down, after a few sips she finally asked, "So, what happened that made you deal with the devil?"
Pyosimros said:
"I'm not a guy who carries a lady's pajamas, that would just be creepy," He explained.
(Oh uh....)

"Oh..... OK." She said with another yawn. "Goodnight, love you." She said as she laid down with her dress still on, and fell asleep.
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet](Sorry, lost your reply. Where is that?)

(I believe it's a page or two after yours.)
LokiofSP said:
Fortune tentatively took the tea and drank it down, after a few sips she finally asked, "So, what happened that made you deal with the devil?"

Ivory repeated it, 'What did the fourth person who spoke say to you?"
(@Kalin Scarlet)
Pyosimros said:
LokiofSP said:
(Thanks. Phones are tough on me :P ))

Kyuma took a long sip of his tea, looking away after hearing Fortune's question. He set his glass down, and sighed. "My family was murdered. My parents, my aunt, my sister...they were all killed. I was hurt really bad, too, but...he showed up, and offered me a deal. My soul for the chance to avenge their deaths. And I took it. Next thing I knew, I was falling from the sky."
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet](Thanks. Phones are tough on me :P ))
Kyuma took a long sip of his tea, looking away after hearing Fortune's question. He set his glass down, and sighed. "My family was murdered. My parents, my aunt, my sister...they were all killed. I was hurt really bad, too, but...he showed up, and offered me a deal. My soul for the chance to avenge their deaths. And I took it. Next thing I knew, I was falling from the sky."

Fortune sighed at that and leaned back in the chair, she took another sip, "What happened after that? You said something about a tower?"

(Also I notice that you leave for a few days but generally seem to want to stay involved, want me to tag you if your not on for let's say 2 days?)
LokiofSP said:
Fortune sighed at that and leaned back in the chair, she took another sip, "What happened after that? You said something about a tower?"
(Also I notice that you leave for a few days but generally seem to want to stay involved, want me to tag you if your not on for let's say 2 days?)
(I'd appreciate it. Thanks.)

"I ended up landing outside of Stark Tower, of all places. One of the Avengers helped me inside, and Cassie- Tony Stark's daughter- she patched me up." He said, smiling as he took his plate into the kitchen area, having barely touched his food.
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet](I'd appreciate it. Thanks.)
"I ended up landing outside of Stark Tower, of all places. One of the Avengers helped me inside, and Cassie- Tony Stark's daughter- she patched me up." He said, smiling as he took his plate into the kitchen area, having barely touched his food.

Fortune let out a smirk and a burp, "Oh, looks like the little perv had a crush." She stood up and followed him, "Do tell about this Cassie."
He sighed.

"Well, there's actually not much t- wait, how am I a perv!?" Kyuma asked with a confused expression on his face.
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]He sighed.
"Well, there's actually not much t- t?? ;

Rd wait, how am I a perv!?" Kyuma asked with a confused expression on his face.

Fortune rolled her eyes, "You meet a strange girl then give her some shit about you hurting when she leaves. You then proceed to offer her food and drink. If I didn't feel it in my guy when I left, O woulda kicked you in the balls and have been done with it."
Kyuma shook his head. "I could probably accept that if I was trying to make a move on you...but I'm not. Of course, if you'd rather I not have fed you, or let you take a shower, you should have said so." Kyuma said, reaching for Fortune's plate.
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]Kyuma shook his head. "I could probably accept that if I was trying to make a move on you...but I'm not. Of course, if you'd rather I not have fed you, or let you take a shower, you should have said so." Kyuma said, reaching for Fortune's plate.

Fortune shook her head and laughed, "Yeah right, we both know that if it came to that I could have just walked away. Yeah sure, throwing up sucks, but it doesn't suck nearly as much as a migraine." She walked up to him and touched the tip of his nose before sticking out her tongue,"Check and mate."
LokiofSP said:
Fortune shook her head and laughed, "Yeah right, we both know that if it came to that I could have just walked away. Yeah sure, throwing up sucks, but it doesn't suck nearly as much as a migraine." She walked up to him and touched the tip of his nose before sticking out her tongue,"Check and mate."
"And now look whose flirting." Kyuma said, laughing as he washed their dishes. He set them to the side so that they could dry.
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]"And now look whose flirting." Kyuma said, laughing as he washed their dishes. He set them to the side so that they could dry.

Fortune growled and walked away, "Well fuck you too, shows me for trying to talk to you." She walked to the doorway and waited for him, "Anyways, Im going to bed."
LokiofSP said:
Ivory looked at the faker next to Alex, he was silent and simply motioned for Alex to move.
@Crono @AnnoDomini
Connor turned around at the noise to see Ivory ontop of the Taxi they'd just exited and smiled through the awkward silence, followed by the motioning for Alex to move away from him, "Didn't think you'd be showing up after earlier, glad your feeling better." It was difficult to tell what the kid was thinking behind his mask, but considering the behavior Connor had an idea what was probably going on.

@LokiofSP @AnnoDomini
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LokiofSP said:
Fortune growled and walked away, "Well fuck you too, shows me for trying to talk to you." She walked to the doorway and waited for him, "Anyways, Im going to bed."
Kyuma ran over, and touched Fortune's shoulder gently. "No, wait, I'm sorry. Seriously. I'm not trying to upset you, but it seems like every other sentence out of my mouth makes you angry. I don't know what to do..."
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Helga wakes up in a container being transported by hydra. As the container was loaded onto the dock, she began punching the container, trying to escape. "She is trying to get out!! Stop her!!" The general shouted as she gets out, the slime on her body yellow with rage. They try shooting her, but the bullets bounce off as she ran off into the city. She experienced freedom for the first time, and she ran about the city, not hurting anyone, but the authorities were called on her, they shot her repeatedly as the bullets bounce off.
There was wild laughing from next to Helga as Dru ran next to her "why are you running from the cops and why are they shooting at you?"

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