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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Perry sighed again when he saw the look Cindy was giving him. The outcome of not telling him would probably be even worse then telling him. "Don't... Get pissed off. Chill."

I wish I had my phone on me so I could share it with the rest of the team... Terry thought as he watched from the rooftops. Oh yeah, that's right! I don't have a phone cause my mom won't let me buy one. Yay!
"It's hard to blush after a day like today. We buried an Avenger Alex, and I almost lost my dad, and you just...you weren't here." Connor reached out and took Alex's hand back in his. "We'll get you registered, and then eventually figure the Africa thing out. Alright?" The blonde moved his head so he could lock eyes with Alex. "I missed you."
Pyosimros said:
Perry sighed again when he saw the look Cindy was giving him. The outcome of not telling him would probably be even worse then telling him. "Don't... Get pissed off. Chill."
I wish I had my phone on me so I could share it with the rest of the team... Terry thought as he watched from the rooftops. Oh yeah, that's right! I don't have a phone cause my mom won't let me buy one. Yay!
@Pyosimros[/URL] @LokiofSP
Ivory stood silent for a moment before trying to put on his best smile, "Great! Yep, yeah that's nice, I don't understand why you'd keep that from me. After all I already like someone, I'm not allowed to like....Or love....Or have any feelings for anyone besides that one person because that's what's normal!" He threw his hands up in the air, "EVERYTHING'S GREAT! YOUR NOT ALLOWED TO LOVE MORE THAN ONE PERSON BECAUSE THAT'S HOW LOVE WORKS!" He turns back to them, "I'll leave you two alone, I need to take a nap." And with that before they could protest, he walked off.

Crono said:
"It's hard to blush after a day like today. We buried an Avenger Alex, and I almost lost my dad, and you just...you weren't here." Connor reached out and took Alex's hand back in his. "We'll get you registered, and then eventually figure the Africa thing out. Alright?" The blonde moved his head so he could lock eyes with Alex. "I missed you."
Then almost as if a great voice in the sky was laughing at them, a news broadcast was put out, and the president was on the air, "My fellow Americans...In light of recent events concerning the death of one of our nation's children and a true hero. We have decided to repeal the registration act...In 24 hours all non-registered super persons will be pardoned and be allowed to continue to operate..."


Pyosimros said:
(I think it's only Boss and the girls at this point xD +Alex and Jack I think)
"Dude don't be cliche like this. Unless you're walking to the hospital I can't let you go," Perry pleaded and he slowed his steps towards Ivory.
Pyosimros said:
"Dude don't be cliche like this. Unless you're walking to the hospital I can't let you go," Perry pleaded and he slowed his steps towards Ivory.
Ivory shook his head, "Nope, I'm fine, Savage will take care of me. I'm off to drown my non-existent sorrows in soaps and ice cream." He walked about five blocks away before turning back and yelling, "I HARBOR NO GRUDGES WHAT SO EVER!"
"I missed you too." Alex says, looking into Connor's eyes too. "Who did you bury? And who did it?" Alex didn't realize it was this serious. People were already starting to die. "Did more come to register?"
LokiofSP said:
Ivory shook his head, "Nope, I'm fine, Savage will take care of me. I'm off to drown my non-existent sorrows in soaps and ice cream." He walked about five blocks away before turning back and yelling, "I HARBOR NO GRUDGES WHAT SO EVER!"
"You need a doctor ivory! You need an expert to help you! Why are you acting like this!?" She asked him as he walked off. "Who cares if you can't love more than one person, so what if you could!? Love is love, and it will work how it wants to!" She stated, crossing her arms.
Boss and the girls watched the press announcement from the president and cheered. It was finally over, they no longer had to hide. Boss turned to them all. "Come on girls! We are going to call everybody and get an actual decent meal!" They began to walk out as Boss sent all the Avengers a message about the meal. @Anyone
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"You need a doctor ivory! You need an expert to help you! Why are you acting like this!?" She asked him as he walked off. "Who cares if you can't love more than one person, so what if you could!? Love is love, and it will work how it wants to!" She stated, crossing her arms.

Pyosimros said:
"And we are," Perry whispered to himself and he followed Ivory.
Ivory picked up the pace, "I saw my dad watch Doctor Phil! He said medicinal herbs and teas work better than pharmaceutical meds! And everyone knows that everything the TV says is fact!"
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]Boss and the girls watched the press announcement from the president and cheered. It was finally over, they no longer had to hide. Boss turned to them all. "Come on girls! We are going to call everybody and get an actual decent meal!" They began to walk out as Boss sent all the Avengers a message about the meal. @Anyone

Phoenix gets a message from boss. "Redd, we are being invited to a dinner, we should go." He said as redd looked at him. "But why? What has she done with us?" He asked as phoenix shook his head. "It would be rude not to." Phoenix replied. "That sounds reasonable, let's go." Redd said as they go out to meet boss and the girls.
"Bro you honestly need medical attention! You're going to bleed to death!" Perry shouted and he begun to pick pace as well. He head a beep of a text message but he ignored it.

John looked at his phone. He received a text from some random person named 'Boss'. Who the hell is that? He thought. Well I have nothing better to do, He sighed and he grabbed his trenchcoat and headed out.
LokiofSP said:
Ivory picked up the pace, "I saw my dad watch Doctor Phil! He said medicinal herbs and teas work better than pharmaceutical meds! And everyone knows that everything the TV says is fact!"
"Not everything! There are lies that can be told on TV! Like McDonalds and their healthy foods, that are worse for you than freaking chocolate cookies!!!" She shouted. "If you want to believe that, do what you will, but I will not stand by and let you do this ivory! I care about you, and I love you just as much as perry!" She shouted as she turned ivory around and kissed him. "I love you both." She said. @Pyosimros @LokiofSP
Connor tugged Alex gently before releasing his hand, telling him to follow into the tower. "It was Bob, and he was killed by Black Fist. Right in front of me, though he was going for Maria Hill at the time, but Bob wasn't going to let that happen." Connor spotted the TV with the president on it and cocked his head to the side as he moved closer so he could hear. The blonde pulled the fakest smile he'd ever done when he turned around to Alex, "Well it looks like we don't have to register you afterall. Registration's over, your a free man Alex, and so am I."

Well that's a downer. Might as well get something out of it.
Connor took two long steps before meeting Alex and slowly leaning in to kiss him.
@Pyosimros[/URL] @LokiofSP
Ivory reeled in cunfusion, "B-but now you're breaking the rules! And- and." He stopped as he felt his phone buzz, he sighed and showed it to them tears of happiness and sadness in his eyes, "Look. It's over, the Boss is inviting everyone to dinner. You guys finish your date with them, like I said, Im fine. I just need sleep." With that said Ivory left, going far away before either could say a word, not to be seen for the rest of the night....
"O-Okay bye," Perry said and pulled out his phone. Ivory was right, it was Boss. "Call me if you need free hugs!" He shouted jokingly towards him.
"Oh. Poor guy. But wait... how c-" He was interrupted by the blond listening and smiling. "That's great! It mean-" He was caught by surprise by the blond's lean. Alex closed his eyes and started to kiss him, embracing Connor. 'Ok, how did he learned that? And the attitude change... It's weird'. His mind was racing to find an answer and started to put two and two together.

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