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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

LokiofSP said:
Fortune stuffed her mouth with food and swallowed with an audible gulp, she then took a napkin and whipped her face on it, "Alright, lets talk. I'm dressed, fed, don't really have much to worry about right now."
"Well, I'd like to know more about you. Whatever you're willing to share. But first.." Kyuma paused, looking over at Fortune. He set down his food as he walked to the fridge. "Want something to drink?"
A small cough could be heard, and a small frame in the shadows. Alex stood in near the windows at Stark Towers, not saying a word. He didn't have his usual armor, only a black t-shirt with a red star on it and grey trousers, with some dirty brown boots. The trousers had some holsters, two for pistols, one for a knife, and some small pouches on his belt. "Before you ask, I do not intend war. I came..." Alex says, sighing. "...to tell you that I am registering."
"Hm? I was showing her stuff, like boring conferences. People need to experience it all right?" Perry kept smiling. "Hey Cindy, if I were to swing over would you be able to catch up with your Adam powers?" He felt like walking it all the way would both be painful and long.
Connor watched the others start to leave when he heard the cough, turning his head to spot Alex and smiled. "Well look what the cat dragged in. Weren't you supposed to be getting yourself killed in a far off desert somewhere?" He crossed his arms over his chest, "That was among the last things you told me, before you up and disappeared. Why register now?"
Pyosimros said:
"Hm? I was showing her stuff, like boring conferences. People need to experience it all right?" Perry kept smiling. "Hey Cindy, if I were to swing over would you be able to catch up with your Adam powers?" He felt like walking it all the way would both be painful and long.
"Sure, I have a gene that helps me run fast." She stated as she cracked her neck. "I have a whole bunch of other stuff that I can use in a gene bank back at avengers tower." She said as she wiped ivory's face a little more. @Pyosimros @LokiofSP
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]"Well, I'd like to know more about you. Whatever you're willing to share. But first.." Kyuma paused, looking over at Fortune. He set down his food as he walked to the fridge. "Want something to drink?"

"Just don't put anything in it and we'll be fine." Fortune eyed him suspiciously, you don't travel as much as her without developing a fear of drinking things strangers give you.


Pyosimros said:
"Hm? I was showing her stuff, like boring conferences. People need to experience it all right?" Perry kept smiling. "Hey Cindy, if I were to swing over would you be able to catch up with your Adam powers?" He felt like walking it all the way would both be painful and long.
Ivory shook his head, "Don't swing please. Moving on from that, tell me if it was a conference, what was the conference about?"
"Tech demo. Some people think I use webshooters and they want to buy the tech off of me," Perry explained. It was true, though it was scheduled for tomorrow. "But my dad keeps the blueprints safely guarded and he'd be pissed if I let the info go out anyways."
Pyosimros said:
"Tech demo. Some people think I use webshooters and they want to buy the tech off of me," Perry explained. It was true, though it was scheduled for tomorrow. "But my dad keeps the blueprints safely guarded and he'd be pissed if I let the info go out anyways."
Ivory had one more trick up his sleeve, "Tell me what exactly what the fourth person to talk said."
LokiofSP said:
"Just don't put anything in it and we'll be fine." Fortune eyed him suspiciously, you don't travel as much as her without developing a fear of drinking things strangers give you.

Ivory shook his head, "Don't swing please. Moving on from that, tell me if it was a conference, what was the conference about?"
Kyuma laughed. "Fair enough. Although, ice would be really great for this tea..." he said, filling two glasses, and walking back to the couch. He took a large gulp from one glass, to show there was nothing wrong with the tea.
"I realized there are worse things to lose. Like... a war." Alex says, grinning, He moved towards Connor, scratching the back of his head. "So, now, where do I go to sign up? Do I have to have some sort-of contract, like with the devil?". His hand grabbed Connors, clearing his throat. "Listen... I am sorry about what I said..."
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]Kyuma laughed. "Fair enough. Although, ice would be really great for this tea..." he said, filling two glasses, and walking back to the couch. He took a large gulp from one glass, to show there was nothing wrong with the tea.

Fortune tentatively took the tea and drank it down, after a few sips she finally asked, "So, what happened that made you deal with the devil?"


Pyosimros said:
"Um... What?" He looked at him with a confused look. He had no idea what Ivory just asked him.
Ivory repeated it, 'What did the fourth person who spoke say to you?"
Perry shrugged. "I dunno," Realistically, he probably wouldn't know either. Though the answer probably sounded suspicious.
Pyosimros said:
Perry shrugged. "I dunno," Realistically, he probably wouldn't know either. Though the answer probably sounded suspicious.
Ivory looked him dead in his eyes, "Now tell me what you actually did, or else..."
AnnoDomini said:
"I realized there are worse things to lose. Like... a war." Alex says, grinning, He moved towards Connor, scratching the back of his head. "So, now, where do I go to sign up? Do I have to have some sort-of contract, like with the devil?". His hand grabbed Connors, clearing his throat. "Listen... I am sorry about what I said..."
"You shouldn't register if it's not what you want. We can do it inside though, if you want." Connor said, standing still as Alex moved closer. Alex was grabbing his hand and Connor watched, "Sorry about which part? Calling me a coward? Telling me you never wanted to see me again? Or the other parts of that conversation?" He sighed as he stared at his hand in Alex's. "Why now? Where have you been?"
"I-I'll tell you after you get fixed up," Perry sighed. He didn't want Ivory shoving him away or something while he was in serious risk of dying.
Pyosimros said:
"I-I'll tell you after you get fixed up," Perry sighed. He didn't want Ivory shoving him away or something while he was in serious risk of dying.
Ivory sighed and let go of Perry, "Well then I suppose that I'll be off. Into the cold night, with many injuries. Goodbye dear cousin, I hope we may meet again." He began to walk away
"I had a time to think of it. And looks like I hurt you bad. You're not even blushing anymore. It was cute." Alex says, letting go of his hand. "You know to well where I've been. It's where I always go when I want to relax. Plus, I consider accepting your offer of help. If we manage to resolve this conflict, maybe you can help me with mine." Alex was getting a little suspicious of Connor's behavior, he wasn't used with Connor acting cold. He felt bad for yelling at him and calling him a coward, so his eyes shifted to look at the ground.
She looked at perry, with fear and worry in her eyes. "I don't think we should yet, given your condition currently." She said to ivory. "We care about you, and we do not want you dying from an anger induced stroke, or anything else." @Pyosimros @LokiofSP
@Pyosimros[/URL] @LokiofSP
Ivory's eye twitched, "The only thing making me angry here is you two not telling me anything! Everyone treats me like a damn child, like they have to walk on eggshells around me, even though I've proven time and time again to be an essential and mature part of this team! I may not be the smartest in some areas, but I can tell when something is going on, so stop dancing around it and just fucking tell me!"
LokiofSP said:
Ivory's eye twitched, "The only thing making me angry here is you two not telling me anything! Everyone treats me like a damn child, like they have to walk on eggshells around me, even though I've proven time and time again to be an essential and mature part of this team! I may not be the smartest in some areas, but I can tell when something is going on, so stop dancing around it and just fucking tell me!"
With that, she broke. The guilt consuming her very soul. "We...... We are...... Dating....." She said as she spat on the ground behind her, trying to keep from crying, and preparing for the beat down of a lifetime. @Pyosimros @LokiofSP

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