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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Pyosimros said:
"No! Talk on," Perry insisted. He had spent so little time with Ivory that he felt bad about it and rejecting him now would make Perry feel worse.
"Uh yeah, if its no problem with you could I get a pick up? Dont think Im good to walk."
"Video games?" Connor probably shouldn't have been surprised considering Terry's age, but he was. "How do you make time for those?...Nevermind, someone in the tower might have a some but I don't really play." Connor looked over his shoulder at Ivory who was on the phone and leaned in to whisper with Terry, "I'm worried about Ivory, he hasn't been acting the same since Bob's funeral. Might have hit him harder than I thought, him being there when it happened and all. Help me keep an eye on him? I haven't really been around as much since my dad got hurt."
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]Kyuma thought for a moment, before shrugging, as he tossed the food into a pan. "I'm not picky on where you sleep. If you want, you can stay in my bed." He shuffled the food around in the hot skillet, heating it all evenly. "There's also the couch. But maybe you should get some food in your stomach before you get to bed."

Fortune went to object but her stomach betrayed her, "Fine, give me some damn food."
"Oh okay!" Terry looked at him with mixed feelings of disappointment and excitement. He could treat this as like a quest. "I'll go then!" He said and he blasted away.

Perry nodded back at Cindy. "Yah I'll pick you up. Where are you?" He asked him.
LokiofSP said:
Fortune went to object but her stomach betrayed her, "Fine, give me some damn food."
"Geez, it wont hurt to be polite...by the way, where'd you find those jeans? They for you unreasonably well, considering they're mine."

As Kyuma spoke, he finished cooking, and placed the food in a couple of plates, one of which he handed to Fortune. He then took a seat on the couch, and turned on the television. "Wanna watch something? Listen to music? Or maybe, and I doubt it, you're interested in talking now?"
The kid was off, after just getting here and Connor wondered what exactly he'd taken from what Connor had said but shook his head. The blonde doubted Ivory was going to let this go, he'd seen the look in the boys eyes when he asked where Connor was. Ivory knew something was up which made him a threat, and there we're two ways to execute a threat. Kill it, which is mainly out of the question considering how many people had seen him and Ivory having a conflict. Or simply render it useless, if people think Ivory is losing it then if the boy claims he isn't the real Connor he'll be alot less credible.
"Nevermind I'll just track you down from your comm," Perry said and he ended the call. "So, now we just track down the guy," He said over to Cindy.
Pyosimros said:
"Nevermind I'll just track you down from your comm," Perry said and he ended the call. "So, now we just track down the guy," He said over to Cindy.
"Your phone is so small. It is also more advanced than a turndial phone." She said as she adjusted her bust.
"Man Rapture seems like it was stuck in the 20s, anyways I'll probably get you a phone later," Perry shrugged and he started walking. "He should be near Stark Tower, and my tracker'll just do the rest of the work after that."
Pyosimros said:
"Man Rapture seems like it was stuck in the 20s, anyways I'll probably get you a phone later," Perry shrugged and he started walking. "He should be near Stark Tower, and my tracker'll just do the rest of the work after that."
"Mainly the 50s." She replied as she walked with perry. "It did not last long."
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]"Geez, it wont hurt to be polite...by the way, where'd you find those jeans? They for you unreasonably well, considering they're mine."
As Kyuma spoke, he finished cooking, and placed the food in a couple of plates, one of which he handed to Fortune. He then took a seat on the couch, and turned on the television. "Wanna watch something? Listen to music? Or maybe, and I doubt it, you're interested in talking now?"

Fortune stuffed her mouth with food and swallowed with an audible gulp, she then took a napkin and whipped her face on it, "Alright, lets talk. I'm dressed, fed, don't really have much to worry about right now."
"We're close," Perry said and he looked over at one of his displays. "Just... Pretend that we're not, y'know dating. He's bound to know at some time but right now just isn't a good time. The guy's been through a lot," He sighed and he spoke the last sentence in a quieter tone. "Ivory!" He smiled and he ran over to him.
Pyosimros said:
"We're close," Perry said and he looked over at one of his displays. "Just... Pretend that we're not, y'know dating. He's bound to know at some time but right now just isn't a good time. The guy's been through a lot," He sighed and he spoke the last sentence in a quieter tone. "Ivory!" He smiled and he ran over to him.
Ivory once again looked like hell, the suit was gone, his hoodie was torn to near shreds, his jeans had rips in the knees, his hat was more scuffed up and above all of that blood caked his entire body, some dry, some wet and new. He smiled and winced to get up, but he tripped on his way to Perry.
"Woah take it easy," Perry ran more quickly towards him when he saw him in great pain. Case in point, He thought and he helped him up. "First, we should get you checked. What happened? Sorry I honestly thought you and Connor were having a friendly fight or something. Did he do this to you?" He kept barraging him with questions until he realized he should stop.
Pyosimros said:
"Woah take it easy," Perry ran more quickly towards him when he saw him in great pain. Case in point, He thought and he helped him up. "First, we should get you checked. What happened? Sorry I honestly thought you and Connor were having a friendly fight or something. Did he do this to you?" He kept barraging him with questions until he realized he should stop.
Ivory shook his head, "No, just Spyder. That Tech girl showed up mid fight and took away any sort of advantage I had, then just when I had him, she flew him away." He leaned on Perry and smiled, 'But never mind that, what did you do all day? You seem a bit dressy no?"
"Hm?" Perry was snapped out of his examination period on his wounds. "Oh, press conference. And wait. Spyder? I was already pissed when you took my signature abilities but with another guy..." He smiled at him.
( Hi ) "Everything is wrong Marko...please, just leave me! I never want to hurt anyone again if I go haywire...Vision is hurt because of me, and if Victoria was there..I could have hurt her too" He seemed beyond scared, being in his casual form with tears in his eyes
Pyosimros said:
"Hm?" Perry was snapped out of his examination period on his wounds. "Oh, press conference. And wait. Spyder? I was already pissed when you took my signature abilities but with another guy..." He smiled at him.
Ivory looked dead serious, "I'm not kidding on this one Perry, I saw him up close. He can suck people's organs dry or something, and he was able to match me blow for blow, I think I might have lost had it gone on any longer." Ivory winced and his hand went to his ears, "Promise me you won't fight him alone."
"I won't. You have my word," Perry wasn't sure if he was lying or not. "Gross too, now we have an organ eater in our little spider cult. Anyways lets get you patched up in Parker Industries. I'm getting a new suit and we have eh... Decent medical centers," He left out the part where he was forced to add them since two of his scientists died in an explosion on one of their projects. "C'mon Cindy," He said and he helped Ivory walk.
Pyosimros said:
"I won't. You have my word," Perry wasn't sure if he was lying or not. "Gross too, now we have an organ eater in our little spider cult. Anyways lets get you patched up in Parker Industries. I'm getting a new suit and we have eh... Decent medical centers," He left out the part where he was forced to add them since two of his scientists died in an explosion on one of their projects. "C'mon Cindy," He said and he helped Ivory walk.
Ivory sighed before noticing something, "Wait hold up, why are you and Cindy together and all dressed up? What's going on."

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