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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

LucianGrey7971 said:
Spyder chuckled and turned as though he were about to leave then three a quick knockout punch at Ivory's jaw
Ivory stumbled back and held his jaw, "....Ow..... No seriously fucking OW!" He got into a stance, "Tell a guy when you're about to start geez...:
(fyi Mr. Imposter here has the super soldier serum inside of him. Thought I'd throw that out there.)

"Look's like civility went out the window." Connor shrugged before he decided to go for a similar punch to Spyder though from the angle it'd be hitting him upside the head.
Spyder turned and opened his mouth wide and his hollow teeth protruded over his regular teeth and he attempted to bite Connor, when he hesitated, Spyder jumped onto the wall and started to crawl away.
National said:
Amadeo does a mock gasp before he looks at Cindy. "Me? A godly portalman? You Flatter me. But I am being serious. I have seen the destruction Thanos has done. I've warped and traveled to see what he's done, and it is pretty horrible
"Really, then show me sassypants." She snapped, she was getting irritated with the man already.
LucianGrey7971 said:
Spyder turned and opened his mouth wide and his hollow teeth protruded over his regular teeth and he attempted to bite Connor, when he hesitated, Spyder jumped onto the wall and started to crawl away.
Ivory got a Jaguar's speed (I feel like an 80's hero. SPEED OF A JAGUAR I CALL UPON YOU!) and crawled up the wall faster than Spyder, he then got in front of him and used a Tiger's strength to punch him to the ground.
"Calm down don't fight the portal man , he might want to leave you here and I don't think you want to fight him."
"Serously!? You don't want to talk or fight!?" Connor called out as Spyder started to swing away, he aimed his shield and threw it with force at the webbing but missed by almost a foot and scrunched up his face in annoyance. I've seriously gotta practice with this thing, it's embarrassing. That idiot throws it around like a pro and I look like some sort of amateur with it.
LucianGrey7971 said:
Spyder hit the ground and stood up and cracked his neck. He shot a web in the opposite direction and swung off
Ivory grit his teeth and thought, "Crap, already got to many cooks in the kitchen, Savage, the fold, and now a bear, bloodhound and cheetah. Kinda hard to think." He leaped off the wall and tried to follow.

Crono said:
"Serously!? You don't want to talk or fight!?" Connor called out as Spyder started to swing away, he aimed his shield and threw it with force at the webbing but missed by almost a foot and scrunched up his face in annoyance. I've seriously gotta practice with this thing, it's embarrassing. That idiot throws it around like a pro and I look like some sort of amateur with it.
Seeing Conner miss Ivory thought, "Woah! Okay, that shot is not something Conner would miss. The hell is going on?"

LucianGrey7971 said:
Spyder came swinging back with the force of a big rig and was about to shoulder tackle Ivory into the wall
Ivory got to distracted and didn't see it coming, he went flying into the wall. However he did manage to snag Conner's shield with a web line and slam it down into Spyder with the force of a truck. He stood up, a bit slower than before, "Come on! I can eat up hits like those for days!" He turned to the mans bathroom they had stumbled into, he had been taking a shower, "sorry." He than roundhouse kicked Spyder with the force of truck once more, into the opposite building.
Connor watched as the two crashed into the building...then into another, not to mention Ivory had stolen his shield. He crossed his arms and tapped his foot on the sidewalk as he waited for one of them to come inevitably flying out of the building and back into the street.
LucianGrey7971 said:
Spyder flew into the building and it was silent for all of 10 seconds before a dresser was launched at Ivory.
Ivory yelped, 'Crap!" But found the dresser stopped.

"Pay some damn attention!"

Ivory nodded and Savage sent the dresser flying back as they stepped back out. Ivory threw Conner back his shield, "Nice shot....Lover boy." He eyed him before turning back to Spyder
Jordan was out and about, he had decided that he needed to find a suitable partner...or sidekick...or...whatever. Tech was too much of a wild card, Olivier had given up fighting for now and Emile...THAT was another mess completely.

Emile flew out of the apartment with a dumbell on a web and flung it at Ivory

Two pocket rockets rocketed toward this Savage person "Now, now, three on one isn't fair!"
LucianGrey7971 said:
Jordan was out and about, he had decided that he needed to find a suitable partner...or sidekick...or...whatever. Tech was too much of a wild card, Olivier had given up fighting for now and Emile...THAT was another mess completely.
Emile flew out of the apartment with a dumbell on a web and flung it at Ivory

Two pocket rockets rocketed toward this Savage person "Now, now, three on one isn't fair!"
(Hold up, sorry forgot you haven't been here long, Savage is the suit.)

Ivory grabbed the dumbell and before he could throw it back, was hit with three rockets, "crap! crap! CRAP!" He went back into the house and wobbled back outside, "ITS NOT THREE ON ONE! FUCKING, GHA!"
(Yeh Savage just been mia for a while.)

Connor caught the shield with an eyeroll. The nickname was fine with him personally but in his attempt to be Connor he couldn't let it slide, "Alex is gone, remember?" He said in an irritated tone. Well this is getting interesting. He thought as Tech showed up. "How's this then?" Connor called out to Ivory as he threw his shield to collide with the rockets so they'd explode mid-air.
Crono said:
(Yeh Savage just been mia for a while.)
Connor caught the shield with an eyeroll. The nickname was fine with him personally but in his attempt to be Connor he couldn't let it slide, "Alex is gone, remember?" He said in an irritated tone. Well this is getting interesting. He thought as Tech showed up. "How's this then?" Connor called out to Ivory as he threw his shield to collide with the rockets so they'd explode mid-air.
LucianGrey7971 said:
Tech sent a couple more after Ivory. "Just wanted to make sure."
(Yeah, I only just now figured out how to successfully streamline him without focusing on him to much...At least I hope I'm doing it now)

Ivory wobbled a bit. His costume was ripped in many places now and him and Savage were the only things not going insane currently. The world was dizzy.

"way to crazy, can't even...Think. Kinda tired."

Ivory shook his head, "No, we get three minutes then we get back in...There's still a fight going on and I feel like it could turn three v one at any moment here."
Spyder roared and landed near Ivory and flexed his knuckles and his steel knuckles slid into place under his gloves without being detected..
LucianGrey7971 said:
Spyder roared and landed near Ivory and flexed his knuckles and his steel knuckles slid into place under his gloves without being detected..
"Great, you jinxed it."

Ivory growled and allowed his blade gauntlets to slide out.
"That tongue seems like a problem, I'd be happy to cut it out for you." Connor called up at Tech with a smirk on his face. He could hear Ivory mumbling about something, then Spyder was crashing down near Ivory again. "You got him right?" Connor asked, though he did throw his shield in Spyders direction.
Rockets hit the shield to knock it away

Emile started throwing jabs that could only be considered Haymakers by human standards due to the kind of power behind every punch.
LucianGrey7971 said:
Rockets hit the shield to knock it away
Emile started throwing jabs that could only be considered Haymakers by human standards due to the kind of power behind every punch.
Ivory went with equal force with his blades, a few a them from both men connecting onthe other.

(Before you call BS on Ivory's pain capacity, let me first say that he took a point blank explosion and walked away, he had gotten many injuries before and after that, and only let himself pass out at the end.)
(I'm assuming she's on a roof or street level?)

Connor sighed before turning back to Tech, "What is he? Your boyfriend or something?" He eyed her curiously, "Tech, right? Your the one Bob was hunting the day he was killed if I'm not mistaken. Maybe if you'd come quietly he'd still be with us." The blonde shrugged nonchalantly as he retrieved his shield from the ground. "So if I take you in here and now it'll be like finishing what he started."

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