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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

National said:
Amadeo nods grimly, then he looks at Cindy. "Thanos is a planet Buster Alien who is one of the most powerful beings to ever exist. He is basically impossible to stop unless extreme measures take place" Amadeo sighs.
(When does Maria respond @LokiofSP )
"Not on my watch. Big sister will not let her home be destroyed." Cindy muttered as her left hand combusted and her right hand has a black ball with a swirling void within it pop out of her palm. "That giant is going down." She said as he helmet glowed red.
Amadeo laughs so hard that he falls to the floor, hid sides hurting from laughing so hard. He tries to get up, but falls down feeling in laughter again at Cindy comment. "She said.. going down.." He takes a gasp of air as he calms himself

National said:
Amadeo nods grimly, then he looks at Cindy. "Thanos is a planet Buster Alien who is one of the most powerful beings to ever exist. He is basically impossible to stop unless extreme measures take place" Amadeo sighs.
(When does Maria respond @LokiofSP )
(Didn't I take care of that?)
Spyder stared down at Ivory and Connor without saying a word and slowly began pacing back and forth like he was trying to decide what he wanted to do next "Talk is cheap when you try and hunt me down." he said and stared dead at Connor
LokiofSP said:
Fortune walked forward, "Ideas? One, I can kill you, two, we can sleep on it and deal with it tomorrow, seriously, making a deal with the devil is tiring."
Ivory sniffed at him one more time, "You, you have traces of venom in your mouth, judging by that and the lifeless husks I see on the news,I'm going to assume you can extract peoples insides like juice.....I know allot about animals trust me." Ivory extended a hand, "Considering the police have identified most bodies you left behind as criminals, I want to give you a chance. Wanna talk?"

(See Ivory isn't a COMPLETE idiot, he's only an idiot when nothing is serious.)


(Didn't I take care of that?)
Kyuma glanced over at her. "Alright then. I remember when I woke up from the deal. I was ina crater outside avengers tower with a broken leg. A leg that healed up a few minutes after it was set back in place." He said, smiling as he remembered meeting Cassie for the first time. Admittedly, the meeting didn't end on a high note, and he hadn't really spoken with her since, much as he wanted to. "Geez, I really need to work on that..." He said out loud without meaning to.
LucianGrey7971 said:
Spyder stared down at Ivory and Connor without saying a word and slowly began pacing back and forth like he was trying to decide what he wanted to do next "Talk is cheap when you try and hunt me down." he said and stared dead at Connor
Ivory rolled his eyes, "Trust me i was getting to him, this may sound weird but he smells different." Ivory began to pace as well, trying to imitate him as he thought it was cool, "Besides, talk isn't really that cheap, think of how many things in the past few months could have been avoided if people talked." Ivory then mumbled, "I know I caused a few of those things."
"Well why can't you take him down or do a better job at raising an army to fight him. Also I am not worried about your threats." Dru shook his head.
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]Kyuma glanced over at her. "Alright then. I remember when I woke up from the deal. I was ina crater outside avengers tower with a broken leg. A leg that healed up a few minutes after it was set back in place." He said, smiling as he remembered meeting Cassie for the first time. Admittedly, the meeting didn't end on a high note, and he hadn't really spoken with her since, much as he wanted to. "Geez, I really need to work on that..." He said out loud without meaning to.

Fortune raised her brow, "Work on what exactly, and what about that story helps us?"
(But he didn't know China wasn't serious? That could have been another planet or another term for Hell ya know? :P I throw your logic in the trash!)

The guy hitting the ground was a little surprise but Connor hadn't flinched, instead he glared a hole through the new guys skull momentarily.

"What the kid said." Connor nodded , "Your a question mark, a wild card, and you've been drawing more and more attention to yourself." The blonde crossed his arms over his chest as he watched Spyder pace. "You we're bound to get a visit at some point, if you haven't already." Then Ivory started imitating Spyder and rambling and Connor felt a headache coming on. "Stop saying I smell different...it's weird." He pinched the bridge of his nose.
Amadeo takes a deep breath and stands up. "Sorry, sorry. I apologize for that, but your naivety is what got all the other planets killed. Thinking they can beat Thanos. I know you aren't powerful enough, because I would've felt it. No one on this planet is strong enough to fight against Thanos. He is easily strong enough to defeat thousands of you and you, Cindy and Dru. This is not a threat, but a warning. Cockiness has killed so mamy, and I am only warning you now so you can save yourselves "
Spyder was ona Connor in a second, but he didn't attack, as rogue and as brutal as he could be, he was not a mindless monster. Instead, he stared down at Connor and breathed heavily containing his animalistic nature "I don't care about your useless wars or your crappy sides. I do what I want when I want, and I WANT to kill criminals." He turned to walk away from them "Stay out of my way, I will destroy you if you decide you want to get in my way."
LokiofSP said:
Fortune raised her brow, "Work on what exactly, and what about that story helps us?"
"Nothing, its nothing...and it wasn't supposed to help, it was conversation. You know how to talk about non important things, don't you? Takes your mind off of the very bad serious things? Right? ....nevermind. Do you have a place to stay? If not, you can stay at my place..."
Crono said:
(But he didn't know China wasn't serious? That could have been another planet or another term for Hell ya know? :P I throw your logic in the trash!)
The guy hitting the ground was a little surprise but Connor hadn't flinched, instead he glared a hole through the new guys skull momentarily.

"What the kid said." Connor nodded , "Your a question mark, a wild card, and you've been drawing more and more attention to yourself." The blonde crossed his arms over his chest as he watched Spyder pace. "You we're bound to get a visit at some point, if you haven't already." Then Ivory started imitating Spyder and rambling and Connor felt a headache coming on. "Stop saying I smell different...it's weird." He pinched the bridge of his nose.
LucianGrey7971 said:
Spyder was ona Connor in a second, but he didn't attack, as rogue and as brutal as he could be, he was not a mindless monster. Instead, he stared down at Connor and breathed heavily containing his animalistic nature "I don't care about your useless wars or your crappy sides. I do what I want when I want, and I WANT to kill criminals." He turned to walk away from them "Stay out of my way, I will destroy you if you decide you want to get in my way."
(What? Animals and people are his area of expertise, world geography, hell no!)

Ivory got in front of him, "Woahwoahwoah now, I enjoy a good snack every now and again as well. But killing criminals, basic thief's and purse snatchers? That's to far, they might have reasons beyond their control for doing what they do. You wanna kill people? Snack on em even? Go after people like that goddamn lunatic Justice, but the moment you touch un-super powered people, that's when we have to step in."


[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]"Nothing, its nothing...and it wasn't supposed to help, it was conversation. You know how to talk about non important things, don't you? Takes your mind off of the very bad serious things? Right? ....nevermind. Do you have a place to stay? If not, you can stay at my place..."

Fortune got a bit angry, "I would like conversation when we're not faced with sleeping on the streets thank you very much. Now take me to your place."
National said:
Amadeo takes a deep breath and stands up. "Sorry, sorry. I apologize for that, but your naivety is what got all the other planets killed. Thinking they can beat Thanos. I know you aren't powerful enough, because I would've felt it. No one on this planet is strong enough to fight against Thanos. He is easily strong enough to defeat thousands of you and you, Cindy and Dru. This is not a threat, but a warning. Cockiness has killed so mamy, and I am only warning you now so you can save yourselves "
"You do not know the hell I came from. You do not know what I have been through down there. It is kill or be killed. And here I am, standing before you, oh godly portalman." Cindy said in a irate tone, feeling condescended by amadeo. @National @Drumonkey
LucianGrey7971 said:
"Shut up pint sized. I only go after murders and the like"
Ivory shook his head, "Even murderers can get help, they can be reformed. Look at Wolverine at least I think that's what uncle Logan's superhero name was one of the greatest heroes EVER, killed professionally for years before reforming and becoming a hero."
Connor was imagining himself rolling his eyes at Ivory's words, and inwardly chuckling at the nickname. The runt had stepped in front of him and Spyder hadn't knocked him into a wall so that was a bit of a surprise. "The same poetic justice that Black Fist uses and Justice for that matter, but we all know what happened to him now don't we?" He raised a brow even if Spyder had his back to him, then Spyder was preparing to go and Connor had to hold himself back from grabbing the guy. "We're not done here!"
"Calm down you we didn't ask for your backstory look I don't doubt your prowess but this is a big bad guy."
LucianGrey7971 said:
The mask slid off Spyder's mouth and spiders poured out of his mouth like water "Who's gonna STOP me?"
Ivory walked up to him, "Me....What no seriously, I can be big and threatening if I want!"
Amadeo does a mock gasp before he looks at Cindy. "Me? A godly portalman? You Flatter me. But I am being serious. I have seen the destruction Thanos has done. I've warped and traveled to see what he's done, and it is pretty horrible

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