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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"What cop is going to take it from me. Plus it doesn't fire real bullets. However if you aren't teleporting them that far then it is ok." Dru shook his head and put away his gun.
(God dammit what have I done? I've released the C puns on myself. This is a bad time to mention I originally planned for him to have a thing for Cassandra but decided against it isn't it?)
(C what you did to yourself Loki?) The Man looks over Dru, grinning. "Have you ever wanted to go somewhere you couldn't? "
National said:
(C what you did to yourself Loki?) The Man looks over Dru, grinning. "Have you ever wanted to go somewhere you couldn't? "
(I think I C what your getting at, Im so sorry that I didn't forC this coming...., insert one last C pin here.)

Ivory dropped on top of the man and allowed a blade to come from his gauntlet, "What did you do to my cousin?"
"Several times but hey do what you can how you can and you will be happy, that is my motto." Dru shrugged noncommittally.
The man grins. "I sent him to China. I thought he might be wanted to see places he's never seen. Besides, Chinese food is fantastic"
"If he can't speak chinese then he can't really enjoy what china has to offer him." Dru shook his head at the mans attitude.
National said:
The man grins. "I sent him to China. I thought he might be wanted to see places he's never seen. Besides, Chinese food is fantastic"
Ivory was silent for a few moments, "....... What's a China?"
"I've heard that there are many Chinese that can speak emglish, and since they have many tourists, translation sites are everywhere. Trust me, I've been there. But he just looked so bored, so I did him a favor" The man looks up at the man pointing a blade at him. "China. A country that is in this world. I am not even from this universe and I know that." The man laughs
"Where the hell did you come from?" Dru had his gun out and pointed at ivory before he took a breath and put the un away. "Speaking of which you traveler who's name I never got where are you from?"
National said:
"I've heard that there are many Chinese that can speak emglish, and since they have many tourists, translation sites are everywhere. Trust me, I've been there. But he just looked so bored, so I did him a favor" The man looks up at the man pointing a blade at him. "China. A country that is in this world. I am not even from this universe and I know that." The man laughs
Ivory leans in close, "How do I know China is code for








LucianGrey7971 said:
Another husk was dropped, this time on a police squad car and Spyder webbed away before the police could react.
(Was this car nearby?)
The Man snaps his fingers, and vanishes. After a split second, he steps out of a portal to stand right next to Dru. "The name is Amadeo. Amadeo Margolis. I come from a universe that is only a few trillion light years away from here called Beyo." He falls back into the portal and lays next to Ivory. "And an acronym for China? Never heard of it, but it would sound interesting to check out. And China is just right here" Amadeo pulls out a map and points China out to Ivory
National said:
The Man snaps his fingers, and vanishes. After a split second, he steps out of a portal to stand right next to Dru. "The name is Amadeo. Amadeo Margolis. I come from a universe that is only a few trillion light years away from here called Beyo." He falls back into the portal and lays next to Ivory. "And an acronym for China? Never heard of it, but it would sound interesting to check out. And China is just right here" Amadeo pulls out a map and points China out to Ivory
Ivory stares at the map, "..... I have never felt so stupid in my life." He stands up and walks away in sadness
"Interesting, can all the peoply on your world teleport like you can Amadeo? Oh are you an anomaly like some of us here on earth."
Amadeo nods at Dru. "I am a special one on my planet, but most of the citizens there are special. I have a very rare ability is all" Amadeo touches Dru, and he teleports to China. Amadeo runs over to Ivory and touches him, teleporting them both to China next to Dru. "This is China. Such a nice place. Splendid food"
"I never wanted to go to china but I have always wated to destroy a building or two here. Wait watch this." Dru walked over to a street lamp and began absorbing energy from it then pointed his hand to a bike shooting a golden pulse of energy at it causing the bike to become an electromagnet then Dru shot a few bolts into the sky that exploded into beautiful golden light as he steadily absorbed more and more energy.
National said:
Amadeo nods at Dru. "I am a special one on my planet, but most of the citizens there are special. I have a very rare ability is all" Amadeo touches Dru, and he teleports to China. Amadeo runs over to Ivory and touches him, teleporting them both to China next to Dru. "This is China. Such a nice place. Splendid food"
Ivory turned as Dru began destroying things, "Can I go home? I learned my lesson."
(What did he destroy? the only thing he did was make a bike a surprise magnet that would even pull cars that get too close or bikes that ride past as well as shoot the equivalent of fireworks into the sky.)
Connor spotted someone web slinging around with someone in his arms, from a distance he'd assumed it was Perry or Ivory. Moving his face closer to the glass and narrowing his eyes as if it could help he realized it wasn't. This must have been the infamous Spyder they'd been hearing about from the police, the one who wasn't taking a side and was constantly busting criminals left and right.

No, no, no, this wouldn't do. Spyder was making things much more difficult for Connor by doing the dirty work while everyone else figured things out in the Civil War. The blonde needed them distracted with even the low levels, that way people we're more likely to slip up and make mistakes. He watched the monkey man swing himself away and thought about trying to track him down, he'd seen the direction Spyder had taken. And if he was anything like others he'd be hanging out on a rooftop somewhere around there. Maybe it was time to have a chit chat with him. So Connor moved towards the exit of Stark Tower and started walking in that direction.
Drumonkey said:
(What did he destroy? the only thing he did was make a bike a surprise magnet that would even pull cars that get too close or bikes that ride past as well as shoot the equivalent of fireworks into the sky.)
(That, literally all of that.)

Kalin Scarlet](Waiting for a reply [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16829-lokiofsp/ said:
(I didn't? Crap my bad.)

Fortune's body got back up and retrieved her head, placing it back on, "A chick huh? Well no matter the case, it was a nice chit chat, but I need to go find a place to stay the night." She began to walk away.
Amadeo nods at Ivory and grabs both Ivory and Drus arm as they teleports back home. Amadeo looks at the two, grinning. "How was it? It's great fun being able to go anywhere"

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