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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Well, If I wasn't having my brain torn apart every time you got outside of 10 feet from me, I might be. Is that you?" Kyuma asked, leaning against the wall.

"Because if it is, I'd really like it to stop."
Every day for the past two weeks a dried husk of some criminal who deserved to die kept turning up in front of precincts. Spyder had taken it upon himself to clean up New York, especially seeing as the so called heroes were having their stupid civil war
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]"Well, If I wasn't having my brain torn apart every time you got outside of 10 feet from me, I might be. Is that you?" Kyuma asked, leaning against the wall.
"Because if it is, I'd really like it to stop."

"Really? Because I was just about to ask why I feel like throwing up when I go 10 feet away from you."
Kelai shuffles over to Maria and taps her shoulder. "Dont panic. Its me. I came to the funeral to see how everyone was doing." Kelai takes off his glasses momentarily to show her his damaged right eye she damaged to prove it was him, then he puts them back on.
The priest simply sighed at the events in front of him, "With all that said, we will now bury young Robert." The dirt was put over Bob and his coffin as the priest went on to say a few words as they buried him, at the end of it all he said, "Let us always remember Robert and his life and sacrifice, let us continue to live our lives so it may not be in vain. Rest in peace Robert." And with that the service was over.

National said:
Kelai shuffles over to Maria and taps her shoulder. "Dont panic. Its me. I came to the funeral to see how everyone was doing." Kelai takes off his glasses momentarily to show her his damaged right eye she damaged to prove it was him, then he puts them back on.
Maria stood still, the priests words striking a chord with her, she went to leave bit geared Kelai. Her fists tightened as she felt a flurry of emotions, joy, anger, sadness and much more. She turned to her son, "What the hell are you doing here?"
What kind of funeral was this supposed to be? No one had something to say about the guy? Connor had watched the failed attempts of a few people to say something. His foot tapping absently on the ground below as he waited for the service to end. Looking over his shoulder briefly he plotted his escape route that he'd probably be using within the next few minutes, but then came the priests words and it was indeed over now. Most of the crowd already started dispersing to leave, and Connor stood watching those figures who stayed where they we're or moved closer to the grave. Most likely the people who'd actually known him.

(And the random @The Regal Rper tag cause he asked for it.)
Kelai looks at his mother. "To get answers. Do you understand how confused I am? And do you know that dad died? So much has happened ever since you were gone. I want to know why you left. I need to know"
(Why do I keep missing notifications man i gotta check here more)

@Crono (I have no idea what I'm supposed to say to that is it Connor's dad that died or is it someone else's?)
Crono said:
What kind of funeral was this supposed to be? No one had something to say about the guy? Connor had watched the failed attempts of a few people to say something. His foot tapping absently on the ground below as he waited for the service to end. Looking over his shoulder briefly he plotted his escape route that he'd probably be using within the next few minutes, but then came the priests words and it was indeed over now. Most of the crowd already started dispersing to leave, and Connor stood watching those figures who stayed where they we're or moved closer to the grave. Most likely the people who'd actually known him.
(And the random @The Regal Rper tag cause he asked for it.)
A woman tapped Conner on the shoulder. She was a smaller girl, maybe 5'4 and she looked a bit chubby, she was looking at Conner like he was the only thing she had left, "Excuse me? Are you Conner Rogers? Robert talked about you all the time, my name is Casper, I am- well I suppose was, Roberts mother." She looked to be on the verge of tears, and she had clearly already done so earlier.


National said:
Kelai looks at his mother. "To get answers. Do you understand how confused I am? And do you know that dad died? So much has happened ever since you were gone. I want to know why you left. I need to know"
Maria grit her teeth, "I knew that Daniel died, but Cage told me afterwards that they had no idea what had happened to you under his care, I waited and searched for months, until Cage showed up at my door saying you were dead." Tears were in her eyes now, "You have no idea how much you've put me through in your few years of life."
Kelai looks down. "How did I put you through this? Luke said you abandoned me. That you just left one day. Do you know how scary it was when Dad died that day? Do you know who killed him? Because youre looking at him. He was different, and corrupted. He attacked me, so I had to kill him. I had to kill dad, and I almost killed you" He whispers, his fists clenched tightly by his side.
Connor turned to face the woman, half-expecting it to be someone else. Nodding as she introduced herself in an emotional state and he breathed in, now wasn't the time to look like he didn't want to be here. "I'm very sorry for your loss ma'am. He was uh..." Connor looked briefly at the gravesite, "...he was a good guy." The blonde was uncomfortable but mainly because of the funeral situation as a whole though he made sure to hide it, he should have ditched when he had the chance.
Crono said:
Connor turned to face the woman, half-expecting it to be someone else. Nodding as she introduced herself in an emotional state and he breathed in, now wasn't the time to look like he didn't want to be here. "I'm very sorry for your loss ma'am. He was uh..." Connor looked briefly at the gravesite, "...he was a good guy." The blonde was uncomfortable but mainly because of the funeral situation as a whole though he made sure to hide it, he should have ditched when he had the chance.
Casper began to cry into Conner's shoulder, "Im sorry it's just, nobody seems to care! And it's hard to have to bury you child, it should have been the other way around." She held Conner tightly, "He never wanted any of this, he always said he wanted to die old, sorrounded by family, and its hard to see the opposite of that happen! Even worse no one seems to care or even have known him." She pulled away and wiped away tears, "But you care right?"

National said:
Kelai looks down. "How did I put you through this? Luke said you abandoned me. That you just left one day. Do you know how scary it was when Dad died that day? Do you know who killed him? Because youre looking at him. He was different, and corrupted. He attacked me, so I had to kill him. I had to kill dad, and I almost killed you" He whispers, his fists clenched tightly by his side.
Maria put her hands to her head and began to walk away before collapsing, "My god Kelai...."
"Sure, sure." Connor said patting awkwardly at the woman's head as she blubbered against his shoulder. "But he wanted to keep people safe right? He died doing that, he may have wanted to die old but I'm sure he doesn't really regret what he did." Finally she pulled away asking him if he cared, "I care?" Wait did he just say that as a question, whoops. Probably better than slipping up and telling her how he really felt though.
Kelai walks over to her and kneels down next to her, his hand gently resting on her shoulder. "After he was dead, and I had no where else to go, Luke Cage and Frank Hassel took me in. They continued to train me to control my Iron fists, I have been killing for them ever since. I have killed over hundreds of thousands, because that is all I know how to do."
Phoenix then goes up onto the podium. "I know we all have suffered losses in our life, and I know we all care about Bob. But he would want us to be strong, and move on with our selves, but remember his greatness, and do the right thing. I have learned from him that there is good in everyone and everything, no matter who or what you are. Like luna, our first animal companion. She may not know much, but she has good in her, and Bob saw that where no one would " phoenix said with tears rolling down his face. "He was one of my best friends, and I will remember him all the time, and stay strong for him." Phoenix said as he steps away from the mic, and started to silently cry. @LokiofSP @everyone else
Crono said:
"Sure, sure." Connor said patting awkwardly at the woman's head as she blubbered against his shoulder. "But he wanted to keep people safe right? He died doing that, he may have wanted to die old but I'm sure he doesn't really regret what he did." Finally she pulled away asking him if he cared, "I care?" Wait did he just say that as a question, whoops. Probably better than slipping up and telling her how he really felt though.
Casper shook her head, and laughed a sad laugh as she looked at Bob's grave, "You know Bob was a huge pessimist? He hated most everything he got into in fact. Bit he pretended to be happy and right as rain because he noticed it made people feel better. You remind me of him in that way." She turned back around, "Thanks for listening to an old woman ramble, your a great kid. Now if you excuse me." She turned back to Bob's grave and hugged his tombstone before saying goodbye, she then stood up to find her daughter.


National said:
Kelai walks over to her and kneels down next to her, his hand gently resting on her shoulder. "After he was dead, and I had no where else to go, Luke Cage and Frank Hassel took me in. They continued to train me to control my Iron fists, I have been killing for them ever since. I have killed over hundreds of thousands, because that is all I know how to do."
Maria hugged her son, "That's it, your staying with me. I refuse to allow you to stay with people who make you do this." She pointed at the funeral.

@LokiofSP[/URL] @everyone else
(We literally just finished the funeral lol)
LokiofSP said:
Casper shook her head, and laughed a sad laugh as she looked at Bob's grave, "You know Bob was a huge pessimist? He hated most everything he got into in fact. Bit he pretended to be happy and right as rain because he noticed it made people feel better. You remind me of him in that way." She turned back around, "Thanks for listening to an old woman ramble, your a great kid. Now if you excuse me." She turned back to Bob's grave and hugged his tombstone before saying goodbye, she then stood up to find her daughter.

Maria hugged her son, "That's it, your staying with me. I refuse to allow you to stay with people who make you do this." She pointed at the funeral.

(We literally just finished the funeral lol)
(Last moment type thing. Sorry but I did not do it till now, since I was busy.)
"I'll be in Stark Tower if anyone needs me," John shrugged and he walked off. It would be way too awkward for him to stay and it would be rude to fake tears.
Kelai nods, then looks at her. "People think of me as a murderer, which I am, and a villain. I already resigned from Luke Cages and Franks group, but im still known as a high rank villain. Only you, Connor, and probably some others know I killed Bob, bu what happens if people find out?" Kelai hugs his mother tight, scared, but happy he has a member of his family around.
Boss and the girls looked on Bob's grave with sad eyes, all except Jamie, who didn't really know him that well. Boss then brought her feet together and saluted his grave out of respect. They all turned and began walking away.
"I hate wearing dresses," Cassandra mumbled over to the rest of the girls. Even as a kid she refused to wear any but now she was kind of forced into it.
Boss turned to her and rolled her eyes under the veil. "Suck it up. You don't have to wear it for long, but we can't risk being seen." Boss stated. Tanya leaned towards Cassandra.

"Besides, you look good in a dress." She giggled slightly to herself.
National said:
Kelai nods, then looks at her. "People think of me as a murderer, which I am, and a villain. I already resigned from Luke Cages and Franks group, but im still known as a high rank villain. Only you, Connor, and probably some others know I killed Bob, bu what happens if people find out?" Kelai hugs his mother tight, scared, but happy he has a member of his family around.
Maria shakes her head, "They won't, because starting today you aren't Kelai Rand, you're Kelai Hill." Maria stood up, "Now come on, we're gonna go try to stop the registration act."

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