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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Nice to meet you Chaos I am Siphon. As i said earlier I am new in town and I was wondering if you could show me some cool spots or a good sparring partner, I don't exactly want to oh say destroy half a city block just by myself you know what I mean?" Dru was sincere in his offer and wanted to make friends with the guy now that he knew he couldn't spar with him. (how is he flying? I was looking for your cs just to see what I am looking at but I couldn't find it.)
"Please lead the way mr Chaos I can keep up pretty well so don't worry about me just don't fly at full speed and we should be fine." Dru chuckled and checked again to make sure his gear was secured before he crouched ready to jump after the new promising friend.
Jordan flew off in the direction of his mansion without another word. If the guy was as good as he thought he was, he'd be able to keep up.
Dru took two steps then jumped off the roof a tiny gold light emitted and a oomph as he was launched into the sky he hit the ground of the next roof rolling then popped up into another jump occasionally dropping to street level to swing from and bounce off street lights draining power from them to keep up his momentum following Chaos and flipping through the air with ease only a little behind him.
Jordan landed on the roof of his mansion where his maid was waiting quietly. She immediately pulled a gun from her uniform and pointed it at Dru when he landed. Jordan gave a small gesture and she put her gun away without hesitation
"What's a bullet between friends right? Also a but of electricity. Sorry in advance." Dru smiled at the maid and continued into the house after Chaos. "Nice digs my friend, so would that maid have killed me?"
"She would have if I asked her to...long story." he said and saw Tech playing videogames on his couch. "Of course, if only the psycho monster were here it would be a full house." Jordan joked

Tech looked at him "He's on his way." Jordan looked exasperated and dropped the subject immediately
"Psycho monster you say? Is that perhaps the relative of a certain green rage monster my father has told me about?" Dru chuckled mostly amused at the possabiliy of meeting the offspring of someone so strong.
Dru jumped doing a flip in mid air and landing in a chair "interesting is he the other sparring partner you told me about? How exactly do you even afford this place too that is a question on the top of my list." Dru was looking around he had never been in a house this big before.
"No...I was talkin about Tech...I didn't even know he was getting out, but if he gets here you can fight him...I'm...good at what I do." he said "And what I do is invest."
"If 'invest' is code name for something else sign me up compared to this place my apartment is a shack and well the electric bill is something fierce. Also Tech is it? I saw you at the park earlier and I want to spar with you if you're up for it that is." Dru smiled and was ready to drain some power and get into a fight he was ready and had been waiting for too long.
"You're welcome to stay here, provided you don't bring people who might want my friends in jail or worse."

Tech kept playing her video game before looking it up and putting it down. "Sure, choose the scrawny hacker." She jumped up and walked towards Jordan's sparring area
"That would be welcome thank you." Dru bowed deeply after he stood up before looking at her and shaking his head "Scrawny doesn't mean helpless. I saw you in action earlier plus I'm not exactly ripped myself so it isn't that bad." Dru smiled and entered the sparring area with her standing across from her as he took off his weapons and vest.
Tech's backpack popped out sparring weapons and airsoft guns and tossed half of them to Dru before putting hers back in the backpack and waiting for him to make the first move
Dru chuckled and out them down all except for one that was similar to a knife that he held up in the ready position as he advanced "what are we fighting to? First to say uncle or the first to be pinned?"
Dru chuckled and went for a roundhouse kick "good luck." he said as he aimed directly for her head.
Tech saw it coming from a mile away...literally. She was moving the second his body shifted past the point of no return and sidestepped the kick and poked him in the ribs really hard
Dru three a pinch her way and pulled it back last second releasing a small shock wave that hit her in the chest and knocked her off her feet and a few feet away not enough force to break any ribs but enough for her to be winded.
"That wasn't uncle." Dru chuckled and held a hand out for her to shake as a sort of truce. "That was a good but pretty solid for someone so scrawny was it you said?" Dru shook his head smiling he would like it here.
Dru smiled she had spunk just like he thought she would he decided now was the time. He dashed using a concussive blast to launch him to a wall and he felt for a socket and touched it draining electricity from the house until he was about half full and clapped releasing a shock wave that cleared a hole in the middle of the smoke and would push her back a few feet of she was in the way.

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