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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Crono said:
"Technically I never put it down, kid." He said turning to Jordan and Connor rolled his eyes. "Technically I took over so you didn't have to use it."
Steve snorted in light defiance before turning back to Sam, "The one and only." This time it was Connor's turn to snort, "Well if you'd take the name I wouldn't be the only one now would I?" Connor said nothing as he looked away. "I know I know, your choice." Steve sighed, "Nice to meet you too. Just watch the language there." He told Sam.
Maria looked at the plane leave and began to mumble, "I need more drinks." She turned to Steve "Rogers, get your ads in gear, we're going drinking." She began to leave (gtg for reals now)
Jordan stared at Steve with a look of hidden anger, he could feel the power surge through him as he realized that this wasn't his anger. He calmed himself down slightly and looked away from Steve
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Luna looked at Finn with excitement. She then licked his face. Maybe he could be her new owner. She the. Purrs as she accidentally cut a slit in his arm with her wingblade. She looks at the wound and licks it worriedly.

[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Luna looked at kelai and growled, and tried to go after him, but was held down by Finn. The look of primal rage filled her eyes as she struggled to get free.

Suddenly a floppy wet tongue was slurping at his face and Finn sat back laughing. "Whoa there. That's my face, you have your own!" He guessed that Luna was okay with the proposition and he continued to rub circles on the head of the feline. Seconds later there was a sting on his arm and he looked down to see that she had cut him. He laughed a little as she hurried to lick at the wound. "Don't worry about it, I'll be fine. Looks like you're a clumsy one, well weren't we all at one point." A couple of moments passed before Luna started growling and struggling. Not sure if he was doing something wrong he quickly released his hold on her and looked to where she was growling at. Across the street at a small park some sort of confrontation was just ending. How on earth did I not notice that earlier?
"Guys I came as fast as I could. Everything all right?" Terry asked as he made a slow descent downwards. He looked at everyone. Just the normal people. Finn, Perry, Jordan, Maria, Connor, Captain America... Wait what? He looked back. It was Captain America. "Woah! Captain America!" He squealed in excitement and he ran over to him. "Nice to meet you Captain, C-Captain America sir. Sir-" He couldn't talk properly because of how excited he was to meet him.
Luna watched as Kelai left on a plane, and goes back to Finn. She shakes off what every fight she had left, and calms down. She felt secure around Finn, maybe a little more than around Bob. @CasualDragon
Steve turned to face Terry with a smile and put his hand out, "Well if it isn't Terry Fitzgerald. I hope you aren't using your hero duties as an excuse to get out of class or homework are you?" He raised an eyebrow with a grin. As if he knew.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Luna watched as Kelai left on a plane, and goes back to Finn. She shakes off what every fight she had left, and calms down. She felt secure around Finn, maybe a little more than around Bob.

Finn walked over to the door and waved Luna over to him. "I'm going to go see what was going on there. You going to come with me?"
"Um..." Sam slowly walks over to Steve looking a bit sheepish. "Would you... would you mind signing my Captain America trading card?" He offers said card to the man.
(I knowz right.)

"I'm sure." He told Terry with a chuckle before returning his attention to Sam. "Uhh...sure." The man shrugged, he was used to the attention from the public, the least he could do was sign things for the kids who fought to keep people safe if that's what they wanted, grabbing the card and pulling out a silver sharpie, which he carried one of on him always nowadays and signed the card. "There ya go." The man said handing it back over. Connor however was slowly moving away from the group occasionally in an attempt to escape.
"I-I'm Spider-Man..." Perry said with fake sadness in the background. "You're not the original though!" Terry shouted over to him and he turned his attention back to Captain America.
Steve shook his head in amusement, "I know who you are as well Perry Parker. I might be retired but I didn't need the registration act to find out most of your names. This old dogs still got a few tricks." Maria was calling and Steve knew he had to run or she'd start yelling. "And tell your dad I said Hi." He winked at Perry, he'd known Peter was Spider-man for a long time. Whether or not Peter realized he knew or not, that was a different story.

Maria was calling out again and Steve sighed, Looks like I don't have much of a choice. From what I could tell from here, she needs to talk to someone. "Sorry guys, you'll have to excuse me. Duty calls." He smiled at them before turning his attention to Connor and frowned when he had to walk over to him, catching him in the act leaving. "Should you even be here? Aren't you with the rebellion?" Connor turned to lock eyes with him, "I registered."

Steve raised a very unhappy brow towards his son, "You what? I don't hear from you in over a week and suddenly your changing your stance on the registration Act?" Connor knew this would happen and he turned to leave, "Go home dad, after whatever you and Hill are going to do." Steve watched him go uncomfortably, "Come by soon. Your mother would like to know your alright." Steve called out as the distance grew. Connor threw up a hand in the air, "You bet."

Something's off...

With an uneasy breath and a shake of his head to tell himself it was nothing Steve turned to hastily walk after Maria. He spotted Finn along the way and gave the boy a wave.
[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla](That would make for a good time for me to jump in lol)

(As far as I know we're just waiting for Crono)
Later that night after his talk with Hill, Steve headed home. He'd only had one drink, not even enough to phase him. The man was so deep in thought he never heard his attacker come from behind, didn't even notice he was being attacked, didn't feel the sword cut through him like he was made of butter until it was too late and he was a bleeding heap on the concrete sidewalk.

Connor would receive word of what had happened to his father nearly an hour later while sitting at Stark Tower, and rush to the hospital an emotional wreck. Of course it was all over the news and the press flooded to the location of the attack and the hospital. Before Steve was transferred to a SHIELD medical facility Connor spoke with him about what had happened. Leaving the hospital to see any of his friends who'd heard what happened and came to see if they could help he looked at them with an angry tear soaked face. "A sword. He was cut down by a damn sword, and I only know one person that uses swords. Jack. He was angry that I left the rebels, I can't believe he'd go so far as to...." Connor took a shaky breath.

@The Regal Rper
Marko wakes up from his long nap. He sighed. It was time for him to get out of this hospital. He felt healed and everything. He started to get up from the bed and slowly makes it to the door of his room. He puts on his costume and flies out the helicarrier, flying to Connor, hearing about what happened to his dad.

Kelai sprints down the main HQ of the group he works for and rips down the door of Luke Cages office room. Luke Cage looks up at him as calmly as he can. "So you found out" Kelai snarls. "Hell yeah I did. Why didnt you tell me?!" Luke Cage sighs as he stands up. "Your mother and father were a complicated couple. When you were young , they were seperated, which made you never know your mother." Kelai was furious. "Why make me kill my own damn mother" Luke Cage simply says. "To eliminate your past Kelai Hill". Kelai looks away. "I am resigning from Black Skull. You can all go to hell." Kelai runs out of the room as Luke Cage sighs sadly. "Poor kid. If only he knew. If only" Kelai grabs his stuff and takes one of the smaller stelth planes, flying to the city. He knew that the city thought of him as a criminal. He didnt know anything else to do except see his mother. He grab his phone. He made Tony hack into the data center and get Maria Hills number. He texts to the number. "Maria, its me, Kelai. Is there a way we can talk?" Kelai walks down the street, his hood up so no one knew it was him
(I am gonna brain blast you people)

Seeing a familiar hooded figure walking along the streets of New York just a couple feet ahead of him he smirked "My my, the world is a small place after all" he thought as he walked up the streets and meeting Kelai half way he changed his voice to sound different. "Excuse me sir do you know what time it is" the unknown voice asked.

Kelai nods and pulls out his phone. "Half past ten good sir." Kelai looks at the perso. He looked familiar..

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