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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Interesting" the voice said under his hoodie. "With everything that happened with Maria, Jack and my fellow citizens I thought things would be a bit more tough for you but you seem fine. Now could you do me a favor please for a poor stranger who has nothing to eat" the man said under his hoodie coughing bitterly after he finished his sentence and leaning on Kelai for support.

Pink Gorilla](I feel as if their needs to be a funeral for bob and Steve [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16829-lokiofsp/ said:
@LokiofSP[/URL] @Crono )
(I'm taking care of Bob, Steve didnt die though.)
[QUOTE="The Regal Rper](I think we should wait a bit i got something planned if that's alright with the others just till i finish the bit with kkelai)

(Alright, I have a post ready to paste once you finish.)
"Hmph...even you can't tell what I truly am..." he whispered before walking awat

Deep in the Harry of The Raft, a boy with raven hair sat chained to the wall every which way. He had his eyes closed but he wasn't sleeping.

"Looks like you're getting out of here today criminal, someone sent over a release form from SHIELD."

The boy opened his eyes like a feral animal and smirked a bit before saying in a graveled yet smooth voice "Tech probably forged that document you know."

"Not my concern or problem, besides as far as records go there was NEVER anyone named Tech here. Good thing they wanted to keep HER escape under wraps huh? Now let me get the keys to yo-"

"Unnecessary." he said and stood up without hesitation, the chains groaned under protest before completely breaking from the strain of movements that they were intended to never allow. "So...show me to my freedom" he said, a giant spider tattooed across his back gave the only credentials that he needed for people to learn who he was...Spyder had been released.


(His tattoo and logo)
Dru had finally moved back into his apartment and decided to go out for the night to see what trouble he could get in. He wore a tactical vest with a rifle across his back a pistol on his leg and a knife strapped to the other thigh. there were a few clips of extra ammo. Dru watched the streets from the roof jumping from one to another looking out for anything that could be fun or anyone. @LucianGrey7971
Jordan flew onto a roof and looked over the city. He stood there for a few moments before sighing heavily "It won't be long...Hill isn't an idiot and there's always the threat of the X-Men telling someone...how much longer will my days of quiet vigilantism be around..." he looked down at his hand
Dru landed behind him making quite a sizeable ruckus but when he turned around Dru would be there with a pistol in his hand pointed at him the pistol didn't seem to have a clip in it though. "Hi my name is Siphon are you good or evil?"
Jordan continued looking over the city "...Depends on who you ask...I'm not on the side of the Registration but I am neither on the side of the Resistance...I'm merely trying to keep this civil. If that makes you want to attack me, I will not hesitate to defend myself."
"What can you do? I just got back into town from out of town so to speak so I don't know what you are talking about but I want to stretch my legs so to speak and if you want to we can spar if not I can just attack you and see where that gets me. Personally I was hoping you were a bad guy so I could just fight you." Dru shrugged not seeming to care either way he just seemed antsy.
"Neat trick but not all of us need to fly." Dru put his pistol back into its holster, "Is this an invitation to spar with you for you know fun's sake or is this a challenge because you think I can't keep up?" Dru was liking this more and more he was in desperate need of a stretch and this would probably do it.
In a flash Dru pulled out his gun and fired 3 shots of golden energy in rapid succession the gun not making a noise. "that is because you have used them recently it is my civic duty as a mutant to test and try to grow my powers." Then Dru prepared a scream in case his shots missed. The shots were like taser blasts each one able to stun and disorientate a normal person.
"Futile." Jordan made a slight sweeping motion with his arm and the energy dissipated without a trace. His hand glowed orange in preparation for the next attack
Dru stopped and raised an eyebrow, "energy manipulation I assume? This fight would be pointless if that were the case." Dru shook his head of course leave it to him to find someone who could absorb energy on his first night back in town. "What do you call yourself then?"

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