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Fandom Avengers Academy OOC

@NerdyBirdy So I assume that our characters have met prior to the events of the RP? Or is Wade just being insane? I'm assuming it's the first one, but I'd be fine with either. Also I'm going to bed IRL; I'll reply in the morning.
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Random event after the holiday that steals from the comics next big event that is not x-men vs Inhumans we  have giant monsters attack the school because giant monsters are cool
Yeah I would rather have that than just having a bunch of NPC heroes/antiheroes/villains attacking. Also, eventually some kind of civil conflict would be really cool, but that would need a lot of setup and the characters should be decently well-developed at that point, so it probably won't be too soon.
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Just made a new submission to the character sign-up. She's a fairly obscure character with quite the powerset, but I'll try not to let it get out of hand.

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We have some pretty OP characters and then we have Kate who wouldn't even last 1 second against them in a real fight
IDK an arrow to eye doesn't do that much against people that tanked attacks that have destroyed entire planets
We have some pretty OP characters and then we have Kate who wouldn't even last 1 second against them in a real fight

I wouldn't worry I'm sure most people will play fair. If not you can always pull out the perfect trick arrow for the situation.
We have some pretty OP characters and then we have Kate who wouldn't even last 1 second against them in a real fight

I just think back to Avengers: Age of Ultron where Hawkeye (the guy with 0 powers) was the one to take down Scarlet Witch (the most powerful) after she took down all but two of the Avengers (with a flick of the wrist) with one arrow.
@Mathias No Bias Hey, could that girl that you meet in Asgard be Sersi, rather than the Enchantress? I've been looking for a way to introduce her to the RP. She isn't native to Asgard in the comics but has spent some time there, and she definitely is "a pretty girl in green".
I have been looking at this rp for like the past week, and I think I'm going to cave in and app a character, so I just wanted to drop in and say hey!
Hey, and welcome to the party ScatteredStars. We have Nordic gods and advanced technology, enjoy your stay! :D
Glad to see you finally got the right kind of break ;)  @ScatteredStars
Hey, and welcome to the party ScatteredStars. We have Nordic gods and advanced technology, enjoy your stay! :D

Ahh, thank you, everyone!

I'm going to take that as a compliment  :P . Glad you could join.

Nah, like, I've been stalking this rp for like a week and a half, and I've been going back and forth on if I should apply or not because of time management reasons.  And, then last night I was just like "Heck it!"  So, I put about 8 characters that I really wanted to play into a random picker website, and came up with Gwen and Matt Murdock or Bucky Barnes maybe soon???  Still trying to decide because I have a problem. And, now here I am, rambling to you all about my life.

Anyways, I'm really excited to get started.  I've got like two more pages of replies to read through, but once I'm done that and maybe filling out another app I D K, I will make a post!
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Hey everyone I'm going to be starting to do the Christmas Event soon probably during or after @NJN25 @ManyFaces party (Peppers there helping so it will most definitely be set up beforehand) and so far the Christmas Event is going to be a Runaways Christmas but there's still time to choose. Check the quote below and post your preference.

Well personality wise, you can be different as most heroes/ villains have had changes, Daredevil for example has had really dark gritty periods and super sombre moments so I don't really mind. As long as their still heroes/ villains (depending) and have the same powers I'm cool with it.

I'm also planning to do a special event soon probs starting in the next couple of weeks, probably an early Christmas one as I was gonna do a Halloweenish one but I think that's passed, so please tell me if your interested. The event is either gonna be a Morlock Christmas or a Runaways Christmas so I'd like to hear your thoughts on which one your interested in as I gonna give a brief explanation on each. The Morlock Christmas will involve the stealing of our presents by a strange looking individual and his buddies, who of course we try to stop but then this brings about the wrath of the Morlocks so we'd have to fight them and the present stealer and get our presents back. The Runaway Christmas would involve us being all happy around the Campus, until someone notices a sad little child outside who we invite in for the festivities, but her friends show up and misread the situation entirely leading to some fights as well as an evil group invading the Academy.

I would love to hear your thoughts as well as which one you'd like to participate in (only choose one) and whichever one is voted as the best will be the one we'll do.

 @TaleekXD, @myvalentina, @fanaticalferret, @Faultier, @DiscoQuinn, @NJN25, @Ilikepie, @NerdyBirdy, @Scatterbrain, @Rockin, @Mathias No Bias@Forehead, @theskylarksings @slachance6

Sorry if I forget anyone. 

@DavidRanger318, @Particle9,@ScatteredStars 
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Speaking of the party, what time is it in-universe and how long is it until the party starts? @Mathias No Bias says that it starts at 7. I feel like we have enough people and probably enough introductions to start it pretty soon.

@NJN25 @Twist
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