Avengers Academy - Newest Generation of Heroes.


Hank looked to the door, nodding as Virian answered. "You're right, but why not take a seat? First day so I', not failing anyone for being late." He said with a smile. "Jocasta brought you in right?" He questioned the two as they entered. @thelittlebay @Safety Hammer

Nikolai stalked through the door behind Virian, hands still stuffed into the depths of his ripped jean jacket. He gave the teacher a curt before scanning the room for a seat, his eyes landing on a seat in the back corner of the room. He strode over to it, all the while examining and evaluating his classmates. 

(@Safety Hammer yeah I am)
"Kinda, his ability to make bones pop from his knuckles is all him. But all that metal surrounding his body... That's the experime--." A fish man dashed into the room, causing Daniel to lose focus. "What the hell?" He said, forgetting where exactly he was.

"Sorry to cut in, Professor, but wasn't Wolverine an expieriment?" He said, as he had forgotten somewhat.
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Hank looked to the door, nodding as Virian answered. "You're right, but why not take a seat? First day so I', not failing anyone for being late." He said with a smile. "Jocasta brought you in right?" He questioned the two as they entered. @thelittlebay @Safety Hammer

(No one can out nerd me.)

"You would be correct with that too, Dr. Pym." Virian said, sitting in the front. "Big fan of your work, sir."
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Hank didn't answer Logan's question, watching as Virian entered, followed by the fish boy and Haruki. "'Kay class, we're not going to be this late tomorrow right?" He commented. "Thank you Virian? Thats what is said in your file anyways." He replied before turning back to the class. "Thank you Daniel for the backseat teaching." He said before continuing. "Wolverine was indeed an experiment but he was also a mutant with bone retraction capabilities and a regeneration factor, the adamantium is the experiment." He taught. "Anyone here a mutant?" He asked the group of students now.
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"Sorry, Dr. Pym. There was a problem with my tank... I nearly died..." Haruki says meekly, briefly removing the tube from his mouth. He looks around the room, his large black eyes looking at those staring at him.


He nodded, looking to Haruki. "Are you a mutant? Night crawler did speek of a mutant whom had fish related abilities he'd met going to Magneto's island. Is that you?" He asked. @TruPrimrose
"This counts correct Professor Pym?" He said as he vanished, then seemingly reappearing next to Hank an arm around is  shoulders. "Neat, eh?" He said.
"Hmmm... I don't really know what I am. So I guess I am a mutant. Nightcrawler is the cute one right?" He asks nervously, putting the tube back in his mouth.

@Nicholas Waldorth
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Nikolai stared at the fish-boy in awe. He was a fish and a boy at the same time. How peculiar. The artificial intelligence was strange enough, but a person who is simultaneously a fish and a boy... This is truly something else. Briefly, he considered the possibility that he was just high on acid again. 


He looked to Logan in the exosuit before him reappearing beside him he jumped back startled. "Don't do that." He said with a sheepish grin. "And it wouldn't really count becuase wearing armour isn't really being a mutant." He corrected, directing the boy back into his seat. "I'll ask again, anyone here a mutant?" He said the question once more. "Haruki? Come closer, I'll examine your skin if you want, we'll see if you really are a mutant if you're unsure." He said back to the topic.
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Daniel raised his hand, he found no reason to demonstrate his powers again. "I am, I can control psionic energy. I can create force-fields, augment my condition, turn intangible, and other stuff. I'd show you. But I kinda don't feel like it."
"Oh sir, I do it without the armor, one second if you wouldn't mind." He says, darting out the room, changing from the exosuit he wore to a grey shirt and jeans. He holds out the exo in front of him and turns invisible. "I'm back boss." He says as he walks through, acting as if he is still in the exosuit. Then he sits it back in his desk, walks back to the Professor, and reappears, panting slightly as the whole process took a couple minutes. "There ya go... Magic..." He said with a grin of his own. @Nicholas Waldorth
"Sometimes I don't feel like swimming." Haruki states and goes up to Hank. "Here Dr Pym." He holds out a webbed blue hand. "Just be careful with my finger pads, they are really sensitive."

@Nicholas Waldorth
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Hank looked to Logan, the surprise wouldn't work on him again. "Go to your seat, Logan." He said looking to Haruki he pulled the boy's hand onto a small wooden platform, sort of like a cutting board. He brought a specialized microscope, looking into it, he adjusted it multiple times. "Hmm.." He'd say at times.

( @TruPrimrose what is he ICly? If you don't want him to know I know what to RP BTW.)
(I guess a mutant but not from human evolution from fish evolution! xD @Nicholas Waldorth)

"So what am I?" Haruki says quietly, he had never known. His Mama and Baba didn't know, not that they minded of course.


He pulled his eye from the microscope, looking about for a second he scratched his head. "The gene follows a different pattern, Haruki." He informed. "Your mutant gene... You're not a sub-human, not a home-superior, you're fish mutant. What a scientific breakthrough." He said, a bright smile on his face. "So it's possible animals can be mutants too? Evolutionary." He said, moving the microscope away. "Welp class." He said looking to the clock. "Your next class is survival with Luke Cage, preparation time." He informed.


Raymomd nodded throughout the class, taking down notes mentally since the students were not yet given things to use in class. "Well, that's a wrap." He said, getting up from his seat, he stretched his arm before looking to Cassie who still had her eyes focused on the board. "You okay?" He asked.


Cassidy perked up, looking to Raymond her eyes were already baggy. "I just hoped there'd be more." She said, pushing herself up from the seat before she stumbled into Raymond's arms. "Watch it Tiger." Raymond said, catching her he looked to the teacher. "Where's the class gonna be held?" He asked Hank. "The simulation room." He responded.


Hank didn't answer Logan's question, watching as Virian entered, followed by the fish boy and Haruki. "'Kay class, we're not going to be this late tomorrow right?" He commented. "Thank you Virian? Thats what is said in your file anyways." He replied before turning back to the class. "Thank you Daniel for the backseat teaching." He said before continuing. "Wolverine was indeed an experiment but he was also a mutant with bone retraction capabilities and a regeneration factor, the adamantium is the experiment." He taught. "Anyone here a mutant?" He asked the group of students now.

Virian raised his hand.

(I guess a mutant but not from human evolution from fish evolution! xD @Nicholas Waldorth)

"So what am I?" Haruki says quietly, he had never known. His Mama and Baba didn't know, not that they minded of course.

"He could be like Tiger Shark." Virian said, before realizing how nerdy he was. "Or you know, someone like that..."
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Logan walked to grab his armor, then walked to Hank. "Sorry Professor, I promise you I will be much more attentaive in this class, today I just... I dunno... Today is proving day, ground zero in a sense. Anyway you have a good day." He said then walked off to the Sim room. He caught up to a guy and girl talking, one of them having asked where the next class was. "Hi." He said, "I'm Logan, who are you two?" He asked nicely.


Hank nodded at Logan, a smile creeping into his face. "Don't worry, I have faith in you Logan." He said before the boy left the room, he then packed up his stuff, walking to the staff room.
Nikolai flung his backpack over his shoulder as he stood up, quietly making his way out of the classroom. "Thank you, sir," he told the Professor in a stiff, quiet voice, and then headed into the hallway. 
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Judas began  walking he was honestly bored until a rock hard fist punched him sending him into the air. ...

"What the fu..." he looks up to see a superskrull attacking him.

It flew up to him ..."KREE SCUM" it says readying another punch but this time a flame charged strike knocking Judas back to the ground burning his shirt off....

"Gahhh... damn broke a couple of ribs" he says getting to his feet pulling his skull bandana over his mouth.

The skrull came after him but was rammed by Judas warship before returning to him.

Judas got in and flew off....he was hurt but the skrull followed. ..."find Kid-rider" he tells the warship which was was the size of a jet right now.

Soon it was at the school the jet had taken damage. ....but it fired lasers at the skrull sending it flying. ..then Judas blasted a hole into the school and got out.... "Hey....Raymond angry skrull wants me dead" he says looking at the students. ..."this is not a drill people" he says as he sees a shadow looming over him ...."hes behind me isn't he" he says turning and punching as their fists collide a small Shockwave sends Judas back and through a wall breaking his arm. "Gah damn the thing...."

@Nicholas Waldorth

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