Avengers Academy - Newest Generation of Heroes.

Lucas didnt know where the atrium was and began to get nervous he began askeding random person where it was


Hank Pym

Currently in the red spandex Ant-Man suit, Hank stood on a large podium located on the stage infront of the high school atmosphere room. He looked to all the teachers standing behind him then to the students flooding in. "Calm down, calm down." He said with a small smile. "As most of you know, I'm the Ant-Man. Fellow avenger and founder of this school. I want you to know that this is a school where you can all be accepted. Any quarrels can be brought to your denmother..." He pointed to the female robot. "Jocasta. Martial arts and Archery will be held by Hawkeye, Hand-To-Hand combat by Powerman and  Quicksilver will be teaching speed, endurance and using your powers in combat. More teachers may come but this is our current staff, excluding the cafeteria ladies, the janitor and so on. I Hank Pym will be handling science. The first class is combo combat with Hawkeye out on the track field. Be there or be square." He said, saluting before walking off the stage. Jocasta's neck opened, a small mic coming out. "Dismissed!" It said as the students flooded out of the room. @Everyone
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Judas looked and Raymond caught up...somehow....

He was upset in a fair race he was always faster does this mean Raymond was bonding with hybrid. ...

"Not bad" he says as they finish at the same time. ...

Judas stepped out of his car the car opened its top...."something must be wrong with my engine to tie with you" he says looking at it

@Nicholas Waldorth
"Early, isn't it?" Virian said, was he walked up from behind. He didn't know anyone here, so he decided to try and befriend someone quick. And what better than that hot guy standing in front of him. "I heard that the kids at Xavier's school don't have classes till ten. Lucky bastards. I'm Virian by the way." The mutant said with a smile, offering Nikolai his hand. God this guy is hot, Virian thought, quickly scanning him over.

Nikolai was anxiously surveying his surroundings, evaluating the other students, their potential threat levels (no, you dumbshit, they're allies. You don't fight other students), when he heard the soft patter of footsteps behind him. He jolted his body around, assessing the threat, just to find that oh no he's cute. And sometimes Nikolai could just be helplessly awful at acting like a proper human being, so he struggled for words now, desperate to not let his befuddlement show. "Early? This. Is. Miserable," he spat out bitterly, his Russian accent thick. "I am Nikolai," his voice flat now as he stared blankly at the hand outstretched before him. A hand. What is he supposed to do with a really hot guy's hand? Shake it. Right. Proper human-protocol is to shake the hand of the hot guy. Almost tentatively, he extended his hand toward's Virian's, shaking it stiffly. 


Raymond's car skidded to a stop, pushing the door open he laughed st Judas for a second. "Now you know how it feels eh?" He said crossing his arms as he leaned on the side of his car. A glimpse of his watch caught his eye as he jumped. "It's eight thirty-two!" He exclaimed, entering his car. He quickly zipped around, racing back to the school, he turned into the parking lot, skidding into a parking square he jumped out of the vehicle and ran into the school to see all the students walking around.


After the assembly, Cassidy flooded through the halls before meeting Lucas and Makayla, a bright smile coming over her face. "I know this school very well so I could be of help. Cassie." She said. "Follow me if you don't want an F." She added, pushing through the students as to make way for Lucas and Makayla. @Midnite @FireMaiden @Godless555
Shin sat through the opening ceremony and found it very abrupt, but nonetheless made his to the track field amiss the chaos of students. He had a map of the school but as he walked accessed databases on those had seen so far. He bumped students in his way out of the way with ease due to still wearing his armor. He could see already this school was going to be a handful but at least it'll keep SHIELD off his back when he comes into his inheritance. There were of course other things that needed doing but going to this school was his immediate priority.


Cassidy giggles a bit as Astra interrupted, it was kind of funny how she was so nervous. "Chillax, We're just going to the track field." She said with a soft chuckle after, holding the door for the three to exit before exiting herself as she guided them onto the field. "I'm Cassie by the way, lovely to meet you guys." She said as she stood up before the Archer (Supreme.) He looked to the students flocking around the area. "Pick up a bow from the floor below you." She said as the robotic field folded up, bows and quivers filled with quivers popped up as Cassidy took one.


He ran into the school, looking to the group of students as they exited onto the track field he followed, standing in a corner he waited for Judas, picking up a bow and arrow quiver of his own, tapping his feet on the artificial grass as he waited for the lesson to begin. @Midnite @Echo Dreamsong @FireMaiden @Godless555
Nikolai was anxiously surveying his surroundings, evaluating the other students, their potential threat levels (no, you dumbshit, they're allies. You don't fight other students), when he heard the soft patter of footsteps behind him. He jolted his body around, assessing the threat, just to find that oh no he's cute. And sometimes Nikolai could just be helplessly awful at acting like a proper human being, so he struggled for words now, desperate to not let his befuddlement show. "Early? This. Is. Miserable," he spat out bitterly, his Russian accent thick. "I am Nikolai," his voice flat now as he stared blankly at the hand outstretched before him. A hand. What is he supposed to do with a really hot guy's hand? Shake it. Right. Proper human-protocol is to shake the hand of the hot guy. Almost tentatively, he extended his hand toward's Virian's, shaking it stiffly. 

Virian smiled, noting the timid nature of the handshake and the thick Russian accent. He wasn't in his 'costume', but rather a purple zip up hoodie, a pair of red converse sneakers, and tight blue skinny jeans. He pulled back his hoodie, and ran a hand through his curly, strawberry blonde hair.

"So, uh, what makes you special? I-I mean, what's your powers and stuff?" Virian stumbled, with an embarrassed smile. Great, now he must think you're an idiot. Virian groaned internally. 
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Cassidy giggles a bit as Astra interrupted, it was kind of funny how she was so nervous. "Chillax, We're just going to the track field." She said with a soft chuckle after, holding the door for the three to exit before exiting herself as she guided them onto the field. "I'm Cassie by the way, lovely to meet you guys." She said as she stood up before the Archer (Supreme.) He looked to the students flocking around the area. "Pick up a bow from the floor below you." She said as the robotic field folded up, bows and quivers filled with quivers popped up as Cassidy took one.


He ran into the school, looking to the group of students as they exited onto the track field he followed, standing in a corner he waited for Judas, picking up a bow and arrow quiver of his own, tapping his feet on the artificial grass as he waited for the lesson to begin. @Midnite @Echo Dreamsong @FireMaiden @Godless555

Astra warily picked up a bow, holding it a bit away. She wasn't too comfortable with these new weapons. Give her a knife anyday. Bow and Arrows? No. Astra tried to string the arrow on backwards. That seemed to fail and she eventually chucked it as far as she could. With her telekinesis, that was pretty darn far. It flew all the way across the field before her concentration broke as she saw Raymond. She slowly moved to poke his arm. A simple wave was all she did for a greeting.


Raymond looked to the girl who had poked him, thinking it was done by accident he just waved back. "Hey, you could've said sorry." He said with a faint chuckle. "But it's okay, Ray, nice to meet you?" He smiled st her, holding a hand out as for a hand-shake.


Cassidy looked back to Ray, creeping up from behind she wrapped her arms around him with a chuckle. "Ray! These are my friends, Makayla, Lucas and her!" She said with a chuckle. Ray chuckled, moving his hand back he pushed Cassie off of him before swearing his quiver. "I was just getting to know her, never knew you knew her too." He said with a smile before looking back to Astra. "I've told you my name, at least tell me yours." He said as Cassie quickly wrapped her arms around him again. @Echo Dreamsong @FireMaiden @Midnite @Godless555
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Dylan walked through the glass doors. He knew class would be starting soon but he figured he'd get away with missing a good bit of the first lesson. Dylan found the nearest bathroom and started cleaning up. The end result was less blood but a more prominent black eye. Class would have started a while ago now but Dylan reckoned he could skip the day to catch up on sleep. Dylan slipped a hand into his pocket and produced three items he kept on him at all times. A small diamond, the hardest substance on earth, a bouncy ball and a piece of smooth glass. He held onto the bouncy ball before slipping the other two substances into his pocket. Dylan walked out of the bathroom and looked up and down the corridor to make sure no staff where around. When he was sure the hall was clear his arm turned to a stretchy and colourful texture. He smiled and stretch his arm down the corridor before pulling himself along. Within in seconds he was in the massive dorm room. Dylan searched for an empty bed before crashing into it, his hand turning back to normal. Now as long as now staff came searching for him he should be fine.


Raymond looked to the girl who had poked him, thinking it was done by accident he just waved back. "Hey, you could've said sorry." He said with a faint chuckle. "But it's okay, Ray, nice to meet you?" He smiled st her, holding a hand out as for a hand-shake.


Cassidy looked back to Ray, creeping up from behind she wrapped her arms around him with a chuckle. "Ray! These are my friends, Makayla, Lucas and her!" She said with a chuckle. Ray chuckled, moving his hand back he pushed Cassie off of him before swearing his quiver. "I was just getting to know her, never knew you knew her too." He said with a smile before looking back to Astra. "I've told you my name, at least tell me yours." He said as Cassie quickly wrapped her arms around him again.

Astra frowned at Raymond hand before weakly taking it. Her grip wasn't strong at all. When he began asking her name, she rolled her eyes. She pointed at her throat and shook her head. Then she slowly signed.

'I no speak. I name A-S-T-R-A'

Some words are very limited in sign language.


Raymond looked to the girl who had poked him, thinking it was done by accident he just waved back. "Hey, you could've said sorry." He said with a faint chuckle. "But it's okay, Ray, nice to meet you?" He smiled st her, holding a hand out as for a hand-shake.


Cassidy looked back to Ray, creeping up from behind she wrapped her arms around him with a chuckle. "Ray! These are my friends, Makayla, Lucas and her!" She said with a chuckle. Ray chuckled, moving his hand back he pushed Cassie off of him before swearing his quiver. "I was just getting to know her, never knew you knew her too." He said with a smile before looking back to Astra. "I've told you my name, at least tell me yours." He said as Cassie quickly wrapped her arms around him again. @Echo Dreamsong @FireMaiden @Midnite @Godless555

Lucas waved at ray then looked back down


Ray couldn't understand what Astra was saying so he just nodded. He tried to be nice. Aren't kids with special needs supposed to be in a school meant for kids with special needs? Not to talk of a school for future avenger goons? He thought before looking up to Hawkeye. "I'll be choosing five of you for a demonstration." The archer said before pointing to Cassie, Astra, Makayla, Raymond and Lucas. He stepped up with Cassie, both of them holding their bows properly as they had learned most of this the other year.

@Echo Dreamsong @FireMaiden @Godless555


The female robot was looking for three students who hadn't been to class. Her first assignments boy who went by Dylan. She analyzed the schools before looking at the cameras through her eye chip, seeing Dylan in the large dorm (as he masturbated.) she followed there. She then pushed the door open, her green glowing eyes fixed on the boy. "You are late for class, boy." She said, her voice awfully robotic.

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Virian smiled, noting the timid nature of the handshake and the thick Russian accent. He wasn't in his 'costume', but rather a purple zip up hoodie, a pair of red converse sneakers, and tight blue skinny jeans. He pulled back his hoodie, and ran a hand through his curly, strawberry blonde hair.

"So, uh, what makes you special? I-I mean, what's your powers and stuff?" Virian stumbled, with an embarrassed smile. Great, now he must think you're an idiot. Virian groaned internally. 

Nikolai shoved his hands into the pockets of his worn-out jean jacket, face carefully blank because proper displays of emotion really was not his forte. Momentarily though, he let himself admire that really goddamn beautiful hair that puffed from Virian's head. "I am super soldier..." he paused, determining whether or not he should elaborate, whether or not he should be more specific as to what that power entails. "I am good at killing people," he said curtly, painfully seriously, and only slightly confidently. "What are you?" One of his feet, dressed in a white adidas sneaker, tapped nervously against the ground. 
"What are we demonstrating?" He asked nervously. Eating a piece caramel


Ray couldn't understand what Astra was saying so he just nodded. He tried to be nice. Aren't kids with special needs supposed to be in a school meant for kids with special needs? Not to talk of a school for future avenger goons? He thought before looking up to Hawkeye. "I'll be choosing five of you for a demonstration." The archer said before pointing to Cassie, Astra, Makayla, Raymond and Lucas. He stepped up with Cassie, both of them holding their bows properly as they had learned most of this the other year.

@Echo Dreamsong @FireMaiden @Godless555


The female robot was looking for three students who hasn't been to class. Her first assignments boy who went by Dylan. She analyzed the schools before looking at the cameras through her eye chip, seeing Dylan in the large dorm (as he masturbated.) she followed there. She then pushed the door open, her green glowing eyes fixed on the boy. "You are late for class, boy." She said, her voice awfully robotic.

Dylan groaned (as he finished) lifting his head of the pillow and looking around the find a robot. "You have to be kidding me, a robot?" he muttered to himself, "Go away machine thing I'm not in the mood." Dylan pushed his head back into the pillow.

@Nicholas Waldorth

Blue lights glowed from the roof tops of the facilities, each light showing up for half a second before dissipating again. Daniel Zipped from roof top to roof top, quickly taking in his surroundings. There were people everywhere, he definitely didn't expect this many students. "Cap didn't tell me it'd be like this." He said, looking down at the school grounds. Not exactly the "Social Bee", Daniel sighed before standing, breathing in a bit of peaceful air. He had a feeling it'd be the last moment of peace he'd have for a while. The wind licked across his face as he took one step off the building, Zipping down the wall and land softly on the ground. He was now in a grassy area, not to far away from the main campus where he pulled out a small granola bar, deciding he was going to take a small nap on a bench before class started. Unaware that class had, in fact, already started.
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"Ant-Man says this." She said as her chest opened, a blue hologram formed as Ant-Man stood there.  "Dylan, we know about the mission S.H.I.E.L.D. Gave you but this will increase your stamina and you can always learn more." He said before buzzing out. "The Ant's own words, now please exit this room." The robot said.


Clint smirked, pulling a button from his pocket before stepping back from the field. "You're gonna fight those!' He yelled from the sidelines as he pressed the button, a dome of energy formed around the students, virtually indestructible a fleet of flying robot drones flew up from a hatch on the grass. "Show us 'watch a got!" He added as the robots began firing lasers at the teens, merely stunning them though it didn't mean they didn't feel any pain.


Cassie quickly dodged the incoming lasers coming her way, shooting multiple arrows, the majority of them missing she got a couple good shots in. "Yes!" She said as she knocked the camera of one of the drones, impairing it's vision as he flew into the ground, sparks flying as it combusted. She continued forward, shooting more arrows before being stunned in the side, she still had to keep going.


Raymomd began firing the arrows in a series of packs, hitting multiple while wasting multiple arrows and missing multiple targets. He was then stunned in the head, laying on the floor for a good five minutes before regaining consciousness, only to be stunned in his hip. @FireMaiden @Physiicz @Godless555 @Echo Dreamsong
"I dont know how to use a bow. " he said ducking behind a desk. Waiting for it to end 
Nikolai shoved his hands into the pockets of his worn-out jean jacket, face carefully blank because proper displays of emotion really was not his forte. Momentarily though, he let himself admire that really goddamn beautiful hair that puffed from Virian's head. "I am super soldier..." he paused, determining whether or not he should elaborate, whether or not he should be more specific as to what that power entails. "I am good at killing people," he said curtly, painfully seriously, and only slightly confidently. "What are you?" One of his feet, dressed in a white adidas sneaker, tapped nervously against the ground. 

"Well besides from being drop dead sexy, I'm a mutant. A telepath if you will." Virian joked, laughing lightly. He looked over at the rest of the crowd, and the suddenly realized he hadn't heard anything from them.

"Hey, uh, did you hear any of that stuff?" He asked, a befuddled look on his face.
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