Avengers Academy - Newest Generation of Heroes.

For Makayla, dogging the lasers were easy. Using the bow on the other hand, was a slight problem. If she used it, there was a chance she could break it. But if she did t use it, she might get a bad grade first day. Such a predicament. And she thought maybe she wasn't aloud to punch the the robots. But she decided to give the bow a shot. And....yay! She didn't break it, and manage too knock out the sight of one of the robots. Then another. The her arm got stunned.

@Nicholas Waldorth
Dylan groaned once again before up. "God dammit," he growled before sitting up and rubbing his eyes, he yawned and stood up clearly wrecked from exhaustion. "Next time robo I'm taking you internals out and making a bloody Christmas bow out of them," he told the robot before staggering out of the dorm and making his way to the track field. He walked up beside Hawk-eye, seeing all the other students firing bows in the most ridiculous ways possible.

Dylan rubbed  his black eye before turning to Hawk-eye, "How did you get such a cushy job at teaching and I have to go out onto the field?" he yawned.

@Nicholas Waldorth
 @Godless555 BTW there are no desks. Your character is currently in a large dome on a field of grass being attacked by drones.)


"Shouldn't you be with the other kids?" Hawkeye began. "Meh, stay. I need s bit of company. And this job? I just kinda took it, kinda hopin' for a ?Hawkeyes the second, get what I mean?" He said with a slight chuckle. "What's with your eye anyways?" He said, having analyzed the boy's face through the ergo dome's reflections. His vision was truly impeccable. The students were now followed with larger tank like robots who had a hit durability though only had the strength of an above average human. The drones were discarded and the students are only left to fight the remaining drones and the rest of the large hulking robots. @FireMaiden @Echo Dreamsong
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(Then he droppedto the ground and hoped the drnes didnt see him )

why did I do this, this was bad idea! he throught to him self
"Busting some guy with a super weapon and one of his men caught me off guard," Dylan explained watching on at the carnage, "So your having a kid, I've missed so much being kept in SHIELD HQ," Dylan said shaking his head. Dylan remembered a year and half earlier Hawk-eye and him were on a mission in Singapore with Black Widow tracking down a scientist and Hawk-eye took out ten guys with five arrows.

@Nicholas Waldorth
"Well besides from being drop dead sexy, I'm a mutant. A telepath if you will." Virian joked, laughing lightly. He looked over at the rest of the crowd, and the suddenly realized he hadn't heard anything from them.

"Hey, uh, did you hear any of that stuff?" He asked, a befuddled look on his face.

He balked at the mutant's very confident admission of his own sexual appeal, promptly becoming more uncomfortable, if that were even possible. "Uh, like the announcement?" Nikolai glanced towards where Virian was looking, noticing the crowd had thinned significantly. "No, was not paying attention," because I was kind-of distracted, "I... I think class has started?" At that realization, Nikolai was suddenly ready to bash his damned stupid head against a tree, because being late for class on the first day was not the kind-of impression he intended to make, and surely the teachers would be mad, and he honestly could not bear anymore punishment for being such an awful soldier. 
Makayla smirked, and grabbed her gloves from her back pocket, quickly slipping them on. Then had to dodge three attacks in a row. "Hey, um teach? Can I ask a question?"

@Nicholas Waldorth

(Ok, I'm leaving soon. If I don't respond in a few hours, I don't have access to wifi.)


He began laughing, dropping his bow as he looked down to Dylan. "I give you respect and all kid, I really do but you think I'm having a baby?" He said, still chuckling at the thought. "I just want one of these kids to take the mantle, that's all." He said with a grin. "Me? A kid? Never!" He continued to laugh now.


The drones all flew around Lucas, firing multiple shots in his direction as it was simply easy taking out a non-moving target. The other robots were making their way to Cassie, Ray, Astra and Makayla. Sooner enough, they'd all get their heads pounded in if they didn't act fast. @Physiicz @Godless555 @FireMaiden @Echo Dreamsong


Hawkeye's ears perked up, listening to Makayla on the field. "I'm all ears darling." He responded having recovered himself from the laughter. A kid? He thought, another chuckle. @FireMaiden
Lucas memories of the drunk beating him soon came and he began to tear and sweat. "Stop shooting me" he whimper. shut off.  he sent the message through the robots useing his power
"God my head is all over the place," Dylan grinned.

(Sorry for one liner but I'm gonna get off now. I'll be back on tomorrow after school if I can but no promises as I have a pile of work to do tomorrow)
Logan eyed the bow he was given, then glanced at Hawkeye, "Are my .357's allowed?" He asked. He watched the others with a near blank expression, but he was studying them, mainly thier errors in combat to find a good strategy in the sim. He drew an arrow back, testing draw strength and getting a feel for it in case he had to use the bow.


He ran to the field, watching as the robots had all fell to the ground he narrowed his eyes on Lucas whom he knew had technopathy. "That kid." He said, pulling the remote from his pocket the force field dropped as he entered the field. "Everyone up, Luke or Lucas?" He pointed to Lucas. "Come to me for a second, everyone else can take a quick break. Your next class is science with Hank Pym." He said. @Godless555


Ray felt kind of bad for Lucas as he was called out, struggling up he dropped his arrow and quiver on the ground before beginning his search for Cassie. He glanced around, finding the brunette he jogged over, putting an arm around her shoulder. "Hey Tiger." He said putting his other hand in his pocket.


Cassie dropped her stuff, looking around she was met with Raymond putting his hand around her as she leaned in to him. "Lucas got called out, I think Makayla said she was going to discuss something with someone else, something like that." She said. "Let's head to the science lab. First come first serve." He said pulling Raymond with her. @Echo Dreamsong @FireMaiden 


He ran to the field, watching as the robots had all fell to the ground he narrowed his eyes on Lucas whom he knew had technopathy. "That kid." He said, pulling the remote from his pocket the force field dropped as he entered the field. "Everyone up, Luke or Lucas?" He pointed to Lucas. "Come to me for a second, everyone else can take a quick break. Your next class is science with Hank Pym." He said. @Godless555


Ray felt kind of bad for Lucas as he was called out, struggling up he dropped his arrow and quiver on the ground before beginning his search for Cassie. He glanced around, finding the brunette he jogged over, putting an arm around her shoulder. "Hey Tiger." He said putting his other hand in his pocket.


Cassie dropped her stuff, looking around she was met with Raymond putting his hand around her as she leaned in to him. "Lucas got called out, I think Makayla said she was going to discuss something with someone else, something like that." She said. "Let's head to the science lab. First come first serve." He said pulling Raymond with her. @Echo Dreamsong @FireMaiden 

Lucas was nervous but followed with his head down
He balked at the mutant's very confident admission of his own sexual appeal, promptly becoming more uncomfortable, if that were even possible. "Uh, like the announcement?" Nikolai glanced towards where Virian was looking, noticing the crowd had thinned significantly. "No, was not paying attention," because I was kind-of distracted, "I... I think class has started?" At that realization, Nikolai was suddenly ready to bash his damned stupid head against a tree, because being late for class on the first day was not the kind-of impression he intended to make, and surely the teachers would be mad, and he honestly could not bear anymore punishment for being such an awful soldier. 

"Hey, I know a guy. Don't get worried." Virian said, holding his hand and looking into his eyes in a way of trying to comfort him.. "He's a teacher. And he's pretty cool, when he isn't being a dick."  Virian could read Nikolai rather well, and could deduce that he was nervous about being late, but only thought it was because he was new to the school.

"Just relax, bud. It's not like you're getting detention or something. It's the first day."
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"Boy, boy, boy." Hawkeye said shaking his head. "You're the one who powered down those robots huh?" He asked. "Well I've got a mission for you, clean it up... What did Wolverine call it again?" He placed his thumb on his chin in thought. "Oh yeah, Bub." @Godless555

Laser fire? What the hell was going on? Daniel sat up, looking in the direction of the noises. "A fight? Who the hell fights on the first day of school?" An ironic question, he would definitely do it. He stood up, Zipping straight towards the noise. He found other students shooting at drones. Class? Could it be? Was he late? Shit. "How do I approach this? Dammit, how did I end up late?" An idea popped up in his head, a great one. He Zipped straight underground, Zipping directly under the field before bouncing above ground and acting as if nothing happened, even grabbing a pack of arrows with a bow and taking aim at the drones... But they dropped to the ground. What? Lucas was called out and they were told to take a break. What? What happened, what did he miss? Whatever. He stopped caring, putting away the supplies he just picked up and followed everyone to the science lab.


"Boy, boy, boy." Hawkeye said shaking his head. "You're the one who powered down those robots huh?" He asked. "Well I've got a mission for you, clean it up... What did Wolverine call it again?" He placed his thumb on his chin in thought. "Oh yeah, Bub." @Godless555

"Y-yes sir" he walked back out side and ate a pice of caramel. He proceeded to try and drag on of the robots. He coulden lift it. "Oh know what if he saw me not doing it." The throught panic him so he turned the robots and told all but one to go back to where ever they where befor this. He looked at the one he kept there and smiled at it "you wont say bad things right?" He asked looking at it. Knowing it cant answer. He proceeded to talked to it befor for sending it back and going to his next class


He sighed watching the boy go. Now he thinks I don't like him. He thought as the boy left. "Didn't let me break the joke to him." He muttered walking off into the staff lounge.


Hanm stood at the front of the large chalk board, waiting for the students who had science for their first class to flock in. He reviewed what he was going to teach in his head, muttering it aloud.


He followed Cassie into the science room, walking around the various students. He hadn't really tried doing any science, why would you if you had a super-smart girlfriend? He nodded to the teacher, watching the about two other students in the room as he took a seat beside Cassie. "What'd you think he's teaching for the intro lesson?" Asked Ray as he faced forward.


She pulled Ray into the science lab, waving to her favourite teacher Hank Pym who waved back as she sat down. "He's totally doing mutant genetics.. Or Pym Particles... Or arc reactors... Or gamma radiation... Or something boring. She said with a small smile, eager to begin the lesson.
Logan dropped the bow where they were stored and went to science, a class that was not his favorite but not his worst. He sat down toward the middle area that was closer to the front and waited for class to start. "'Mornin Ant-Man, or is there some other term I should call you?" He said as he looked at the empty chalkboard, already envisioning it filled with scientific equations, theorys and all of that sort.
Lucas soon found the science class and sat in the back of the class with a book open ready to take notes. He had always liked science


"Call me Professor Pym, it's what they called me in the college." He said replying to Logan's question. "We'll begin class in five minutes. Chat, chill and discuss." He added as he looked back to his sheet of paper. He continued to revise what he would teach for class today. @LoneSniper87
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Logan nodded and took out a copy of Dracula. He opened it and continued reading, glancing up to see if anybody of interest would come by.
"Hey, I know a guy. Don't get worried." Virian said, holding his hand and looking into his eyes in a way of trying to comfort him.. "He's a teacher. And he's pretty cool, when he isn't being a dick."  Virian could read Nikolai rather well, and could deduce that he was nervous about being late, but only thought it was because he was new to the school.

"Just relax, bud. It's not like you're getting detention or something. It's the first day."

"I... but... okay?" he muttered unsurely, because for some reason or another, he trusted Virian. Maybe it was the gentle way the boy's hand held his own, or that soft, reassuring gaze, but Nikolai really wanted to trust Virian. He didn't know what detention entailed, and he didn't want to know what detention entailed, but it reminded him of confinement and small dark rooms, so he decided that he was never going to find out what detention was. "Okay," he breathed, more confidently this time, allowing his blue eyes to look into Virian's.

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